Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Nov 28, 2010


Football House Part 14 Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved.

Football House Part 14 -- Off Campus Standard rules apply, if you are too young, don't read, yadda yadda yadda...

The ending of Chapter 12 had me sucking off another of the linebackers, Adam, while he was asleep and Mike and Tim were watching tv in the tv room. After I had the load of cum in my stomach and cleaned Adam off, I looked up and saw Mike and Tim looking right at me.

Chapter 13

I couldn't believe I had done it, but after seeing Adam's fuck fest with that chick and seeing the thickness, I had to have a try. Yes, I got him while he was asleep, but I can honestly say that I felt he was asking for someone to take advantage of him.

We left Adam asleep on the couch and walked out into the kitchen. Both Tim and Mike just said they couldn't believe that I would be so bold as to suck off a team mate while he was sleeping.

"I couldn't help it guys. His cock was mesmerizing and he is hot as hell." I said.

"Well, I would honestly say, you shouldn't do that again JT. It could really give you a reputation that I don't think you want anyone on the team to know about. Trust me, if something like that got back to the coach, you'd be kicked off the team in no time. You'd be harassed on campus and maybe even kicked out of school. Don't think you'd want that, do you?"

"No, I guess you are right, but damn it was hot. His cock is thick as hell. I couldn't even get my hand all the way around it. No wonder that cunt was enjoying it so much!"

They seemed to giggle and punched me in the arm. "You fucking horn dog. We just got done fucking and you had to go and get some more juice eh?" Said Mike.

I just blushed. Inside I was hoping and praying that Adam might want to join our little group and have fun with all of us guys. I know that Tim said he'd love to try to take Adam's cock in his ass, and I surely wouldn't mind trying it either.

We goofed off for a while in the back yard and heard some of the guys come home from the bars. Willie, the black Running back, and John, one of the wide receivers, both came back with girls attached to their arms and made a B line straight for their rooms. Mike, Tim, and I just looked at each other and smiled as we knew that meant only with thing.

We made our way quietly up the hallway to Willie's door. We stood on either side of the door and sure enough, within a few minutes, the girl was moaning and there was definite sounds of sex coming from the room. Within ten minutes though, you could hear Willie moan loudly and the noises stopped. We then moved down towards John's room and the girl was a little louder and begging for John to fuck her harder. One thing that was intriguing was she kept saying, "God, it's so big."

Now I had never seen John in the showers, but after hearing that, I really made every chance I could after that day to see him naked. He definitely hung about 4 inches when he was soft, and he was uncircumcised. More fantasy materials for later jack off times.

I decided to go to sleep, and Mike followed me to the room. We were both still horned up and decided to have fun, this time with me fucking Mike. As I was getting ready to cum, he had me pull out and cum in his mouth.

The next week was pretty boring as usual with class and studying, etc. We had a big game against a rival coming up that weekend and it was their homecoming game. It was always huge to go into someone else's `house' and win against them. We won 42-35. It was a huge win for us and gave us a chance to with the conference if we won our next two games.

I decided that Sunday to go to the gym, workout a little. Sit in the steam room, get a massage and then head to the library. I entered the gym and it was actually very quiet. Sunday mornings usually are. Most of the athletes are recovering from the games or massive hangovers. Most of the students are either at church, recovering their own hangovers, or just aren't interested in working out on a Sunday morning.

I was working chest that day and had noticed that I had company from one other guy in the gym. I had recognized him from being in there other times I had worked out. I also could tell from the shirt or sweats he was wearing that he was on the school's wrestling team.

As I was doing bench presses, I didn't have any of the guys to help spot me. So I went up to the wrestler and asked him if he wouldn't mind spotting me while I did 280 pound bench. He agreed and I laid down on the bench and he stood right above my head.

I started my usual routine of psyching myself up before I do the lift and he just stood there and waited. Today he was wearing a loose pair of shorts and a t-shirt with cut off arms. He was pretty solidly built. I would later find out he was the 184 starter and was a Junior. His name is Josh.

I started doing a couple of reps and was blowing out as I was pushing the bar up. As I was lifting my 5th rep, he leaned in a little closer to get ready to help if I needed it. As he leaned in, I was blowing a breath out pretty hard as I usually do, and it went straight up the left leg of his shorts. I noticed two things right at that moment; Josh wasn't wearing underwear and his cock was visible to see.

This of couse was the wrong distraction for me with 280 pounds being pushed up. I lost all concentration and the bar just went THUD right onto my chest. Josh was screaming at me to push up some so he could help me put the bar back onto the rack. The thud of 280 pounds hitting my chest knocked the wind right out of me and I struggled to push the weight back up. Jost got enough of the bar and literally just lifted the bar back onto the rack.

"What happened dude? You had it almost all the way up and then you just lost it. I can't say I've ever seen that happen before." Josh said.

"Yeah, dude, Sorry about that. My arms just gave way and I lost it. Thanks so much for being here and helping me. I would probably still be under the bench at 2 this afternoon if you weren't here." I replied back to him with a huge smile on my face and grabbed his shoulder to accent my `thanks'. While I grabbed onto his shoulder, I could feel all the muscle that he had. He felt solidly built, and I could feel something else on me becoming solid.

Josh just turned away and proceeded to do some of the exercises in his routine, and I just decided to go to dumbbells for my workout routine. I wouldn't need a spotter, and could just drop them if they became too heavy.

As I finished up, I went back to Josh and told him thanks again and that I'd like to show him my appreciation by buying him lunch. At first he said it wasn't necessary, but upon my insistence, he agreed. We decided to get lunch at the local fast food place and take it back to his place.

His apartment off campus was very nice. It was a one bedroom apartment but was fairly decent sized place. One thing I noticed right off the bat was it wasn't messy like most guy's rooms are, especially in college. Another thing that I noticed was Josh's furniture was very expensive and very put together. His place looked immaculate!

There were trophies, ribbons, and plaques of his wrestling wins. He had apparently wrestled since he was 5 years old. There were quite a few pictures of him in action, and in his singlet. I paid special attention to the ones of him in a singlet, and noticed as he got older, the cock bulge become more evident. The ones of him in college were in a white singlet with letters across the chest. His cock was evident and hung to the right.

I came back to the table and told him he had a nice apartment. After we finished eating he asked me if I minded, but he really wanted to take a shower. He was meeting a group at the library later that day and wanted to make sure he showered before then. He told me there was a video game console hooked up. He started a game for me and I just started to play some game, I hadn't played before and I was bored really quickly.

I noticed he had a lap top on the table and it was on. So as he went into the shower I just picked it up and wanted to search a little on the internet. I decided also to check the history of sites he had visited. There was the usual sports sites, school website, etc, but there were a few porn sites I hadn't seen before. I clicked on it to see what kind of porn he was into.

Imagine my surprise when the first site I pulled up was a gay video site. Most of the videos were about gay wrestlers who would compete and then have sex on the mat afterwards. I was hard as a rock after watching one of the videos of two college age guys wrestling and then fucking on the screen. HOT DAMN was all I could think of.

Now, wrestlers had always had a `label' of being gay because of all the close contact with other men's bodies, and yes, I knew 2 guys on my high school team that were, but most of them are straight.

I heard the water turn off and I quickly closed the internet window, and picked up the controller from the game and pretended to be interested in that game.

Josh came out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I just happened to look up as he came into the living room to see how I was doing and damn, I about came in my pants right then and there. The muscles that popped out of his body were amazing. He wasn't a body builder, but his build was just full of muscle. His abs stuck out and you could definitely do your laundry on them. My eyes peeked quickly down to his crotch and the towel must have been tight, because his cock bulge was sticking out a little.

What he did next completely surprised me. Most guys would go and get dressed and then come back out. Josh just sat down on the couch beside me and grabbed the other controller and we played games for a little bit.

He then reached over and grabbed his laptop and just seemed to all of a sudden stop in his tracks.

"What's the matter dude? You look like you've seen a ghost." I asked.

"Umm... did you use my computer dude?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just checked my email real quick if that's alright." I lied, but I didn't want him to know that I knew his secret.

"No that's cool dude. I didn't realize I left it on and was a little freaked out that it was on is all." He replied.

I looked over at the screen and realized what he got shocked about. I didn't close the window to the videos, and it was visible as to what was last looked at.

Inside I was just cussing at myself for not making sure the window was closed. DAMN IT DAMN IT. I mean, he was cute, but probably was a person who wanted to have sex with men, but just didn't want others to know he wanted it.

"What time you gotta go to the library?" I asked.

"In like 20 minutes man. We can finish this game up real quick and then I gotta boot. You seem pretty cool though. You should give me your number. We can go and lift or just hang out if you'd like." He responded.

"Yeah man, that'd be cool." I responded. We exchanged numbers as I was leaving and we shook hands. I thanked him again for saving my ass in the weight room, and he thanked me for lunch.

As I was leaving and shutting the door I heard Josh say, "Shit, I can't believe he saw that. Fuck, my life is ruined."

Next: Chapter 15

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