Following Father's Footsteps

By Amy Redek

Published on Mar 4, 2014


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The story is for those of eighteen years or over. All comments, good or bad will be answered.

Part six.

`Hello father.'

Hello son.' He replied as we shook hands. You've brought a friend?'

`Yes sir. May I introduce Edward Rover. Eddie, meet my father, Sir Ralph Fontaine, Earl of Arras.' You should have seen Eddie's face at hearing this.

Earl?' Eddie exclaimed, the look on his face was a picture as he turned his head to see the smile on my face. He quickly turned back to take the proffered hand of my father and shake it. I'm sorry sir. How do you do? Richard never told me.'

`Richard?' Father asked, now looking at me.

`Well with both of us being named Edward, it could be confusing, so I gave him my middle name. Though he prefers to be called Eddie,' I told him.

`Well you're still Edward to me if your friend is Eddie,' he said, and paused as there was a knock on the door.

Enter,' he called out and it was Mary, one of the maids bringing in a tray of coffee which she placed on a big table near the window. Thank you Mary,' he said, and she gave a curtsey and left the room, closing the door behind her.

`I asked for the coffee father, needing a cup after three hours driving. Would you like a cup?'

`Please. Black, no sugar,' he said, and I poured out three cups for us.

`How long have you known Edward Eddie?' he asked.

`Er, nearly three years now sir,' he replied, taking his cup and saucer from me.

`Do you sleep together?' he asked. A direct question that we both answered at the same time. No from Eddie and yes from me, getting an alarmed look from Eddie when I contradicted him, his coffee cup almost spilling as his hand shook.

I thought so,' father chuckled. It's in the genes. Like father, like son. Let's sit down and you can tell me how you've been getting along down south.'

So we went and sat down on the big sofa while he went and sat in his chair opposite us. I told him of how we met and that he was turning to be good both with football and horses.

`I feel sorry for you Eddie at losing your parents at such an early age. You like living with Edward?'

`Yes sir. He was so kind to take care of me after I walked out from the foster home I had been in.'

`How long was it before you, er, became really acquainted,' father asked.

Since he turned eighteen,' I got in before Eddie spoke. He said that he loved me and so that night I took him into my bed.' I looked at Eddie who was rather red in the face and me having put it so bluntly with us only having been in the Hall for less than half an hour. `You should know what it was like father.'

I do,' he chuckled, but that finished when I married your mother. She was quite pleased when I told her you would be paying us a visit.'

`I hope you don't mind, but I've already asked my old school friend Thomas to come over next week. You remember Thomas Hawkins?'

`Yes. And from the backstairs gossip, more than just a school friend,' he said and it was my turn to blush, not knowing that he knew that when Thomas had last visited the Hall that we had been lovers and slept together.

`Er, he's also bringing a friend with him,' I said.

`So it'll be a foursome then. Well it'll be nice to have some youngsters about the place for a change. Well you'd better go and see your mother who no doubt has been told that you've arrived. We'll talk again during dinner.'

With that, Eddie and I put our cups back on the tray and left the study to go and find my mother to introduce Eddie. James had been waiting outside the study and didn't have to be told where we were going and led us straight to the reception room where mother was waiting, opening the door for us to enter.

She looked up and smiled from where she was sitting on the sofa, and I went over and gave her a kiss. `Hello mother,' I said.

`Welcome home Edward. We've missed you,' she said, patting the sofa to one side of where she was sitting.

Before I sat down, I introduced Eddie, who shook her hand saying it was a pleasure to meet her, and she patted the sofa on the other side of her. I gave Eddie a small push for him to sit down, which he did as I then sat down too.

`So you are Edward's partner?' she asked him. Mother had always been rather blunt at taking the bull by the horns. Eddie blushed and nodded his head.

`You love him?'

`Yes ma-am,' his voice almost a whisper.

`I shouldn't wonder. He is rather handsome and I've always known of his proclivities, so there's no need to be ashamed. Love doesn't have any boundaries,' which I think was a lovely way of putting the truth that we had male sex. She wanted to know how we met etc. and so for half an hour told her, though declining to be explicit in our relationship.

A gong in the hall sounded and mother stood up. `Lunch is ready,' she said, and led us out to the dining room where only three places had been laid out.

`Isn't father dining?' I asked.

`No. He seldom has lunch now and only has breakfast and dinner,' she said as her chair was pulled out by James for her to sit down and so we had Mary giving us lunch being supervised by James. I went on to tell her that Thomas and his friend had been invited the next week which didn't faze her at all, saying almost the same as father that it would be nice to have some young people in the Hall again.

After lunch, I asked mother's permission for us to leave the table. Good manners had been drummed into me when I was a child. With the answer being yes, we left after thanking James for a delicious lunch, and I took Eddie up to my old room that would be ours whilst staying there. It looked just the same as when I left it, though it had been cleaned at the knowledge that I would be arriving.

`Wow. This sure is some bedroom. Why on earth didn't you tell me that your father had the title of Earl?' Eddie demanded.

I didn't think it necessary, besides, it might have put you off from being both my friend and lover,' I told him as I went and sat on the bed, patting the cover for him to sit down next to me. This he did and I turned and pushed him onto his back and kissed him. I wanted you to want me as you saw me. Not being an heir to this estate sometime in the future. I hope that it's not putting you off me now, for tonight we'll be sleeping in this bed and I hope that you still love me enough for us to show that love when we do retire after dinner.'

I was fumbling with the zipper on his trousers as I had been speaking and managed to open the front and now had my hand inside to find and pull out his cock that was getting harder and harder in my hand as I rubbed it.

I would rather you had been a King,' Eddie said, giving me a peck on the nose, for I could then be your Queen. Now if you keep doing what you are doing with your hand, I'm going to cum over the pair of us.'

Well we don't want it over us, do we now,' I said, slipping off the bed and moving between his legs and lifting his cock into an erect position. For I would rather have it inside me than over me,' and took the head of his cock into my mouth and began to suck and tease it with my tongue, making him give out a shiver as I caught the G string. He also gave out a groan as I worked on his erection with both mouth and hand and felt his thighs stiffen just before he unloaded his cum into my mouth.

Oh Richard, my Earl, my King,' he sighed at releasing his seed and stroked the hair of my head. Your Queen now wants to take in your sceptre or sword, whichever.' I released him to let his still hard cock bounce up against his trouser front and stood up before pulling him up from the bed so that I could kiss him and pass over some of his sperm that I held back in my mouth. He nearly choked on receiving it, this being the first time that we did this.

`How would you like my sword? In the mouth or your scabbard.'

Well as I can't have it both ways at once,' he giggled, use the scabbard and fuck my addled brains out. You might even be giving me your heir,' and giggled again as he released his trousers and kicked them off his feet to turn round and lean over on the bed, presenting me with the sight that I loved seeing. I'd already pulled off my trousers at the same time as he had and now had my erection sticking out from my groin with an upward tilt to it. I spat onto my hand and rubbed the saliva over the head and then moved forward and put the head to the portal of his ass and leaned forward and over him as I entered his ass, to a small cry at the brief pain he had at the widening of the entrance.

I lay on his back for a minute or two, feeling it throb inside that tight orifice, kissing the back of his neck. I didn't lift myself up as was normal, but began to move my hips while still laying on his back, my cock moving nicely inside him, getting more pressure round the whole length of my cock as I fuck him in this position.

I managed to work my hand up under his shoulders for me to then get a good grip of them and really began to ram myself into him as he grunted at every forward thrust and then gave out little squeals of delight as I began shuddering on top of him as I unloaded my cum into his backside. Empty of semen and almost of breath, still laid there, taking in deep breaths of air to fill my lungs before I could move at all. That was to slowly lift myself up from his back, the front of my shirt sticking to me with the sweat that covered my chest, and was then able to move back, my cock slowly leaving him to small cries from him as it did so.

`It's not a wash now that I need but a shower,' I said as I moved off towards the bathroom on wobbly legs, pulling my shirt off at the same time and dropping it on the floor and kicking off my shoes before I went in and got under the shower, and only realising then that I was still wearing my socks. I stood there for a few moments, letting the spraying water wash off some of the sweat from my body as Eddie then came in and joined me. Not literally, but to be there to then wash my slowly deflating cock, using both hands to clean me though in effect, still keeping my cock fairly hard. Well hard enough for him not to be able to take the whole length into his mouth as he had slipped down onto his knees to suck on me. I would have loved to have had more sperm inside my balls to give him their contents as he sucked and gently chewed on me, not seeming to be bothered with the water cascading down on him.

After our shower, we dried ourselves and then walked naked back into my bedroom where we got back onto the bed to kiss and cuddle as well as fondling as much as we could reach. Now bringing his cock into an outstanding position, rolled over and got up onto my knees for him to see to me. It was a dream from many years ago to be on or in my own bed and having someone fucking me, and now that dream had come true as Eddie reamed my backside and ultimately giving me his cum, and not a small amount either. What a sensation that ran through me later at dinner in having his cum slowly oozing itself out from my backside as I sat at the table. But it was a joy to be there, on my bed and having him fuck me, knowing that later that night I would be doing the same to him again.

We didn't realise how fast the afternoon had passed and it was only on hearing the gong sound once told me that we had just one hour to shower and get dressed for dinner. With us both now being clean from the shower, I rummaged through the huge wardrobe that was in the room, holding all my old clothes, for me to find a dinner suit that fitted Eddie. But under the starch collar, I had to see to his bow tie, the first time he'd every worn one, but he was presentable and we went down at the sound of the gong again for a glass of wine in the lounge before moving in for dinner.

They must have changed their cook, for the meal was far better that I used to eat in the Hall, and it was a delight not having to cook for myself and Eddie, and he said later that it was the best meal he'd ever eaten. After this, we returned to the lounge for coffee and a brandy, father having a cigar, the only one he was allowed to smoke after dinner, none of us others smoking at all. After a decent period in there, I beg that we be forgiven in not staying down any longer, saying that I would be showing Eddie over the estate and the castle the next day, so we said our goodnights and retired to our bedroom.

Needless to say, we fucked and sucked each other till we fell asleep.

The maid woke us up at seven o'clock, bringing in coffee for two, not turning a hair at seeing the two of us in the same bed and announcing breakfast would be in one hour. So we didn't have time for any sex between us, finishing our coffee and having our shower, then finding some casual clothes for us both to wear from breakfast. This was always held in a smaller dining room than that where we had dinner, for it was more of a help yourself from the table laden with different covers over the heated food. You name it and it was there. Kippers, kedgeree, sausages, fried eggs as well as poached, bacon, fried potatoes, toast and all sorts of the accoutrements that made up the breakfast.

Mary served us coffee, or tea, whichever was preferred, and saw that we had enough to eat, refilling the platters if need be, but with only four of us eating, what was there was enough.

I thanked Mary and James for another delightful meal and took Eddie out with me to go out to the stables where I had two horses saddled for us to then take a canter round the estate. I showed him the Folly down by the lake, which we would be using later after Thomas and Max had arrived, but not saying what would happen whilst in there. This had been built by one of my grandfathers for him to sleep in the night before he did some fishing. A bit of an eccentric really, for he would have his meals for that day fishing, brought down to him.

I then led Eddie up to Fontaine Castle that was now in the hands of the National Trust, for the family had moved out over a century ago, having Fontaine Hall built from some of the remains of Marchand Castle. We pulled up at the big gates at the entrance to the castle to get the keeper, him knowing me, to open the gates to let us in. There were certain days that it was open to the public, but this wasn't one of them. These gates were really modern though the wall that they were attached to, were the original walls before the Keep. The other outer wall having long since disappeared. Leaving the horses at the foot of the steps up into the Keep, I then took Eddie round the inside and told him of the history that we knew of.

Next: Chapter 7

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