Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Dec 18, 2010


Football House Part 15 Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved.

Football House Part 15 – The Duel Standard rules apply, if you are too young, don't read, yadda yadda yadda...

(Author's note: Sorry everyone, I forgot to change the chapter information. Hope it didn't mess up your .. fun. J )

Part 15 -- The Duel

We had one our last two regular games of the season and won the conference which put us into an extra game that would be televised. We were all excited and the team congratulated me on some major plays that I had made during the two games. They were surprised that a freshman could do such damage. I got the usual high fives and pats on the butt for doing a good job. I was given the game ball for the last game as I had 3 sacks on the quarterback and the last one was one that kept the team from scoring during their last drive. If they had scored, they would have taken a two point lead and probably won the game.

We had a big party to celebrate making it into the post season. This was a huge deal for the university and also for all of us as players. Needless to say, being drunk was the only option to be had. Ladies were wall to wall and I had my fair share for that night. Mike was on his side of the room fucking the hell out of some blonde, while I was nailing some red head. It was funny because we basically came at the same time into the condoms we were wearing. We both got up and took them off at the same time. It was actually kind of hot, knowing that his load had been in me, and mine in him. Oh, if the girls had only known.

School work was getting pretty hardcore. Reports, homework, papers, and such were definitely making it tougher to have as much fun as I wanted to. I spent a lot of time in the library as studying at the house was out of the question, nothing would be done. The library itself sucked, but it was always awesome to take a break and watch different people throughout the floor I was on. You'd see the `lovers' who would be working on their different projects, but then would spend a few minutes making out also. You'd have the typical different types of people in the library. The guys on different teams would be congregated together. The wrestlers, the swimmers, football players, basketball players, and the hockey team would all tend to sit together.

As I was walking around the library, I happened to walk past the wresters that were there. I was surprised to run into Josh again. We just smiled and said hi to each other. He asked what I was working on and I told him I was working on a paper and studying for an exam. He asked me if he could join me as he wasn't getting any work done with the guys he was sitting with. He said all they wanted to do was talk.

"Sure," I said, "but I don't know how much company I'll be. I really gotta study hard for this exam. I have to do well on it to get a B in the class."

"That's not a problem, it will help me study and not just want to talk."

Josh joined me at my table in a few minutes and I was happy to see him again. I couldn't get over how hot he really was and he was wearing clothing that showed off his body well. I could see the package well, and could tell he wasn't wearing any underwear under his pants. Man, to know he was gay, or at least curious to gay sex.

We studied for a few hours and I finally put my screen to my laptop down a little and just looked at him. I watched him as he would run his fingers through his hair and saw how strong his hands were. I looked at my watch and saw it was almost 11pm and I knew that I wouldn't get a lot more work done. I was all studied out for the night.

"How long you planning on staying here?" I asked Jos.

"I don't know. Don't really have plans and I don't have class till 1 tomorrow, so I am pretty open." He replied, while looking up at me.

"Well, I'm all studied out. My paper is almost done and I don't have to turn it in until Friday. My test isn't until next week. I was thinking of going to the food court and seeing what might be available. You interested?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty much done here. I have gone over this again and again and I don't know if I can even see straight." He replied with a big grin.

I kind of wondered if there was a second meaning to his statement, but I didn't want to read into it either. I just giggled a little and started to put my things away. He joined me and together we took off for the food court. There was some pizza and so I decided to grab a slice of the supreme pizza and a coke. He grabbed a chicken sandwich and some milk. We went and grabbed a table and made some small talk.

"Dude, that game we played was pretty fun. Thanks again for helping me in the gym. I really appreciated it. It must be nice having your own place! You can bring someone home and not have to worry about roommates." I said. I was definitely giving him a hint that I would like to go back to his apartment.

"Yeah, it's nice. My mom and dad had convinced the coach that it would be better for me to have my own place for studying and to not have to deal with other people's shit. It's nice, but at time it gets boring. It's always nice having company." He replied. "You're welcome over any time man. You seem like a pretty cool dude."

Well, what else could I do? "Well, let's go back and play some vids. I can go grab some beers from the house and bring `em over. It'd be cool to just have some relaxation time." I said

"Yeah dude, that'd be fun. Let's do it." He replied.

We finished our food and I told him I'd meet him at his place in a bit, I was just going to run back to the house and grab some beer and I would be right over.

I literally ran back to the house and up to my room. As soon as I opened the door, I was shocked to see Tim and Mike having sex. I apologized for interrupting them and just put my book bag down on the bed. I grabbed some condoms out of my desk drawer and said good bye to Tim and Mike and made my way to the kitchen. There was always beer in the fridge, so I grabbed a 12 pack and made my way over to Josh's place.

When I got to his place, the first thing I noticed was that he had changed clothes and was in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. God, he looked amazing. I really was feeling horny and was hoping that something might happen with him, thus the reason I brought the condoms with me.

We sat down on his couch and played some video games. We had almost finished the 12 pack and I was feeling pretty dang good. With the loose feeling I had, I made extra effort to do the guy' thing of grabbing the crotch and re-adjusting'. I noticed every time I did that, his eyes would dart down to my groin, trying to catch a peek. After one time, he looked up at me, and I was staring right at him. I knew he wanted it; the question was how was I going to get him to make a move to go after it. Then it hit me.

"Man, I have so much energy. I wish I was in the gym, I would definitely hit the weights hardcore. I know when I used to get like this, my buddies and I would just wrestle around. I really wish they were here, it'd be fun to wrestle for domination." I said. It was honest, my friends and I would horse around and fake compete to see who could take down the other person. It was definitely a guy thing.

He just gave me a blank stare. "Are you serious?" He asked.

"Yeah dude, it was fun as hell. I, of course, won 90% of the time! No one could dominate me!" I said with a big smile on my face.

He just blushed and said, "I wouldn't mind trying to take you down. You were never on a wrestling team, I'm sure I could put you on your back." He responded.

And so it was on! I was in jeans and a nice shirt still, so I told him I wouldn't wrestle in this garb, I had a pair of shorts on under the pants, so I got down to just a pair of shorts and a pair of socks. He just seemed to like what he saw, because he just smiled and proceeded to take his shirt off.

We started off with just the normal slapping of the arms, grabbing different parts of the upper body. After a couple minutes of that, he made a move and quickly got me in a single leg takedown and I ended up on my stomach. It wasn't long before he was laying on my back and his crotch was lined up with my ass. That sparked a little tinge in my groin and I could feel my cock lengthen. At the same time I also noticed the package that was pressed against my ass was not soft.

I squirmed a bit and was able to get out of Josh's hold and was able to move so I had my hand on his upper thigh area, and another around his back. My hand moved a little higher until it was just about in his crotch and I could feel the heat coming from it.

We struggled a little harder. We both were able to get the other person on their back, "1, 2, 3, done!" would be said and the match would start over.

After about 20 minutes of wrestling I asked Josh, "What do you say we raise the stakes?"

"What did you have in mind?" He asked.

"Well, next person to pin the other... the loser has to do whatever the winner wants for the rest of the night." I replied.

His eyes got really big. "Are you serious?" He asked as if really surprised I would say something. By this time if you were to see us, it was obvious we were both semi hard and sweaty.

"Yup, very serious," I replied, "What do you think, you up for it?"

"Alright dude you are on." Was his reply as he looked at me. We both grabbed another beer and finished it.

The duel for control was on. We both fought hardcore and had gotten each other into a position for a pin several times but the other was able to fight his way out. I decided it was time to make my move and allow him the ability to win this fight. I wanted to see what he would command me to do for the rest of the night. Yup, I lost.

Josh got up and it was obvious that he was turned on as his bulge moved up and was now pointing directly out. I just laughed and pointed at it.

"Dude, hope this doesn't happen every time you wrestle" I said with a big laugh.

"No, I usually have control when I'm wrestling. I will say, there are times when it just happens. Kind of embarrassing, that's for sure!" He just said with a sheepish grin.

"Look dude. I haven't been completely honest with you. I did see the videos you had on your computer that day I was here." I said.

He just got a worried look on his face and seemed like he was going to cry.

I grabbed him by the shoulders and told him, "Don't worry about it dude. I actually don't mind having sex with another man. I'm into both, guys and girls, and when I saw that video, I kind of figured you were into having sex with another guy. By the look of that Boner you got popping there, I'd say I was right."

He just sat on the couch and was quiet for a while. "I've always thought you were hot and didn't think there was ever a way that I would be able to have sex with you. I thought you were as straight as they come." He replied.

"Yeah, I try to be pretty discreet with that. Especially being on a sports team, it's not the best thing, especially if other guys on our team would know, it would make things a little uncomfortable" I said.

"Yeah, tell me about it. Try having these feelings on the wrestling team. Seeing a bunch of guys built as hell, cocks always dangling out in the locker rooms, and know you won't ever have a chance."

"I know what you mean, but trust me, you might be surprised as to who else might enjoy a little man on man love." I said.

He gave me a quizzed look. I just smiled. I knew one day I would probably introduce him to the others on the team who definitely didn't mind having their cocks in a nice male ass.

After setting down for a while, although his cock definitely hadn't gone down. I just stood up and said, "Well, you won, you have me at your demand for this evening. What is your first command?" I asked.

He just looked at me, "Are you serious?? I thought you were just joking!" He said.

I just looked at him and said, "I don't joke about things when it comes to sex big guy!"

He just got a huge smile on his face as he grabbed me and pulled me down on the couch and gave me a huge kiss. Yes!!! This is definitely what I was hoping for...

Next: Chapter 16

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