
By Pris G

Published on Dec 5, 2002

A few days later, Lance went into JC's hotel room to ask him if he wanted to go out for dinner since they had the night off. JC was sitting, his forehead on his lyrics book which was on top of his desk, his guitar on his lap and a pencil in his hand, and, really, he looked adorable. He also looked like he had fallen asleep and even if Lance thought it wasn't very comfortable to sleep like that he wouldn't wake JC up, he deserved the rest. He was about to turn around and go back out when JC lifted his head and turned to look at him, "Hey, C. Thought you were sleeping." Lance smiled as he approached JC. "That would probably turn out to be more productive actually." JC sighed as he put his guitar aside and rubbed his face before trying to relieve the tension on his neck. "What's wrong, C?" Lance asked as he knelt down by JC's chair and rubbed JC's back, trying to help relax the muscles that were obviously way too tense. "I can't write," JC said softly and Lance knew it had to be killing him. If there was something JC loved more than sleeping, that something was his music, "In the last week I've been able to write, oh, three verses of a song and really they suck," he completed as he looked down at his hands on his lap, "I mean... Writing has never been difficult before. Sure, sometimes the lyrics that I create are really bad and I'd never dare showing them to anyone, not even to my mother, but they always come, you know? It's like they flow out of my head just like that." He snapped his fingers, "And now it seems like I've forgotten any English I might have known up until last week." "You're going through a bad phase, C. Don't be so tough on yourself." "But my music is my outlet, Lance! It's my therapy, my shrink, my drug, my addiction! And now that has been taken away from me too!" JC's voice rose, despair clearly evident on every word. Lance was actually glad to see that. It was the most emotional he had seen JC in weeks, months even. "If you start crying I'll tickle you!" Lance threatened him and, after a minute, it actually got a chuckle from JC. "I'm trying to be serious here!" "And I'm tired of being serious! C'mon, let's go out for dinner, order the most expensive thing we can find, preferably something that has a lot of fat in it, then we'll order the biggest hot fudge sundae ever and pig out on it. What do you say?" "Just the two of us?" "Yup." "And you'll let me choose which ice cream flavors we'll get?" "As I'm feeling really generous today, yeah, I'll let you." "And I get to eat the cherry?" JC grinned. "Now you're pushing your luck, young man!" Lance poked his ribcage and JC squirmed as he laughed, "We'll just have to get two cherries then. Hell, we'll buy all the cherries they have there. So, we going?" "Just give me ten minutes to change." JC stood up from his chair and Lance cheered. "Yes! But, C, ten minutes? If I know you, it'll be at least 25 before you decide on what you're gonna wear!" Lance snickered "Well, you could always go by yourself..." JC grinned slyly. "Nah, I got all the time in the world." Lance grinned back as he plopped down on the couch, "Night off and all, ya know?" He completed and JC chuckled, "Go prettify yourself," he said as he turned to the TV, turning it on. "Lance?" JC asked as Lance channel-surfed, causing the blonde to turn his head back in JC's direction. "Yeah?" "Thanks." JC smiled a bit and Lance shooed him away with a smile that turned up into a full-on grin when JC went into his bedroom and Lance turned back to the TV. Yeah, man, he rocked. TBC... I hope I'm able to post more soon! My life's been crazy, my back is killing me, this end of semester has been the worst of all since I got into university but, hey, it's December already! WOOHOO! By the end of next week I'll be free from school for months! *jumps up and down* Ow, my back...

Next: Chapter 7

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