Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Apr 22, 2010


Football House Part 11 Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved.

Football House Part 11 -- Back to the house Standard rules apply, if you are too young, don't read, yadda yadda yadda...

Kevin and I woke up shortly before check out time and were able to get out without having to pay extra for the next day. It was fun watching him get dressed with his morning wood. smile I offered to take care of it for him, but he said we didn't have time. We literally had a few minutes to check out.

We got in his car and headed back to the house. Most of the trip was silent and just listening to music. I felt there was something wrong, because he was usually very talkative.

"What's going on Kevin? Talk to me man." I said.

At first he just replied "Nothing" and continued to drive. I could see it on his face that something was bothering him. "Come on man, you can talk to me."

"I just never thought I would let someone fuck me again after Tim. I let you do it this time, because I really like you and really wanted you to be satisfied. I think of myself as straight, but enjoy just messing around with guys every now and then. I hope you understand." Kevin Replied.

I knew it. I knew he was feeling guilty about this whole thing and didn't want me to think less of him as a man because he let me fuck him.

"Dude, it's totally cool. I would never ask for it again and I know it was a once in a lifetime event. Don't worry about it, and you know you will get your turn at my ass soon enough." I replied.

"I know dude... and it's not that I didn't enjoy it. It's not that you fucked me, it's just that, I don't know. I feel like I've gotten really close to you and I don't want you to get your hopes up high that you will be able to do that any time you want." He said with a sad face.

"I don't expect every time I get horny you are going to just bend over and let me fuck you dude. It's totally cool. I understand and trust me, it's not like I'm opening my ass for anyone who wants it. Mike and Tim are the only other guys I've let have my ass. I don't want it to be any time they are horny I give it up either."

"Yeah, they are definitely horn dogs, that's for sure, Especially Tim." He laughed.

I told him that if/when he decided he wanted to have a go at my ass, it was all his. I told him I didn't expect us to have sex every time either of us wanted it and that his secret is safe with me. I wouldn't even tell Tim or Mike we had sex. I would tell them we went to Chicago, hooked up with some girls, and had a blast.

He seemed pretty satisfied with that and we joked around the rest of the way home. Tim was wearing a shirt that he had cut off the sleeves on, so you could see his chest nipples hanging out and every muscle in his arms. This boy was definitely prime Grade A meat. I can see why every girl and guy had their eyes on him.

We finally made it back to the house and unloaded our stuff. Some of the guys were in the front yard tossing a football around and grilling out. They offered some food to us which we gladly ate and then went into the house and unpacked.

Mike walked into the room and asked me how my weekend went with Kevin. I told him the exact thing I told Kevin I would. We went to Chicago, did some sightseeing and hooked up with a couple chicks. He gave me a questioning look.

"What?" I asked back loudly.

"That's all you two did? Really? You didn't have sex together?" Mike asked with a frown on his face.

"No, that's all that happened. We had sex with chicks that were there. The one I was with was really hot and I blew my load in her... could be 9 months down the road and a little one is running around." I said with a smile.

"Wow... I thought for sure the two of you wouldn't have even left the room." Mike responded. "Well, you horny and ready to finish the act we were doing before we got interrupted by Kevin?"

I looked at Mike and told him I was really tired and just wanted to take a nap. I laid down on the bed and he tried a couple more times to get me riled up to have sex with him again. I just wasn't feeling it at that time. Something that Kevin said about them just wanting sex to get off really stuck with me.

Mike finally left the room and as he was leaving, I heard him call out Kevin's name. I knew Kevin would go right along with my story so I wasn't afraid that he'd blow the cover.

I woke up about three hours later and it was dark in my room. I got up and went down to the living space area and looked around. Pretty much everyone was gone. I guessed that they were either in the library or in their rooms. I fixed myself some food and went out to the back yard and just found a chair and sat down. While I was eating my food, I was thinking back to the weekend I just had with Kevin and how wonderful it really was. I remembered the sense of feel and smell I had when I was fucking Kevin and also when we were both having sex with the girls. I was definitely horny again and wish I could have another time with Kevin.

Soon after a few of the guys came out and were drinking. Mike and Tim were with them and when Tim saw me, he came over to me and asked me how the weekend went. I told him the same thing I had told Mike.

"Well, that's not what Kevin told me." He responded.

"What do you mean? That was our weekend." I replied.

"Kevin told me you and him had a very hot time together and that he longed for you to fuck him again."

I was quite surprised that Kevin had told Tim all the juicy details of our weekend. "Oh really?" I responded, "He told you that we had sex. I think you are dreaming there Timbo."

He just looked at me and smiled as if he really did know. I got up from my chair and went to Kevin's room. He was in bed sleeping and I decided to wake him up, because I wanted to know if he had really told Tim.

After a few minutes of waking up from being groggy, he sat up and I asked him if he had told Tim and Mike about our time in Chicago. "No. I told them we had sex with a couple girls, and that was it." Kevin said.

"Well, Tim seems to figure out that we had sex and that you wanted me to fuck you again."

"No, I honestly didn't tell him that and he is making some huge assumptions. Trust me man, I wouldn't just go around bragging that we had sex." Kevin replied.

At this point, I didn't know who to believe. I just hung my head and shook it as to say `no' and Kevin noticed.

"Alright man...I did tell Tim that we had sex. I was happy to know that you weren't telling anyone anything, and that told me I could trust you. It was a test to know if you would blab it all over the house or if you would keep it a secret. I had to know because I have to keep my reputation on the team. Just think of how most of the guys would feel if they knew I liked guys as well as girls. It'd make it a little uncomfortable for some of them."

"I do understand and don't want anyone else to know either." I said, "But if it was ok to tell Mike and Tim, you should have told me. I know both of them really like you and me and think of us as friends. I don't like keeping things from other people who are close friends to us. I was willing to do that for our friendship though." I replied.

"Well, I am thankful you are willing to keep secrets to protect me and you." He said.

The very next thing took me by surprise. He pulled me down onto the bed with him and gave me a huge kiss. This was something I was not expecting. I honestly couldn't believe I was kissing him and he was the one who initiated it.

My hands started running down his body as were his on mine. I could tell he was a little excited and I was on my way to having a hard on too.

I broke off the kiss and sat up on the side of the bed. "I can't do this right now; I have to get some of my homework done for class. I think I'm going to head to the library so I can get my head on straight and focus on a test I have on Wednesday." I said.

He looked at me with surprise. He tried again, but I pushed him away.

"I really have to go to the library. Hold your horses, you'll have a shot at my ass before you know it."

This was all I could say at this point. Yes, I was a little hurt and yes a little pissed, but I really did have an exam on Wednesday that I hadn't even cracked the book open for. I left and went to the library and stayed there till 3AM studying for this exam.

When I returned I found a little note on my bed. "I hope you aren't mad at me. Please know I like you more as a friend than anything else and if us doing things can hurt that friendship, than I can find others to take care of certain needs. If you don't want to be friends, I totally understand dude. I didn't mean to go behind your back when I had asked you not to tell and told them myself. If you hate me, I understand. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I'd still like to be friends. K."

I ripped up the note so no one else could read it and threw it in the trash can. I laid down to sleep as I had class at 10am. I fell asleep with thoughts of Kevin and our friendship and how much he had helped me. I didn't want to lose that friendship and knew I had to think this through. I slowly drifted off to sleep remembering the sight of Tim nailing the chick next to me and how much that turned me on.

Next: Chapter 12

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