Floating on the Lake

By Addie Q

Published on Oct 12, 2006



Please note, the following story has graphic sexual content. If you are younger than 18, please do not read any further. Copywrite by the author, March 2006

High School / Lesbian story.

Author: abcaddie@homail.com

NOTE: a similar story (Tracy-and-Rachel) is posted on the Incest page, the text below has been changed so the two young women are NOT sisters.

Floating on the Lake

I was on the couch with Crissy.

We had grown up together, she was my next-door neighbor, and, and our families were super tight. We had spent a lot of wonderful times together - as really close friends. Crissy was a few years younger than me, and there was even a time when I was her babysitter.

Now - I don't live at home anymore, I've moved away for college. But Crissy was just starting high school.

I was watching her drift toward sleep. She looked so much like she always had, like a little angel. Besides her new short haircut, she was - in a way - the same little girl that I had known all my life. But she wasn't a girl anymore. She was growing up.

It was late and it had been a long day for both of us, especially Crissy.

She was in a bathrobe, and nothing else on underneath. And so was I.

Crissy took the train from home to visit me here at my college. I don't have a car so a friend had dropped me off at the train station with my bike, and a friend's bike. It seemed easy enough to ride the four miles back to my little apartment together.

Well, anyway, the train was late, and it started to rain - and we rode those four miles in a cold, wet storm. It was late and the sun was down for the last frigid mile.

By the time we got home, we were soaked to the skin and freezing.

We took turns taking showers, and I built a fire in the fireplace. And we each had on a big white bathrobe. All of Crissy's clothes in her backpack were soaked. With nothing else to wear, that's all we had on, just flannel robes.

Now, on the couch, in front of the glowing fire I could look at my little friend as she slept.

Crissy had a hard time with life over the last year or so, since I left home to come here to college. I know she has been really tense, and she's tried to tell me in phone calls and letters. I feel so bad, being away means I can't really be any help.

It hurts me to know that Crissy needs me, and I haven't been there for her.

There is something so gentle, and at the same time naive about Crissy. I mean, she has such a sweet way about her, and I worry that the meanness of the world is just too much for her. She can be so sensitive, but in a way - that makes me love her that much more.

And right then, something about her totally captivated me.

My eyes were scanning her bare legs. Her smooth pale skin highlighted from the soft light of the fire, coupled with the tender thoughts I was having, had me thinking things that I didn't know what to do with. I mean, Crissy was young and really pretty, and she seems so much more like a grown up now.

But I wasn't sure what I was thinking.

At some point, I concluded that it was okay to stare at Crissy next to me on the on the couch, and to think these thoughts - as long as these thoughts remained just thoughts. There was certainly no harm in that.

The way she was laying, and with the thick bathrobe on, her breasts seemed so delicate. Even though she's getting older, her chest is still so small. It's funny, I haven't seen her in a few months, and I actually wondered - before she arrived here - if I would notice a difference - I mean, I thought that maybe her breasts would have been a little bigger. And, I know this is going to sound weird, but I was worried - I didn't want them to develop - I wanted Crissy to stay exactly the same.

And when we got to my apartment tonight, and we were both soaking wet and freezing. When Crissy took her jacket off, her t-shirt was wet and clinging. And I was, well - I was relived to see her breasts we still so tiny. What I wasn't prepared for was how hard her nipples were. I was worried she saw me staring.

Anyway, let me just say the obvious, that there is something very pretty about Crissy.

And at that moment on the couch, she looked so tender and beautiful..

It was a good long while that I let my mind run wild before deciding that I had gone as far as I could go. It got to the point where my heart was pounding in my ears. My apartment was tiny, and I spent so much time alone and it's been normal for me to, well - to masturbate if I want to, and maybe that's all I was feeling.

And I thought about it - I mean, pleasuring myself. But, with Crissy here there wouldn't be any privacy.

I whispered. "Crissy - it's late, let's go to bed."

She replied in a sleepy voice, "Okay, Katherine, it was a long day."

I said, "I think we're both sleepy."

Then she sat up and looked at me, "Katherine, I haven't said it yet - But I'm so happy to finally be here with you, I've missed you so much."

"Oh Crissy, It's so good to have you hear like this."

And Crissy was quiet for a moment, and finally said, "Katherine - I really love you, I want you to know that."

I smiled and said, "I love you too."

She smiled warmly, and lazily dropped her feet to the floor and pulled herself upright. She leaned over to grab her glasses just out of reach on the table next to her. As she extended herself, she unknowingly revealed her bare bottom to me, and my heart leapt.

I was shocked at how excited it was to see that brief view. I mean, her bottom is cute and all, but it really left me feeling thrilled.

She quickly stood up, adjusting the robe. I didn't have time just yet to dwell on what I had just seen, as we both stood up to go to bed.

We walked silently down the hall and into the bedroom, and then we stood on either side of my small little bed.

I said, "Well, here's my bed, its kind of small, but we should sleep okay. But if, I mean - I can sleep on the couch if you want me to..."

She smiled and said, "Oh no, this is nice."

Crissy looked sleepy and nervous as I pulled back the blankets.

She looked worried, I knew what she was thinking, we had never talked about pajamas.

Now, I always sleep naked, and until that moment it never occurred to me this could be awkward. What should I say? It felt weird not to ask, but I didn't know what else to do. So, I untied my robe and let it drop to the floor, and then quickly slipped under the covers.

There was a half a second where she saw me naked. She looked briefly stunned, I could see it in her eyes. She just stood there.

I was snug under the covers when I finally spoke, "Oh god, Crissy - I'm sorry, was that okay?"

"What?" She asked sheepishly.

"I mean, I just climbed in here naked, should I have..."

She interrupted, "Oh, that's fine."

"I - I just, I mean - I always sleep like this."

Crissy nervously replied, "Oh no, don't worry - it's okay - really..."

I said, "Should I have..."

And Crissy interrupted, "No, no - it's okay..."

And she stood there for a moment, she took of her glasses and set them on the nightstand. She looked at me and then hesitantly began to untie her own robe.

I turned away from her, trying not to make her feel nervous or self conscious, and soon felt the covers lift, and her weight on the bed as she slid in next to me.

I rolled back to face her. She had the blankets pulled up to her neck, her hands clutching them tightly and her arms pulled tightly up to her chin.

The tiny bedside lamp was next to her, but she made no effort to turn it off. The soft glow was nice.

Crissy looked a little nervous.

I asked, "Are you all right?"

"I'm a little cold, that's all."

"I know, but the blanket is nice and thick, and it'll get warmer, just give it a few minutes."


"And usually the heat comes on in the middle of the night, then it gets too hot."

She let out a quick shiver.

I said, "I'm sorry, I didn't even think about it when I came to bed, but do you want something to put on?"

"Oh No, I'm okay."

"It's just that I usually never wear anything to bed... If you're uncomfortable..."

Crissy replied, "No, I'm okay. I usually don't wear anything either."

"Well, if you need a nightgown - I think mine are all in the laundry, I'm sorry."

She giggled. "I'm fine, thank you."

We sat in silence for a long time.

I was surprised how totally awake I was. For some reason, knowing she was so close made me feel really good.

I whispered, "You warming up yet?"

"A little."


And in this tiny little girl voice she asked, "You wanna cuddle?"

I was a little surprised, and said, "No thanks, I'll be okay."

She said, "I'll be warm soon."

I whispered, "Good Night Crissy..."

I rolled away from her again, and we were both silent for a few minutes. It felt so good to be with her.

One of the things that made me feel so close to Crissy, and we talk about it on the phone a lot - is our problems with boys. Neither of us has ever really had a boyfriend. It's funny, in a way, because she's super cute, and I can't understand why boys don't go crazy over her. But, I guess maybe I have a similar story.

I feel like I'm attractive too, and I guess there's some barrier in me, and boys sense it, and I just end up spending a lot of time alone.

Anyway - both Crissy and I are virgins, and we feel the pressure from everywhere. But at the same time, it just feels so burdensome, and - well, we sure have confided in each other about it.

So, right then - I felt so happy to have Crissy visiting me, I've missed her terribly.

But at the same time, I was all absorbed with thoughts of myself. Of trying to have a climax, and it was really oppressive. I thought - maybe - she would be sleeping soon, and - maybe - it would be a chance for me to satisfy myself.

It was a strong feeling, and I wasn't sure what to do. I thought I could maybe try and reach a climax undetected. But I was so close, next to my sister, and this bed isn't all that big.

Maybe, as long as I did it slowly, and she was asleep, then just maybe...

It felt beyond my control, as I cautiously let my hands glide down between my legs.

This was so strange, and it was weirdly tense. I mean, It would be the first time I masturbated while someone slept unknowingly so close to me.

Crissy whispered, "Katherine? You awake?"

I cautiously answered, "Yes."

"Can I ask you something?"

I rolled back towards her, aware how strange it felt to be delaying my pleasure.

"Anything. What is it?"

"You know how - well, how tense I've been lately."

"I know - I've been worried about you..."

"I know you have, and I have been trying really hard to - well, to get better."

"You seem so much better, you seem really good."

"Well, maybe, but I still feel so - I don't know - so fragile sometimes."

I said, "I know you do, and I wish I could be home more, so I can be a better friend."

"I know - And I've found, well - something that, well it helps me a little, it helps me calm down..."

"Oh Crissy, you have something to help you, that's great - What is it?"

And there was a long pause.

Finally, Crissy spoke in a guarded way, "Yes, there - there is something that helps. It sort of calms me down - And actually, it really helps a lot..."

"Tell me..."

And Crissy whispered, "Well, sometimes..."


"Don't be upset if I say what I am going to say, please..."

"Oh Crissy, don't worry, I won't"

"Oh - I don't know if..."

"What? Please..."

"Crissy, lately - when I'm alone, I've been touching myself - and it helps sometimes, but at the same time - I feel so guilty."

I could hear it in her voice - I knew this was hard for Crissy. We have talked about everything over the years, but we've NEVER mentioned this.

As kindly as I could, I asked, "Do you mean you masturbate?"

She meekly answered, "Yes."

"It's okay, you can talk about it if you need to..."

"Katherine, for some reason - I just feel ashamed."

"Crissy, just so you know, I think it totally okay, if it makes you feel good, then there is NOTHING to feel bad about."


"Crissy, You're doing something that's nice, and it's nice for yourself, and if you say it helps - I think that's good"

"Really, you think it's good?"

"Crissy, its a perfectly natural and normal thing. Yes, if it helps you - I think it's wonderful."

This conversation was surprising to me, and in a very real way - it was getting me excited.

She said, "Thank you so much, this really helps, talking like this..."

"I'm happy to talk about anything that makes you feel good."

Crissy looked at me, and she smiled. Her hands were still nervously holding the covers, and she looked like such a tiny little girl.

She smiled said, "Oh Jen - that really helps..."

I smiled back, and my hands were hidden under the covers, and I was gently touching myself, and I could definitely feel myself getting wet.

"Oh Crissy, don't feel bad at all - I think it can be really beautiful."

It felt so strange to be talking to my best friend, like this - with my hands pressing and rubbing, slowly against my slippery vagina.

"You are so special to me - and you deserve something that beautiful and nice, it's something that you should treat as joyous - Okay?"

I was moving my fingertips slow, and with the dim light - I felt pretty certain, she couldn't tell, but I wasn't sure.

"Thank you Katherine," she whispered.

"Oh Crissy, I love you, it's all okay."

"I love you too."

And then we both lay there in silence, the light was on, and I could see that Crissy was looking up at the ceiling, lost in thought.

We were both quiet for a few minutes, and my fingers continued to slowly rub my plump little clitoris. I was getting pretty turned-on.

I was really confused about how I was feeling. If Crissy didn't fall asleep soon, I was just going to have to stop - but it just felt so good.

I felt myself start to shiver just a little from the deep sexual sensation. And I was praying that she didn't notice.

And she immediately asked, "Are you cold?'

Oh god - She felt me shiver - I was suddenly scared she knew what I was doing.

As calm as I could, I whispered, "Just a little chilled, but it's okay."

"I'm a little cold too."

There was an awkward pause, and I thought she must have known.

Then she whispered, "Maybe we should cuddle a little just to warm up."

Oh my god, for some reason, the thought of it, of cuddling and being naked, just aroused me in a way that I had never felt before. It was too much to contemplate.

I carefully spoke, "Oh maybe - but it's okay for now..."

My voice sounded so shaky, did she hear it?

"Katherine? Do you do it a lot?"


"You know, do you masturbate a lot?"

And right then I laughed, it seemed so funny. It felt like all the nervousness and worry just vanished.

She seemed to brighten up and asked, "Hey - What's so funny?"

I answered, "I'm doing it right now as a matter of fact!"

She laughed. "Shut up! Seriously! How often?"

I answered, "I don't know, it depends. Sometimes just a few times a week. Maybe..."


"Yeah, sometimes more."


"What about you?"

There was a nervous pause and she said, "Well - I guess - Lately I've been doing it a lot."

Suddenly, I was just flooded with an image, a lovely image, of Crissy - and how beautiful she was - and the thought of her actually touching herself was just so wonderful - it was sensual and stimulating.

I rubbed myself at the same time I said, "Oh please, don't sound so upset. It's okay. That's good..."

"Is it? I worry so much..."

As I got a little faster, I told her, "Crissy - No, don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it. Really - I think it's a beautiful thing, and it can be really positive."

"Do you really think so?"

Oh god, what was I doing? I mean, I was talking to Crissy, who can be SO sensitive - and masturbating at the same time. It was just too much.

I quietly said, "Yes - Yes I really think it's beautiful. It's perfectly natural - it's a lovely thing."

"But - Lately, I can't get to sleep unless I do it."

"That sounds nice, I mean - bedtime is a really nice and quiet time, so don't feel bad - that sounds good."

By now my fingers were rubbing steadily on my clit, and I was Aching with an intense sexual arousal. I couldn't stop thinking about Crissy masturbating, and what she must look like. It was so forbidden and thrilling to me, knowing that we were lying just inches apart, completely naked and talking about masturbating.

She whispered, "You sound so happy about it."

I said, "Crissy, I am happy, and you need to be happy too. It's a very beautiful and life affirming thing."

"Oh god, Katherine, you make it sound so nice - thank you."

"It is nice."

"That helps me so much, just to hear you say that."

"Good, you should feel wonderful whenever you do it - always."

"Oh Katherine, I really need to hear that it's okay - this is wonderful - that I shouldn't feel bad. I really need that."

I paused and let that sink in. I felt like she was telling me, very clearly, to keep talking. And to talk in a way that made masturbation seem gratifying and nice.

So I kept talking, "Oh Crissy, that kind of pleasure is so important, so you should appreciate how perfect and how joyous it is."


"It should be beautiful and exhilarating and delicious - always..."

"Yes, that's so right..."

I was shocked at how receptive she was to all of this. I wanted to try and say something more extreme, just to hear how she responded.

"Crissy, I think that the feeling of the final orgasm, and the intense way I shake when it happens - can be so beautiful, and such a exquisite release."

She immediately said, "Yes! I know!"

Oh god, she sounded so glad. And it just made me more excited. I kept at it, all the while I was stroking my self, and getting hotter and hotter.

"Oh Crissy, sometimes I can cum so hard and the wetness and even the wonderful smell - all of it - it just feels like the world is perfect at that moment."

"Yes! I know just what you mean - thanks for just saying it like that. It really does feel like the world is perfect. I mean, I'm so tense sometimes, and it feels so good to know it's okay to just talk like this."

"Oh Crissy - you can always talk to me. I'm your my best friend, and I love you..."

"I know, this is really nice - it's making me happy."

"Please know, it's totally okay to talk about it with me, always."

"It is. You're right."

"Yeah, we should be able to share our secrets. Really, it's good to talk. Don't be shy about anything so powerful and lovely."

And, as I said this - it felt like my own arousal was MAKING me talk about it. I was so excited, that it was coming out in the stuff I was saying.

Then Crissy said, "You're right, it really can be SO powerful."

Just hearing Crissy say that, it just felt like I wanted to hear more, like I wanted to try and push her to say more.

I said, "It can feel so good."

Crissy said, "Oh god, yes..."

"Crissy, it can feel so good, and at the same time I just LOVE the heightened sense of..." and I trailed off, I was worried she would hear the arousal in my voice

"Of what?" she asked.

"I just LOVE the heightened sense of LOVE, the intensity of all the sensations."

"Yes - I know." Crissy whispered, and she sounded like she was in a trance.

I couldn't imagine that our conversation was not affecting her, even a little. I couldn't hold out much longer. It felt so perverted talking like this and rubbing at the same time too.

I said even more, "And after rubbing and letting the sensations build, and there's that point - and I get pretty wet, that it just so - I don't know, so moist and - and - so slippery. The sopping feeling just feels so beautiful"

Crissy paused, and I was scared I pushed it to far in saying that.

Then she whispered, "I know, I get really wet too - and it feel so good..."

And then I didn't know what to say, and were silent for a few minutes.

And in that time, I slowly slid one of my fingers just inside my wet lips, just a little bit in. Oh god, it felt so good.

Then - Crissy nervously spoke, "Sometimes I can, I mean - I can..."


"Sometimes I can get so - well, so stimulated, that I sort of enter a dream state."

"Really? What do you mean?"

"Well, sometimes - if I try really hard to work myself to a point where the feeling, you know, that intense feeling?"

"Yes, I know..."

"I try and get to that point, and I try and stay there - just in that magical place - and I try and let that feeling just wash all over me."

"Do you mean - like when you actually orgasm?"

Crissy answered, "No, just before that - I can hold myself in that moment before that. And sometimes, I can hold it for a long time."

"What's it like?"

"I don't know if I can explain I.

"Please try, for me - please..."

"Okay - I'll try."

I whispered a shaky, "Thank you."

"Well I have to be really relaxed - that helps. And I just let it slowly build, and I try not to be distracted or anything. I try and go as slow as I can..."

And as she spoke I looked at her, and she still had her hands on the blanket, clutching it around her neck. And she was looking at me, but she had this far away look in her eyes.

I asked, "Going slow, how does that help?"

I was watching her to see if she had any idea of what I was doing, that I was rubbing myself under the covers. As far as I could tell, she didn't suspect anything.

"I just seems like if I try and hurry, it doesn't happen the way I like it."

"I understand."

"And I can just slip away into this wonderful realm..."

"Crissy, that sounds so beautiful - what do you think about?"

"I think about floating."

"Floating? Like how?"

There was a long pause and she whispered, "Well, do you remember what the lake was like, when both our families stayed at that big cabin, and how warm the water got at the end of the summer?"

"Yeah, I remember. That seems like so long ago."

"It was, we were both just girls, just little teenagers,"

I added, "Yes. I remember, we swam in that little cove surrounded by those woods."

There was a sparkle in Crissy's voice, "Exactly - Well, I remember I would get out in the water and float on my back, "

"And so would I, It was nice and warm, I remember."

Crissy sounded so exhilarated, "It was such a perfect time in my life, and I felt I could just float in that warm water forever. It was so wonderful..."

I added, "Oh Crissy, I remember that we would skinny dip."

She giggled and said, "We sure would!"

I could so clearly remember that hot summer. And the image of both of us, we were so innocent. And, in my mind, it was just so lovely to know we were naked and so happy.

I said, "I loved doing that too! Oh god, I remember you being so pretty, I mean - you still are, but the memory is just to magical."

Crissy sounded a little emotional, and added, "It was magical. We were both beautiful, so beautiful."

There was a long pause. I was worried that she would hear me rubbing in the silence, but at that point - I was just lost in the emotional intensity.

I whispered, "So - lemme get this right, when you masturbate, you think of the both of us skinny dipping?"

"Yes - I do..."

I said, "That's so nice, that image is so beautiful and nice."

Crissy stayed silent.

Oh my god, what was happening? Crissy, my beautiful friend, was just inches away from me, in my bed, we were both naked, we were talking about the joys of masturbating - and I was, at that moment, enthusiastically rubbing my wet little lips, getting frighteningly close to cumming.

Crissy finally spoke up, "Yeah, it's funny, because I guess I do think of us in the lake together. But, the floating feeling - that magical FEELING - is something so mystical. Does that make sense?"

"Oh my god YES, I totally know what you mean."

"I try and let my self get lost in that feeling."

"Can you?"


"Oh god Crissy, that sounds so nice, like it must feel SO good."

"It does, it does - it feels just so amazing."

And hearing her say what she said, my excitement level was almost to the point of a climax, but in a way - I felt that she guided me to very "mystical" place - and I was feeling so peaceful but at the same time so aroused.

I asked, "Crissy - how does this help with the orgasm?"

And she exclaimed, "Oh my god - it feels SO GOOD!"


"Oh God, Yes, it can be so powerful. And if I really take my time, building up to it - I can make it last SO long."

"What do you do, I mean how do you get there?"

"Uhhm, what do you mean?"

"Crissy, it sounds so good, I want to know exactly how you do it."

"Well, I guess what helps me is using a little bit of baby oil."


"I use it to make the sensations a little smoother."

"Tell me how, tell me just what you do."

"I put a little bit of baby oil on my hand, and I rub with it."

"How?" I said.

Then Crissy said, "I feel a little funny talking about this, I mean - is it okay?"

"Oh Crissy, yes, it's all okay. And, I'm happy to listen - everything you've said sounds so beautiful, please - I want to hear this, really..."


"Crissy, lets make a promise, right now - that it's totally okay to talk about anything, absolutely ANYTHING, and we won't feel bad or worried. Okay?"

She excitedly replied, "Yes! I promise!"

"Good, I promise to!"

She happily said, "Alright, here's what makes me feel good..."

And then she proceeded to tell me EXACTLY what she did, in really dramatic detail. I was asking a lot of questions and she didn't shy away from anything. Oh god, hearing her explain it was electric.

I interrupted, "Do you ever touch your breasts?"

And replied, "Well, a little - maybe..."

"How do you do it?"

"Well, what I do - what feels good - is the way I usually lay down..."


"I lay with my head on a pillow, so I can look down at myself, it really helps if I look at myself - and my breasts are - well, they are sort of small..."

"Crissy, your breasts are really lovely."

"Oh Katherine, that so nice..."

"They are perfect."


"Please - Tell me more..."

"Well, I can look down at myself, at my breasts - and when I rub myself, the way I rub is enough that my breasts just jiggle a little bit."

"They jiggle?" I asked.

"Well, I mean - I know that sounds funny, I mean - they are still so small, and I have to have my arms down, it helps..."

"Why do your arms need to be down?"

"It's because, I mean, I'm just so flat - if I lift my arms over my head, it's like they disappear."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah - Like this..."

And she positioned herself snug under the covers, and put both arms above her head, stretching toward the headboard of the bed.

And then she took one hand and carefully, lifted the blanket just a tiny bit, and peaked at herself.

She kind of giggled and said, "Yup, they're gone."

I didn't see anything except Crissy's smiling face, and her arms. But, I was speechless.

She put her arms back under the covers and continued, "So, with my arms down, they can bounce, I mean, not really bounce - they just sort of jiggle."

"Crissy, that sounds so nice..."

"It is, it really is, and it helps me to look down at myself, and when my breasts move, like that - I don't know - it's just so wonderful..."

Was she saying this stuff - like this, just to get me excited? it was shocking how frenzied it was getting me.

And she wasn't shying away from any of my questions.

I nervously asked, "Crissy - W-What do your nipples look like?"

"They get really hard, they are small and I love looking at them, at that point, when the jiggle like that - for some reason, it helps me get to that peaceful place."

And then I sort of lost myself and said, "Crissy - oh god, that sounds so glorious - It sounds so perfect and beautiful."

"Katherine - thank you, it makes me feel beautiful."

"Oh, Crissy you are beautiful."

"For some reason, I really enjoy watching my self, especially my nipples - especially if they jiggle - does that sound wrong?"

"Oh god, Crissy - NO, it sounds wonderful!"

"Thank you for saying that, I've been so worried about it lately..."

"Oh no - Please, no, it sounds like the most wonderful thing in the world, all of it."

"Katherine, I feel so GOOD when I do it like that, I mean - as everything builds, my breasts just seem to move a little faster, and with the oil, when I rub myself - I my sensations, especially as everything gets all plump and wet..."

"It sounds beautiful..."

"There's this point, if I rub just the right speed, my whole body just sort of vibrates - and my breasts will vibrate too - and I can watch the fast little shiver motion of my nipples..."

"Go on..."

"When my nipples shake - and it's really a certain speed, it's just before I get to the point of a climax, but the thrilling thing for me

I just let her talk, and she wasn't hiding any detail from me - and for some reason, and I don't know why, but the image of her nipples was so explosive for me. Maybe it was that image, that memory from the lake.

"And just before I climax, I touch my nipples with one hand, and it's usually pretty oily..."

Then, I didn't know it was happening - but I let out a hushed moan. But it was loud enough that I knew she heard it.

"Katherine? You okay?"

My heart immediately started pounding, and my voice was trembling when I finally whispered. "I'm sorry Crissy, I just..."

"Katherine, what is it?"

"I'm sorry..."

There was a long pause, and it was utterly silent. Right then I was so nervous, and my heart was just pounding so hard from the embarrassment.

Then in surprised way Crissy whispered, "Oh my god! Katherine?"

"I'm so sorry..."

And Crissy asked, "Are you doing it? Right now?"

"I - I couldn't help it..."

"Oh my god..." She whispered.

I immediately sat up and said, "I'm sorry, I'll go sleep on the couch."

She responded with an emotional "NO!"

And she reached out and gabbed my arm.

The intensity of that moment was electric, I was thunderstruck by how GOOD it felt.

She said, "No, it's okay, don't go."

Right then, I was sitting up and the blanket were partially off me, and my bare breasts were uncovered in the pale glow of the bedside light.

"But..." I said in a shaky voice.

"No, Please stay - it's okay," Crissy whispered in a needy way.

My chest was cold, and I was so aroused - I looked down, and my nipples are usually big, but right then they were pointy and hard - for some reason, it amazed me.

And Crissy was laying next to me, gently holding my arm, staring at me.

"But Crissy - I feel so bad, I'm so sorry..."

She whispered, "Shhhhhh, don't apologize. It's okay."

And we sat there, frozen like that for a long time. Long enough for me to get a little cold.

Then Crissy said, "What you been saying to me - it really helped."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Katherine - You've just been telling me that it's all okay, that there is nothing to feel bad about. It feels SO GOOD to hear you say that, so please - PLEASE don't act like what you did was wrong."

I tried to smile, and maybe I did, just a little.

Crissy said, "Katherine, please - get under the covers, you'll get cold."


"Pleeeease!" She whispered.

And as I lay back down, Crissy never let go of her hold on my arm. I could feel, really feel, the connection in a way that would be impossible to explain.

I was flat on my back, with my head on my pillow. She was lying next to me, on her side, staring at me. Her hand on my arm was under the covers.

I put my own hand on her hand, and gave it a little squeeze.

And I gently caressed it.

The way my arm was, and her hand was just above my elbow. As I caressed it, I became aware that her hand was really close to my breast, it felt like less than an inch. Oh god, it felt so good to be that close.

The way Crissy was holding onto my arm, it was sort of desperate and clingy.

"Crissy, thank you for understanding..."

"Oh Katherine, don't worry - I love you. Really..."

"I love you too..."

And then I moved my arm just enough so her hand, just barely touched the side of my breast.

Did she know, could she feel it?

I carefully whispered, "This is really nice, I mean being close like this."

Crissy replied, "It's SO nice..."

And hearing her say that, so honestly, and with her hand against my breast - I could feel my nipples tighten.

I lay quiet for a moment, and then I rolled a little toward her, and let my hard nipple rest against her hand. She must have felt it.

She let out a contented, "Mmmmmm..."

And - I instantly shivered, with a really strong intensity. And it seemed I pressed my erect nipple a little harder against her hand.

"Are you cold?" Crissy whispered.

I nervously replied, "I think I got cold, when I was sitting up and out from under the blanket."

And the sensation, of my nipple, it felt like it was tightening up, getting harder, from her warm soft hand- Oh god - What was happening to me.

And then, in a tiny little baby voice, Crissy asked, "Do you wanna cuddle?"

I was shaking with excitement, and I answered, "Yes, that would be nice..."

And then, as if it were meant to be, Crissy carefully scooted over toward me, under the blanket, and put her naked body right up next to mine.

She gently pressed herself, her entire body, snug against mine. She set her head on my shoulder, and she carefully spooned my side - all the way down to our feet.

And she still held my arm.

The feeling was thunderous and emotional.

Crissy quietly asked, "Are you still cold?"

"A little..."

"Does this help, I mean, being close like this?"

"Yes, it's really nice."


I whispered, "Crissy, here - Lemme put my arm around you, okay?"

"Are you sure, I mean - this feels good, but - is it okay?"

I said, "Yes, I think - I mean, I really think it'll be nice."


And she just melted, and let me move my arm under her head on onto her shoulders. And she put her arm around me, and then she set her leg across my legs too.

As Crissy settled in she let out a southing, "Mmmmmm..."

Oh my god - I was in heaven.

I lay there with her head nestled into my shoulder, I could smell Crissy's hair, and I could feel her breathing.

I gently kissed Crissy's forehead.

With that, she wrapped herself against me just a little tighter, in a desperate sort of hug.

And we were pressed alongside each other so snugly, that I could feel her small breasts pushed firmly against my side, and her arm was across my shoulder.

Oh god, I actually was worried I would start to cry...

I carefully whispered, "Crissy, I'm sorry about what happened."

"No Katherine, please, it's okay..."

"But, it's upsetting for me - I worry that - "

And Crissy interrupted me, "Shhhh! Be quiet, you didn't do anything bad."

"Okay, just so you know, my hands are right here, up by your shoulder - so don't worry..."

"I'm not worried anymore."

And we sat there in silence.

And then there was a droning hum that started from below the floor.

Crissy asked, "What's that?"

"It's the heater, it comes on at night like that. I can't control it, so the room might end up getting really warm."


We quietly lay there, in a glorious peace.

"Katherine, can I ask you something."

I answered, "Yes - of course - anything"

"Just now, when we were talking..."


"How, I mean - How close were you to, you know..."

I took a deep breath before responding, "Before cumming?"

"Yes - how close were you?"

"Oh god - I think I was pretty close."


"Yeah, but - listening to you, and your experience - I mean, like how you described floating, I guess it helped..."

"It helped?"

"Yeah, I think it was a way for me to focus, or maybe relax - I think I got to that place..."

"Oh Katherine, you did?"

"I think so..."

"Was it... I mean, how did it feel?"

"Oh my god it was heavenly."

"It is - it is!"

"I guess, I usually try and rush everything, I mean - I just try and hurry to get to the end."

"I can't rush it, or it just doesn't feel right."

"I think you taught me a wonderful lesson, I needed hear."


"Yes - everything you explained was so nice."

"I felt funny, like I was talking too much."

"Oh no, I wanted to hear it."

"It wasn't too private?"

"No - I loved it, especially all the stuff about our time at the lake."

Crissy squeezed me a little, and said, "That is such a special memory."

"Oh god - I loved that time with you so much."

"Me too..."

And then she moved in a little more, and hugged me tighter. I could feel our breasts pressing against each other. Oh God, it felt good.

I gently leaned in and kissed the top of her head.

I whispered, "I remember one day, I was on that little dock - and I was watching you, and it was so hot that day - I remember that. Even the water was hot, it was like a bathtub."

Crissy whispered, "The water could get so warm."

"Yeah - and even though it was warm like that, it felt so good to swim in the heat of the day"

Crissy excitedly said, "And we would skinny dip together, that cove was so hidden..."

"Crissy, you would just float on your back, and I would sit on the dock with my feet in the warm water, and it was like you would be right under me..."

"I remember."

"And you looked so peaceful, and your eyes were closed, and the way you would float on the water, and the lake was so calm... it was..." And I trailed off.

"What?" Crissy asked.

"Oh Crissy, you were so pretty..."

"I was?"

"The water was calm and the only thing that was really out of the water was your face, and you looked so tranquil - and your chest and tummy was just a little bit above the water too."

"Yes - that's the pose, that's what I dream about - that floating - just like that."

"When you were talking, I could picture it again, so clearly."

"I was so happy right then."

"And you looked so beautiful, it was so magical - with your breasts just above the water, I mean - you were at that lovely age, and just starting to grow up, and your breasts were only just beginning to change..."

Crissy giggled and said, "They haven changed much, they're still tiny."

"But, right then, with your eyes closed in the water - you looked so magical."

"Right then, I was in heaven," she whispered.

"And I remember looking at your nipples,

Crissy gasped, "You looked at my nipples?"

"Oh god yes, I remember staring at them."

"You did, really?"

"Crissy - they looked so beautiful. I remember they were so little, but they just seemed SO lovely and tiny and perfect. You could float like that for so long, and I would just gaze in a way that was so wonderful."

"It's funny, because that floating feeling I get - when I'm alone - it helps me to look at my own nipples."

"Crissy, I would just let myself get lost looking at your nipples, and then I would look at mine. I was just a little bit older, but my breasts were still pretty small too, but I remember my nipples seemed huge..."

"I remember that, they did seem big - they always looked like they were pale too - I remember thinking that they looked like you could be one of those beautiful old classic paintings of a nude in a museum. You know how breasts in those paintings can look so pretty and white."

"Oh god, I remember you telling me that!"

"I did?"

"Yes, just as you said it now, you said it to me at the lake. Oh my god, that memory just came back to me!"

"I still think that..."

"You do?"

"Yes, I mean - I - I..."

"It's okay..."

"Katherine, I just saw your breasts, when you sat up - and..."

"Go on..."

"Well, back at the lake, we were just little girls back then, and just seeing them now - again - I thought that you were so, well so lucky that you still have that beautiful look"

"Really," I whispered.

Oh yes, I mean, the way your breasts and nipples are - it looks like a painting in a museum, where the skin is carefully painted so pale and milky, like it glows..."

"Crissy, that's the nicest thing you could have said..."

"It's true - I mean it..."

"Oh god, I remember being on the dock, I was naked and looking down at you in the water. And I was so jealous of your hard little nipples."

"Oh Katherine."

"I was, and I remember I was getting pubic hair, and you still didn't have any, and I remember thinking..."


"Well, that I was a woman, and you were still just a girl."

"But we were both still little girls..."

"I know, but it felt like I was saying goodbye to that part of my life, and it was scary, and you were so completely a girl - and you just looked so perfectly peaceful."

And Crissy whispered, "That's what the floating feels like..."

"Yes, that floating feeling - I think I felt it too..."

"I'm glad you remember it so well..."

"I do - and - when you were talking, explaining it to me, I could see it all again, so clearly."

Crissy whispered, "What did you see?"

"I could see you, it was my view, as I was sitting naked on the dock looking down on you. You looked so beautiful."

Crissy let out a contented, "Mmmmmm..."

"But, I saw you floating, but I saw you with short hair, like your hair right now, not the long hair you had that summer."

"Really? Was I - did you visualize me as a little girl?"

I had to think, "I'm not sure. I mean, you still - I mean you still look so much the same."

"I do?"

"Yes, you do. You smile just like you did then. You're still thin, and your breasts are small - so I don't know. But, the image I had was so vivid - But, you still looked like a little girl, I mean - you didn't have any pubic hair."

And with that, Crissy giggled a little.

"What's so funny?"

"Well, I still don't have any..."

"What do you mean?"

"Just recently, I mean just a few days ago, I shaved it all off."

"You - you did?" I answered in a shaky voice.


At that moment, I kind of shivered, but not from the cold. The emotional intensity was just monumental.

Crissy asked, "What is it? Are you okay?"

"Oh god yes - yes..."

"What is it?"

"Crissy, this may sound funny but, right now, I feel so good - I mean, I feel like I'm floating..."


"It's just like you said - I feel it, or something close to it - right now."

"But, are you..."

I kind of laughed, "No, both my hands are right here, on you!"

And I gently patted her on her shoulder and on her arm.


"This is different, it's just some emotional aura that I'm feeling - it's intense, and it's happening - right now."

"Is it like being at the lake?"

"It's like that, I don't know - but this closeness, and hearing your voice, and hearing how happy and confident you sound - it's just so wonderful - I really feel like I'm floating."

"Oh Katherine."

"I feel tingly all over," I whispered.

"I feel good too, it's nice - but if you need... I mean, what can I do?"

"I don't know what I need. Just - Let's just keep talking, please..."

"Oh Katherine, Yes - good, I'll keep talking..."


"Okay, what was I saying?"

"You were telling me this wonderful story about that I shaved off your pubic hair."

Crissy nervously whispered, "Oh god, yes - I shaved myself, my pubic hair."

"Yes, why? I have never really understood why women do that - Why did you?"

"Well, I did it - because - do you really want to know?"

"Oh Crissy - tell me - just keep talking."

"I guess, I did it to see what it was like, and because - I thought maybe it would feel good."

I shivered again, and Crissy could feel it too.

I told her, "Oh god, I feel so emotional, keep talking..."

"It does feel good, I mean - like with the baby oil, for some reason it just feels a lot more slippery. I feel like it helped everything, the smoothness. I did it because..."

I literally panted a heavy, "Oh - oh god, Crissy..."

Crissy sort of giggled and said, "Katherine, you sound so excited..."

"Please, keep talking."

"Okay - I like the smoothness, with the oil. And the reason I did it - Well, when I would touch myself, with the baby oil - I would sometimes rub my - my..."

"Please, Crissy..." I begged.

"I would rub down between my legs, and then - I would rub on my bottom too, and my little hole, I like the feeling, touching it because there's no hair."


"Yes, my little bum-hole - it feels good..."

I smiled and said, "Oh my god, you make is sound so CUTE!"

And in this little girl voice she whispered, "It's little and I like it - It is cute!"

"Crissy - Oh god, and it was oily?" I gasped out.

"Katherine, I don't know why - But, it really feels good. I mean, it doesn't have any hair, and with the baby oil - it just feels SO smooth - and I love it, I really love it."

Suddenly, I was squeezing Crissy' so tight, and breathing harder - I can't explain what was happening - I was just soaring with this crazy intensity.

Crissy asked, "Oh my god, Katherine - are you all right..."

I stammered, "Y-yes - Oh god, yes..." And I squeezed her a little tighter.

And she nervously asked, "You're shaking..."

I stammered, "Oh god, oh god..."

"What is it?"

"Crissy, Oh god - I - I feel SO good right now!"

"But, the way you're acting - it's so..."

"Oh - Oh GOD, Crissy!" I interrupted, as my whole body trembled

"What is it? Tell me..." Crissy asked with a genuine concern in her voice.

I stammered, "I think it's from you, from you telling me - about how you feel - about floating - I don't know - I feel it right now - I'm floating..."

And she sounded happy for me, "Oh my god, Really?"


"Katherine, what should I do?" She asked with apprehension.

"Keep talking, it's helping me..."


"Please!" I begged.

Crissy cautiously said, "I was talking about how the baby oil feels good since I shaved myself..."

"Yes - tell me..." I insisted as I squeezed Crissy tight.

Crissy spoke carefully, "Okay - I was saying the baby oil feels so good - But, it feels even better since I shaved."

"Yes..." I whispered as I squirmed in Crissy's embrace..

And - little by little - Crissy began to sound more eager, "I wanted it to feel like my bum-hole feels, I mean, it doesn't have any hair, and with the baby oil - it just feel so smooth - and I love it, I really love it - that's why I shaved, to get that silky feeling."

And, my hips started to pump with an uncontrollable sexual rhythm. And I know Crissy was feeling it with her leg draped over me.

And I gasped, "Oh - Oh Crissy..."

She kept it up, "And, now that I've shaved, it feels like I'm wetter, for some reason I feel like I get more lubricated now that..."

And then I moaned and had a sort of forceful spasm under the covers.

She nervously asked, "Oh my god, Katherine - Are you going to cum?"

"I - I don't know - maybe - this is different, it's wonderful - Please, just try and help me make this last."

"Okay - What can I do?"

"Please, keep talking..."

And she obediently replied, "Okay - where was I?"

"You were telling me why you shaved..."

And she said the same thing again, but with so much more emphasis on the sensual emotions, she was saying it like that for me, to help me.

She put her lips close to my ear and whispered, "Yes - It feels so good, the smoothness, and the slippery feeling, and I really try to be conscious of every sensation - I mean my little hole, my anus, doesn't have any hair, and with the baby oil - it just feels so wonderful - SO smooth when I rub it - and now I have that same feeling, that same smoothness all over..."

"Oh god - T-Crissy..." I gasped and shuddered.

I looked over at Crissy and she was looking at me, and she was smiling with enthusiasm.

She said, "This is so incredible..."

"I've never felt like this..." I stammered and I could feel my eyes rolling back in my head.

"Your face, is so - I need to sit up to look at you, is that okay?"


And she let go of me and rolled over, and she still stayed carefully tucked under the covers, but she moved a little so she was on her tummy, propped up on her elbows, looking down at me.

She smiled and said, "Katherine, Oh my god - you look so excited."

I pleaded, "Crissy - Keep talking..."

Without hesitation she started again:

"The oil, and sometimes I used a lot of it, I pour it all down between my legs - it feels delicious, I caress myself - especially my little anus - I press my fingertip in a little circle motion and it's SO oily and throbbing and oh god, it feels SO good..."

She was obviously saying things with such exquisite details, just to make it more intense for me. She could see my intensified reaction.

"It feels SO good, and I would put one oily finger on my clitoris, and it's SO plump and slippery - and the other finger is pressing on my anus, in a tiny circle motions - and it's all oily - and it's SO sensitive to being rubbed..."

And then, I realized I was kind or rocking - and breathing hard. And Crissy was watching, and she seemed thrilled. She was trying hard to get me more excited.

"I would spread my legs, and I can put my feet up on the wall, that way it feels so much easier to touch my bum - and the skin, all around my little bum hole is SO smooth and slippery..."

"Oh god - oh god..." I whispered while I was squirming uncontrollably. Was it the heater warming up my bedroom? I don't know, but suddenly I felt so HOT.

"And it feels so good, with my feet up like that, it feels like everything is all SO open and easy to touch, and it's all SO oily and slippery..."

"Crissy - let me hold your hands - please..."

And she held out her hands, but to do so, she needed to get up on her knees a little.

I took her hands and I held them in mine, and I squeezed them tight.

"Katherine, this is incredible..."

"Oh god, Crissy, don't let go of my hands..."

Crissy acted a little confused as she replied, "Okay."

"Oh god - don't let me touch myself, okay..."

And as I said that, I was squirming under the covers. The room felt so hot, and I felt like I was sweating.


"I don't know what's happening - I just feel so good, like I'm floating..."

"Can I help?"

"Don't let go of my hands, don't let me touch myself, I think I can cum - maybe - without touching myself at all - just from - just from this - what we're doing."

"Katherine - I want you to, I'll try..."

"Crissy - I - I..." I stammered as I squirmed.

"What? tell me..."

"I loved it - I loved it when you told me about your breasts..."

There was a mad urgency in Crissy's voice when she responded, "What was it?"

"When you said, how they would jiggle, when you watched them."

"Yes - you liked that, when I said that?"

I literally cried out, "Oh god, Crissy - I LOVED it!"

"Okay - I would - Look at myself, at my hard nipples, and I would..."

And as she spoke, my motions under the covers were getting so dramatic, that I could feel the blanket moving with each pulsation of my hips and my legs and hips.

Crissy went on, in an excited voice, "I would - I would rub myself, in a way that my breasts would shake, I mean - my whole body was shaking, and my breasts would shake too, like they would jitter from the motion..."

And her lovely face was so close to mine, looking down, smiling as she spoke.

"Katherine - I'm naked - and my oily firers are sopping - I can feel the wet thick liquid, as it slides out of my vagina - it's all warm - and it helps make my bum hole even more wet..."

Then I stammered, "Crissy, Keep talking - I think I'm gunna cum..."

And instantly her face lit up and she looked so radiant.

She gasped, "Oh my god - can you - really?"

"I think so..."

"What can I do?"

"Tell me about your nipples - please..."

She immediately replied, "My nipples - my nipples, they get hard - they are tiny, but they poke up when I'm all excited - and they feel so good - they feel SO GOOD..."

And without realizing just what I was doing, I kicked the blanket down, and Crissy could see my chest. She was on her knees, partially covered by the blanket, and maybe she wanted to cover herself back up but I was squeezing her hands so tight...

She was visibly thunderstruck by the sight of my bare breasts. And I was writhing around in such an exaggerated sexual way, and they bounced with each of my pulsations - and Crissy was just hypnotized.

"Keep talking..." I begged.

"Katherine, I - I..."

"Tell me about your nipples, it helps me - Please!"

"Okay - My nipples, they just feel so GOOD - and the way I lay there - I can look at them, and the are hard, and as I rub, I mean - as everything builds, my breasts just seem to move a little faster, and with the oil, when I rub myself..."

"Crissy - oh god - oh god..."

Crissy's face was right in to mine, and she spoke quietly just inches away from my ear, "All the sensations, especially my bum and my clit, everything is oily, and everything shakes - my nipples shake - as everything gets all plump and wet..."

And then I just convulsed, and I kicked franticly, and it took a moment of thrashing, but I kicked all the blankets off - and then instantly both Crissy and I were uncovered, and naked on my bed in the little hot room.

Crissy looked a little astonished, our faces were just inches away from each other, but she never let go of my hands.

She was silent for a moment, as I was pulsing with arousal.

Then she smiled and asked, "Do you still think you can cum - like this?"

"I don't know - maybe - but we should try..."

She asked, "What can I do..."

"Don't let go of my hands - I don't wanna touch myself - I think I can cum this way..."

She smiled and whispered, "Okay I wont let go..."

And right then, the way she was holding my hands - it was like she was trying to hide herself from me. She was all scrunched up, in a ball on her knees, in this modest pose, covering her naked body.

And she was holding my hands in front of her. Desperately clutching them.

Our faces were so close, and my breathing was loud and fast. I lay with my head on the pillow, and looked up at her.

And she looked so concerned, and asked, "What can I do?"

"Crissy, your nipples - how do they bounce?"

"Just before I cum, they just wiggle, like my whole body is vibrating..."

And hearing her say that, it was so frantic for me - I started squirming and writhing with such passion,

"Oh Crissy - please..."

"I can see them, and they are firm, and they..."

I interrupted, "Crissy - oh god - PLEASE!"


I begged, "Crissy - help me - help me - help me..."

I was pleading with her, and then she looked at me with such abandonment.

She whispered, "I wanna help..."

I stammered, "Crissy - I haven't seen you naked - your - your nipples - since we skinny dipped together as little girls..."

She stayed in her modest little pose, and looked right at me. Then she smiled and kissed my shaking hands.

And she sat up, and Oh god - after all those years - I was actually seeing her breasts.

"Crissy - Oh god..." And as I spoke, I could feel hot tears form in my eyes.

She sat there, upright on her knees - and she looked so heart wrenchingly beautiful. I started to cry.

She looked so worried for me and whispered, "Katherine - I wanna help."

I whispered, sounding frightened, "Crissy? Crissy?"

She asked, "Pleeeese, how can I help?"

And then, with Crissy next to me, so close and holding my hands.

I spread my legs really wide, and I just let my hips start pumping - at the air, at nothing. The motion was uncontrollable.

She looked down at me, at my naked body, as my groin was desperately humping. And she was gripping my hands, and she looked confused.

And I was staring at her lovely breasts, and her hard little nipples, and crying.

She looked back to me and asked, "I wanna help - please."

I whispered, "Crissy - P-Please - hold my hands to the bed."

"Show me how."

And I carefully moved so she was holding my hands down on each side of my shoulders. My palms were up, and she interlocked her fingers and held them down.

To hold my hands like this, she had to lean in, and loom over me.

"Like this?"

She was above me, and her small breasts hung down, so close to my face - I was utterly transfixed.

"Yes - Crissy - I wanna cum like this..."

"Please - what can I do?"

"Your nipples - how would they shake?"

"Just as I get to that point, as I build up, so I'm shaking, and my body..."

I interrupted, "Crissy, you look SO perfect and beautiful..."

"Katherine - oh god..."

"You look wonderful, I love seeing you - I LOVE IT!"

And then she began to rock, and her tiny breasts moved with each motion.

I cried out, "Oh god - Crissy -YES!"

And she gave into it, and she stayed above me and let her chest wiggle faster and faster. We were face to face, and I could hear the pace of her breathing increase.

I asked, "Is this how it is, when your floating?"

"No - it's like this...

And then she changed tempo, and just sort of shivered, in this fast and passionate way. It was astounding, it was like that final emotional shudder that I have, just as I come, but she was able to just summon it up and let it happen. And hold it in time.

I whispered, "Oh god - oh god..."

"Oh Katherine - this feels so good..."

And then she moved a little so her breasts were right above my face.

Crissy stammered, "They shake like this, when I'm floating..."

I was in shock, it was so beautiful. I stared for a long moment.

And then, without realizing what I was doing - I was kissing her tiny hard nipples.

Crissy immediately gasped out, "Oh Jesus - Katherine!"

And then I was sucking, her little nipples felt so hard and so tiny in my mouth, I was so thrilled, and I sucked madly - like a tiny baby lost in the joys of drinking her mothers milk.

Crissy stammered, "Yes, Oh my god - YES!"

And I was sucking, and squirming - and my hips were pumping - and Crissy was holding my hands down. She was floating above me, and she was panting.

And then I heard Crissy whisper, "Katherine - Oh god - Katherine - I love you so much..."

That just made me suck harder, and Crissy just got more excited.

She panted, "I love you..."

I went on sucking, I was just lost.

Crissy said it again, it sounded like she was crying, "I love you - I love you..."

I stopped sucking, and looked up, and I gasped out, "I love you too - Crissy, I love you so much..."

Crissy smiled and asked, "Can you cum like this?"

"Yes - I think I can - Yes - YES!"

Crissy had been sitting, on her knees, off to my side, as she held my hands down.

She asked, "Tell me what I can do - I wanna help..."

"I wanna see - how you shaved - how it looks."

And instantly, Crissy was on top of me, straddling me, with one knee on each side of my ribs. And her beautiful hips were just above my belly button.

She was till holding my hands, flat on the bed.

Crissy's little vagina was silky smooth. And it was wet.

"Oh my god..."

"Crissy, Please - I wanna see more..."

And she stood up a little taller - high up on her knees, arching her hips toward me.

As soon as I saw her, in this taller pose, I began squirming and thrusting my hips. I was writhing in this uncontrollable way.

Crissy said, "Oh my god, Rachael - are you okay?"

"YES! I feel so - oh god - so unbelievably turned-on - I'm floating..."

And I squirmed down, so my face was closer to her shaved vagina.

And I got under her, even as she held my hands.

The view was electric, I stammered, "Crissy, oh god - you're all wet - I didn't know, you're all wet...

"I feel so good right now..."

And her hips started to gently pump with excitement.

I went on, "Crissy, please - this is so wonderful."

She said my name, so passionately, "Katherine..."

I stammered, "Crissy - You're - it's SO wet, it's dripping - oh god - there's a little drop - running down your leg..."

"I want you to cum so bad. Can you? Like this?"

I said, "I don't know - I need help..."

Crissy asked, "I wanna help make you cum..."

She was straddling me, naked and perfect.

I begged, "Crissy - help me - help me - help me..."

I was pleading with her, and then she looked at me with such concern. Her perfect shiny wet vagina loomed above me.

She whispered, "I wanna help..."

"Crissy, squat down a little..."

And she did, and as soon as she moved a little closer, I pushed my mouth up and kissed her swollen pink lips.

She gasped, "Katherine!"

Our position was joyous - I was squirming around, frantic, on my back, with my hands held down by Crissy. And she was squatting above me, her knees pressed along my armpits - and I had my mouth wrapped around her sopping vagina.

I was sucking and licking hard, overcome with emotion.

Crissy cried out, "Rachael - oh god, this feels so good."

Her clitoris was firm and pushing out from her wet pink folds, and when I pressed my tongue against it, she groaned.

She said, "Oh - Rachael - oh god - this feels so good - I'm gunna cum if you do this..."

I pulled my face away, set my head on the bed, and looked up at my beautiful friend.

And I said, "Crissy, I think I can climax without touching myself - I think I can - I really do."

It's so crazy - our position, with her long sensual legs, pressed against my sides, and me looking up at her sopping vagina, her tummy her breasts - and her smiling face.

"Can you?"

"Yes - I'm on fire - I'm floating!"

Crissy looked down at me and whispered, "I'm so happy..."

"I've never felt like this -it's magnificent!"

"Please, tell me what to do..."

"Crissy - just knowing you're happy, that you can cum - I think it's that - it's YOU - that can get me to fully climax!"

"Really - it's me?"

"Crissy, I want, what I need - is for you to have the best, most beautiful orgasm you can - it will help me - it's what I NEED!"

"Okay - Yes - YES!" she sang out excitedly.

I asked her, "You can let go of my hands."

And she did, and I immediately reached behind her and held her soft round bottom.

I looked up at Crissy, at her lovely smiling face, and said, "I love you..."

"Oh Rachael - I love you too..."

With that, I leaned in and let my mouth cover her beautiful slippery vagina.

Crissy looked down at me, and with her hands now free, she gently stroked my hair.

She said it again - so tenderly, "I love you."

And as she did, tears filled her eyes.

I could look up at her face as I wrapped my lips around her plump clitoris, and delicately sucked, letting my tongue press as I drew it inward.

"Katherine - I'm gunna cum - I know it, it's gunna happen..."

I didn't stop sucking and licking, I just let her talk - and like before - listening to her - it helped me get to a higher place.

"I get so wet - I can't help it - I get so wet!"

I caressed her soft bottom as I licked her hairless lips.

And she stammered, "Katherine - This feels so good - I - I think I am gunna get wet - get really wet - I can't help it - I'm sorry - I can't help it.."

I looked up at her, and her tears dripped down from her face and down along her beautiful naked body, down toward my face.

"This feels SO good - I - I think I'm getting really wet - I can feel it - I can't help it - I'm sorry..."

I couldn't take my mouth away, so I just sucked a lot harder to tell her it was all okay.

She responded immediately, "OH FUCK! Oh god - Katherine - Yes - Oh god - YES! I'm gunna cum - Yes!"

I put my fingers deep into her lovely bottom, into the perfect cheeks that I saw earlier tonight when she picked up her glasses. Everything felt slippery and wet. It felt wonderful.

She whimpered, "Yes - yes..."

How did it get so wet? Crissy must have been getting really excited - like wet and dripping - during our time under the covers, while we talked. She was mostly on her back, when she was next to me, and it must have seeped down, and made the crack between her butt-cheeks absolutely sopping.

I put my fingertip up against Crissy's small little bum-hole. It felt tiny and so wet. As soon as I touched it she began to rock her hips in frantic little motions.

She cried out, "Katherine - I love you - I love you..."

I rubbed my soaking finger in tiny circles, firm against her wet little anus, just like she said she did - and it felt like it was pulsing form the sensation.

"Yes - yes - yes..." she panted.

I pressed just a little harder and she whimpered, "YES!"

Crissy was squirming backwards, and the little hole felt so tiny and tight.

She gasped, "I love you Katherine..."

And with that, my wet little finger was in, and she pressed back - pushing it deeper.

"Oh my GOD, yes - yes..."

And with that I sucked and licked faster and harder. My finger, just an inch from my mouth, was gripped tight by her warm, wet little hole.

"Katherine - I'm shaking - oh god - I'm shivering - my nipples - look at them - they're shivering!"

She was holding my head and I looked up, and - oh Jesus - she was shivering, her small perfect breasts were shaking and quivering - just as she said - she knew how I would respond to seeing this, she WANTED me to see this - Oh god, I was on fire - I knew she was going to cum soon.

"See? They are shaking - oh god - my nipples - they're shivering!"

Crissy was quivering, all over - I could feel it in her hands as they held my head, in her knees along side of me - I could hear it in her voice - this haunted shivering - and with my finger being gripped firm inside her - and the feeling of my tong against her vagina. I could feel it all.

She was 'floating' in that mystical place, all of her. And I was to, I was so ecstatic that it felt like I was 'floating" too...

Crissy stammered, "I - love - you - I - I - Oh god - I love you!"

And she stayed in that euphoric place - floating - for an eternity - somehow, she just held herself there - and I watched her breasts, damp from tears, bounce and shudder - and I licked as hard as I could, I was in heaven!

Crissy could barely get the words out, "I - love - you..."

With that, I arched my back and pushed my tongue in as deep as I could, in between her throbbing pink lips.

Then, suddenly - I felt my face get soaking wet, there was a warm splashing along my mouth and chin - and I could feel it all drip down and my neck was soaked.

"OH - OH - KATHERINE!!!" She squealed.

Tracey had an orgasm that was so beautiful - It was thunderous.

Crissy finally collected herself, and her breathing calmed down enough - and the first thing she asked, "Did it happen? Did you cum?"

I smiled and said, "Oh Crissy - almost - but, I was floating - I was floating!"

I looked up at her, and I could feel the slippery wetness dripping all off my face - I was joyous.

She looked so eager and asked, "What can I do?"

I quietly asked, "Please - Crissy, kiss me..."

And she smiled and leaned in, and our lips met. Crissy was literally whimpering with excitement. My face was so wet, from the soaking release when Trace climaxed. And the wetness made the kisses softer and sweeter than I can even try to explain.

The passion I was swimming in was overflowing - I was on-fire.

Crissy pushed her warm tongue into my mouth, and with that, I started to shiver.

Crissy hugged me, and our bodies pressed firm together, our breasts, our mouths, our bellies and our legs, all seemed to become one shivering beautiful thing.

And our mouths, her tongue and my wet face - I tried to push my tongue in as deep as I could, into her open mouth.

Crissy could feel my shuddering convulsions building. I was squirming and writhing without any control.

She took her mouth off mine just enough to beg, "Please cum - please cum - please!"

"Crissy - I love you!" And I kissed her hard.

I wrapped my legs around Crissy's skinny torso.

My hips were pounding against her, and I was gasping as I tried to kiss and lick Crissy - and her open mouth - and her beautiful face.

And I reached a point where I could no longer kiss - I was just too far gone - and panting too powerfully.

Crissy maneuvered her self, so I was slamming my groin right into her sopping clean shaven little mound.

I stammered, "I'm so - close..."

And I was, and Crissy knew it...

And she arched her back, and let me pound with my hips, and ... and ...

Oh Jesus, her breasts - her tiny nipples...

With each movement of my hips, her little breasts quivered.

Crissy whispered, "My nipples - look at them..."

And then I came - it ripped thru me, I couldn't imagine getting any higher, but the sensations just exploded in me.

And Crissy watched me with such a huge smile, as I convulsed against her.

I cried out, "Crissy - Crissy!"

I had the most intense sensations I had ever experienced.

And Crissy held me as I calmed down, and we melted into each other - satisfied and happy.

NOTE: Please know that I used a story (that I enjoyed) called SNOW-DAY as a sort of frame work for this story.

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