Flirting Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

By Jane Steele

Published on Jul 19, 2001


Flirting Can be Hazardous to your Health

Chapter 2, Sandy Takes Charge

This is the second part of Sandy, Kristy and Ken's story of flirting, jealousy and revenge. In this chapter the transformations that Ken and Kristy underwent in chapter 1 take root in the changelings minds affecting mannerisms, desires and instincts. Also, unknown to Sandy the talisman had further reaching affects on Ken and Kristy. The most obvious is the ten-fold increase in their already substantial libidos. Less obvious is the size of Kristy's new penis. Ken's penis was large, about 8 inches, but Kristy is sporting a good 9.5 to 10 inches. Additionally, where Kristy's lovely breasts were due to saline implants, Ken's are all natural and every bit as perfect.

By Jane Steele

Sandy opens the door after either Ken or Kristy unlocks it, since she isn't sure if the talisman she planted worked or not she can't tell who is who yet. As she walks in the door she notices the man's necklace around Kristy's neck. Sandy had given Ken that necklace for his birthday a few years back. That is enough evidence for Sandy and she walks boldly into the main room of the salon. Ken follows closely behind her. Sandy sweeps the room with her eyes, spots the ugly statue and quickly grabs it and dumps it into the velvet bag that will inhibit it from making any further transformations. The old woman she had purchased the magical device from had highly recommended that people not be exposed to its power for more than an hour or two. She hadn't elaborated on the consequences but had been most adamant about it.

"Hey, you bitch that belongs to me." Kristy says. Sandy smiles at Ken's voice with Kristy's inflections in it.

"Well, that is proof that the talisman worked isn't it? I guess I can't call you bitch since you are now a man. Actually, I am the one who sent it to you so I am repossessing it." Sandy says, taking charge of the situation. " This is punishment for both of you but mainly for Ken. He going to find out what it's like to be a woman for a while."

When Sandy's statements sink into their confused minds, both Ken and Kristy begin to protest loudly.

"Shut up! If you two don't do exactly as I tell you I won't change you back.

Ken you can spend the rest of your life as a big-breasted bimbo. And Kristy, you'll never get that precious sluty body of yours back." Sandy says. Both her husband and his girlfriend clam up with a worried look on their faces. She smiles to herself seeing their reactions.

"What do you want from me? I can understand you punishing Ken but why me?" Kristy asks. Then looks down at her very male body. " I can't make a living here at my shop looking like this. "

"Because you are the one who returned his flirtation and you let him seduce you. So you get to have a male body until I say you can change back. Get used to the idea, at least for a week or two." Sandy snarls back. "Just put out your closed sign. Got it?"

They both nod their heads in submission to Sandy and the predicament they have gotten themselves into.

"OK, here is what we are going to do. Both of you are coming back to our house so I can keep an eye on you until I decide you deserve to be turned back into your old selves. Ken you will need some clothes and other essential female items for that sexy body of yours. Ken take Kristy's purse and keys and drive the Honda. Kristy, you'll take the Z3 and Ken's wallet so you'll have the right ID with you. We'll follow you to your place so you can pack dear Ken some panties, bras and other things. Get enough clothes for at least a week. After that we can wash them if you two are still being punished. Once we have everything he needs we will all drive to our house."

Sandy says.

After a little grumbling and confused swapping of keys and Ken giving Kristy instructions not to wreck his Z3 they all head off down the road. The 3 of them walk into Kristy's condo, Ken and Sandy wait in the living room while Kristy grabs a bag and begins to stuff the necessities into it.

"Be sure to get a swim suit or two for the pool, a thong would be great. Also pack Ken some of your sexiest and skimpiest clothes. I want him to experience being on display as a sex object." Sandy orders.

Soon the threesome is off again and arrives shortly at the Woodhall's large home in the suburbs. Sandy puts Kristy in the guestroom furthest from her and Ken's bedroom, and surprises Ken by putting him in the bedroom just down the hall from their old bedroom.

"I just assumed I'd be sleeping in there." He says pointing down to the master bedroom.

"Why would you think that? Look at yourself, you are a woman now and I don't think I need to sleep with someone who looks like a nympho slut." Sandy explains.

"But I'm still your husband inside this female body you have forced on me." Ken counters.

"Look Ken, just do as your told or you'll be that way a long time." Sandy says and walks off tot he kitchen to get something going for lunch.

Ken and Kristy get settled into their rooms and a minor amount of peace falls over the house.

Kristy, Part 1

Wow, this isn't a bad room. I have my own bathroom with a shower and a queen-size bed. The large window looks out on the pool area. The Woodhall's certainly have a nice home. I didn't realize Ken was so well off.

The closet has men's clothes in it and the draws of the dresser have men's briefs and sox. Looks like Sandy had this all worked out. I still can't believe the reflection in the dresser's mirror is really me. I feel so big, so tall and strong. I haven't had a chance yet to get a good look at myself so I lock the door and strip off my shirt and jeans. My new body is duplicate of Ken's but I hadn't seen him naked yet so this is all new to me in more ways than one. My finely muscled body is hairless except for a small amount of blonde fuzz on my hard chest. As I run both hands over my chest it feels so flat, but I know its muscles are well defined. My tummy is rock hard and devoid of fat. Then my eyes rest on my crotch. My cock seems so big to me but right now it is only semi-erect. Its feels so different from the warm wetness of the pussy I used to have. Thoughts pop into my head of what Ken and I had done back at my shop this morning. The feeling of plunging my rock hard cock into Ken's wet pussy was wonderful. My cock begins to lengthen and harden as I think about our love making session. Soon I'm rock hard and it's standing at stiff attention. Damn, it must be 9 or 10 inches long! I grasp it in my hand and it looks big even compared to my large male hands. It feels so thick and heavy in my hand. A few inches still stick out even as I put the other hand around its large shaft. I am so turned on as I continue to imagine Ken with his legs spread for me. In my imagination I am pounding my rock hard cock into his pussy. He moans and groans to the rhythm of my thrusts. The feeling of the strength of my male body and the power it gives me over him is intoxicating.

I cum and splatter the mirror with gobs of my hot cum.

I look at myself in the mirror and smile. Maybe I can slip into his room tonight and get in his panties again. So being a man for a little while might be fun after all. I look through the clothes in one of the draws and find a pair of swim trunks. I slip them on and find my way out to the pool.

It feels so odd to be topless but I don't have those big tits anymore so I guess it doesn't matter.

Ken, Part 1

The bedroom Sandy has allocated to me is the biggest of the three guestrooms. It even has a balcony looking out to the pool area. I slowly unpack the clothes Kristy has picked up for me. She took Sandy's suggestion to heart when picking them out. Everything is either small or involves thin clingy fabric. I hang up the items that would wrinkle and the panties and bras I put in the dresser draws.

There is a full-length mirror on the outside of my bathroom door and I use it to examine what Sandy has done to me. Damn it, she did a good job. As far as I can tell I am an exact duplicate of Kristy. I slowly disrobe to get a better view of myself. I take my bra off and those big breasts that attracted me so to Kristy jiggle free. They are so big, firm and round. How big are my tits? I think to myself reaching for my bra. The tag says 36 DD cup! Well I always loved big firm tits and now I have a set of my own. My nipples are large, brown and conical shaped. My breasts are the best features of my new body, but the rest is good too. I'm slender with a nice firm ass and a flat tummy. My legs are long and very well shaped. Looks like Kristy worked out a lot and took pride in herself. My large brown eyes dominate my pretty face and my long brown hair reaches a third of the way down my slim back.

I stand there cupping my breasts and wondering how I could have let Kristy use my former body to fuck me this morning. Once she began to eat this new pussy of mine I was out of control. I'm rolling my erect nipples between my thumbs and index fingers when I sense a presence in my room. Two small soft hands reach around me from behind and cup my tits.

"Playing with your new equipment Ken? Careful it can be habit forming!" Sandy says with obvious mirth in her voice.

"Sandy what are you doing?" I ask as the sensations of her caressing my breasts fill my head.

"What? Can't a girl play with her hubby's tits? Don't you like it Ken?" She her own fingers on my nipples and her caresses make me hunch my ass back into her. "Oh yeah, you love it bitch. Don't you?"

"I can't help myself. You should know how good it feels." I managed to say softly my body clouds my male mind with overwhelming female sensations. Sandy had had a couple of bisexual experiences in college and we had often fantasized during sex about having another woman over for a threesome. I guess I am going to be that woman!

Sandy pulls away from me long enough to close and lock the door. She removes her shorts and blouse, then her bra and panties. She walks over to me with those gorgeous breasts of hers jiggling in time to her steps. I was 4 inches taller than she was but now we are about the same height. She eases close enough for our erect nipples and tits to touch. Oh my, that feels so good my knees get weak.

"I see why you were so eager to fuck Kristy. She was a very sexy bitch, but now it's my turn to fuck a sexy bitch. And guess what? You are her Ken or maybe I'll just call you Kristy." Sandy smiles as her hands find my tits again.

My wife puts one hand behind my head and holds me while she kisses me roughly. In my present state she is a more muscular than I am and she takes full advantage of it. Sandy forcefully pushes me back to the bed and then down on my back. She sucks and nibbles on my big tits for a little while then she moves to my pussy and zeros in on my tiny clit. I wiggling and hunching my hips as she assumes a 69 position and forces her wet pussy down on my lips.

"Eat my wet pussy bitch." She orders. I don't have to be told twice and beginning licking and sucking her small erect clit. My first orgasm builds and washes over me as I'm licking her cunt. Then she gets up quickly and walks over to the dresser, leaving me fondling my tits on the bed.

"I've got something for you, and I know you will love it." She says donning a large realistic strap on dildo.

My eyes are fixed on that big thing protruding from my wife's crotch as she moves into position between my spread legs. In one easy motion she places the head on my wet pussy lips and begins to penetrate me. I know my new body craves this. To be impaled on a massive cock feels so good! Sandy slides more and more into me and I respond by wrapping my legs around her.

"You like my cock, bitch? How does it feel to have your wife fuck your cunt, bitch?" My wife asks as she drives me to another orgasm. All I can do is moan in response.

The orgasms seem constant for a while then I feel Sandy tense and ram her strap on cock deep into me as she finishes cumming. Then my wife dismounts me, pulling her strap on out. I lay back on the bed spent and quivering from what she has done to me. She stands at the end of the bed with a satisfied expression on her pretty face.

"You are a pretty good fuck, bitch." She says as she strokes one of my breasts. "I had fun, maybe I'll keep you this way." Sandy laughs as she leaves me alone to wonder about her last statement.

Kristy, Part 2

I'm relaxing out at the pool when Sandy walks out for a swim. She is wearing a yellow thong that reveals almost all of her sexy body. The fabric of the top barely covers the nipples on her large firm tits. I hadn't really noticed how attractive Ken's wife was before. I smile to myself, realizing that my current viewpoint is a hell of a lot different. After all, I'm' now a duplicate of the man she has been married to for 7 years.

"Hi Sandy." I offer.

"Hi Kristy. Enjoying yourself out her by the pool I see." She says as she tests the water with a perfectly formed foot.

I feel my new cock stir in my trunks as I watch Sandy jiggling around the pool as she makes ready to dive in. This cock of mine seems to get hard at the drop of a hat and watching Ken's sexy wife parade around almost naked is sure doing it for me. She walks by where I am laying on a lounge chair and glances down at me.

"From appearances you are enjoying watching me." She states. Her eyes flick toward my trunks were my boner is making quite a tent in my trunks.

"Well, can I help it if this body reacts to you that way?" I lie not wanting to admit I am so attracted to another woman. She smiles again and dives in, coming up near her lounge chair, and situates herself for a little sun.

I lie back and close my eyes hoping to get this male body under control rather than let it control me. But my thoughts keep coming back to the gorgeous babe in the lounge chair. In my minds eye I can see the two of us making love on a blanket by the pool. When I open my eyes to vanquish those images I see she is trying to put suntan lotion on her back. On instinct I jump up and move over next to her and offer my aid.

"Here Sandy, let me do that for you." I offer.

Surprisingly she accepts my offer and I squeeze some of the slick liquid into my hands and onto her back. I rub it into the areas I can easily get too, even down the back of her nice legs. When the back strap of her bikini top gets in my way I deftly untie it. At this point I am not even thinking.

My penis is doing all the thinking and I'm doing my best to get into Sandy panties, well her thong. I keep up a steady rhythm making it as sensual as I can. Sandy moans with each stroke and seems to be really getting to the mood. My cock is rock hard and I want to just rip her thong off and make love to her right now. But...

"Ok Kristy, that's enough. You are getting me all worked up and you may look like my husband Ken, but you aren't him." Sandy says. "Thanks for the back rub, it was great."

"But Sandy I need you." I plead. "I promise you'll love it."

"I think you better go get a cold shower or something to cool yourself off cause you aren't getting any from me." She states flatly.

I grab my towel and walk off toward the house, my rigid and unsatisfied cock pointing the way.

Ken, Part 2

I woke to the afternoon sunshine hitting the bed I was laying on. I guess I must have drifted off to sleep after my little fun session with Sandy. The little clock on the nightstand said 3:39. I eased out of bed and stood stretching in front of the mirror. Damn this body is amazing. How can such a slender woman have such big firm tits? I'm having trouble getting awake so I decide to take a shower. I adjust the water to a nice temperature and step in. I'm just standing letting the warm soft flow of water cascade over my big breasts when I'm startled by a man opening the shower door and stepping in with me. Then of I realize of course that it is Kristy.

"Hi babe, want some company? Or maybe a little help washing that perfect body?" She asks in my familiar old voice. As she embraces me from behind.

Without giving me a chance to say a word she takes the bar and begins to soap me up. Her big cock is quite hard and she slides it up and down the crack of my round ass as she lathers up my tits. I suppose it's a sign of how much I've changed, but I don't even offer a protest.

"I was out by the pool watching that sexy wife of yours parade around in her tiny thong. I didn't know she was so sexy. She got me so hot, then she wouldn't let me have a chance with her." She says

Shit! My girlfriend was trying to get into my wife's panties!

Kristy pays special attention to my now erect nipples, swirling her soapy fingers all around them. She begins to whisper in my ear as she fondles me.

"I want to make love to you Ken. You are so sexy and gorgeous. Doesn't my big dick feel good?" She keeps asking that questions until I moan out a "Yes...."

She turns me around and looks down into my eyes as I look up at her handsome face. Then she savagely kisses me, forcing her tongue into my mouth. Then I feel her strong hands on my soft shoulders.

"OK, get down on you knees bitch!" Kristy says, forcing me to kneel in front of her on the shower tiles. I just didn't have the strength or will to resist her. I'm now eye to eye with her massive member. In the back of my mind a few rational thoughts question the size of her cock.

"If she is supposed to be a duplicate of me, why is her cock so big? I don't recall my cock ever this long or thick. I mean it looks identical, same vein pattern, same shape. Just bigger and longer" I think.

Then she ends my musing by putting both of her hands on the back of my head and pulling my head toward her waiting penis. My nose catches a whiff of its musty odor and my female body betrays me again. I'm hit by an overwhelming urge to take it in my mouth, to lick and suck it til she cums all over me. I proceed to treat like my personal lolly pop.

"Oh yeah babe. That is so good!" Kristy moans as she hunches it into my open mouth.

I lick the shaft from the tip down to the base at her big balls. Then back again to lick off a drop of precum. The head of her cock swells as I take it in my mouth again and she holds my head still and her cock tenses then she shoots a huge amount of cum into my mouth. I swallow some, but most runs out to dribble onto my tits. Damn, what I just did makes me feel like a slut but I love it.

"Stand up Ken." Kristy says, "Turn around and lean over a bit."

I know what she is about to do but my body craves it. I lean over and grab the chrome bar on the side of the shower.

"Ok, spread those lovely legs babe. Yeah just right." Kristy instructs me.

Now I am standing up, but leaning over with my feet spread apart and my pussy is in perfect position for her to take me from behind. With her left hand on my left hip, I first feel one of her big fingers enter me and play with my little clit. Then she shoves two big fingers up my pussy.

"Oh yeah, you are so wet bitch." Kristy says with desire in her male voice. "Do you want me to fuck bitch?"

She strokes her fingers in and out in an ever-increasing rhythm. I hunch my hips in time to her fingers.

"Oh yeah, I see you are ready. But you have to ask me to fuck you. Go ahead bitch, ask me beg me." Kristy orders.

When I don't say anything she pulls her fingers out and steps back. This makes me moan and whimper for more. Oh hell, I want it so badly.

"You do want it don't you bitch?" She asks.

"Yes" is all I can utter in reply.

"Then ask me to fuck you, no wait beg me to stick my dick in you." She orders again.

"Kristy, please fuck me. I want you to put your cock in my pussy." I plead.

Her sexual stamina is amazing and she is still rock hard. I feel her place the head of it on my slick lips. But she doesn't enter me and I wiggle trying to get it in me.

"No bitch that wasn't enough. You asked Kristy to fuck you, but that wasn't right. I look like Ken now, so I want you to call me Ken. I'm the man and you are the woman now, so bitch I want you to call me by a man's name." She demands.

Oh fuck what was Kristy up to? Was that body actually beginning to go to her head and make her think she was me? But I could barely think at all. All I knew was I wanted this person whoever he was to put that wonderful cock me.

"Oh Ken, please fuck me baby." I gave in. "I want you to fuck me."

"Ok Kristy." she says with a smile. Then I feel that huge cock enter me and I go wild. I grip the bar as he/she pounds that cock into my pussy. I feel my mind twist and my perception of HER becomes HIM. I don't know how I'd feel once we were done, but right now she was a he and I loved every inch of him.

I don't know how long I gripped that chrome bar as he pounded my pussy. But I came multiple times then I felt him stiffen even more inside me and he gushed a hot load of his sperm into me. His orgasm was so savage that it made me cum again. After he finished cumming I stood there with his softening dick in me and his cum running down my legs. He patted my ass and kissed me on the shoulder as he pulled it out.

"Thanks babe. You are a great fuck." He says as he leaves me alone in the shower.

Later, in the den...

Kristy is sitting on the sofa watching a baseball game wondering to herself why she suddenly enjoys this game.

Ken is sitting in a chair a little away from Kristy, thumbing through a Playgirl magazine he didn't mean to pick up but can't seem to put down.

Sandy comes strolling in from the pool.

"Hey guys we are going out to dinner tonight, so lets get ready. Kristy put on something casual and Ken I'll help you pick something sexy." Sandy says.

"Great, I'm starved Sandy." Kristy says. "Where do you want to go?"

"How about Rocko's? We can eat, drink and even dance there. I can't wait to see Ken in your arms on the dance floor." Sandy teases.

"Come on Sandy. You're making me crazy with this. Can't you swap us back now?" I ask.

"Look Ken, this is supposed to be punishment for you. You can't end it just because you ask or because you are tired of it. It'll be over when I am satisfied you have learned a lesson." She says as she heads sup stairs to change.

Ken and Kristy follow her and go to their rooms to get ready. Sandy picks out a thin summer dress for Ken to wear that's reveals large amounts of his generous cleavage. She even helps him get his make-up and hair right. Sandy is very pleased with the result and even Ken has to admire his lovely reflection on the mirror.

In the car in route to the restaurant, Ken is in the backseat; Kristy being the man now is driving. Sandy sits beside her in the front.

Kristy quietly says to Sandy, "Rocko's might be an interesting place for Ken."

"Why is that?" Sandy asks.

"Well, one of my closest boyfriends goes there all the time for a beer or two. If he sees Ken he will think it's me. It might get kind of interesting to see how Ken handles a big horny guy like Mark." She answers.'

"Oh wow, that will be cool. Maybe he will try to get in Ken panties." Sandy smiles. "Let's be sure they dance together."

They are soon at the club and after a short wait get a good booth near the dance floor.

Ken, Part 3

I still can't understand how Sandy talked me into wearing this tiny dress I have on. I feel naked and every man in the place is looking at me. No wait, not looking they are staring me, especially my tits. I couldn't quite hear what Sandy and Kristy were whispering about in the car on the way over.

I'm sure it was about me. Damn I hope those two aren't getting too close.

We order some drinks, Kristy has a large beer and Sandy and I have Margaritas. We are all on our second drink when the band starts playing and surprisingly they are very good. We'd just ordered our third round when this guy across the room does a double take at me, then he comes over to me smiling.

"Hi Kristy, I'm glad you are here since you stood me up for lunch today. Who are you with?" he says looking at Kristy and Ken.

Kristy jumps in the pause.

"Hi, you must be Mark. Kristy told us about you." She stands to shake Mark's hand. "I'm Ken and this is my wife Sandy." Kristy gives me a wink.

"Hello Ken, Sandy. Good to meet you folks." Mark answers.

"Won't you join us?" Sandy says smiling at me.

"I'd love too. Thanks." And he sits down very close to me on in the semi-circle booth we are in.

"So you guys are friends of Kristy's or relatives?" Mark says as one of his hands disappears below the table.

"No, not relatives. Kristy cuts my hair, that's how Sandy and I got to know her. We are both very close to her." Ken says.

Quickly I find out where Mark's hand went. He is caressing my right thigh through the fabric of my dress. Oh hell, this body is attracted to him. And my nipples react very quickly by showing themselves under the front of my dress.

"I like her too." Mark says giving my knee a squeeze and caressing deeper toward my lovebox. "We have been dating on and off for a few months now. I am not so sure she likes me as much as I like her"

Just then the band begins a slow tune and Kristy says to Sandy.

"Come on babe, let's dance to this one." She says.

"I'd love to sir." Sandy answers then winks at me. "Mark, you and Kristy come on too."

"Come on gorgeous." Mark says taking my hand and pulling me toward the dance floor.

Already Kristy has her strong arms around my wife as they dance slowly around the floor. Then I have to pay attention as Mark sweeps me up in his arms and we begin to move together.

"I love holding you this way Kristy." He says to me.

"MMMMMmmm" I say to cover my lack of knowing what to say. But it does feel good to be held by a big strong handsome guy.

He doesn't speak again and the next time I see Kristy and Sandy they intentionally move close to us. Kristy has one hand cupping my wife's ass as they dance. What's worse is Sandy isn't making her stop and seems to be having fun. As I watch those two, Mark begins to nuzzle and nibble my neck sending electric chills down my spine. I close my eyes knowing I am trapped and trying to not let my body betray me too quickly. When I open them again, I see Kristy plainly doing the same to Sandy. Then Sandy sees me watching and winks at me. Kristy notices it and throws me a wink as she draws my wife into a slow passionate kiss. Damn! Kristy is trying to fuck my wife, I just know it. And from the looks of it Sandy is willing.

My next surprise is Mark's cock getting hard and erect as he grinds it into me as we dance.

"You like the way that feels honey? I want to make love to you all night long. You are so beautiful and sexy." He whispers to me.

Kristy, Part 3

I am so hot for this gorgeous blonde I am dancing with. All I can think of is getting her in bed tonight, and soon. I'm so turned on right now I want to fuck her right here on the dance floor. Having her husband watch me dance with her and kiss her is also a turn on. And knowing my boyfriend Mark is trying to fuck him right now is hilarious.

I turn my attention back to Sandy. My big cock is pressing into her flat perfect tummy as we dance.

"Can you feel that babe?" I ask her.

"God yes, Kristy. You're cock is huge. I think the talisman must have made a few improvements in you and Ken." She answers as she hunches a little into my cock.

The nipples on her big sexy tits are erect and pressing into my chest as we dance. I kiss her full on the mouth again and probe her with my tongue. Her tongue meets mine as we make out there on the floor.

"Sandy, darling I want you so bad. Let's go home." I say.

"Oh Kristy, you've got me so worked up and horny. I'm afraid if we go home now I'll tear my clothes off and beg you to fuck me." She says softly.

"Baby don't be afraid. I guarantee you will love it. Just follow your body's desires." I say leading her back to our table.

Ken and Mark are still out on the floor and they are making out just like sex starved teens. Looks like Ken wants Mark to fuck his pussy. When they see us at the table, they make their way over.

"Mark, Sandy and I are going home. Why don't you and Kristy come on back with us? Kristy has been staying with us anyway." I say, knowing I just sealed Ken's fate for the night.

"Sure, sounds great to me. Kristy can ride with me to show me how to get there." Mark says.

In the parking lot I open the door for Sandy and then hop in the driver's side. Sandy slides over and sits next to me on the seat. I crank the car and pull out into the road with one arm around her. As we ride Sandy plays with my hard cock. Then she unzips my Dockers and pulls the big boy out.

"Oh baby, its huge! Oh I love it, it's 2 or 3 inches longer than Ken's was." Sandy says just as her lips descend onto me.

She sits up as we slow at the turn into our driveway. I glance down and her lipstick is all over the head of my cock. I quickly tuck it back into my pants as Mark and Ken pull up right behind us. Once inside the house the four of us settle in the den for a few drinks and some conversation. It's cool to see Ken act like a girl for Mark. He seems to be in Mark's total control. Mark's hands are all over that sensual body of Ken's. Damn his nipples look like they are gonna pop through that dress. Sandy notices my look and punches me.

"Hey, stop looking at that bitch and pay attention to me." She teases.

I take my cue from that and stand up, my boner very obvious in my slacks.

"Mark, Kristy. My lovely wife and I are off to bed, we have something to take care of." I say as I pull Sandy to her feet. "Come on sweetheart" We kiss passionately right there in front of them and then I lead her to the stairs. I sweep her up in my strong arms and carry her up the stairs to her bedroom.

Ken, Part 4

Kristy just seduced my wife and physically carried her up the stairs to the bedroom. And she had a raging hard on just to show what her intentions were. Now I am alone in the den with Mark. He has been all over me since our first dance back at the club. As Mark starts sliding my dress up I have to wonder about how far this can go. Kristy has my body, well sort of if you don't count her huge cock. And I a look like Kristy did. Now she is upstairs fucking my wife. And Sandy seemed to be enjoying every moment. Once she gets used to Kristy's big cock will she be satisfied with my smaller one? And if it couldn't get worse, here I am with Kristy's boyfriend and I can't help myself. It's as if my body was preprogrammed to react like I really am Kristy. I can't help myself, I want Mark to make love to me. I need it, not just want it. Oh shit, what if Kristy takes my place as Sandy's husband and I become Kristy. Even as these strangely erotic thoughts flow through my head I stand up in front of Mark. I pull off my dress, then walk to the foot of the stairs.

"Come on lover." I say taking my bra off and throwing at him.

At the top of the stairs I step out of my panties and toss them down at him as he ascends the stairs after me. When he reaches the top of the stairs I take him by the hand and lead him to my room. Then he takes the lead. Mark is gentle and pays attention to every sensitive spot on my body. Once again I am on autopilot, my body just reacts and does things with out me controlling it. Mark is good but he isn't as big as Kristy and his cock is shorter. But he still makes me come over and over. The orgasms are so good I have to fear getting addicted to sex as a woman. If I went back to being a man would I be disappointed with sex? Or will having been a sexy woman for a while change my sexual preference to men, even when I go back to being a man?

But then Mark's cock drives these and ever other thought from my head. He pounds me until I cum for the third time.

As I lay there in his arms afterwards, Mark has fallen to sleep. Down the hall I can hear Sandy moaning and occasionally screaming as Kristy drives her wild. Kristy's deeper voice can be heard as soft grunts and a few bellows as she fills my wife with cum. I fall asleep listening to them and my sleep is disturb by dreams of being a bridesmaid at a ceremony where Sandy and Kristy renew the vows Sandy and I took a few years ago.

The end of Chapter 2. Stay tuned...

Next: Chapter 3

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