Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Mar 24, 2011


Football House Part 18 Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved.

Football House Part 18 -- The Meeting Standard rules apply, if you are too young, don't read, yadda yadda yadda...

Authors Note Sorry guys it's been a while. It's been quite busy where I am right now and I've had to take a few trips for work, so it hasn't allowed me a lot of time to really do much of anything. I hope to post a few more chapters of this over the next week while I have a little more time. I appreciate the conversation. By the way, I am not doing Yahoo chat anymore due to some poor behavior by others. Sorry. ***

Part 18 - - The Meeting

The end of the semester quickly approached. Finals were a thing everyone dreaded and the house became really quiet as everyone really took their studies very seriously. We had to because our grade point average had a lot to do with us being on the team. It wouldn't be good to be sidelined because your grades were bad.

I went to the library quite often just to get away from the house because there were too many distractions. I always had my favorite place to go in the library that most people didn't seem to know about. That always made me very happy because I knew I wouldn't be distracted by others and could focus on my homework.

Kevin joined me most of the time, but we knew that our time in the library was meant for studying, and not for talking. We could do that back at the house. I was very happy to just have him along with me and I knew it helped us become closer fiends. We'd often go hit the cafeteria for a break, just to get some energy, so we could keep on going with our studies.

One night about a week before finals, Kevin and I were in the library studying our tails off. We both had a big test coming that was cumulative (meaning it was over all the material for the whole semester). Mine was only 50 questions, so to condense all semesters material into 50 questions meant that the student really had to know all the material. Kevin's was close to being the same.

It just so happened that night, Josh just happened to see me and Kevin studying in the same spot that he and I had studied before. He came up and said hi and asked me what I was working on. We proceeded to tell each other what we were studying, how it was going, etc. After a minute, I noticed Kevin had looked up from his books and his eyes had focused on Josh.

I introduced them and Kevin a huge smile on his face and said, "oh yeah, you're the wrestler that JT was talking about. Nice to finally meet you, I'm Kevin, JT's roommate and teammate."

The conversation continued for a little while and Kevin seemed to really take a liking to Josh, and Josh likewise. I was a little surprised because I thought for sure that Kevin would be jealous and kind of be rude to the kid. What really surprised me was when Kevin told Josh about the party we were having on the Friday night of Finals week and invited him to come over and join in.

Josh accepted saying he was going to go home on that Sunday for Winter break, but had to be back four days after Christmas due to wrestling demands. Kevin said it sucked to have to only have a short time for the break, and it must be really tough to have to be here alone during that time. What Kevin said next really surprised me...

"Maybe, JT and I can come up and visit during that month. If you have a match or something at home, we can come and watch ya. What do you say JT?"

I literally sat with my mouth wide open. I didn't know what to say at that moment. I mean, hell yeah, I really didn't want to be at home during that whole month. I knew that my dad would be all over me to help with things, and to say that I had to be back on campus for something would help me escape some of the demand. "Yeah, I think we can work something out!" I replied.

So, the `appointment' was set and Josh just had a huge smile on his face. Josh left us to be and went back to studying for his exams. Kevin and I returned to ours, but I had to ask him what was up with his complete openness to Josh.

"Well, he definitely is hot and I wanted to make him feel welcome. I mean, he's a friend of yours and friends are always welcome to join into parties and such. Plus, I know from what you said, you wouldn't mind him joining our little group. I was trying to be friendly... sorry." Kevin said.

"No, it's cool, I just wasn't expecting it. I thought you would be kind of jealous and would try to push him away, not invite him to the party." I replied.

"Well, I'm glad I surprised you. I told you our arrangement was to be open and I wanted to show you that I agreed to that. Besides, like I said, he's hot, and if something happens, something happens." He smiled and then turned back to his books.

Finals week was hell and I don't think I got very much sleep that week. Thankfully, my finals were done on Wednesday so I was able to sleep that night and just relax. Mom and dad called and asked me when I was coming home and I told them that I wanted to stay and hang out with the football guys until Sunday. They seemed cool with that and I was very happy.

The Friday of finals week was finally done and it meant that the `Christmas' Party at the house was in full swing. A lot of students had left already, but the diehard party people were still there. The house was rocking and was full of people. I was surprised at how many had come to the party.

I was a little disappointed that I didn't see Josh at the party right away. I was starting to think he had changed his mind and Kevin had even asked me about it. I told him that Josh had emailed me and told me he was still coming earlier in the week. I was hoping that he hadn't changed his mind.

I was enjoying the party and the drinking along with my comrades and didn't even realize that Josh had shown up. I was in the middle of a drinking game when I saw Kevin walking him over toward where I was. They seemed to really get along and Josh already had a beer in his hand. I finished the game and got up and welcomed Josh to the party.

He seemed to have fun during the night. Girls were all over him and the rest of the guys. One girl had made it quite clear she wanted to get into my pants that night, so I took her up to my room and gave her what she desired. I felt a little guilty, though, because I knew that I had left Josh down in the living room area, without really knowing anyone. What I didn't realize either is that we had been gone for over an hour.

I told her I wanted to get back to the party and we got dressed and headed back to the party. We were walking a little down the hallway when I saw Kevin's door open, and was shocked to see Josh walking out of his room. Kevin was right behind him and it was pretty obvious to me that something had happened between them two. I did my best to just brush it off at that time because I didn't want the girl to catch on, and I didn't want to appear jealous.

Josh didn't see us and when we got back down to the party, I couldn't find him anywhere. I looked around the best that I could, but couldn't find him. I went out back and called him up on the phone.


"Dude, where are you? I can't find you at the party." I said.

"Yeah, I decided I had enough to drink and start to head home." He replied.

"What? Where are you right now?" I asked.

"About a block from your place, why? What's up?" He asked.

"Dude, just come back, I really want to hang out with you. The guys all seem to like you and it'd be really cool to party it up. If you are worried about getting home, don't, you can crash here." I said.

"I don't know man. I'm pretty tired." He said, and then he was silent.

"Hang on, I'll come find you. Stay right where you are." I said and hung up and ran out of the house. I found him a block away as he said.

"Dude, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing man, just want to head home. I'm pretty beat." He said.

I knew something was up but he wasn't letting on, so I told him that I saw him come out of Kevin's room and asked him if something happened between the two of them.

At first Josh denied anything happened and just said that Kevin was giving him a tour of the house and then just showed him his room. Then when he turned to me I saw something on his face. It was a mark.

"What the fuck happened to you man?" I asked, getting a little pissed off.

"Nothing man, nothing." He replied as he turned away.

"Bullshit! Tell me what happened to you." I demanded.

He didn't say anything until I told him I would just go back and kick Kevin's ass.

"I fell down in his room. It's nothing man. Geez." Josh replied.

"Tell me if he did something to you Josh." I said.

Josh just looked away and there was a few minutes of brief silence.

"What I told you was true. He gave me a tour of the house and said he had to get something in his room. So we went in and he shut the door. He told me he knew about you and me and that we had sex and he wanted to try it out for himself. I was a little excited and agreed to have sex with him. It wasn't like when you and I had sex, it was just sex. He was a little rough and my head hit the headboard of his bed, that's where the mark came in. I honestly didn't want to tell you because I thought you'd be pissed off and wouldn't want to hang out with me anymore."

"Oh dude, it's cool. You and I are friends, as are Kevin and I. Just because you had sex with me doesn't mean you can't have sex with other people. Kevin is a cool guy when you get to know him. I'm sorry, I told him about you because he and I also have sex. I'm sorry man, I should have asked you before I told him. I just never thought you two would meet so quickly. I never thought Kevin would..." and I stopped right there.

I just turned him around and gave him a big smile. "Dude, it's all good. I am not mad at you. I'm sorry I took off on your with that girl, but she was all over my cock and I had to give her some. I hope you understand that."

He just gave me a big smile and said he understood. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and told him he had to come back to the house and finish out the party. He agreed and we went back to the house.

The party continued into the wee hours of the morning. Several of the players were hooking up with girls and taking them to their rooms for a night of fun. It started to thin out and I saw Mike go up with a girl and I knew that my room would be occupied for a while. Josh got quite hammered and I knew he wouldn't be making the trek to his place. I told him he could probably just pass out in the TV room on one of the couches there.

I started to walk him towards the TV room to show him the layout when Kevin came up and asked me what was going on. I told him that Josh was a little too drunk to make the trip back home, so he would probably be crashing in the TV room. I told him that Mike was up in our room, so I would probably just crash down here with Josh.

Kevin got a big smile on his face. He leaned into my ear and just said, "My room is open."

I gave him a shocked look and turned to look at Josh. He already had a big smile on his face.

Oh boy.

Next: Chapter 19

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