Flirting Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

By Jane Steele

Published on Mar 7, 2002


Flirting Can Be Hazardous to Your Health, Part 3: Who's In Charge Now?

By Jane Steele

To those who emailed me asking for part 3, I apologize for being so long in getting this installment to you. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Jane ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


I awoke to the morning sun coming in through the French doors that lead out to the balcony. Slowly I floated up to consciousness from a deep restful sleep. I smiled as I remembered how Mark had made wonderful love to me last night. Without opening my eyes I felt around the bed for him, but I was alone. The disappointment of finding myself alone brought my real memories crashing in on me. I wasn't a young woman in love, I was a man who's wife had forced him to exchange bodies with his girlfriend. Even as I thought this I found I was still disappointed that Mark had left me in the night. As I went over last nights events a suspicion came to mind that Sandy and Kristy had set me up by taking me to a club they knew Mark frequented. After Kristy had carried my wife up the stairs in her arms they had sure been loud with their lovemaking. I was jealous and turned on all at the same time. Damn it all to hell, why did Sandy do this to us? Being a man in a woman's body is so confusing.

I got up and stepped into the bathroom. I brushed through my long brown hair, washed my face trying to avoid my distracting reflection in the vanity mirror. When I finished getting my makeup off I took stock of my new body, from my pretty face down to my neatly trimmed pubic hair. My large full and firm breasts accentuate my slightly tanned slender body. I cupped my perfect tits in my small hands and felt their weight as I lifted them a bit. I felt satisfaction at having such a sexy pair of tits. I slid my thumb and forefinger up the conical shape of each of my tits to my large brown nipples and rolled them gently between thumb and finger. Oh wow that felt so gooood... I close my eyes as I enjoy the feelings flowing from my large breasts. But the male part of my mind pushed those feminine thoughts to the back of my head. Back in the bedroom I slipped on a pair of Kristy's panties and a short sheer robe. I needed a cup of coffee so I went downstairs and got some started. My large breasts jiggle under my robe, keeping my nipples erect. After only a day as a woman this body still feels very alien to me. It jiggles and sways in the most distracting ways. I was reading yesterdays paper and half way through my first cup when I heard Sandy coming down the steps. She was looking for her morning coffee as well. Sandy was wearing a short blue satin nightie and her nice breasts jiggled as she walked toward the coffeepot.

"Good Morning honey," she said to me as she poured her coffee and then sat down at the breakfast nook table with me. "What an evening and night that was!"

"Yes, I can say I have never been picked up by a man at a club before. In fact, many of the things that happened last night at that club were a first." I agreed.

"Yep, you sure seemed to hit it off with Mark and he has really the hots for you, or rather Kristy. Of course he thinks you are her." Sandy laughed "You two had a good time not only at the club but here and he stayed with you until about 6:30 this morning. I saw his car pull out of the drive about then."

"Yeah, you know I couldn't control my urges when I met him. I bet you and Kristy planned that "chance" meeting between Mark and I last night." I said. Why were Sandy's nipples so rock hard right now?

"Well, we thought it was a good idea for you to meet a man just so you'd know what it was like." She smiled as she stated what I had suspected. "And from the looks of it you had a blast with Mark."

"Talk about me and Mark! I thought Kristy was going to make love to you right there on the dance floor. And when we got home she was all over you and you were encouraging her. Damn it Sandy, I went to sleep listening to you begging her to fuck you harder and deeper. I'd say you are the ones who had the best time." I said angrily.

"Now it's my turn to say I couldn't help myself. She did drive me crazy last night, she is so strong and that big cock. Plus damn it, she knows just what a woman wants. But this punishment for the two of you might be getting out of hand. She wants me to call her Ken now and for me to call you Kristy. It's all so confusing when I am with her." Sandy says.

"Then change us back now, before this goes any further..." I was interrupted by Kristy coming into the kitchen.

"Good morning girls." She said in a booming male voice. She was obviously feeling good this morning. She rubbed a strong hand across my shoulders. Then she kissed Sandy on the forehead as she made her way to the coffeepot. She was wearing a pair of my boxers and nothing else. Damn she looked great, her body was definitely mine but she looked like me on a good fitness program. She was truly buffed. I wanted to look away but my female body felt a strong sexual attraction to Kristy and was making me think about her in ways I knew were going to cause me trouble later. The thin material of her boxers didn't do much to hide her large male equipment.

"Good morning Kristy." I said and she shot me a frown. Why did she look at me that way? Then I recalled Sandy saying Kristy wanted to be called by Ken now.

Kristy pours herself a cup of coffee, "Sandy you were great last night. That was the best sex I've ever had, maybe being a man isn't so bad." Sandy enjoys the compliment and beams a smile at Kristy. She winks at me as she says this to my wife and I feel that strange mix of sexual arousal and jealousy flow over me.

Sandy gets up to pour herself another cup but Kristy intercepts her, wrapping my wife up in her muscular arms. With one hand on the Sandy's firm ass and the other on her back Kristy pulls her close and kisses her passionately. Breaking the kiss she says, "Thanks again for last night you sexy sweetheart." Sandy virtually melts into Kristy's arms and she runs her hands over Kristy's manly body. Then placing both hands flat on Kristy's chest she pushes her away. "MMmmm.. Ken, I mean Kristy, enough I have to take a shower and if you don't stop I'll be raping you right here in front of my husband."

Watching this play out I was surprised to find my right hand between my legs gently rubbing my little clit. My pussy was slippery and wet from seeing Kristy man handle my wife this way. Kristy doesn't immediately turn Sandy loose but holds her as she says, "You can call me Ken honey. After all don't I look like him now? And if I look like him, then doesn't that make me your husband now?" Kristy looks over at me and further says, "That sexy babe over there sure doesn't look like your husband and he damn sure wasn't acting like it last night." My face must have turned red at that because she laughed and Sandy smiled.

"No I don't think my husband would have slept with Mark and much less enjoyed it so much." Sandy teased. "Now enough of this I have got to go shower." With that she pulled away from Kristy and went up stairs. Kristy stood there for a moment smirking at me and then came over to sit at the table with me. As soon as she sat down, I got up and went back to the counter near the coffeepot, pretending to top of my cup.

"What?? Don't tell me you are mad at me." She asked. I shot her a look she would have no trouble understanding as anger. "Come on, what is it? I don't want you to be mad at me." She said getting up and standing in front of me. With her standing so close I was having trouble keeping the angry look on my face. She was so finely muscled with less hair on her gorgeous male body than I had. I shook those distracting feminine thoughts out of my head.

"I have two, no wait, three good reasons to be mad at you." I said.

Quickly, she replied, "So tell me, lets work them out."

"Well, first of all you and Sandy conspired to get me together with Mark." I told her.

"Hehe, ok maybe we did set you up for an evening at the club with Mark. But we didn't force you to have sex with him." She grinned at me as she stated this.

"You knew I wouldn't be in any shape to resist his advances. Between the wine and this over sensitive female body I now have. I was setup and trapped." I answered.

"I can understand that, I'm unable to resist anything in a skirt now. I get an erection just being near you or Sandy." Kristy said.

"And that's number 2, you are fucking my wife! It's different for you to try to screw me, but you slept with my wife all night and damn it to hell she had a great time with you." I was having to hold back the tears now. Why was I so emotional? These damn female hormones and the instincts of this body were forcing me to act and react like a woman.

"Look, you couldn't help yourself with Mark, and I can't resist Sandy. Its not all me, she wanted me to make love to her last night and I obliged her. Think about it, I look like a perfected version of Ken, your old body and she fell in love with you in your old body. I'm bigger, stronger, better looking than you were plus I have a 9-inch dick with the sex drive and stamina of 3 or 4 men. Doesn't it follow that she is going to be attracted to me, who knows she may have other deeper feelings? I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings but here is something else to think. That was my boyfriend you were fucking last night. And you are a perfected version of the old me. Maybe that doesn't make us even but it does work both ways." Kristy said.

"Damn it Kristy, I know. It's all so confusing to me. But after watching you try to get Sandy to call you Ken made me feel like, and this is point number 3. It made me feel like you are trying to replace me as Sandy's husband. To not only exchange bodies but to exchange lives with me. " Now a few tears rolled down my cheeks. Kristy saw this and took me in her big strong arms to try to comfort me. Having her embrace and hold me next to her big male body made me feel safe and small.

"Look, we don't know how long this exchange will last. It may be a few days, weeks or months. Hell it might be permanent. I want to experience as much of being a man as I can while I can. Why don't you do the same? You are a drop dead gorgeous and sexy woman. You are so much prettier than I was, and those tits. Yours are natural and you know I had implants. Enjoy it while you can!" she said trying to cheer me up. I had to admit that she had a point. Who knows if I would ever have a chance to find out what life as a woman would be like.

"I guess you are right Kristy. It is a once in a life time chance or maybe never in a life time." I smile up at her as I placed my hands on her nearly hairless muscular chest. The tips of my fingers played teasingly with her overly large male nipples. I guess they are holdovers from her once big nipples and tits. Her hands slip down to cup my small round ass cheeks. And she looks down to my fingers caressing her nipples.

"All right you little sex kitten, you had better stop that or you are going to make me rock hard. I was already erect from being this close to you." She says with a smile.

Instead of stopping, I lean down and take the left nipple in my mouth. I lick it roughly and then nibble it just enough to make her groan. Before I can move to the right one she puts a strong hand under each of my arms and sits me up on the counter. This puts us at eye level as she pulls my robe off exposing my breasts to her hands and mouth. Looking down I see her massive cock making quite a tent in the front of her boxer shorts so I tell her to drop them. When she slips them off that wonderful cock bounces out and points straight at my wet pussy.

"You like my big cock don't you? Do you want me to fuck you with it?" When I nod yes she says, "Here we need to get rid of these panties. She reaches down and literally rips the flimsy cloth with her strong hands to get them off of me. With my right hand I grasp her rigid shaft and place the head of it on my slick pussy lips. I wrap my legs around her and try to pull it into me, but she holds back.

"Come one, put it in me please." I beg.

"Nope, we need to talk a bit first." She says.

"No.. I don't want to talk, just put it in." I ask again.

"We aren't going to make love anymore unless you start calling me Ken and you answer to Kristy." She says.

"Ok, you did this to me yesterday. I'll call you Ken and you can call me Kristy while we make love." I admitted. It was a turn on to me but I wasn't about to tell her. While we talked she had pushed her cock into me about an inch and was making 1 inch long strokes which were teasing me but driving me wild for her to put it all in.

"No, that isn't what I mean. You will go by the name Kristy until Sandy changes us back and you will call me Ken until then." She orders.

"I can't do that, it will be like giving in to Sandy. She wants me to be punished by this exchange of bodies." I say. Kristy abruptly pulls her delicious cock out of me and backs away a foot or two, leaving me sitting on the counter.

"Ok, it's your choice. I can always make love to Sandy, I bet if I went upstairs and hopped in the shower with her, we'd be fucking in minutes. And trust me, I'll have her calling me Ken before the end of the day." She turns to leave me alone in the kitchen but I stop her.

"Wait... don't go... Ken. I need you right now, please come back." I felt a hundred emotions as I gave in to her. I was so worked up with desire, but I felt humiliated because my sexual needs drove my submission to her. Also, part of me felt relief as I let my feminine self rule my male mind. As she walked back to my embrace she said, "What is it Kristy? Do you want me to make love to you? My wife, Sandy might not like me fucking a sexy bitch like you."

She placed her cock head on my pussy lips once again and eased the entire 9 inches into me. My heels were back on her muscular ass as she slowly fucked me.

"One more thing Kristy, I know you love sex as a woman so don't try to hide it from me anymore. And I like being a big strong man, in fact it would suit me if Sandy never changed us back. I don't want to be a small weak woman anymore. The best part of being a man is this big dick of mine, look down at it as I fuck that wet pussy of yours. Doesn't it turn you on Kristy?" she taunts me. Small whimpers and girlish moans escape my lips as she tempts me with that marvelous cock.

I can barely talk with her huge cock pounding my pussy but I mange to say, "Ken I can barely think right now... uh uh uh.. oh Ken I'm going to cum!" all my thoughts are on her cock as she drives it into my pussy in long strong strokes, waves of pleasure wash over my body. I cum over and over as she keeps pounding me. Finally she is holding me up by my ass cheeks as I wrap my legs tightly around her. With my back against one of the kitchen walls, she pile drives her dick into me as she cums. My pussy fills with her sperm and it trickles out of me onto the floor. Finally she sits me down on the floor, but my knees are almost too weak to hold me up so I cling to her masculine waist.

"Kristy you are a great fuck." She says smiling.

"Oh Ken," she smiles at that, "You drive me wild." I say.

"I better go check on my wife." She says and winks at me. Little did either of us realize that Sandy had watched us from the doorway as we made love and had heard Kristy using sex to force me call her Ken. She leaves me alone to clean up the mess we'd made on the counter and floor of the kitchen. Wow, is anything ever going to be the same? I ask myself.


I bounded up the stairs to check on my wife, Sandy. My wife, wow the sound of that sent thrills through my male body. Only 24 hours ago I had been a woman, but Sandy had changed all that. Now I was a perfected version of her husband Ken. Damn how I loved being a man! This tall muscular body was so different from my soft female body. I was now strong, handsome and very much a man. Having a large 9-inch cock that stays hard most of the time was distracting but I'm learning to control my sexual urges. I had quite a buzz from just using my size, and cock to dominate Ken into accepting her new role and name as Kristy and acknowledging me as Ken. After enough reinforcement sessions she might forget she used to be Ken. She is so sexy and I certainly enjoyed making love to her, so it makes it much fun. I smile to myself as I think how confused Kristy must be right now. I was confused yesterday also, but after spending several hours last night making love over and over to Sandy, it became crystal clear what I wanted. It may be the male hormones driving me, or this body influencing my former female mind. But I realized very clearly that I loved being male, that I wanted to stay male and I want Sandy as my wife and Kristy as my girl on the side. The trick is to get Sandy to not change us back to our old bodies and to accept me as her husband (which I am well on the way to accomplishing) and lastly for the two girls to accept that I need both of them. I think they are both getting jealous of each other already. That thought makes me laugh, a man and his wife both trying to get my male attentions. I step into Sandy and my bedroom and uh oh, something is wrong with her.

"What the hell were you doing fucking that bitch!?" she almost yells at me. Damn, I quickly close the door to keep Kristy from hearing this.

"Sandy, what do you mean?" I try innocence first.

"You know damn well what I mean. I saw you screwing her brains out in our kitchen." She says. "And you were having a wonderful time with her. You've only been a man a day but it sure didn't take you long to start thinking with your dick."

"Sandy, honey you made me this way. And that "bitch", you made her that way too. How could I resist her?" I moved over to sit by her at the foot of the bed.

"And you want me to call you Ken? How can I treat you like you are my husband if you screw around on me at the drop of a hat, or pair of panties?" She asked.

I needed to do some fast-talking to keep Sandy and Kristy on good terms. "Sandy, who is that down in the kitchen? It's the old Ken, right? And who put Ken and I in this situation? That was you. The spell you put on us requires us to act a certain way. Please don't hate either of us for that. I am Ken now, you made me this way and I can't help but want to be your husband but you have to give all 3 of us some slack. There are other things that I can't help either. And that is the sex drive the spell gave me. And being in the body you gave me, I won't have much trouble finding a girl to please me. I don't want to cheat on you but you have to understand what this bodies needs are." I explained. On top of this, but I didn't want to say it to her now, I wouldn't be surprised if I caught the new Kristy and Sandy getting it on with each other. Kristy is so attractive and sensual its bound to happen sooner or later. Of course, at the time I didn't know it had already happened the day before.

"Ok Ken, I'll try to be more understanding but it helps to know you are trying to be faithful to me." Sandy said as she kissed me. "Come get in the shower with me. Let me wash Kristy's pussy off of your marvelous cock."

She takes my hand and leads me to the shower. Smiling at her I think how well this turned out when it could have been a very sticky thing. But it's quite a rush to have two gorgeous women desire you and know that you can control them with sex. Sandy might have been in charge for a little while but she made a mistake by making me the way I am. She was in love with her husband, and not only have I begun to replace him in her mind I am better than he ever was. At the end of the sex I know we are about to have I am going to test her acceptance of me as the replacement and improvement of her husband.


I hold Ken's hand as I lead him to the bathroom. I was so pissed at him for openly fucking that slut but now I had calmed down. Being around him just seems to take my mind off of things that make me angry or tense. It may be that he is just so damn good looking. And it sure helps that he has such a big and always ready cock. And he knows exactly how to drive me wild with it. Logically, I know that this isn't the man I married, that man is now downstairs in a sexy slut body that I forced on him. I also know that the man here with me now used to be that very same woman. But I can't seem to connect that logic with the reality of what has happened over the last 24 hours. Last night he made love to me for hours and I came until I lost count. When he asks me to call him Ken and treat him like my husband... well it just seems so natural and the right thing to do.

I strip his boxers off and notice they are wet with his sperm from his encounter with Kristy earlier. I grasp his semi-hard cock and it's sticky with their mixed juices. Somehow its exciting knowing this cock was just in her and that she used to be my husband.

"Come on you horny bastard, lets get Kristy washed off of this tool of yours." I say as I pull him into the shower by his big dong. I soap it up and rub it slowly from tip to his big balls and on cue he begins to harden and grow in my hands. He is amazing, able to get it up after screwing me all night. Then a session with Kristy only minutes ago and now he is rock hard and ready.

"Do you like it Sandy?" He asks. When I nod yes he says, "Hell of lot bigger than the old Ken's cock isn't it?"

"At least two inches longer and wider but more important Ken is how often you can get hard. Maybe I should hire you out for stud fees." I laugh as I keep stroking it. I rinse it off and kiss the head as a drop of precum slips out of its tip. We wash each other's bodies and caress for a while then I ask him, "Dry me off and take me to the bed."

The towels hit the floor and he picks me up, carries me to the bed and begins to slowly drive me wild again. My mind is clouded with desire as I ask him to screw me doggie style. He uses his strength to flip me over on my stomach and he lifts me up by my hips putting me on all fours. I look back at him standing at the foot of the bed with his cock in one hand, as he is about to enter me from behind. I wink at him and then wiggle my ass at him as I lean back into him when he places his swollen cock on my hungry pussy lips. It seems like his cock is never going to stop entering me, then I feel as if its going to come out my mouth it is so long. Then Ken begins to stroke it into me. Soon we are swaying and bucking in unison as he drives his huge pole into my pussy. When he puts a finger on my clit and begins to masturbate it like a tiny cock, my orgasms begin to explode as shock waves across my body. After my 3rd orgasm I feel the head of his cock expand and I know he is about to cum in me. I flip over on my back because I want to see him when he cums and he pushes my heels up over his shoulders. Then he is cumming, his thrusts so powerful he lifts my ass off the bed. Then he lies down on top of me, breathing heavy and gently kissing my neck.

"I love you Sandy." He says unexpectedly. A small voice in the back of my mind is saying, What? This isn't Ken, this is a woman in his body! How can she love you? But instead I feel joy that this wonderful hunky husband of mine has just expressed that he loves me. Without hesitation I find myself saying.

"Oh Ken honey, I love you so very much." We crawl up in the bed and snuggle and slowly I drift off to sleep thinking to myself Damn Sandy you have screwed things up royally now ...


Later that afternoon I'm out by the pool working on my tan. At first I didn't think I could make myself wear this tiny bikini, but now I liked the way I looked in it. I happened to look up as one of the neighbor's teen-age boys was looking at me through binoculars from an upstairs window. I smiled and waved at him. I think that nearly through him into shock. He must be about 15 and the sight of an almost naked woman probably has his little pecker rock hard. I found myself getting aroused knowing the little fucker was thinking about me right now. So I gave him a show. Wow, am I ever turning into a slutty bitch. Isn't it a hoot? He probably came in his jockey shorts when I took my bikini top off and rubbed tanning oil on my big tits. I might regret it later but I am sure he was having fun looking at me. Who knows he might try to meet me. Oh well...

Later Ken came out to catch some sun and took the lounger next to me.

Hi Kristy, getting some rays on those beautiful tits?" he asks.

"Hi Ken. Oh yeah, they seem a little pale and this sun feels so good. Where is Sandy?" I asked.

"She is taking a nap, I kept her up late last night." He just grinned knowing I understood he meant that he had made love to her all night.

"Ok. Hey look at the neighbor's house, up in the second window from the right. See that boy watching us?" I said.

"Where? Yeah, I see him, cute guy, and looks like he might be 14 or 15." Ken answers.

"He has been watching me for the last 20 minutes. I think he started masturbating when I took my top off." I say.

"Oh so now I see why you took off your bikini top. " Ken laughs "You are such a tease, I bet you just wanted to make the little bastard cum."

I just smiled at him knowing what he said was the truth. Taking my bottle of tanning oil he tries to spread some on his body but I sit up and take the bottle from him.

"Lay back handsome." I order. I squirt oil on his chest and rub it in slowly and as sensually as I can. I smile when I see his nipples harden. I glance down at his the crotch of his swim trunks to see if he is getting erect, yep he has a big boner already. "You are amazing, did you realize that?"

"What do you mean?" He asks, truly seeming to be puzzled.

"Just look at the way you have accepted and gotten used to being a man. I'm still having trouble getting used to such a huge change. Hell, you seem like you relish every little thing about being a man. Even the things I took for granted when I was Ken." I explain.

"Well, here is why. I love the feeling of power, strength and virility my new male body gives me. As Kristy I was soft, weak and small, I hope that doesn't offend you. To be this tall, strong and so very male in comparison to my former life as a woman is almost like taking a drug that keeps me high all the time. Of course I miss some things about being a woman, like those gorgeous breasts and looking pretty and sexy. But that is far out weighed by the sense of power I have as a man." He says.

Then the cordless phone sitting on the little table between our loungers rang. I had oil all over my hands so Ken answered it.

"Hello... Oh hi Mark." Ken says. Damn its Mark, I don't really want to talk to him. I'm still upset he left me alone this morning without even a goodbye. The small voice in the back of my head that seems to be all that remains of my manhood mumbles something about me acting just like a woman with hurt feelings. But damn it I can't help myself because the instincts and urges of this body overwhelm any intentions I had of not acting like a woman.

"Yeah... we all had a great time last night. Sandy and I were glad we ran into you since we had Kristy with us. Yes she is here with me by the pool. Sure you can talk to her but hold on a sec, she has oil on her hands." Ken says.

"I don't want to talk to him." I state flatly, but I wipe the oil off my hands on my towel.

Ken mutes the phone and says, "Come on, talk to him. You know you really want to, I think he wants to take you out tonight. You should give him a chance, he is really nice guy, I should know since I dated him for 3 months."

"Ok, hand me the damn phone." I say giving in. "Hello Mark."

"Hi sweetheart, why didn't you want to talk to me?" Mark says.

"Well how about this? You got what you wanted from me last night and then didn't even wake me to say goodbye when you sneaked out of my room this morning." I said, sounding just like a woman with hurt feelings.

"Kristy, you know how feel about you. Yes I got what I wanted last night and you were fantastic. But I had to be at work at 7:00 this morning. You were sleeping so soundly I couldn't bring myself to wake you. But I looked down at your beautiful form as you slept and kissed you on the forehead. Maybe I should have left you a note." Mark said, making me feel like a bitch for getting on to him.

"Yes a note would have helped Mark. I was so disappointed when I felt around the bed for you and you were gone." I complained.

"Ok sweetheart, let me make it up to you by taking you to a nice place I know for dinner. I like Ken and Sandy but I'd love to spend some time alone with you." He said. Damn this female body, but my heart leaps as he compliments me and asks me out.

"I don't know Mark. I may stay here with Sandy and Ken." I say.

"Please Kristy, you won't regret it." He begs.

"Ok Mark, what time?" I give in.

"I'll be by there at 6:00 to pick you up. I can't wait to see you again. Bye Kristy"

"Ok, see you at 6, bye."

Ken is smiling at me as I set the phone back on the table.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm amazed at how much you act like the old me. I would have made him beg me to go also. But I am glad you accepted his offer. You need to enjoy your time as a woman while you can. As I said this morning, Sandy might decide to change us back at anytime." Ken said and closed his eyes to soak up some sun.

I lay there thinking about that. What if she never changes us back. Could I accept being Kristy the rest of my life? There are things about being Kristy that aren't so bad. The sex life is fantastic but I worry about becoming addicted to it. This female body is so sensually alive and I've come to love having such perfect breasts. If she changed me back right now would I be queer or bi-sexual and still attracted to men? And could Sandy ever be satisfied again with me back in place of the Ken she now has with my smaller cock less muscular body? And where is this thing with Mark going? What if Sandy changes us back while I am out with Mark? What would he think if his sexy date sudden started turning into a man?

To Be Continued...


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