Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Oct 7, 2010


Football House Part 12 Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved.

Football House Part 12 -- Decisions Standard rules apply, if you are too young, don't read, yadda yadda yadda...

By the way, I know many of you had asked to be friends on yahoo for IM'ing. I'm sorry I haven't really had a chance to respond. Feel free to add, and I will get to them as soon as possible.

(Ending of part 11)

I fell asleep with thoughts of Kevin and our friendship and how much he had helped me. I didn't want to lose that friendship and knew I had to think this through. I slowly drifted off to sleep remembering the sight of Kevin nailing the chick next to me and how much that turned me on.

Part 12

I had avoided Kevin for most of the week. I used the excuse that I had the exam that Wednesday and really needed to study. I didn't want to be bothered by all the questions and all of the emotion. I really needed to study for the exam and had to do well. I was getting a B in that class so far, and I really wanted to keep my grades as high as I could. I knew that getting good grades while playing a sport is really tough in college, and I wanted to make sure I could prove to myself and my family I could.

The game on Saturday was awesome. We killed our competition 45-7. I had 3 sacks and 6 tackles for loss of yards and was really pumped. I was glad it was a home game so I didn't have to take the long ride home from another school. Of course, that also meant we were going to have a house party to celebrate the victory. The guys were all in good spirits and we all headed to the locker room to shower and change. All of us knew that the victory meant that many of us were going to get laid. When we would walk out of the locker room, for those that didn't have a girlfriend, there were many ladies waiting to take a guy in their arms and stay with him for the night.

I decided I wanted to have fun that night and there was a girl named Tina that was amazingly hot. Here I was just a first year starter, but was making a huge impact on the team already. As I was walking out of the doors of the stadium, she was there and her eyes seemed to be fixed on me. She walked right over and congratulated me on having an awesome game. I was surprised she was really into football and that she was into me. She was a junior and was smoking hot! Of course, we went back to the house and right away, she wanted to fuck. Who was I to say no?

After we finished we showered together and got ready for the party that was to ensue. She pretty much stayed right by my side during the whole night and I was pretty happy to be the `stud' of the party. A few of the guys pulled me aside and told me not to get attached to her because she will move onto another person later on. I told them I was just having my fun and she enjoyed my big cock, so therefore, it was all good.

The party went awesome, with Tina by my side; I didn't even seem to notice Kevin, Tim, and Mike. I had paid all of my attention to her and we often had our little intimate times of kissing and stroking each other's bodies while the party was going on. One time while we were doing this, Kevin bumped right into me and had a huge smile on his face when I turned to see who it was.

The time came for me to take a piss and I knew the bathrooms would be full so I decided to find my usual spot outside and let the river flow. I was taking my cock out of my pants when I noticed that someone else had decided to stand right next to me to take a piss. This isn't too uncommon, but usually is when both people have been speaking to each other, and will continue their conversations while they are pissing. So I was a little surprised that someone came and stood right next to me. I turned to look and sure enough, it was Kevin.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Nothing much... just enjoying the victory, drinking, and getting me some lady time." I replied.

"Yeah, I noticed that Tina was on your side all day. You fuck her yet?" He asked.

"Yup, pretty much as soon as we got back from the stadium, we went up to my room and I nailed her good and hard." I replied, "and I think she is wanting more later."

Kevin seemed to be a little taken back by my response, a little hurt even. I think he knew that I was still a little mad at him and that I just needed my space at the moment.

"Look dude, I didn't mean to hurt you and I am sorry for putting you to a test that I wasn't keeping myself. I know it hurt you and I am sure hurt our friendship. Listen, I really like you,. I enjoy hanging out with you and helping you with your studies and I hope that we can still be friends. I mean this with all sincerity." Kevin said with what appeared to be a tear in his eye. "I just don't want you banging the campus whore to get back at me. She's not something that I'd want any of my friends to be banging. I hope you used a condom earlier because the whole football team knows she's dirty."

I saw the pain in his face and I knew he was completely honest with his statement. "I know dude. Yes, it did hurt and yes, part of me banging the fuck out of Tina was a way to get back at you. I did use a condom and no, I didn't know she was the campus whore. She is hot as hell. It was just nice to get a piece of ass from a lady too, ya know what I mean."

"Can we be friends again?" Kevin asked, "I'd really like to make it up to you."

"I suppose we can, and I really don't know how you could make it up to me. Just don't do something like that to me again. I'll kick your ass." I replied.

"Oh, I think I can find a way to make it up to you." He replied, "Meet me in my room in an hour."

"What about Tina? I don't want to leave her just hanging in the wind?"

"I'm sure she'll find someone else's jock she can jump onto. Trust me man, I'm doing you a favor. Two guys on the team last year got her, and each came away with something. I just want to be a friend and make sure you aren't the third." He laughed.

I went back into the party and was surprised that Tina already had her arm around another guy that was on the rugby club team. Oh well, that took care of that dilemma I thought.

I continued to drink with the guys, playing drinking games and just having a rowdy time. Many of the guys came up to congratulate me on my performance of the day and say they were happy I was on the team and starting. As time rolled by I had completely lost all track of time and realized it had been an hour and twenty minutes already. I told the guys I forgot something up in my room and I had to run and get it quickly.

I rushed upstairs and found Kevin's room. The door was closed so I knocked on it. At first there was no response, so I thought I had missed him and that he was probably in the tv room or something. I started to turn away and head down the hall when I heard Kevin ask, "Who is it?" I told him it was me and I heard the lock to the door open and he slowly opened the door. It looked like he had been sleeping because he was rubbing his eyes and looked very tired.

"What the hell, sleeping already? It's only 9:30." I said.

"Yeah dude, I got nailed a couple times on the field and my body is beat. I just needed a little nap." He said.

"So, you wanted me to come up here and talk to you. Sorry it is longer than an hour. I was playing games with the guys and lost all track of time. So, what did you want to say?" I asked.

"I told you I wanted to make it up to you. I again am really sorry dude for hurting your trust and I promise I will never do that to you again. I know this sounds weird, but I value you as a friend and I'd really hate to see that friendship die. I know we've done stuff and I'd like to do it again if you were ever interested, but I don't want to force you to do stuff you don't want to do. I felt like I needed to see if you were telling the truth when you said you wouldn't tell anyone. Like I said, I can't have everyone on the team know that their quarterback plays both ways when it comes to sex. It would make it really difficult for several people to know. Tim and Mike basically got it out of me and told me they knew before I even said anything that we had sex. I'm happy that you could keep a secret that I couldn't. Again, I am sorry, can you please.."

At that moment I cut him off and pushed him down on the bed with me over him, kissing his lips. I know that this surprised him, but hell I was horny as hell, and I wanted another piece of his ass tonight since I wasn't going to get anything from Tina. He was already just in his boxers, and I started to take my clothes off as we were making out. I had grabbed onto his cock and he was already starting to inflate.

I smothered his body in kisses. I licked and kissed my way down his body. I paid special attention to his nipples which always stood out proudly when touched. As I made my way past his belly button, he was already arching his back. I quickly pulled his boxers down and was greeted with a hefty sized cock. It was nice and big. Lengthy and thick. He had a few veins going around it... and a nice set of balls to compliment his missile.

I licked over the head and swirled my tongue around it. I slowly took inch by inch of his tool into my mouth and was playing with his balls as I was doing so. The sounds that were coming from him were beyond anything I had heard in a while. He was definitely loud when his dick was receiving attention. I told him he needed to keep it down because he didn't want anyone walking in the halls knowing that we were having sex. He proceeded to put a pillow over his mouth. I kind of chuckled.

It didn't take too long of my pleasing his cock, deep throating him, and playing with his balls before I knew that he was going to burst. I brought him to a place I knew he was getting ready to shoot and I just all of a sudden stopped. His body heaved and he just started saying, "Please, please finish me off." I stayed away from his cock, letting him calm down a little. A few times he tried to grab onto it and jerk himself off, but I hit his hands away. I told him it'd make his orgasm that much better if he didn't shoot right now. I did this to him a couple of times, bringing him to the point and then back down again. After the fourth time I knew he couldn't go through this much more so I pulled out all the stops. I decided I was going to stick my finger in his ass as I was deep throating him. This of course made him cum faster than I had expected, and his juices just slammed into my throat. His cum just seemed to keep flowing from his cock and it didn't seem to show signs of stopping. I pulled off of his cock and as I did a jet of cum flew from him up to his chest. This boy could cum! After what seemed like a minute, he finally came down from his peak and his breathing returned to normal.

"Holy Shit, I've never came so hard in my life. Wow dude... holy shit.." His expressions of bliss were all I needed to hear.

I let him come down from his high a little bit and then proceeded to what I really had planned for the night and that was fucking his ass silly. I told him he deserved a massage again. He gladly turned over and said that he was surprised I was taking care of him so much, when he was the one that fucked up. I said, don't worry man, I'll get mine. I gave him a massage through his back, butt, legs and shoulders. I told him I'd be right back, I had to get something.

I found Tim downstairs and told him I needed to talk to him privately. After finding a room no one else was in, I told him I needed his camera that he taped his sexcapades with. He told me it was in his closet and I was welcome to it any time. He of course had a big smile on his face.

I got the camera and headed back to Kevin's room. He was still spread out on his stomach with that hot ass still there for me. I set up the camera and pressed record. I leaned down a little and Kevin turned his head for the camera to see. I, of course, had my face turned so the camera couldn't see my face. I kissed him a few times and asked him where his lube was. He got up a little, enough to show his hard cock, and got the lube out of the desk. How he didn't see the camera is beyond me.

I lubed his ass and stuck a couple of fingers in him to get him ready. The whole time he was moaning and begging me to fuck him hard. I started to chuckle as I knew the camera was taping all of this... the star quarterback asking me to fuck his ass hard.

I didn't disappoint. I was hard as a rock and ready to get my nut. I didn't go easy on him, I just lined it up and pushed in all the way. He just let out a loud moan and said, "Yeah fucker, fuck me hard. I wanna feel you cum in me." I got myself into a rhythm. I knew if I went too fast I wouldn't last long. I fucked him while he was on his stomach for a while, and then pulled him up into doggy style. He had to bury his face in the pillow again because he was moaning like a cheap whore. I started to pick up the pace a little and he was feeling it good.

I decided I wanted the video to show him shooting his load as I was fucking him hard, so I flipped him over onto his back and put myself back into him. He was hard as a rock and was already leaking pre-cum. I knew he wasn't going to last much longer as I started to plow him harder. He grabbed onto his cock and was jerking it pretty fast and furious as I was pounding him.

He kept moaning and making sex talk, "Yeah man, faster... that's it.. more more... etc" I was so turned on by now I knew it wouldn't take me much longer before I blew. I started to slam it in and slowly pull out, then back into him again. Next thing I knew, he was shooting his jizz all over the place. He shot over his head onto the wall above him and all over his chest. As he did, I felt his ass clench my cock and I lost it, and came hard into his ass.

After coming down from the euphoric feeling I had, I pulled out, wiped my remaining cum up with a t-shirt he had nearby, and got up to shut off the camera. As I was moving towards it, I heard Kevin say, "That was the best fuck I've ever had." And click, off went the camera. I put on some clothes and went out into the hall with the camera real quick. I pulled out the tape and put the camera back into Tin's room.

I went back into Kevin's room to find him on the bed, jerking his hard cock again. "Damn dude, don't you ever get enough?" I asked.

"Not when it comes to a hot stud like you." He replied.

He had asked me where I went and what took me so long. I told him I had to go to the bathroom and there was a line. In reality, I had taken the tape up to my room and put it away for safe keeping.

I sat on his bed while he jerked his took again and he demanded me to get naked again. I told him I had fun for the time being, but I wanted to go back downstairs to the party and join the rest of the guys. He said he probably should himself. He quickly finished off another load, and I leaned down and licked it off his face, chest, neck, and torso.

We joined the guys downstairs and a few of them joked around about us being gone during the party. I told the guys I was tired and took a quick nap and showered real quick. That seemed to take away their curiosity.

I found Tim later on at the party. He asked me where I had been and what the hell I needed his camera for. I told him he'd find out some day, but that my dick had a good time. smirk

The party continued until about 12:30. Quite a few of the guys decided to head out to the bars. I was still underage, so there was no way I was going. I decided to just lay low and finish off as much of the kegs as I could. I wasn't surprised that Kevin had taken off with a lot of the guys, and the house became pretty deserted.

I went outside to the back yard and was drinking my beer, thinking of what I had just done to Kevin. Part of the fucking was out of anger, part of it was because I really liked him and had feelings for him. The decision I now had to make was what to do with the video tape I had.

As I was lost in thought, I noticed that someone else was home too. I turned to look and it was Mike and Tim. I was quite surprised that they hadn't gone to the bars with the other guys.

"What's up with you?" Asked Tim, "You seem so distant and pissed off at everyone right now."

I told them what had happened with Kevin and I and that I had been pissed about his telling them, but asking me not to say a word. They told me they could understand why I was angry, but that I had to put myself in Kevin's shoes too. They said he is really an awesome guy and they could tell he really cared about me as a person, friend, and potentially more.

"What?!??!" I asked.

"Yeah, I think he could give up women for you dude. He seems smitten by you, that's for sure." Tim said.

"I don't know dude. I don't know if I'd want to have a relationship with a guy. I really would like to get married and all that stuff... ya know?" I replied.

"Yeah, we know. So what was up with the camera?" Tim asked.

"Nothing. I just was taping a message to home. Mom wanted me to give a tour of the room to show her I was still clean and didn't become a slob, etc." I replied.

"On a Saturday night while there was a party going and you were upstairs... yeah, I don't believe you. Where's the tape, I want to see this message." Mike demanded.

"I erased it because it was stupid." I said.

"Oh really, you mean this tape right here has nothing on it then, huh?" Mike held up a video tape that looked like the one I had just recorded.

I got a little pissed off and they seemed to notice it. "Why don't we go to the video room and take a looksie, shall we?" And they proceeded to head off to the TV room.

"Guys, knock it off. It's nothing that I want anyone else to see. Just let it be. It's personal." I was yelling.

They walked into the TV room, turned on the tv, and put in the tape. Next think you see on the screen was a video of Kevin getting his ass nailed. Both guys spit out their beers and said, "HOLY SHIT!!!!!"

Next: Chapter 13

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