Floating Sex Shop

By Gay Sailor

Published on Nov 2, 2023


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Chapter 3: Move in Day

Our shower ended up sensual but didn't turn into round 2 for the day (yet at least...)- we decided to save that for our trophy for the day after moving in. We still helped clean each other and of course teased each other's dicks and asses, but ultimately cleaned ourselves up and got on with the day. Ian made a quick trip for coffee and breakfast to bring back to the boat as I made sure everything was in order for our deliveries for the day and prepping for the projects to come.

Thankfully Ian returned before the work really started so we could get our caffeine fix and some food in our stomachs to fuel us for the day. We scarf down some breakfast sandwiches and cappuccinos when thankfully our first delivery arrives- all the galley supplies so we can start on round 2 of caffeine for the day! As soon as the coffee is made, I continue to put away the galley supplies finding the perfect home for every pan, dish, and glass, as Ian meets the next shipment of the rest of our clothes and belongings that he at least gets the boxes and bags to the master cabin- even if he takes 5 breaks to distract and tease me to make my little dick strain in my cage before he starts unpacking.

By mid- morning the Florida summer humid heat is hard to battle -- even with the boat's air conditioning we were soon taking our shirts off as we worked and not long after I stripped my shorts off to just my speedo as I ran around the boat putting things away and cleaning up. Some of the neighbors on the dock gave me a strange look when I was out on deck or on the dock grabbing more stuff to bring on board -- but I'm used to it and take everything with humor of course. I find it particularly funny how uncomfortable straight white guys get around gay guys much less, gay couples when their wearing next to nothing and one has a funny looking bulge in his speedo- they try to force themselves not to stare- but they keep staring! It helps that we have a bit of an exhibitionist side as well.

We worked through lunch as we were making good progress until we felt like we were almost done with all our personal belongings that made the boat our home. We took a mid- afternoon quick break to cool down and take a dip in the water and do some washing on the exterior of the boat but it really ended up being just spraying each other with the hose, both of us just in our speedos as the neighbors looked on. Some in disgust but most were entertained by our somewhat childish shenanigans- but hey gotta have fun in life! We dried off quickly in the Florida sun quickly after the last spray of the water war had ended and right as the UPS driver showed up with our last round of boxes for the day.

I step down to the dock to sign for them and when I see what this shipment is the bulge in my speedo starts growing as I strain in my cage- it's our first round of toys and gear for the business side of our operation. It didn't hurt that he delivery guy was kinda cute too and seemed to take an interest in what was going on behind the small amount of material I was wearing.

"Say, what do you guys got in all these boxes and how are you going to fit it all on your boat?" he asked.

"Oh, we're good at cramming things into small places," Ian quickly retorted with a smirk on his face and a wink to me as I looked back over my shoulder at him.

"We're stocking the boat with merchandise of the erotic kind so we can travel around and show guys how to use them and then they can buy what they like. If you're interested, we can be setup and show you around later tonight or tomorrow." I explained with my own flirtation finishing with a wink.

"Oh... wow... well... I mean you guys are... but I'm... not..."

"Gay?" Ian finished for the poor guy now completely awkward stumbling over every work and thought, trying to avoid looking at us but he couldn't resist.

After a moment of silence and watching him squirm I reach out to grab the pen out of his front shirt pocket and then reach for his hand. I write our phone number down.

"Well when you make up your mind if you want to give it a try- here's our number or just stop by, you know where to find us."

And with that he gave us a slight sliver of a smile and I could see his shorts getting tighter in the front before he turned to head back up the dock with his hand truck. Showed a fine-looking ass too.

"Think he'll be back?" Ian asked as he handed me a box to take on board.

"Oh yeah he will, did you see how he was looking at me and my speedo?"

"Fair enough- I guess I could let you suck him."

"We'd be doing him a favor; you know I'd turn him gay." We both laughed as we got the last boxes into the salon and started to open them to take a look at all our new toys and figure out how to organize everything.

The rough plan was that everything would be normally stowed in the forward guest cabin where we could take clients when it's only 1 or 2 of them at a time, but for bigger parties, we would bring things out to the salon, or on deck for when we were in secluded anchorages or rafted up for bigger parties. We had a bit of everything- anal toys of all shapes and sizes: beginner to expert, dildos, flesh jacks, cock rings, chastity devices, whips, restraints, hoods, harnesses, everything. And of course: gallons of lube.

I grabbed a handful of hangers and started hanging up all the gear- body suits of latex, spandex, neoprene, etc -- of course I made sure we got a bunch of clip on hangers for all the jocks, thongs, and briefs as well. Then me being OCD, of course I had to organize them by color to form as close to a rainbow as possible! Handling the gear and thinking of both Ian and that hot delivery guy wearing them had be slightly strained and drippy. Of course, I'd be a lot more horned up unpacking the anal toys that Ian was handling and organizing in the drawers on the other side of the cabin. My ass would be gaping open waiting for those big chunks of rubber to penetrate. Just as I was in a daze imagining all of that with by back to Ian, he comes from behind me and whips a gag into my mouth.

"Don't worry Trevor, just relax and open your mouth- don't resist. Then get ready to drink." Ian whispered in my ear as he secured the gag behind my head and then put his hands on my shoulders to turn me around to face him.

He kisses me on the cheek above the urinal of the Ox-Balls piss gag and then puts his hands back on my shoulders pushing my down to my knees. I barely made it to my knees before he had his semi hard cock out the leg hole of his speedo and slapping it in my face before taking aim and letting his piss flow. I heard it hitting the sides of the urinal portion and just barely started tasting it when the phone started ringing on the bed.

"Shit, right as I was finally able to relieve myself" Ian cursed as he stopped his stream and held his dick in his hand as he went to answer to phone.

He answered and then gave me a strange look and just said on the phone: "I'll be right up, gotta piss?" before he hung up. "Turns out you were right... the delivery guy is back for his session. Don't move a muscle, I'll be right back and you can finish my drink and probably have another as well."

He smirked as he tucked his now raging hard on back into his speedo forming a very distinguishable image of his beautiful cock. Then he turned his back to show off his ass as he walked out of the cabin to greet our first guest/ customer.

I sat back on my knees still savoring the taste of his piss that I got so far and was anxiously awaiting finishing his load and hopeful that Ian would get the delivery guy to piss into the gag too. I had planned a less direct entry point for him, but hey might as well just dive into the deep end and hope we don't scare him off.

I heard the salon door open, some undistinguishable chatting, and then the door close again. They didn't seem to be rushing down here though... some more small talk... all I can think about is getting those cocks back here to empty their piss into me.

I finally hear footsteps and they're getting closer as the voices are getting louder and I can finally distinguish Ian telling him: "look as an alpha with a dedicated beta slut, I can just whip out my dick and he'll drink the piss right out of me and then give the best head you can imagine... watch. You remember Trevor right? He's a massive slut and loves cock and everything that comes out of it. That's a piss funnel he's wearing it- I can just walk right up, whip out my dick and he'll drink it all!"

Of course, as he's saying it, he's doing it whipping his big hard juicy cock out the leg hole of his speedo again and opening up an even more powerful stream than he had started before being interrupted. As I started getting on pace swallowing again, I looked over to our guest who's jaw dropped and was in awe of what he was seeing. He's out of his work uniform by now, wearing short shorts and a tank top looking cute AF and while he was shocked- he was also getting into what he was seeing. His had was just resting on his package, but soon started caressing himself. As Ian's stream kept flowing strong and I kept swallowing.

Ian notices me looking towards our guest and then apologizes: "oh forgive me for not introducing you two yet- Brendan, meet slut; slut meet Brendan!"

Brendan then steps forward and timidly says: "Uhh.. nice to meet you... slut?"

"No no Brenan, that's no way to greet a slut. You greet a slut by whipping out your cock and asserting your dominance." Ian coached him as I got excited to finally see this cock I had big hopes for.

Ian's stream started slowing now and I was hoping to be able to catch my breath between streams as Brendan (now that I know his name) takes Ian's coaching and tries to imitate him by pulling his dick out the leg hole of his short shorts and underwear. It's another delicious looking cock that I can't wait to taste -- I see Ian instantly comparing dick sizes (as alpha's always seem to do [insert eye roll])- Brendan's not quite as big, which I could see Ian was relieved about, but still a really great dick.

As soon as his dick's out he starts stroking it a bit and Ian finishes his piss and tells Brendan to slap my face with his dick a little first and then take aim and let his piss flow.

I enjoy the little love tap of his dick on my face around the gag- he'll have to work on that whole dick slapping thing... but then he rests his dick in the funnel and opens up his stream as I start swallowing. His piss is stronger but I keep up swallowing without gagging. I look up and see Brendan looking down as we make eye constant and I can see him starting to enjoy himself. He grabs my head to hold himself steady as he continues to piss and smile at how in control he feels.

In the meantime, Ian disappeared for a minute -- I can only imagine what he's planning on next.

Brendan's stream slows and he shakes every last drop out of his dick into the funnel as I finish lapping it all up and he starts stroking his cock as Ian reappears with that devious smile on his face again as always and now sans speedo; completely naked.

"Feel better now Brendan?" Ian inquires as he approaches and takes Brendan's cock in his hand for a minute sizing him up again.

"Oh yes very good, I can't wait for what you have coming next." Brendan replied with a giant smile on his face.

"Why don't you go ahead and just take off all those clothes?" Ian instructed as he moved now to me and started unstrapping the piss gag after I made sure I got every last drop out. "Now Brendan, take whatever expectations you have for a blow job you've gotten from girls and throw it out the window, this slut will exceed all of them. Slut has a cock he can't play with but it knows where all the pleasure points are to hit even while it's cock is locked up in a cage and leaking cum into his speedo the whole time."

"Oh I'm looking forward to the blow job!" Brendan said with a smile as he's now naked with his big dick swinging heading towards my face. "But what cage are you talking about?"

"Slut you may now explain." Ian commanded.

"Yes sir. My dick is confined in a chastity device that doesn't allow me to have an erection or gain sexual pleasure through my dick. I can only get it through pleasing other men and getting fucked in the ass." I replied as I made eye contact looking up at my new master who's now grinning ear to ear as I could also tell he connected the dots as to what he saw earlier in the day.

"That's hot, can I see it?" Brendan responded

"Sure thing- slut stand up" Ian commanded me and I obeyed. "Would you like to do the honors of stripping the slut?" directing his question to Brendan.

Brendan smiled but was still apprehensive as he stepped closer to me and slipped two fingers into the front of my speedo and pulled it open peeking inside. Still confused and curious, he started pulling down to get a better visual as I could tell things were making more sense to him now. He tucks the front of my speedo under my balls and then move his hands around the waistband to pull the material down around the back of my bubble butt. The small swim suit fell down to my ankles and I stepped out of it as I smiled at our new timer as he started to feel more comfortable with his new surroundings.

"Back on your knees slut" Ian instructed and I complied as I responded "Yes Sir" like a good boy does.

Then Brendan with more confidence slaps his dick across my face as I open my mouth to be able to start sucking him. A few slaps back and forth later, and then he finally lines his dick up with my open waiting mouth as I start to work my magic on him.

Brendan let out a gasp soon after I started and got him truly hard and could tell he was going to go quickly if I did go full cock and body worship on him. I turned to Ian to see what he wanted to do and got the look of "fine go ahead and finish him, then we'll gear him up for round 2." So that's just what I did- went full on sucking his hard cock pushing it to the back of my throat and around as his body started tensing up and I could tell was close to busting. But I couldn't let him finish just yet

I released his cock from my mouth a ran my tongue down the underside of his shaft to his nice full balls that were still a bit sweaty from the Florida heat as he moaned in pleasure. I took each ball in my mouth and used my tongue to massage them. Then I ran my tongue back up his shaft to give his gland a little kiss and then let it flop aside as I moved to his abs to take in his masculine scents and kiss up his 6 pack abs to play with his nipples next.

I went to his right nipple and started to kiss it and then give a little nibble with my teeth that made Brendan's cock jump and hit my cage as I stood in front of him. More moans of ecstasy as I kept going and then moved to his other that gave him just as much pleasure. When his cock was bouncing on my cage again I knew it was time to move on. So I released from his nipple kissed back to the center of his pecs and then up to the side of his neck first to try to judge how ready he was for his first gay kiss- he was ready.

So I stand back up and look into his eyes as our lips are still about a foot apart and then he closes his eyes and I move my lips less than an inch from his to allow him to make the final move into the kiss. After a moment of anticipation he finally caves into his desires and our lips make contact as once again his cock twitches hitting my cage and I reach down to hold it in my hand and give him a bit of a rub as we continue to kiss and he breaks the seal between our lips with his tongue to start really making out.

We continue for another few seconds as I also move his cock between my legs and he starts somewhat humping me as I squeeze my legs. I could tell he was really enjoying himself. But I couldn't let him bust his nut all over my legs and waste all that cum! I moved my face out from his to break the kiss. He quickly chases me for more though. We continue to make out for another minute before I break off the kiss again and return to my knees to finish him off my servicing his cock.

Just as I put Brendan's cock tip in my mouth again, I look over to Ian who's fully erect and slowly jerking his dick thoroughly enjoying the show. Enjoying putting on a show for Ian, I go back to work on Brendan. A few more deep thrusts and a circle of his gland with my tongue and he started spewing cum in my mouth and let out a big moan. I lapped it all up and cleaned his cock off as it deflated in my mouth.

Spent and satisfied, Brendan stepped back to sit on the bed and then fell back with his hot tight body laid out on the bed and I could tell he was in the right place. The things Ian and I could teach him and get him to explore with us. I looked over to Ian and smiled enjoying being a good little slut for him. He smiled back with his hard cock still in hand and wondered who he was going to fuck with it- me or Brendan?

End Chapter 3.

Next: Chapter 4

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