Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Jan 17, 2011


Football House Part 17 Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved.

Football House Part 17 – Kevin's Request Standard rules apply, if you are too young, don't read, yadda yadda yadda...

" I made my way back to the house and was greeted by Kevin at the door. He didn't look too happy and just grabbed my shoulder and told me to walk with him. I walked with him down to the local park. It was like 4am and this is not a place I wanted to be that late in the evening, but this seemed serious and I really didn't want to piss Kevin off."

Part 17.

We made our way to the park and took a seat on a bench in the middle of the park. This park isn't really a place you want to be so late at night and I made my apprehension known to Kevin. He didn't seem to care and said he believed we'd be alright. "Who'd want to fuck with 2 of the toughest guys on the football team." He said.

At first we made small talk and he asked me how my classes and such were going. I told him things were fine and I really was doing a lot better than I ever thought I would. I was quite happy and content with where I stood academically and also on the football team.

After a few minutes of small talk Kevin got really quiet and I couldn't really understand what was going on. I looked at him for a long brief of time to try to get a reaction from his face, but he just stared blankly into the night.

"Dude, you're scaring me right now, what the fuck is going on?" I asked.

"I don't know dude, but all I know is that I want to know what is happening with you. We have gotten a little distant lately and we haven't talked and I feel like something's changed with you as a friend. I just wanted to know where your head is at and if we are still friends, and possibly more than that." He replied.

He turned to look at me with those bright eyes and had a pure look of fear and confusion on his face. I didn't know what to say at that moment. I really liked Kevin a lot and didn't want to lose him as a friend. I also know that he wanted more from me right now, and I didn't know if I could give it to him at this moment. I was still young, he was older and probably knew more of what he wanted at that time.

"Kevin, I honestly don't know what I want. I do like you and know we are friends first and foremost. I enjoy our times of fucking and having fun, but I also enjoy that with other people. I know that you want something more as far as a relationship, but do we really want to be tied down in a relationship right now? I mean, how would it look to our teammates if we became closer than we are right now? Don't you think someone would get a little suspicious as to what is happening? If we became a couple, would we still allow the other person to have sex with other people, including women too? These are all questions that have been going through my mind lately. I guess I just didn't want you to get trapped into something that may not be beneficial to either of us."

Kevin didn't seem to know how to respond at that moment. He put his hand on my knee and told me that he really cared for me and really wanted to be in a relationship with me. He said he understood my questions and had thought of them too. He then stunned me with a huge question that I never thought would come from him.

"What if we were exclusive in our male relationships, but allowed each other to have sex with women to keep the teammates believing we are only having sex with women?" He asked.

I didn't know what to say. I mean, the other guys I've had sex with was fun. What would happen with Josh, Mike, and Tim? I know all three of them had wanted sex with me from time to time and I had just taken Josh's virginity, I know he will want that again.

"Kevin, I don't know what to say. What about the other guys on our team that we know will want to have sex with us? I have to tell you that I met a cute wrestler too and know that he is just awakening to his sexual preferences too. I would love for you to meet him and maybe the three of us have fun together." I said with a big smile towards him.

"Alright, for now let's keep our options open, but as we get closer to the end of the year, what do you say we decide if we want to become exclusive with each other? A wrestler, huh? Can't say that surprises me! They've always had a `gay' label attached to them, even though every one of the wrestlers I've known is straight as an arrow. Where'd you meet him?"

I told Kevin about what happened at the gym, what I saw on Josh's computer and the night we just had. Kevin seemed a little excited as the bulge in his shorts got a little bigger.

We made our way back to the house and it was almost 6am. We made our way up the stairs and I felt Kevin pull me into his room as we made it to the hallway door. I allowed myself to be pulled into his bed and Kevin proceeded to undress me and himself. I was hard in no time knowing this stud was going to have his way with me.

He started off by sucking on my cock and playing with my balls. The whole time I just ran my fingers through his hair. In about five minutes I was blasting into his throat a good sized load, considering I had already dumped a few loads into Josh earlier that evening.

Then he did something he had never done before. He lifted my legs and parted my ass and started to rim my ass pretty good. The sensation was amazing and after a few minutes, I was begging Kevin to fuck me hard. Kevin definitely knew how to take control and in a matter of seconds was mounted on me with my legs on his shoulders and his full sized cock ramming my ass good and hard. We changed positions four times in that lovemaking session and when he finally came, it went straight into my chute and with him laying on top of my back.

"I love you JT, always have and always will." He said.

"I love you too Kevin." I replied as both of us drifted off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 18

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