Flying Blind

By Stephen Phelps

Published on Aug 6, 2006


Disclaimer: I do not know, nor do I claim to know any of the celebrities that may wander through these pages, and I do not know, or therefore mean to imply any knowledge of their personal lives or their sexual preferences. This is a work of fiction. The character of Caleb is my own creation. If you are under 18 years of age, or it is illegal for you to be reading this where you live, or you are bothered by the idea of a homo-erotic relationship between one or more men, then you better go find something else to read on another website.

Hey everyone, I'm back! July was the month from hell!! First off, my old computer decided to go crazy, and take everything contained therein along for the ride! Luckily, I was able to get a few things rescued from the old hard- drive, such as my old documents, photo's, and my outlook express address book! Then after I got my brand- spanking-new computer, I found myself with a case of writers block! When it finally started to disapate, what I discovered coming to the front of my brain was not Michael and Jake, but a new character named Caleb who was demanding to have his story told. It became obvious that Caleb was not going to leave me alone until I wrote something for him, so here it is, a sneek-peek at a new story, Flying Blind........

Caleb woke up to the smells of coffee brewing and bacon and eggs cooking, which could only mean one thing---Bridget was there. Bridget was practically a member of a family. At the age of sixteen, Bridget had left her home and family in Scotland, and emigrated to the United States before the end of the war, where she found employment doing primarily domestic work. In 1968, she answered an advertisement from a woman looking for a housekeeper to do the household chores, thus freeing her to look after her newborn son. Bridget had met with Callie Stephens and her husband and found them to be a wonderful young couple. She reported to work the very next day. and hab been with the family ever since. Ten years later, Caleb came along and Michael took his new role of older brother quite seriously. After that, Bridget went to working for the Stephens family six days a week, an arrangement which suited everyone just fine.

Then, in 1997, the unthinkable happened. Caleb was on a graduation trip with his parents when there was a horrible accident. When Caleb finally woke up in the hospital, three days later, Michael was holding one hand, Bridget the other, as they told him that he had survived the accident, but their parents had not. The first thing Caleb had asked was when were they going to take the bandages off his eyes.....Michael abruptly excused him- self, and came back several moments later with the doctor. I seemed that the head trauma that had cause the mini-coma, had also left Caleb blind.

After much rehabilitation, and retraining, and alot of hard work on everyone's parts, Caleb had learned to read braille, and many other things. He literally knew his way around the house in the dark without so much as bumping into a single piece of furniture, and he even had a guide dog, a female german shephard named Sheila.

Getting out of bed, Caleb went over to the closet and slid the doors open. He felt along the hangers until he found a pair of jeans and pilled them off the hanger and then felt for a shirt. He pulled a white long sleeved shirt off the hanger and draped both over his arm. going back to his bed, he felt his way around the bed and then made his way to the dresser, where he pulled out some underwear, and then he turned and headed back the way he had come, this time crossing the room to the door. Pausing, he turned his head slightly and said, "Come on girl."

Caleb was twenty-seven years old. He stood five foot seven with blond hair that was a bit on the long side, and pale blue eyes. He had a nice, toned build, which he was proud of.

Heading down the hall, Caleb, went into the bathroom, where he stripped down and stepped into the shower. After drying off and getting dressed, he headed down the hall toward the kitchen.

"Good morning, Mr. Caleb."

"Good morning, Bridget, is Michael here?"

"No dear, he's alredy left."

"Hmmm. Would it be possible to catch a ride into town later with you?"

"Well of course! Where did you need to go?"

"I think I'll keep that a secret for now...."

"Mmmmm, well, alright...Don't tell an old woman then...."

"You'll find out tonight at dinner. I assume Karen is coming over tonight?"

"Yes, your brother did mention something along those lines."

"Good, I'll tell all tonight at dinner...."

That night as Bridget was just putting the finishing touches on a salad, Michael was manning the grill. Bridget and Karen had just come out on the patio. Caleb had decided that it was now or never.

"Now that the ladies are present, I'd like to make a toast and an announcement. First to Michael and Karen....I'm very happy for the two of you. When you first started seeing my big brother, my first thought was, 'he's not good enough for her' ".

"Ha-ha, very funny, little brother," Michael said. "Just for that, Sheila gets your steak!"

"However, it didn't take me long to realize what a perfect fit you two are for each other, and now I don't think I could imagine what our little family would be like without you. I'm proud and honored that you're going to be my sister."

"Aaww, that's so sweet, thanks Caleb," Karen said as she gave him a hug.

"And now for my announcement. You guys can set a date without having to worry about me."

"What?" Michael exclaimed.

"Come on Michael, I may be blind, but I'm not stupid! I know that you and Karen have put off getting married out of some misguided sense of duty, or something, but I'm telling you, you don't have to put it off any longer."

"And just why is that, little brother?"

"Because I'm moving out."

Well, there it is! Let me know what y'all think! Now that I've told some of Caleb's story, I think he will let me be so I can get on with Michael and Jake. I can be reached by email at or I also have 3 IM's. Yahoo and MSN ID's are both twains_fan_03 and AIM is now guyoregon8. Feedback is both encouraged and welcomed.


Next: Chapter 2

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