Flipping Thick Nick - installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 29, 2023


Ben and nick were walking back to Ben's place after Saturday brunch. It was a warmer day, and the streets were more crowded than usual in what was considered a gay neighborhood of the city. Tourist season had just started as well, which added new people to the mix.

If you were a local, you could tell who the tourists were and who were residents by how they cruised nick. He was a very handsome man to begin with, and Ben had taken steps that pushed him over that line between "handsome" and "hot." In his tight, faded jeans and the tailored white button-down shirt, nick brought out the wishes of the visitors to either fuck him or, more usually, to have him inside of them. Locals might have the same thoughts, but they knew: Ben OWNED nick. He showed in in subtle and not so subtle ways: his hand on nicky's bicep, or on his butt cheek, for example. Anyone who might get close enough would have seen the slave collar around nick's neck. And of course, the locals had plenty of occasion to see them together. They'd hear nicky call Ben "Sir," or put his hands behind his back, or do something that would reveal the dynamics of their relationship.

For Ben, the idea that guys found his sub so hot drove him wild. Every now and then, he'd squeeze nick's bicep and if nick flexed back, Ben would smile. Nick was in good shape, and he was strong, but he wasn't getting away from Ben, who had plans for nick: both for the afternoon, and for the evening. Nicky had some idea of what the plans were. In the evening, he and Ben would be visiting evan and Master Joseph. Evan had taken an interest in nicky: a new sub who was fun to look at. He had asked for permission to spend time with him, which had been given freely. Evan could also take some credit for pushing nicky over the "HOT" line: he was a stylist and fashion consultant. Ben had asked him to take nicky out shopping and he had been very pleased with evan's work. Nicky enjoyed spending time with evan too: he didn't feel any sexual attraction to evan: slight, dark haired, a little bit feminine. Not at all his type when he was on the prowl. It confounded him, however, that evan didn't show any sexual interest in HIM whatsoever. Nicky knew that if Ben found out what he was thinking, there'd be punishment. Ben insisted that nicky had to eliminate thoughts of sex with ANYONE else, and the thought of him topping another man was, in Ben's phrase "extremely pernicious." Nicky had to look up "pernicious," and its meaning didn't surprise him.

Nicky assumed that Ben planned some non-penetrative torture for him that afternoon. He usually spent part of Saturday afternoon "playing" with nicky, but not screwing him. That would come later.

When they got back to the apartment, Ben quickly had nicky get in position in

his bondage chair. He tied his wrists behind him, then bound his thighs to the sides of the chair, before spreading nicky's legs and securing his ankles tightly as well. Then the gag went into nicky's mouth. Nicky saw the look on Ben's face as he contemplated the blindfold.

"Not today, sub boy. If I were planning to tickle you, it'd come out: try something new. Today, I want to see your eyes because, heh, heh, there's a little extra I have in store for you." Ben had unlocked the chastity cage that morning and had milked nicky hard. Nicky saw the hitachi come out, gulped, began to moan, and shook his head as if to beg Ben not to use it: he was empty. Ben had equipped the hitachi with a belt so that he could attach it securely to nicky's thigh, and it would remain fairly static while it vibrated. Nick arched his eyebrows when Ben attached it to his left thigh, rather than his right thigh: the one Ben always used. Then he saw why: Ben took out a second one. He had a big smile and giggled. Nicky's eyes got bigger, and he tried to say something. All that came out was "mmmmmph." Ben teased him.

"Are you saying you want them at medium strength, not low strength, nicky? Is that what you're asking?"

"mmmmmmmmmmph -nnnnn" nicky shook his head no and Ben laughed. "Nah., I think nice and low is fine. After a little of this: you know how much I love your tits... and your ears." He stepped behind nicky and his fingers dropped to the bound man's nipples. He teased them while his tongue found the spots on nicky's ears that stimulated him the most. Nicky threw back his head: the gentle scraping of Ben's facial hair, plus the nipple work, reminded him over and over again of how completely Ben had mastered him. He had gone, from trying to sneak looks at the guys checking him out, to being totally in Ben's power. He wanted cock: more than he wanted anything else. And he knew he wasn't going to get it: the hitachi torture usually went on for a good half hour. "It continues until I think you're ripe for milking, nicky," Ben whispered into nicky's ear before he went back to nibbling it. Nick hoped that perhaps because Ben was using two of them instead of one, he'd cut the time in half. Seventeen minutes into the torment, his shirt soaking wet from perspiration, nicky knew that wasn't happening. Instead, Ben sat there, rubbing his own cock through his jeans before he pulled it out and showed off how hard it was to nicky.

"See what you do to me, boy? SEE? GOD, I am SO fucking hard, and I need to try to control it until later tonight.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!" nicky squirmed in the chair. That turned out to be a mistake, as the hitachis moved and now, they were pressed right against his cock head, instead of his shaft. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" he screamed again, but this time it was because he couldn't hold in his load anymore. "SHIT" he thought to himself. "No permission. I'm in big trouble." If the heaving of nicky's lower body didn't give it away, the stain forming against his jeans did. Ben rubbed his hands together as he laughed.

"See that, nicky? Guess you CAN get jizz from a stone. Or stones. Not quite up to the task of holding back, were you? Got anything to say for yourself?" Ben took off the gag.

"Sir, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I couldn't help it. No tickling. PLEASE." Ben folded his arms. "Now, you see, nicky, that answer shows just how far away you are from being a proper sub. First, you make excuses for cumming without permission. I'm thinking now. Stirrups will be filled tonight: regulars, visitors... you and I could give them quite a show." (Ben had no intention of fucking nicky in public. Yet... But he smiled when he saw the fear in nicky's eyes).

"I'm sorry, Sir. But please don't fuck me in public."

"Why not, Nicky? You think people don't know I'm doing it in private.?"

Nick didn't answer. "We could put on the best fucking show Stirrups has ever seen. It'll make people forget about evan, and for all I know, they may ask us to come back and do it again."

"I like being cruised, Sir" nicky admitted. He waited for some kind of response from Ben, who just laughed.

"They can look all they want, nicky. It's you looking back that's the problem." He sighed. It's easy enough to make sure you can't do anything: just lock up that monster cock of yours. But we shall see, nicky. Complete submission is in your future. " "SO... you climaxed before I did. Don't forget that. I won't. Now, get ready to take it from behind. On the floor, dog boy. He began untying nicky. "Face down, bitch boy." Nicky knew the position Ben wanted, and he rested his forearms on the carpet as Ben stepped behind him. He heard the "whoosh" of Ben's folded belt before he felt the first hit. He screamed.

"Now, don't piss me off, nicky. I'm not even planning to break a sweat. These are LOVE taps, stud muffin. Love taps when your behavior should call for a truly thorough whipping." The "whoosh" went through the air again, and another smack came down. Ben whipped nicky's ass a total of twenty times, but nicky stopped counting after 8. He had never been whipped before and, well, Ben noticed that he was pushing his ass back into each lash. It wasn't an exaggerated pushing, but it WAS pushing.

"You like that, nicky? You like a good beating?" Nicky gritted his teeth: he didn't want to admit it. Then a 21st lash came down: a HARD one. "ANSWER ME SUB BOY."

"YES SIR. I DO!" Nicky cried out, and then began to cry. His mind was scrambled, and now, as Ben pushed his middle finger into his ass, he was more and more confused. Ben grabbed nicky's hair with his free hand, pulling back his head.

"DAMN. If we were still in the days of slave auctions, you'd be one expensive hunk of beef, stud." Nicky began to moan as Ben's finger moved around in his hole. "Buying you at auction, capturing you in battle, those would be HOT." He pulled back on nicky's hair. "Instead, I just saw the sub hiding behind top man attitude and took what's mine." He pulled out his finger. "Just like I'm gonna do now." Nicky felt Ben's cock head at his ass. Every part of his butt was oversensitive at this point, and feeling the thick, stiff cock of his Master just stimulated every nerve a little bit more. Nicky knew that NOW, he was, totally empty. He couldn't have produced a drop of jizz for anything. Ben teased him about it. "I gotta try to match you, nicky boy. I got to dump as much into you, as came out of you." He pushed nicky down flat on his belly, and nicky felt Ben's cock pierce him even more. Ben had stopped sliding in and out. He just kept his cock motionless. He reached underneath nicky's chest and took his nipples in his hands just as he began nibbling one of nicky's earlobes.

"You are just a fucking hot, manly bottom boy sub, fuck toy." Nicky groaned. Ben was learning more and more of his trigger words, and then...

"Roll over, handsome." Another one. A BIG one. Someone calling nicky, or nick, handsome, could make him melt. It did here. He yielded completely to Ben. "Sir, I'm your handsome fuck toy. Fuck me, SIR, please. FUCK MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Mischievously, he tightened his glutes and Ben smiled. "Good boy," he whispered, and nicky moaned again. One of the things Ben did to him that made him super excited was collaring him and leashing him, growling about how he had subdued nicky's "big dog energy." He thought about that as he tightened his glutes even more, and then felt another "whoosh." This time, it was Ben unloading inside of him. Nicky estimated that each time Ben fucked him, there were somewhere between 12 and 15 gushes. That afternoon, there were 22. Twenty-two. That was something to mention to evan when they met.

Nicky always formed a list of things he wanted to talk about with evan before they got together for "sub together time," as Ben and Joseph called it. Nicky had been dreaming about the night when even got fucked publicly at Stirrups. He didn't understand it, but he always woke up hard from those dreams. He didn't know how much the dream contributed to it, or the musky odor of Ben (nicky slept with his head on Ben's chest. His face was close enough to Ben's pits that he could "drink in" his manly funk) or fantasizing about what Ben would do to him next, but it had gotten him in trouble one morning when too much pre-cum had leaked out. "Three days in the cage to start nicky. Then maybe we'll add some more." Ben had. That week, nicky was caged for five days.

"Master Ben tell you what's coming up for you nicky?" evan asked him when they got together. "You're probably gonna like it." Nicky was puzzled: evan knew something that he didn't?

"No. He didn't tell me anything." Evan began to laugh. "Oh, it's 69 time, nicky. It's a game the DOMS love to play with their subs. It's gonna be you and me. They tie our hands and position our faces at each other's crotches. Then we suck each other until one of us shoots. The one who holds it longer gets an award. The loser, well, takes a punishment."

"You've done this before?" nicky asked, scared, and intrigued.

"Oh, yeah. You'll be at least my sixth guy. It's fun. And when I win..." he smiled. "Master Joseph pulls out the twelve-inch dildo and I get fucked with that." Nicky put down his coffee. "How long have you and Joseph been together?"

"MASTER Joseph, nicky. Seven years. He's been my Master for all seven. " He paused. "You know, for some people, they have doubts. They wonder if they want to leave their lives behind and submit completely. I never had any questions. Master came up to me in a bar one night, and he pressed his knee into my crotch. He was SO HOT. He looked into my eye until I had to turn away. He said you're coming home with me, bottom. And I may not let you go." Evan was getting roused talking about it. I remember I answered him: maybe I won't leave.' He smacked me across the face. THOSE GLOVES. Those leather gloves smelled so sexy. He grabbed my chin and said, `I didn't give you permission to speak,' and I knew. I just knew." Nick felt confused. "But, he had you humiliated. He fucked you in public." Evan looked up at Nick. "You don't understand it, nicky, do you? " He paused. "I risked getting in trouble, but I asked, no, I BEGGED Master Joseph to do that." Nick's eyes got big.

"You WANTED it? WHY?" Evan smiled. "You're not all the way there yet, nicky. You're not completely submissive. I am. And by Master Joseph agreeing to do it, well, now everyone knows: I'm his. No one cruises me anymore, no one assumes I'm available if he goes on a business trip." He smiled. "You know, it used to be that if he went out at night, looking for something new, he'd pull out this." Evan reached down under a sofa and pulled out a leg chain. "To make sure I didn't leave. Now, he doesn't use it. I miss it."


"NICKY! HE'S MASTER BEN." Nick took a breath. "MASTER Ben talks about putting me on the table one day. " He lowered his voice. "I don't want it." Evans looked at him. "WHAT? You don't want that hunk to show everyone you're his?" Nicky's voice dropped even lower "I'm not sure I want to be his." Evan laughed. "Now, nicky. You're lying to me and to yourself. I see the way you look at him: those puppy dog eyes, how you swoon when he rubs your shoulder or your neck." He laughed. "You know, I don't know if you remember the time we were all in that bar -- not Stirrups, the other one."


"Yeah, that one. He came back from the men's and stood behind you and pinned your arms behind your back?" Nick remembered. Ben had caged him before he went out and he felt his head bang against the tip of the thing. "You struggled, but you were smiling. And everyone saw the cum drop on your jeans." Nick blushed. "No, stud. I know about your life before Ben. That's over. And I bet, nicky -- you really WANT to be on that table."

Evan called Ben when it was time for nicky to go home. "Sir Ben, it's good to see you. Has my Master spoken to you yet?" Ben smiled. "Yes. The 69ing. I added a little something to the evening too. A double fuck." Evan smiled. "Thank you, Sir. I like those." Ben put an arm around nicky's middle. "Nicky's gonna learn to like them too. Because I like them. Right, nicky?" Nick gulped. "Yes, Sir. I will."

"There's a bunch of shoes and boots that need polishing, and a cock that needs sucking. Let's get moving, handsome." He rubbed nicky's ear, and nick purred. "Yes, Sir. "

When they got back home, before nicky could get to the room where he polished shoes and boots, Ben ordered him on his knees. "Hands behind your back, sexy bitch." Nicky did what he was told. He heard the sound of metal: handcuffs tonight. Ben cuffed him and then undid his belt. His pants dropped slightly.

"Get to work. Do your magic on my balls too."

"Yes Sir. GMMMPHGPGP." Nicky couldn't speak anymore because Ben had shoved his cock in his mouth. "Nice and slow, boy. Nice and slow. " Nicky felt Ben's fingers opening his shirt. "I'm gonna shoot all over that fur of yours. ALL of it. Including that moustache." Nicky positioned his tongue right underneath Ben's balls, and a sigh went out of his Master. "OH YEAH. You do that better than anyone, nicky boy. My handsome sub. Big dick, hot ass, hot mouth."

"mmmmmmmmmmmmph" came out of nicky in a high-pitched whimper. He wanted to please Ben so badly, but he was having a hard time giving up ideas of his past. Ben looked at him. He pulled his cock out of his mouth.

"I think you need me in your ass instead of your mouth. But I want you tied down. Like the first time." Nicky was breathing hard, and his dick was hard in its cage. His thoughts swung between Ben inside of him, 69'ing evan, and topping a twink. He felt Ben's hand on the back of his neck, pulling him to his feet.

"Let's go. Time to stretch you out." Nicky was still struggling for breath. "Yes, Sir" he said and because he knew Ben liked it, struggled as they went to the bedroom. Ben stopped, put an arm around nicky's neck and pulled him close to his body. Nicky could feel the hard cock, and then Ben's hand as he put it over his mouth. Ben whispered in his ear "I'm gonna take this top man and fuck him so goddamn hard he can't sit down anymore."

"MMMMMMMMMMPH" nicky squeaked out, wanting it, and also hating what was happening. He felt the key in the handcuffs, and then Ben's strong grip on his forearms. "On your back you fucking bitch."

Nicky felt Ben wrap the leather straps around his wrists, one at a time. Had he ever been fucked twice with so little time in between? He didn't think so. Ben lay alongside of him and began opening the buttons on nicky's shirt. "Hmmm. I can see we're going to need to shave those pits really soon. Like this weekend. I wonder if that means..." He pushed down nicky's jeans. "YES! Oh, I think this weekend is gonna be a REALLY good time. Evan told you what's in store for you, hasn't he?" Ben began running his thumb over nicky's right nipple. "Yes, Sir. He did." Nicky left out that he would have preferred to hear it from Ben: he didn't need to get into any trouble. "Well, I think we've figured out what evan's reward will be if he wins. I imagine he's not that good at shaving a burly guy, but... hey, ya never know. What I DO know though, is that I want that ass, and I want it NOW." He yanked off nicky's jeans and shoved his knees up toward his chest. "Even your fucking hole is sexy, boy." Nicky felt Ben's finger running around the perimeter of his butt and he thought back to when his twinks would eat him as long as he ordered them to. He wished that Ben would lube him that way before he pounded him, but...

He felt Ben's dick at the spot he had just been teasing. He saw the smile on Ben's face as he began easing into nick.

"Not as tight as the last time, but that's ok, nicky boy. I want this to be nice and easy. " Once he was inside nick, he flexed his glutes and nick screamed. "Nice and easy FOR ME. I want to remind you, you're a BOTTOM, a SUB, and a BITCH. MY BITCH." He continued flexing and unflexing his glutes and nick moaned each time.

"You like that, don't ya pretty boy? You like when I do THIS!" Ben shoved in hard. "When you feel more than a little PAIN. Ever do that to your bottoms?" Nicky whined. "No, Sir. Never." Ben chuckled. "Well, stud muffin, you just earned yourself a half hour of foot tickling tomorrow for that lie. AND an extra cage day." Nicky tried to redeem himself.

"I meant I never did it as well as you do it, Sir." Ben just chuckled some more. "And you'll never feel someone do it better than I do... BECAUSE THIS ASS IS MINE AND NO ONE ELSE IS GETTING IT." He began pumping nicky faster. The thrusts weren't as hard. Nicky couldn't help himself. "SHOOT IN ME SIR. PLEASE. MAKE ME YOUR CUM DUMP. BREED ME. BREED YOUR BITCH." Ben let out a yell and nicky could feel the jizz filling him. It wasn't as much as the last one, but it was plenty. It helped to relieve some of the pain he was feeling. So did Ben's lips, when he pressed them down on nicky's. He didn't have to work very hard to get nicky's mouth open, and his tongue down his throat. Nicky moaned strangled moans. Ben moved his tongue to nicky's ear. "I bet you're thinking `PLEASE SIR. Let me out of the cage. Let me shoot."

"I am, Sir. I am."

"Consider this part of your training, nicky. When I think I can trust you enough to control your impulses, the way a good sub does, then I'll stop using it. For now, well, you keep on checking out guys and thinking about your past, and it won't happen." He locked eyes with nicky. "That's what you want, boy, and you know it." Nicky's throat went dry. Ben had put his finger on it.

"Yes, Sir, it is." He paused and he could feel the emotion swelling in him. "Sir, I have a request. I'm serious about it. Could you take me to Stirrups and fuck me on the pool table?"

The only one more surprised than nick was Ben.

Next: Chapter 6

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