Flushing Bookstore

By El Gato

Published on Nov 23, 2020


I have no idea how I made it home. It was all such a blur. I remember sitting in my shower and letting the water fall over me. I fell into bed and tossed and turned all night. I kept waking up to images of cock and piss and being used and tossed around like a rag doll. My morning was foggy but I was able to get up and dressed and get myself out the door. I went through the motions at work and by noon, my asshole started to throb from all the abuse and I downed a couple or Tylenols and told my boss I was not feeling well and went home. As I walked up to my apartment door I noticed a package. Weird, I did not order anything. I pick it up and immediately notice that while it was an Amazon box, there was no writing on it except my first name. I put the box on my kitchen table and cut the tape. I opened the box and the first thing that I see on top is a suction cup dildo. Not huge or anything. The box said 6" and it looked so realistic. Next I found a garter belt, stockings, panties, 3 different plugs and a chastity cage. There was an envelope at the bottom of the box and as soon as I opened it, my heart sank. Pictures of me getting abused at the video store. There must have been 20 of them. The note attached was just as shocking. You are a pretty girl and pretty girls deserve pretty things. You will insert the small plug into your pussy immediately and by Sat you are to come with the big plug in your pussy. You will immediately put on the cage and you will wear it at all times, the same for your new uniform. To make sure you follow these instructions from now on someone will drive you to and from work. You will do as you are told by the driver. We are watching you. I was totally freaking out. Can they really do this. As I sat there in shock my cell phone pinged and I did not recognize the number. When I opened the text, it was a pic of me, with a cock clearly buried in my ass and in my throat and me with a raging hard-on. I mean you could even see the little droplets of pre-cum dripping from it. The message just said, do I want everyone at work to see this? I had 1 min to insert the small plug and send a pic showing it. I dropped my pants in a panic and forgetting to get even a little spit on the plug, shoved it straight into my still tender hole. I take the pic and send it. Withing seconds the response only said to be outside my building and ready for work at 6:30am. I got zero sleep that night but at 6:30, there I was in front of my building, dressed for work and wearing my special outfit underneath. A really nice town car with dark tinted windows pulls up and the rear window opens. There are 2 older Asian gentlemen inside. One gets out and holds the door for me to get in between them. As I get in, I feel his hand on my ass guiding me into the car. He gets in and said something in Chinese and they all laughed. Don't worry white devil he said, I told the guys that she is wearing panties and is ready for us. Their hands started roaming my body almost instantly. My shirt was unbuttoned and removed and my pants soon followed. Within minutes I was down to my sexy new outfit. They shifted me forward so that my head was wedged in between the 2 front seats and my ass was sticking straight back, giving them both easy access. The driver turned up the music and then grabbed me by the hair so that I could not move. The first strike was so unexpected that I actually heard the slap, long before I heard myself yell out in pain. The men proceeded to alternate between spanking my ass and playing with the plug. I was blubbering like an infant and begging for them to stop but they just continued and called me names. Finally I felt the plug yanked out of me and the driver let go of my hair, which sent me flying onto the back seat and I collapsed. The break was shortlived as the dirty plug was shoved into my mouth and I was lifted and shifted around so that I was squatting directly behind the driver and sitting on top of the passenger lap. His cock slides right in without even a struggle from me. My asscheeks were on fire so if I slowed down in bouncing my ass on his cock, a slap got my attention real quick. He made me fuck myself on his cock until I heard him grunting and felt his load being deposited inside me. When he was done he repositioned me so I was now squatting over his friend's cock and again I was lowered and made to bounce on it. Again I was fucked silly and when I felt him tense up and start to shoot his load I was so glad that it was over. This time I was not moved after he was done and just as I was starting to wonder why, I felt it...... He was pissing inside of me. When he finished, he ripped the plug from my mouth and quickly replaced his cock with the plug. I was then placed between them again and they took turns grabbing me by the hair and making me clean their cocks and balls. Once they were satisfied, they said something to the driver in Chinese and it looked like he started to head to my job. When we got a few blocks from my job, the car pulled over and I was let out of the car. As I turned to start walking, the man yelled at me that the ride was not free and that I was required to also properly thank the driver. His cock was the biggest and he raped my mouth like an animal. When he was done he told me to get my white sissy ass out of the car and to be ready for pickup after work at the same place. I started limping towards work. The last thing they told me was that I was not allowed to let their cum or piss out of my ass until I got to the office and I was to lick the plug clean before putting it back in my pussy. My cock was struggling to get hard in the cage and I was soaking my panties in pre-cum. I hope I don't stain my pants.

Part 3 Back to the bookstore Coming soon

Next: Chapter 3

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