Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Apr 17, 2010


Football House Part 10 Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved.

Football House Part 10 -- Kevin

Standard rules apply, if you are too young, don't read, yadda yadda yadda...

(Hey guys, I'm really sorry it's been a while. Work has been hell and it's been quite a bit of Overtime. So I haven't really had time to do much of anything outside of work and spend a little time with family and friends. I will try my best to keep up with this, but work is still a little busy right now. More will be coming as soon as it can be written)

I still couldn't believe that I was just given head from the star quarterback of the football team. Who would have believed me if I told them. I mean, the guy was straight as an arrow and definitely had a killer body that could get any girl he wanted.

We got dressed and headed downstairs. The place was still a ghost town as most everyone was nursing their hangovers I am sure. I definitely was feeling the effects of the alcohol consumption from the night before. As we got into the main room area, there were a couple chicks passed out on the couch and floor. Kevin just laughed and said, "Yup, banged both of them" and walked right past them, slapping me on the ass.

We went into the kitchen and Kevin said he had his hangover cure that he'd make for me. I watched as he put different ingredients into a blender and whirled them together. He handed me a glass full of whatever it was and I just downed it as fast as I could. I thought for sure I would gag and puke because it smelled and tasted nasty. He just laughed.

Kevin said he decided since it was a Saturday, we'd take a road trip to Chicago and just hang out there. He told me to pack up as we'd probably stay overnight in Chi town somewhere. I looked at him surprised and said I didn't have money to go.

"It's all on me little man." He said, "But let's get out of here before everyone else wakes up. I don't want anyone else thinking they can tag along. I want this to just be you and me."

I went upstairs to my room and got a few things and put them into my backpack. I also decided I was going to bring a couple condoms, just in case. I was packed and ready to go in 10 minutes. I quickly jumped in the shower and got myself ready. I was feeling like I was going on a date with a girl with how much attention I paid to details of my appearance.

We got out of the house in like 30 minutes of hearing his decision. We hopped into his car and started heading towards Chicago. The whole time we talked about life, home life, college, girls, sex, everything. I felt like after our trip, we definitely knew each other way more. Kevin said he was happy to know I liked girls as well as guys and said I needed to be careful in the house because a lot of the guys on the team are very anti-gay and will kick your ass if they find out you are.

I told him of a girl I knew that really liked me and we had sex a couple times already. So all I needed to do was call her if the issue ever came up.

We got to Chicago and did a little sightseeing, including Soldier Field and Wrigley Field, and then just went downtown. We ate at Michael Jordan's restaurant which was awesome because a couple of the players from the Bulls were there.

We went down to the Navy Pier and just goofed around. There was a concert happening nearby, so we decided to just stick around and listen to it from the outside.

Kevin is an awesome guy and I honestly felt that we were friends and good friends at that. I didn't pay a thing as the day went on and I felt guilty because I didn't want him to feel like I was a leach or something. He told me he didn't mind. His parents had money and gave him a stipend every week.

"I have so much money I don't know what to do with it. This is my honor man." He said.

We ended up at the hotel and decided to go down to the pool and hot tub that was available for us. It was funny the looks we got. Two strapping young men, built with a lot of muscle and full of testosterone. We definitely caught the eye of a few girls that were in the hot tub when we were there. I thought for sure that the evening would end up with us fucking the hell out of them. They made their advances and we flirted with them. One of the girls kept edging over towards Kevin. She eventually was sitting right next to him and it was obvious she was touching his bulge, because her eyes got really huge and her mouth went open. Yeah, she felt his cock and I knew it was pretty big. He kicked me with his other leg and winked at me, and then said, "I gotta go back to our room and get a couple beers, want to come with me?"

I nodded back to him and was a little confused as to what he was thinking. Here was this really attractive girl that was obviously making him hard, and instead of asking her to the room, he asked me if I wanted to go back.

We got out of the hot tub and it was obvious Kevin was a little excited. He quickly grabbed a towel and put it around his waist, which did little to really hide the evidence. The girls giggled and pointed. The one that was getting him excited yelled out, "Room 422" as we were leaving. He turned around and just winked at her and said, "Later. You'll get your chance."

We got back to the room and Kevin stripped completely bare. It was quite evident that his boner hadn't gone away. He just laid down on his bed, face down, and said, "Come give me a message."

Who was I to say no? I went over to the bed and started to message his back and shoulders. To feel all that muscle under my hands was making me a little excited. He was completely naked and it was quite the sight to see. I kept rubbing his back, arms, and shoulders. He told me it was ok if I wanted to rub his legs and stuff too. I eventually ended up rubbing his whole body. As I was working his legs, he kept spreading them a little and the next thing I knew, I could see his cock peeking out from under him. He hadn't lost his boner and was now leaking a little.

"Flip over" was all I could say to him. He did and I was right. The monster was hard as a rock and the head was right on top of his navel. I rubbed his chest and arms. He just replied with a little `mmmm'. I knew that this was going to be a good night and I was looking forward to it.

I proceeded to rub his abs, making sure to avoid his cock, and then rubbed down his legs to his feet. His eyes opened and just stayed locked with mine.

I was teasing him a little by just allowing my hand to glance over his cock and balls, but not touching them to bring him relief.

Finally, after a few minutes he got up, grabbed my hands and placed them right directly on his cock. "You don't have to be shy, it's all yours and take it as you want."

I literally had to be both of my hands on him to cover his cock. It was huge. I took in the sight of Kevin naked, hard, and ready for me. I leaned down and proceeded to take the head and an inch or two into my mouth. At that moment, he just let out a huge sigh and pushed up into my mouth. I was quite surprised because the next thing I knew, he was coming in my mouth.

I pulled off of him after I swallowed his load. I looked at his face and he avoided my look. "What's up?"

"I didn't want to come so fast," he replied, "but you definitely have a hot mouth and I was very excited for this to happen!"

"It's cool Kevin, I understand. Most guys would understand the anticipation factor and how it can cause us to cum quickly." I replied.

He just pulled me on top of him and he grabbed my shorts and pulled them down. Now I was lying naked on top of him. My cock was hard as a rock and was poking under his balls. I just slowly pumped it in between his legs as I was massaging his shoulders and back. I was really excited to just put it in him and enjoying this muscular man beneath me.

I was getting ready to put it in and was lining it up when he turned around and said he had never been fucked and didn't know if he could. I told him it was alright and I'd just slide in between his butt cheeks. I started to do that and got really turned on and one time I pulled back just a little too far and my cock head ended up going right into his hole.

Kevin jumped a little at first but when I didn't move any further, he just settled down on the bed. I proceeded to push a little more in which caused him to groan a little. Before I knew it, I was all the way in and just stayed there. I let him get used to my size.

"Oh what the hell, Fuck me like Tim did," He said.

Did I just hear that right? Tim fucked Kevin? Oh, that got me really turned on and I started to pump into him. I went slow at first to really enjoy it as long as I could, but started to build up to a full fledge quick paced fuck. I wanted to see his face as I fucked his ass, so I pulled out, told him to flip over, raised his legs, and re-inserted and proceeded to go to town. One thing I noticed was that Kevin didn't whine or anything. He just grunted each time I bottomed out in his ass and kept telling me to fuck him harder. I did just as he asked and could feel that I wasn't going to last long. I was nearing the climax when I leaned down and kissed him on the lips. I pulled out and shot my seed all over his chest and abs.

Kevin had been jerking himself and now was getting ready to shoot again. I leaned down and took it into my mouth and a few pumps later was filled with his cum. I then just laid down on top of him and kissed his neck and cheek. It was honestly one of the best fucks I had experienced in my life.

I eventually rolled over to my side and we were face to face. I told him how much I enjoyed that, and was looking forward to him returning the favor. He just smiled at me and told me besides Tim, I was the only other guy he'd ever given his ass to. I felt special. I am sure there were probably others who had tried.

We fell asleep in the hotel bed for a while. We both wanted to experience some of the night life in Chicago. I had a fake and Kevin was old enough. So we went to a few of the bars and drank. Low and behold, the girls we met in the hot tub were also there at one of the bars. They came over to us and made it quite clear they wanted to be with us for the night.

Time progressed and we left the bar and headed back to the hotel; Kevin with a girl on his arm, me with one on mine. We ended up back in our room and had some drinks, when all of a sudden I noticed that Kevin was getting naked with the girl he was with. They proceeded to just start having sex right there on the bed next to me and the girl I was with. She and I decided what the hell and had sex on my bed. Having sex with a girl, while watching Kevin's body flexing and moving was amazing, I found myself watching his body more than paying attention to the girl I was pounding.

I saw Kevin pull out of the girl and literally shot over her head, onto her face and on her tits. Right after that, I just came inside the girl I was with. We ended up falling asleep and cuddled, each with our own girl. The girls left early the next morning saying they had to head home. Kevin and I were still worn out from the day/night. After the girls had left, I went over and crawled into bed beside Kevin with my back next to him. He just put his arm around my chest and said that he was quite satisfied.

I could tell he was also a little excited as I felt his cock come to life and nestle itself in the crack of my backside. I pushed back a little to encourage him but fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 11

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