Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Oct 31, 2010


Football House Part 12 Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved.

Football House Part 12 -- Decisions Standard rules apply, if you are too young, don't read, yadda yadda yadda...

(Author's Note: I know a couple of you had commented about the video taping of Kevin's fucking and the concern you had about the issue, especially with the recent suicides, etc due to one person getting taped while having sex. I understand the concern, but please don't think this isn't a concern for me. The video tape never made it out of my possession and only Tim, Mike, and Kevin are aware of it and it has been destroyed since)

And so here I was sitting in the TV room with Tim and Mike watching the video tape. They had spewed out their beers and screamed "Holy Shit!" I was blushing a little bit because they definitely knew it was me giving Kevin the pounding of a lifetime.

Tim and Mike seemed to get turned on by this really quickly because I noticed that both of them started rubbing their crotches and seemed to be really getting into the fucking going on onscreen. They kept making comments like, "Damn, that's hot" "God look at him take that cock", "Wow, he's begging for it." "Damn it JT, why haven't you fucked me like that? We haven't had sex in a while."

They eventually just took their cocks out and started to jerk off to the pictures of me and Kevin having sex. I was getting turned on because they were getting turned on so much that I decided to join them and have fun. I first went and locked the door to make sure that no one would interrupt us if they decided to come home early. As we were all getting feverish in our jerking, Tim just stood up, turned off the tv, grabbed the tape, put his cock away and said we all needed to g o up to his room.

I made sure he had the tape to make sure no one else would be able to see it. We made the trek up to Tim's room. Tim was in front of me, and Mike was behind me. The whole time, Mike was grabbing my ass and saying how much he couldn't wait to sink his cock into it.

We got up to Tim's room and I was literally picked up and thrown onto his bed. Tim and Mike had all of their and my clothes off before I knew it. None of us had lost our boners and were ready to have some action right now. I told the guys they weren't getting my ass tonight, but I'd be happy to drain a load in each of their asses. They both just started laughing and said it's going to be both ways or neither. After much thought, I decided to agree to let them have my ass in knowing that I was going to be able to fuck both of these muscle guys.

I got up and grabbed both of their cocks and moved them so the heads of their cocks were touching and decided to try to get both of them in my mouth at the same time. Wasn't easy but I was able to get about a couple inches of both into my mouth and just did a lot of licking around their heads. Tim pulled away and pushed me fully onto Mike's cock. I was a little surprised because I know how much Tim likes to receive head. The next thing I know is that my ass is being pulled up and Tim is starting to lick around my ass and my balls. Oh man, was this awesome. After a few minutes I feel Tim shift and I knew that my ass was about to get pounded.

I felt the head penetrate into the ring and I forgot how good his cock felt in my ass. I loved how full I felt every time he pushed all the way in and how empty I felt when he would pull out. He started to set the pace and I had to pull out Mike's cock just to breathe sometimes because when Tim would jab into me quickly, I would lose my breath. Tim seemed to really enjoy giving me a good hard fuck. He'd pull almost all the way out and then just slam back into me as hard as he could.

All of a sudden I heard something out of the side of me and looked to my left and noticed that there was a red light that was on. Sure as shit, Tim was taping everything that was going on here tonight. I didn't care; I was getting so into getting fucked as hard as I was by Tim.

Tim's cock was hitting my pleasure bulge inside and I knew that if this continued I'd be spewing a load all over Tim's Sheets. I told them that I needed to change positions and laid down on my back. Tim went back in and started slamming me, and Mike came over to the side and I just kept jerking his cock. Tim's pace started to quicken and I could see the sweat just coming off of his body. His body started to jerk a little and I knew it wouldn't be long before he would be shooting his load into me. I decided to egg him on and tell him to pull out and cum on me. About two minutes later, he pulled his long cock out and proceeded to spew his load over my neck, chest, and stomach. After he finished he ended up laying down on me and giving me a long deep kiss.

As Tim was on top of me I all of a sudden heard him grunt. It took me a minute to figure out what was happening and realized that Mike decided to fuck his ass first. I know Mike is no small potatoes when it comes to his cock and it can hurt from time to time if he just sticks it in. The motion started happening that Tim would be moving a little up and down on my chest as Mike was pounding into Tim's ass. Tim's body was then rubbing up against my cock creating a nice amount of friction.

Mike then pulled out of Tim and raised my legs up and proceeded to push himself into me. Oh man did it feel good to have him inside of me again. I was really enjoying Mike. He definitely knew how to fuck. He started hitting my prostrate and with Tim still on top of me and some of the motion, I just lost it and proceeded to shoot my load between Tim and me, covering both of our stomachs with my load. Mike must have felt my ass contract because the next thing I noticed was that he just stopped moving and my ass was filled with his cum. He then just collapsed on top of Tim. I had two really hot and hunky guys on top of me and couldn't have felt luckier.

I woke up about a half hour later to hearing some noise out in the house. Tim was on my right, Mike on my left. We were a mess, that is for sure. Both of them were out cold. It was funny though because both of them were hard as a rock. I decided to give it a try and started to jerk both of them off at the same time. After a few minutes, both of them woke up . Tim just shot a load as he woke up, a couple of minutes later, Mike let loose a huge load too.

"My turn boys." I said.

"Let's go get some food, I'm hungry and need some energy to keep this going." Said Tim.

We decided to put on some sweats and head downstairs and see what we could find to eat. As we were making our way down the stairs, Tim all of a sudden stopped and waved for us to stop. As we did, we definitely heard sounds of groans coming from downstairs. We slowly made our way to the stairs and slowly went down the steps until we could see what was happening. As we did, it was definitely a girl getting nailed. Here was Adam, another of our linebackers nailing some chick on the couch. Adam didn't live in the house, he lived in the dorms, so probably thought it'd be better to bring this girl to the house and nail her here. Adam had this girl with her feet on the floor, bent over so her head was on the couch and was banging her from behind. They must have been going at it for a while because he was pumping her something furious and she kept telling him to fuck her. Not but a couple minutes after we arrive did he pull out and dump his load on her lower back and ass.

I of course was looking more at his cock than anything else. The guy as a linebacker was fucking built like a brick house. I think the roster said he was 6'3" 255lbs& but I know that his body fat was less than 5%. I mean this guy was fucking built. His cock though was only about six and a half, maybe seven inches. But it was definitely thick. I was amazed at how thick it was. The thing is I know that I saw him in the showers and I didn't think it was that big when it was soft, so he was definitely a grower. J

Adam pushed his cock back into the chick and was pushing in and out again. It literally was like he never lost his hard on. Of course the chick was more than happy and they started going at it again. This time, he lifted her up, sat down on the couch, and brought her down on him. Man this was hot. I was watching both him and her. She was hot, but he was hot too. Seeing those muscles flex as he was pumping her from underneath. He grabbed up onto her shoulders as if to hold onto her as he started pumping her hardcore from the bottom.

They stayed in that position for a while then he picked her up again and laid her down with him on top. He did so that his body was facing towards us. We watched as Adam continued to pump away at her. It almost seemed like she has passed out during this time, but Adam didn't seem to mind. His pumping continued at the pace he was going and then after about 15 minutes, he pulled out and shot his load onto her lower stomach and pussy. After he pulled out it was really exciting to see this guys cock from a different angle. I was mesmerized by the thickness of it and his huge hanging balls.

I could tell that Tim and Mike were excited too because when they stood up, their cocks were very visible through their sweats. We slowly made our way up the steps and let our cocks subside a little bit and then proceeded to walk down the steps like we were heading downstairs to get something to eat. As we made our way downstairs, Adam was laying on the couch next to the girl. He was still naked and his cock was back to its soft state. The smell of sex permeated through the living room. We made it down to the living room and Adam just looked up at us. We just gave him the thumbs up and kept walking towards the kitchen. We grabbed some chips and a beer each and walked outside to the back yard.

"Damn that was hot!" Said Tim.

"Yeah, I never knew Adam was so hung. Don't think I could take that thing in my ass, that's for sure!" Said Mike.

"I wouldn't mind having a try at it. Wow he is fucking huge!" Said Tim.

I just carried a big smile on my face as I knew that there was definitely another guy that would fill my fantasies. I looked back towards the house and through the doors and I could see Adam getting the chick up and dressed. About 5 minutes later, he came outside and joined us on the porch. You could tell he was proud of his conquest. He just put on his boxers and had his shirt off like us.

"Sorry about that guys, I totally thought no one was here." Sad Adam.

"Oh no worries. We decided to not go out with everyone. We were watching movie up in my room." Said Tim.

"Damn, sure looked like you had a fun time from all the cum on her stomach." Said Mike. I about lost my beer at that moment by spewing it out.

"Yeah, I nailed her three times since we got back. She was fucking hot as hell dudes. Glad you guys are cool. I hope this doesn't go past us. I know some of the guys wouldn't be so happy if they knew I busted my nut with a chick on the couch". Said Adam. He seemed a little embarrassed.

"Hey man. Not a problem. We understand, you get someone who is hot and wants to fuck, you gotta find somewhere to go." I said.

"Yeah, it just sucks, my roommate in the dorms is a total turd. I know he is gay and has the hots for me. I can't even change in my room without him completely giving me the once over. He complains if I bring a girl over to have sex and he refuses to leave the room. I sleep like a log and seriously, it takes a lot to wake me up, so his making noise in the morning doesn't bother me& but the other day I woke up and he was giving me head. I was shooting in his mouth as I woke up. I was like, What the Fuck?'. He just smiled at me and said he was just helping me out because I was talking in my sleep. He said I kept saying take it deep in your mouth; I just wanted to bust a load.' So apparently he thought I was talking to him. " Adam said.

Tim, Mike and I just looked at each other. I couldn't help but think what a lucky guy his roommate was. Tim seemed to have the same thought as I did. I happened to look down at Adam's crotch and he seemed to be a little excited, his cock was definitely bulging out a little more than usual.

"Looks like you are ready for another round with her." I said and pointed down at his cock.

"Ha ha. Yeah, I haven't gotten a piece of ass for a while boys. Like I said, my roommate is a total ass and won't let me bring a girl there. Would it be ok with you guys sometimes if I bring a girl over and use your room to fuck her?" He looked at us.

"Well, we'll have to think about that one Adam. I know the bro code is to help a brother out in a situation like that. Maybe you should just fuck the hell outta your roommate& I'm sure you'd get all the ass you wanted." Said Tim. We all laughed at that comment except Adam. You could see the look on his face was mixed. It was like he was thinking of it, but was disgusted by the thought of it. It was funny though because at that same time I looked at his crotch and it seemed like his cock jumped at the thought.

We all just laughed with him and started heading inside. We went into the tv room and turned on the tv. We popped in a movie and just relaxed in the room. Mike and Tim were sitting in the front couch. Adam and I were on the couch behind them. They were large enough that both of us could lay somewhat on them and feet in the middle.

About half way through the movie, I had noticed that Adam was sleeping on the couch next to me. The first movie had ended and we decided to watch another one. The lights were out and it was very evident that Adam was asleep because he laid down more on the couch so that his legs were now basically crossing with mine. The thing I noticed most was that my left foot was basically in his crotch and I could feel his balls and cock on the bottom of my foot.

I decided I wanted to feel that cock when it was hard& so I started to massage his cock and balls with my foot. Sure enough, it started to respond. It was definitely inflating and I could tell he was enjoying it because next thing I knew he shifted onto his back and seemed to allow me more access. I sat up on the couch so that Adam's legs were crossing mine. Man those legs were hugely muscular and were very nice. Lightly hairy and just beefy was the best I could define them. I kept moving my hand close up his right leg. I looked a few times when the light from the tv hit his face and I could tell he was asleep because he was snoring. I thought it was now or never. I reached my hand into the slot of the boxers and brought his thick mass of meat out. I thought it was huge from a distance, it was definitely thick as hell.

I tried to wrap my hand around it and barely got my hand around ¾ of the shaft. As I started to move my hand up and down his cock, it seemed to respond even more and seemed to get a little thicker. I grabbed onto his balls and they too were pretty big. I decided to just lean my head down to see if I could take it in my mouth. I could get it in, but only got about ½ of the way down the shaft. The next thing I knew, jets of cum were shooting down my throat and I just heard a little grunt.

I quickly came up off the cock and looked directly into his eyes. He was still sleeping and snoring. His cum was thick and definitely had a decent taste to it. I reached down and wiped up the remaining cum off of his shaft and licked my hand. Could it be that we have another guy to play with? I looked back at the screen of the tv and noticed that Tim and Mike were looking right at me. I just smiled.

Next: Chapter 14

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