Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Sep 10, 2009


The Football House Copyright 2009

So, where to start? I found Nifty a couple weeks ago, and thought I'd write some of my experiences while on a college campus.

I attend a University in the Midwest which shall go un-named at this point. I play football for the U and enjoy going out with about 80 other guys and just playing some hardnosed football. We are part of a large conference that plays teams from all over. Last year we went 9-3, which is not a bad season.

It is a large university that has a lot of fraternity and sorority houses, but also many of the sports teams have an `unofficial' house. This is a place where many of the team players decide to live. The cost is usually cheaper and the camaraderie is a lot of fun. During the football season, there really isn't much that happens at the house, unless it's a home game on a Saturday. Then we usually throw a party and let loose a little. The house has 15 bedrooms in it and is fairly large. There are 3 bathrooms on 4 floors. 10 of the bedrooms are singles, 3 are doubles, and 2 can fit 3 people into them.

It all started out being recruited to the team my senior year of high school. I did fairly well in high school making all-state twice and broke several school records. I played Inside Linebacker and had 48 tackles and 18 sacks my senior year. As I was growing into my status as a good football player, I was also growing in my body. By the time I graduated from high school, I was 6'2" and 235lbs, with 6.2% body fat. I continued to work out hard the summer between my high school and freshman year of college. The coach said I was actually in better shape than some of the juniors and seniors on his squad, so he was looking forward to be joining the team.

I, of course, had visited the campus before I decided to commit to the team. While visiting my senior year at the age of 18, I was introduced to many of the football players and also to the football house. It was a really nice house. I was surprised how well kept up the house was and how friendly most of the players were. I ended up staying a weekend on the campus and was told I could stay in the house with no problems. The one room that had 3 beds in it, one of the guys went home, so I was able to sleep in his bed. It was a blast to see campus not only for the scholarly events, but to also rub elbows with many of the guys on the team. Of course, the team wasn't in football season at the time, and so I was able to see and participate in the fun festivities of the party on a Saturday night. J That night was fun!

Now about me, I have always considered myself a pretty straight guy, but was always curious about gay sex.

That weekend night, nothing happened with me and the guys, and they hooked me up with a sorority chick. But, I did get to see many of the guys naked. Before the party happened, everyone was getting ready, taking showers, shaving, etc. So the bathrooms were quite busy. I was surprised, however, to see that most of the guys walked around naked around the house. I just figured, hey, they see each other naked in the showers after practice, etc., so it's probably pretty normal for them to be walking around the house that way. It amazed me how free they were with their sexuality. I was told that if I saw a towel on the door of our room, to not enter cause someone was probably having sex in the room. No problem, I thought, it wasn't that big of a deal.

The party was pretty amazing. There were a lot of girls there that night as well as pretty much the whole team, and some of their friends. I was given beer after beer. If my end was empty, another beer was in my hand quickly afterwards. So I met Amy, a junior, who was part of a sorority. We eventually through the night were flirting with each other and eventually had sex in the bedroom. After we were done, she said she had to go, and I, being in the drunken stupor I was in, decided to just look around the house some more.

As I was walking down the hallway, I noticed two doors that had towels on the handle. So I stood by the door and listened to the moans and groans coming from inside. I leaned on one of the doors and to my surprise, it opened slightly. So I decided to open the door some more and look inside and watch. I crawled on the floor and went by the closet. They seemed to be too into their activities to recognize that I had entered the room and was watching. I saw the guy on top pumping away pretty hard on the participant on the bottom. I did notice something was a little strange though. The girls' voice seemed to be a little low pitched than what most girls' voices would normally be. I watched the guy on top's muscular ass contract as he was deeply pushing in and pulling out of the person on the bottom. He then proceeded to pull the person on the bottom up and told her' that he wanted to do doggy style. That's when I noticed that the person on the bottom wasn't a girl at all. It was another guy.

I about freaked out. The guy on top had a huge cock. We're talking about 8 and a half inches, but was thick as could be. He was probably about 5'10 and 180ish. He was well muscled and I had seen him in the house a few times to know his name was Tim. The guy on the bottom I didn't recognize from the house, so I guessed he was from the team. Later I would find out his name was John. He was about 6' and 210, also fairly well muscled. John got into position and I watched as Tim entered him. John just moaned out and Tim said, "Shhhh... we can't let anyone else know... it would ruin my reputation!"

John seemed to be enjoying himself as Tim was pounding away on his ass. I could tell after about 10 minutes that Tim was getting ready to cum. His face was getting all tensed up and his body was also. What surprised me was when he pulled out of John and shot his load. When I saw shot his load, I mean, SHOT. His cum went all over John from head to lower back, some even going over John's head and landing on the dresser about two feet away. I sat mesmerized seeing Tim's load going everywhere, and also seeing Tim's cock hard and engorged for the very first time.

About two minutes later John pulled up and shot his load on the sheets. Tim seemed a little pissed at first but said he could just brush it off to the other guys that he didn't have a rubber and just decided to pull out and cum on the sheets.

After a couple minutes, Tim decided to get up off the bed and then discovered me. I tried to play off that I had actually passed out on his floor, because someone was in the room I was staying in with a girl. So I found the first open door and decided to crash. Tim seemed to think I was lying, but didn't say anything after that. He went out into the hallway and said he didn't see a towel on our door, so I should be good to go back into the room and pass out. I told him I was actually feeling a little better and could probably go down and party some more. He said he would walk down there with me. The whole time we were talking and such, he seemed to try to put himself between me and John as to try to block my view of John. I went downstairs with Tim and we had a few drinks together. He seemed to keep his eye on me the rest of the night.

At about 3am, the party started to wind down. Many of the football players were pairing up with sorority sluts or other chicks and walking upstairs. I went into the back yard to take a piss as the bathroom on this floor was currently occupied by a couple having fun. As I went outside, I realized I had a shadow following me. Yup, it was Tim. I moved to the edge of the yard which had all the bushes and pulled my cock out and started to piss, when who but Tim should show up right next to me and do the same. I tried my hardest to not look over at him, but I couldn't help sneaking a peek at his junk. He was about 5-1/2" soft. Wow, this guy had a nice body and a nice cock.

I think Tim saw me catch a peek and started to laugh. He pulled me aside after we were done pissing and asked if I liked the show upstairs. I looked at him with a strange face and said, "What?"

"I know what you were really doing in the room. You were watching me have sex."

"No," I said, "I told you, I passed out on your floor because someone was in my room. I didn't see you have sex. I didn't even know you were there."

"Right..." Tim said as he gave me the knowing look.

"Listen Tim, I don't know what you are talking about. I'm gonna head in and go to bed. I'm quite tired and drunk and really need to get some sleep before I head home tomorrow."

With that I walked past him and went into the house. Tim followed shortly afterwards. I saw John in the house talking to some slut and thought, if she only knew what he was up to a few hours earlier. He looked at Tim, and Tim shook his head as to say something to John, like "no".

I proceeded to make my way up the couple flights of stairs. The sounds of sex were filling the house as I went through each floor. I made may way down the hallway to my room and wouldn't you know it, there was a towel on the doorknob.

"SHIT" I said... "Now what I am going to do?" I just laid down on the floor and was getting ready to just pass out there. About two or three minutes later, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Tim.

"What are you doing out here?" he asked.

"Well, someone's having fun in the room and I was told to not disturb, so I decided to just pass out here."

"We can't have that for a new recruit. You can pass out in my room if you want."

Holy Shit! Did he just ask me to come into his room? Well, the floor was hard, and the lights were bright so after his insisting several times, I decided to just pass out on his carpeted floor. As I found my place on the floor that I was in before, Tim walked in behind me and was starting to disrobe.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Gonnna pass out here, I think"

"Naw, there's plenty of room on my bed. It's a king sized ya know. Besides, it's not like others haven't passed out here when their room was occupied."

Really? I thought. I continued to say no, the floor was fine, but Tim insisted that I just crash on his bed.

Finally after him literally lifting me up off the floor and throwing me on his bed, I decided I couldn't say no to him anymore. I took off my shirt and pants, but kept my shorts and boxers on. Yes, I wear shorts on top of my boxers and under my pants. Tim just started laughing.


"You really are going to sleep with shorts on?"

"I do it all the time." I said.

"Naw, just take them off. We're all guys here, it doesn't really matter." He was already down to his boxer briefs. The bulge of his package prominently displayed.

"Fine," I said, "but no funny stuff". I tried to say that jokingly, but in it, I think that told him I knew what happened early.

We both laid down on the bed, but I rolled over onto my right side, away from him, facing the wall. I started to fall asleep when I all of a sudden felt his arm come over me. His hand was on my stomach and his stomach was pressed against my back. I started to freak out a little bit. I could feel his breath on my neck and his crotch pressed up against my butt. I continued to pretend that I was still asleep, just to see what he would do. Nothing really happened at that time, so I decided it was ok for me to fall asleep.

I abruptly woke up at about 8am from a dream that someone was jerking me off. When I awoke, I noticed my dick was hard, my pants were wet, and realized I had just cum. The oddest part was, Tim's hand was still on my stomach, but was literally an inch away from my cock, and his had was covered with my jizz. The other thing I noticed was that his cock was fairly hard and was pressing in my butt.

After I stirred a little, Tim took his hand away from my stomach and brought it to his side. I then thought I heard him licking his hand. I turned around quickly to see indeed he had his hand up to his mouth and that he was wide awake. He turned back so that he was on his stomach. His boner was popped fairly large, with the head showing above the waistband of his boxer briefs. I couldn't take my eyes off of it.

"You can touch it if you want." Tim said.

"No, I'm not into that kind of stuff. What did you do to me last night?" I asked

"Well, your cock was hard and was touching my hand, so I figured I'd help you out a little."

"What?!?! Holy shit dude!" I somewhat yelled.

"Shhhhh... we can't wake anyone else up. " He then pulled his underwear down giving me full view of his cock and balls. It was definitely a nice sized cock and his balls were huge. "want to return the favor?"

"No dude, I told you, I'm not into that kind of stuff!" I was acting a little angry that he would take advantage of me like that.

"Suit yourself, I'm gonna take care of this then." And proceeded to put his hand around his cock and jerk it while I watched.

I was determined to not touch him, cause I didn't want him to know that I was curious. He kept telling me I could touch it if I wanted to, but I kept telling him no. I watched as he jerked his cock with his right hand, then his left. Then at times, he'd cup his balls with one of his hands and just jerk the tip of his cock. He surprised me when I saw him put a couple fingers into his ass. "Mmmm... that feels good." He moaned.

I was mesmerized by his actions. I couldn't turn away. I was hooked. He grabbed my head and tried to push it towards his cock. "No dude, it ain't happening. I'll watch, but that's it!" I said.

He said, "Ok, suit yourself, but just know, you are missing out on a good cock to suck."

About two minutes later, his body tensed up and he proceeded to shoot his load. Again, I was amazed at how much cum he produced. It shot all over his chest and stomach, some hitting him in the face and the wall behind him. What really surprised me was when he turned his cock towards me and a shot of cum landed on my face. I didn't know what to do, I just reared back and was like, "Dude, What the Fuck!?!"

He started laughing. He asked if I ever tasted another man's cum. I told him no. "Well, now is as good of time as any to try it out."

What the heck. I proceeded to wipe some of the cum with my finger and put it in my mouth. Wasn't what I was expecting. I had never even tried my own, let alone someone elses. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't my favorite thing in the world. He just started laughing. "Another one converted!!!" he said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Well, most guys wouldn't even be willing to try, but you did. I know you saw me and John earlier, cause I saw you watching. I just didn't say anything. Have you ever had sex with another man?" he asked.

"No." I said

"Are you curious?"

"I love having sex with girls, "I said, "but, I've always been curious about what it was like with another guy. I don't think I could have a guy fuck me though."

"Well, if you want, I'd let you fuck me."

"No," I said, "I don't think it's a good idea. Not today. I have to get ready to head home."

"Well, if you ever want to know what it's like, I'd like to be your first." Tim said. "Are you ever going to come back to the house before you start school?"

"Maybe?" I said, "I don't know for sure. It depends."

"Well, I'll be here this summer too. The house isn't usually full at that time. So, if you wanted to come and visit during the summer, it'd be awesome to have you come up and hang out with some of the guys. You could stay in my room, if you wanted. We'd just say you were staying in one of the empty rooms."

"I'll think about it."

I fell back asleep for a few hours. I woke up at 1pm. Tim was already out of the bed, but as I got up and started getting ready to head to the other room to get my stuff, Tim walked through the door, buck naked. He already had somewhat of a hard on going. "I was hoping you'd be awake when I came back." He said. "Want to take care of this for me?"

"Tim, I don't think I could, but I'd like to see you jack off again."

"Either you take care of it, or it's nothing." He said.

"Ok, maybe this summer I will get more courage to `help you out'." I said.

I walked out the door and to the room where my stuff was. The towel was still on the door. I knocked on it to see if anyone was still in there.

The door opened and it was Mike, the starting Running back. HOLY SHIT This guy was BUILT! And I mean, every muscle was HUGE!

"I need to get my stuff so I can head home Mike... do you mind?"

"No man, come on in."

The room reeked of sex. I tried not to look, but I saw this cute girl on his bed, naked, and passed out.

"Nice going Mike!" I said.

"Thanks, yeah, she wore me out" He said.

I was a little surprised that he made no attempt to cover himself. His cock just dangled down about 6 inches and he had low hanging balls too. He just sat on the other bed and talked to me a little as I was gathering my things.

"So, what do you think? Do you think you'd like to live in the football house when you come to campus?"

"Hell yeah!" I said, "I don't think I'd miss that for the world!"

"Great, " said Mike," I think we'd love to have you live here. I know Tim really likes you a lot and I think you'd be a great roommate to have in the house. I know quite a few of the girls said they really wanted to get into your pants last night!"

"Hahaha. Well, that'd just be an extra bonus, right?" I said.

"You betcha!" Said Mike, "I get different girls about 3-4 times a week. They know you play football and they want your cock!"

I just laughed and started gathering my things.

"Where'd you stay last night? I'm sorry for hogging up the room." Mike asked.

"It's ok, I just passed out on Tim's floor." I said

Mike just gave me a quizzical look. "Really? Only on his floor?" he asked.

"Yeah, he saw me passed out on the floor in the hallway and said his floor was carpeted, so it might be more comfortable." I said.

"Ahh, ok." Said Mike.

I could tell by the look on his face though, he knew Tim and I had slept on his bed.

"Are you staying here this summer?" I asked.

"Naw, only about 3 or 4 guys stay here. It's pretty dead to be honest. A Lot of the guys go home, cause once practice starts, we all have to be here. We're usually here about 4 weeks before school starts. Spring practice starts Monday, that's why it was so crazy here last night."

"Ahh, ok. I was just wondering on who would all be here."

"If you want to stay in the house, let me know, cause I am the housing coordinator. I would be willing to live in a double with you next year if you'd be interested." Mike said.

"Hell yeah dude. I'll get my mom to send a check as a down payment. When can I move in?"

"Well, you can move in as early as this summer if you'd like."

"I'll have to talk to the parents, but I think it'd be awesome to move in this summer. Get a part time job somewhere, and just have fun." I said.

"Alright. The room right above us on the 3rd floor is a double. It's huge and is really nice. I'll save that for you and me for next year roomie!"

"Sounds good Mike." I said, "Look forward to it."

"Alright! If you don't move in this summer, be here by August 2nd. That's a week before fall practice starts. We usually have a big party that Thursday, and it'll help you get used to being here before practice starts. Once practice starts, be prepared to go through hell man!"

"Sounds good Mike. I better let you get back to your lady friend over there." I said. As he got up, I noticed his cock and balls again. I thought Tim was big, holy macaroni, Mike was friggin huge! I saw him walk away from me and noticed his wide body that tapered down to a nice tight ass and then huge legs. "What am I thinking ??" I asked.

I got my things together and made my way out of the room. Mike's lady was waking up and I noticed she grabbed his cock as I was walking through the room towards the door. Lucky girl,I thought as I walked out the door.

"This is going to be quite interesting." I thought as I headed in my car back to my home.

(alright everyone... this is part 1 of potentially many. I have a few other experiences to tell you about for sure. Will Tim and me get together? Will I have any experiences with Mike? Keep watch for more posts. Feedback is always welcome.)

Next: Chapter 2

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