Flipping Thick Nick - installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 26, 2024


"HE TOLD YOU NO?" Nicky was sitting with evan, who had just asked when nicky's "big event" was going to happen at Stirrups.

"He told me I'm not submissive enough. He thinks I haven't been broken yet -- that he can't trust me not to go off and fool around with some twink if I get the chance." Even slowly shook his head. "I'm not sure what to tell you, nicky. I can ask Master Joseph for any insight he might have, but the best I can think of is...he caught you looking at other guys, didn't he?" Nicky snorted. "Well, yeah. It's hard not to when you're in a crowded bar and you see guys..." his voice broke. "That you used to top."

"You miss that, nicky?

Nicky sighed. He didn't speak for a long time. "Yeah, I guess I do." Evan made a wry smile.

"You know, I guess you figured this out, but in case you didn't, I never topped a guy in my life. I've always been on the bottom. I wasn't submissive but...Master Joseph taught me that."

"So you never look at anyone else when you're in the bars?"

"I do, nicky, but they're always tops. Tops and Doms." He shrugged his shoulders. "I guess each Master is different, but Master Joseph always gets a kick out of imagining what a guy I checked out would do to me. Then he takes me home and does it." He grinned. "It's really fucking hot, nicky. If I weren't in a cage today, I'd be getting hard thinking about our last one."

"I think Ben..."

"NICKY! MASTER BEN! This is part of the problem. You don't show enough respect to your DOM." Evan paused for a few minutes. "Are you even sure you want this relationship?" Now it was nicky's turn to hesitate. "I think I don't. Not one where I can't ever be on top. I LOVED getting my cock sucked, or getting it into a guy's ass, but now..."

"You don't like bottoming?" Nicky blushed. "I didn't say that." He shivered just a bit. "I mean, when Ben fucks my face or my ass, or just plays with me, I can't BELIEVE I get so excited. I wanna think I got MY bottoms that excited, but I don't think I ever did. He's got me so figured out that, well, I nearly melt when he touches me."

"But you want more?" Nicky looked down. "Yeah, I do."

"Did you suggest one night off every week, or every other week to him? Promise to bring the guy back so he can watch you in action."

"I tried that. He answered that I clearly hadn't been in chastity long enough, so he left the cage on an extra three days, and he made me sit on a big dildo while he fucked my face." He saw the look on evan's face. "GOD. I would've loved to see that."

"I just don't know what I want, even. I mean, part of me WANTS Ben -- sorry, MASTER Ben to take me on that pool table, show everyone that I belong to him, but I still want...some of the other." Evan put his hand on nicky's shoulder. "If it's ok with you, I'm going to ask Master Joseph if he has any suggestions." He sighed. "You know, all these DOMS want their subs to be happy and satisfied, and everyone's got different rules. By the way, did you hear that Bob found himself a DOM." Nicky looked up. "WHAT? I thought he was waiting for me." Evan winced. "Well, I guess he got tired of that. Or decided your top man days were over, I don't know. But he found himself a semi professional baseball player who, bob tells me, knows how to swing a bat." He saw nicky's face. "Look, I told you that because I figured if you knew bob wasn't available anymore, maybe it would help you come to a decision."

"I think it did. I'm gonna speak up. I'm gonna demand the day. I'll start by asking for one a week. He won't give me that, but maybe I'll get something."

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Nicky had just asked Ben about getting a night to himself. "That maybe the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time." He snickered. "You think you can still get pleasure out of being a top? Or you can make someone happy topping them?" Nicky looked down.

"Yes, Sir. I think I can. You're always punishing me for looking at other guys -- even DOMS -- and maybe if I got some of that energy out, you wouldn't need to punish me so much?" He saw the look in Ben's eyes and knew he had said the wrong thing.

"What the hell makes you think you'd get punished less? You're HOT when you're suffering nicky. FUCKING HOT. I think I get harder during punishment than anytime else.

"True enough," nicky thought. He always got fucked harder, or Ben shoved his dick further down his throat, after a punishment.

"This is absolutely ridiculous, nicky. You need to start thinking about using your penis to piss, and that's all. GEEZ. I already let you spend time with evan, and I KNOW you and he go out to your old hang when you're with him.

"I ALWAYS COME HOME ON TIME, SIR. AND I NEVER GO WITHOUT TELLING YOU." Nicky saw an evil look coming over Ben's face. "Well, maybe evan should come over here. When I'M around. And maybe the bar trips need to stop." Nicky was getting a little angry. He burst out at his Master:

"YOU WON'T FUCK ME AT STIRRUPS, YOU WON'T LET ME HAVE SOME FREE TIME, DAMN IT, I'M GETTING SICK OF THIS RELATIONSHIP." Ben got up. He walked over to nicky and he took each of his wrists in a hand. He began twisting them behind nicky's back. Nicky struggled but he knew he would lose this one.

"Too. Damn. Bad. You think for a minute any bottom would have you, knowing that you're mine? You think any DOM would, without my permission. This is not going to happen."

Nicky gulped. What Ben said was true. When he and evan went to their usual bars, the guys stayed away. "Bottom's night out, eh?" was what they heard most. Sometimes it was "sub's night out," which really irked nicky. He didn't say anything to Ben, but he decided he'd take the matter in his own hands, even as he felt Ben's hands on his shoulders, pushing him to his knees. "SUCK ME BITCH BOY." "I'm not a bitch boy," nicky thought, but he said, "Yes Sir" and got in position.

While he went down on Ben, nicky kept on trying to convince himself he wasn't enjoying himself, but he was. When he felt Ben's hand grab a fist full of his curly hair, and push his head forward, a great big "MMMMMMMMM" spilled out of him. He wanted more. He tightened his lips so that Ben couldn't slide back and forth as fast as he was, because he knew it would be over soon. "Always reaching into your bag of tricks, huh nicky?" Ben sounded triumphant, as he shoved, hard, and the jizz flew down nicky's throat. Nicky sucked more and more, trying to get each drop in spite of himself. As he finished, Ben looked down at nicky: "Get ready for bed, bitch boy." Nicky mumbled "Yes Sir," as he tried to figure out how he felt.

He thought about it for a couple of days and then decided on what he was going to do.

It was a Thursday night. Ben hadn't demanded anything of nicky yet, so nicky went off to the bedroom. "Please make this work," he said in a low voice as he got dressed: tight jeans, a tailored shirt, his leather jacket, and proceeded toward the front door. There was no way Ben couldn't see him, so nicky didn't try to sneak out. He just said, without looking back, "I'm going out. I'll be back by midnight." Ben put down the magazine he was reading.

"EXCUSE ME?" he said in a somewhat threatening voice. "You're not going out. Bitch boys don't leave without permission. Get your ass back here."

"I'm not a bitch boy. I'm not a sub. I'm not a slave. I let you fuck me. That's it." Now, Ben rose to his feet.

"Is that right, nicky? Well, I have my doubts about it."

"We can talk about it tomorrow. Now, I'm going out." Ben smiled. "You're not going out. You didn't earn it."

"I don't have to earn it. I can come and go as I please."

"Why don't we see about that? I remember you surrendering, saying I submit."

"It wasn't a fair fight. You took advantage."

"Well, let's have a fair fight now, pretty boy. And I'll prove to you, once and for all, you're a bitch and a sub." Nicky saw Ben begin to circle him, like in a wrestling ring. Nicky grew up in a family of wrestlers: all of his brothers did, so did his cousins, his father, his uncles. He felt confident. "Bring it" he said and began circling too. It took about three minutes before they engaged. They locked up, and quickly wound up on the floor. Nicky had no information on Ben's past history with wrestling, and he was surprised by what a good fight Ben was putting up.

"You're in for a big surprise, nicky." Ben was breathing harder than normal, and he feinted toward one direction. Nicky fell for it, and then he wound up on his back, with Ben on top of him. He struggled as Ben went reaching for his wrists.

"Just like good times, eh nicky? Me on top of you, you squirming, before I fill you with what you want."

"FUCK YOU" nicky yelled and squirmed harder. That turned out to be a mistake, because when he squirmed, he gave Ben a chance to hook his left arm and push it back. Once Ben had nicky's first arm pinned, it wasn't difficult to get the other. He was holding nicky down firmly. He smiled. "I got ya, bitch."

"GET OFF ME. I AM NOT A BITCH." Nicky pushed up and managed to get his arms about an inch from the floor before Ben slammed them back down. "You really think you're gonna get up? Not happening?" Nicky let out a loud growl and pushed again. This time, Ben reached down and rubbed his chin against nicky's neck. "OH FUCK!" nicky moaned before his resistance stopped. Ben moved from nicky's neck, to his chin. Nicky began to whimper. "Tell me you're a bitch," Ben commanded.

"NO!" was nicky's answer, and then Ben started nibbling. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH. OH GOD. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Ben stopped and moved back to nicky's neck. Before he began licking it, he said, again "Tell me you're a bitch." As Ben's tongue got to work, nicky felt totally overpowered: and wildly aroused. He whispered, "I'm a bitch."

"LOUDER" Ben yelled. "I'M A BITCH." Nicky spat it out.

He saw Ben smile.

"You want me to let you up?" Nicky squirmed some more and found that he couldn't move very much at all.

"Yeah, I do."

"Then you're gonna have to submit."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" nicky moaned helplessly. He felt Ben's hands let go of his wrists, but he was sitting on nicky's chest. He still couldn't get up. Now, Ben's hands moved to nicky's torso. His fingers found his ribs. Squirming harder didn't do any good. Nicky didn't want to give Ben the satisfaction of hearing him laugh out loud. He broke.

"OK. I submit. You win. I give." Ben smiled. "THAT was fun. Now, maybe, you'll start understanding your place. When I get off your chest, take off your jacket and your shirt. Make it snappy." Hopelessly, nicky answered "Yes Sir". He saw Ben head off and then come back with leather restraints, a gag, and a few other things.

"GET ON YOUR KNEES. HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK." Nicky got to his knees but hesitated. Ben smacked the back of his head. "I SAID GET YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK."

Nicky sighed and did what he had been told to do. Ben was using a set of restraints he had never used before. The leather looped over nicky's shoulder's, came down his back, and ended in two leather cuffs. Nicky heard the key turn in the cuffs just before he heard the loud growl of Ben working on his ears.

"Before I gag that loudmouth of yours, it's gonna do what it's supposed to do." Ben had on a pair of athletic shorts, so it was easy to slip them down. His cock was hard and angry looking. "LICK THE HEAD, MAN BITCH. " Nicky pushed out his tongue. He touched the very tip of Ben's cock, before he started slowly making a circle around the head. He heard Ben's moans, and he felt some electricity himself.

"Deep throat me, sub. All of it. Up to my balls." Nicky let out a "yes, sir," before he began taking in Ben. He saw the smile flitting across Bent's face as he pulled away, forcing nicky to lean forward and almost fall. Then, just when nicky thought falling was inevitable, Ben grabbed his hair, pushed back his head, and shoved his cock down. "YOU CHOKE, WE GOT PROBLEMS NICKY." Indeed, the sudden thrust took nicky by surprise and he thought he would gag on Ben's cock. He didn't, and he felt proud of that. He began making what some of the twinks he used to take called "yummy noises." Ben laughed.

"You sound like a twink sub, nicky. But you're better. MUCH better. And we're gonna move on to better things. " Nicky saw Ben pick up the gag.

"Open your mouth, nicky. I don't want to hear you." Nicky hated being gagged, and he didn't want it now. He got another smack. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH SUB BOY". Ben grabbed one of nicky's nips and squeezed it hard. "AAAAAAGGGGGG" nicky screamed, and then the gag went into his mouth. "Lay on your back, bitch." Ben ordered. He was uncomfortable, but nicky did what he was told. "I should crush these. Eliminate a problem right now." Ben pressed his left foot onto nicky's crotch and ground it into his cock and balls. Nicky moaned in pain but also pleasure as he continued. "Know who's foot this is, nicky? It's the foot of the man who OWNS you. You're MINE now. You understand that?" Nicky mumbled a "yes sir" through the gag, and shook his head, as Ben slid on top of him, kissing him through the gag. That began to drive nicky crazy. He loved when Ben kissed him deeply, and feeling the pressure, but not feeling Ben's lips, was frustrating him. He began to get even harder than he was. Ben moved back to nicky's neck, rubbing his scruff over it. He whispered "what if EVERY Dom in town knew how sensitive that was, nicky? Think you'd be a top for long? Think you'd be anything but a 100% bottom bitch?" Nicky mumbled a "No Sir" through the gag before he changed to moaning. Ben's hands were free, and he had taken nicky's nips while he scruffed him.

"I think it's time to get these jeans off you, boy." Ben stepped down to where nicky's feet were positioned. He took off his boots. Then he reached for the buttons of nicky's jeans and laughed.

"Tight, worn 501s. You weren't planning to vend cock tonight, nicky. You were trying to find out what your ass was worth." Nicky reddened. "Well, no one's getting that ass but me." He slipped off the jeans and reddened even more when Ben found out he was going commando. "LOOK AT THIS. NO NEED TO UNWRAP THE BOTTLE." He held nicky's thick, hard cock in his hand. "I think for someone who wants to be versatile, you sure seem to like serving." He slipped his hand down and grabbed nicky's balls, rolling them, squeezing them, and then pulling them up. Nicky wanted to scream in pain, but also moan in pleasure. "I keep on thinking these are a real problem for me, nicky. You gonna work on keeping them in control?" Nicky nodded, and when Ben ran his finger along the line in between his balls, he thought he'd pass out from the sensation.

"Let's have a better look at that ass -- the ass that belongs to me." Ben flipped nicky onto his side. Nicky couldn't see when Ben's hand cracked across his left cheek, then his right. He stopped counting after fifteen and he started crying, but Ben kept it up. Finally, it ended, with Ben pushing a finger in between nicky's cheeks. He pushed it just slightly inside of nicky and moved it around and back and forth. "I should've tied your ankles. You're squirming much too much, boy."

When he finished fingering nicky's ass, Ben pressed his foot down on his chest. "You're like a conquered general, nicky. One who was too cocky for his own good and now, heh, heh, now you've met your match." He got back down on top of nicky. His mouth covered his ear. "I'm taking out the gag. All I want to hear is answers to my questions. What are you, nicky?" Nicky took a deep breath before he answered, "I'm a bitch, Sir." "Good boy. Did you submit to someone tonight?" Again, a gulp before nicky answered "Yes Sir." "To whom?" "To you, Sir."

"So, I'm your Master, your DOM." Nicky couldn't help it. He began to cry. "Yes, Sir. I'm your sub. You're my DOM. You own me." Ben pushed nicky up to a sitting position and he sat behind him. His hands caressed nicky's chest from behind as his chin scruffed him. "This is final, nicky. You understand that don't you?" Sobbing, nicky answered "Yes, Sir." He felt a kiss on his ear. "And you know this is the way it's supposed to be, boy? I told you to come home with me, and you did."

"Yes, Sir. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." Nicky was moaning more and more because Ben had begun edging him. Ben whispered in his ear: "I could lock you up permanently if I wanted to. I could shove a dildo into your ass if I wanted to. I could share you with anyone I wanted to, isn't that right, nicky boy?" Hard, stimulated and beginning to realize what had happened, nicky answered: "Yes, Sir."

"But right now, all I'm gonna do is FUCK you. I'm gonna fuck you like I've never fucked you before." He moved around and bent nicky's knees. Nicky had felt how thick and long Ben's cock was from the oral sex earlier, and now, he saw how huge Ben was that night. He gulped. He wanted to beg Ben to take it easy, but he knew better. Ben didn't plan to power fuck nicky, however. He kept his cockhead right at nicky's ass opening, teasing it. Nicky kept trying to slide down and catch it in his ass, but he was unsuccessful.

"Just the head for now, sub boy." Nicky grunted as Ben's cockhead entered him. Ben's hands found their way to nicky's tits again, and he worked them as he slid in, slowly: more slowly than he ever had. It was a gentle fuck, but it gave nicky the sense that it could get painful at any time. "It feels so good!" he thought to himself, and while he tried to suppress a loud scream, he couldn't when Ben touched his prostate. "There we go, sub boy. Look at all the pleasure you're getting after all the trouble you caused me. You don't deserve it do you?"

"No, Sir. I don't."

"That's what I thought. THIS is what you deserve!" Ben growled as he RAMMED his entire dick deep into nicky. Now, nicky thought he was being torn apart. Ben had begun to flex his glutes, and the changes were pushing nicky right over the edge. He knew he was going to cum, but... but... he didn't have permission to speak, and he didn't have permission to shoot.

Then Ben pulled out and slammed back into nicky in less than three seconds. He screamed "BITCH SUB!" as he came in his boy, and nicky couldn't help himself as he shot all over his thighs and lower abdomen. Ben laughed.

"You didn't have permission to do that, nicky."

"No, I didn't, Sir. I apologize. I couldn't help myself."

"Cum control is very important for subs. You're gonna have to do better."

"I know, Sir. I will." He saw the smile on Ben's face and knew he had something in mind.

"We'll start that training soon. For now, I think we need to go to bed. Any more questions about your role, nicky?"

"No, Sir. I understand now."

"Clean up and get into bed."

While nicky was in the shower, Ben called the owner of Stirrups. Nicky didn't hear as Ben made arrangements for using the pool table in two Saturdays: he'd be taking nicky in public. "Just get the word out. I have to arrange for the tattoo tomorrow."

Next: Chapter 7

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