Flipping Thick Nick - installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 21, 2023


"Hey, Nick. Don't ya like us anymore? We haven't seen you in a while." Nick turned around at his desk: it was Shawn, one of his co-workers who also hung out at the bar where Nick hung out before Ben.

"Hi. Yeah, I like you all fine," Nick replied. He didn't know how to explain his relationship with Ben to guys who knew him in a different way. He didn't lift his head up when he answered but went back to working on the coding project in front of him. Shawn walked around to the front of Nick's desk. "There's a rumor that our man Nick is seeing someone." Now, Nick looked up and he saw that Shawn was smiling. He had no idea how much Shawn knew. "Yeah, I'm dating someone. He likes another bar, so when we go out, we go to that one." The curl in Shawn's lip showed he knew a lot more, and he was enjoying making Nick squirm.

Which bar is that, Nick? Maybe all of us should just go out together, see who you're favoring these days?"

"I don't think you'd like it," Nick replied, looking back down at his screen. He could feel the blood rushing to his face.

"Some people say that you're hanging out at that D/s place -- what's it called? Stirrups?" Nick didn't answer and just shrugged his shoulders. "I need to get this done, Shawn." Shawn ignored him. "They also say that you're cozying up with that guy Ben -- Ben Grant. That true, Nick?" Nick felt more blood coming to his cheeks. "I told you, Shawn, I gotta get this done."

"Well, dayum, if that's true, if it's you and Ben shacking up, that's GOT to be hot. But..." He paused. "Wait a minute. Ben's a DOM, and you're a top so...who flipped whom?"

"You sound like Aretha Franklin. Shouldn't you get back to work?" Nick was feeling very uncomfortable, but Shawn was like a dog with a bone, and he wasn't giving up.

"If I had to bet, I'd say it was you who flipped, Nick. But wait....OH FUCK. Ben doesn't just top. He...dominates." Nick stopped working and looked up. "SONOFAGUN. Nick became a sub on us, didn't you?"

"I didn't BECOME a sub, and I don't want to talk about my private life," he answered.

"Ha, ha. That's funny, Nick. I heard stories about you and your guys. Always wanted to be one of them and if you're bottoming and subbing, well, something changed." When Nick was silent, Shawn walked behind him and started massaging his shoulders. "GAWD, these are tight Nick. Listen, if you're gonna give it up to someone, you can't do better than Ben. Like I said, you guys would make a fucking hot couple." He pressed his thumbs into Nick's shoulders, and Nick began to worry: he was enjoying this, he didn't want Shawn to stop, but if Ben found out that another man was touching him, and Nick hadn't protested...He wondered if there were any way Ben could find out."

"They still do that thing at Stirrups, Nick?"

"What thing?"

"Oh, the public fucking on the pool table. I heard that DOMS get off on punishing disobedient boys in there, by strapping `em down and fucking them in public." Nick reached up and took Shawn's hands off his shoulders. He had a hard on, and if he leaked, Ben would find out one way or the other. "I've never seen it. I heard about it."

"Well, I don't see you as being the submissive type, Nick, and I guess that means at some point you're gonna wind up on that table. Let me know because then a bunch of us WILL show up. Getting to see Nick plowed. FUCK. Now I better get the hell out of here." As Shawn ran off, Nick could see he had a bulge in his tight pants. So did Nick. He was wearing the tightest pair of jeans he owned. They were faded, but no one really paid much attention to wardrobe in his department. He had started wearing his tightest pants after Ben had commented that his white slacks had been too loose. He thought about the first time he had worn those jeans. Ben had encircled his waist, pulled Nick to him, and whispered, "your ass looks almost as good in those jeans as it does out of them." Then he had rubbed his nose very lightly over Nick's ear: something that always turned Nick to mush. "Get on your knees with your hands behind you," Ben had whispered to him. "You got me so hard I need to get sucked. RIGHT NOW." Nick remembered: the thought of sucking Ben got him so excited he moaned "Yes Sir. Right away, Sir." As his lips pumped back and forth, Ben had massaged Nick's ears, which only made him more excited, and more eager to please Ben. He loved the feeling of being under Ben's control: his hands behind his back, saying "Yes, Sir," feeling Ben's hand playing through his hair, it all got him so excited that Ben had to slow him down.

"I want this to last, nicky. " He laughed. "I think of you as my all-day sucker, so spend some more time. Work my dick head. C'mon. You know what I like." Nick shook his head and went back to work. He heard Ben's breathing get faster, and then he heard the first moans. He knew that if Ben pushed hard and pushed faster, he wanted to shoot right away. He didn't. Instead, he moaned some more, growled about how Nick was " a great goddamn cocksucker," and then, finally, blew his nut down Nick's throat.

"OH YES, FUCK. THAT SOFT MOUTH OF YOURS NICKY. DAMN!" Nick swallowed gush after gush of cum. He had begun to feel proud of how he could milk Ben as well as he did, and Ben couldn't seem to get enough of his mouth. That is, when he wasn't taking Nick's ass. "I make him hard. All the time," Nick thought. Then he thought "He makes me hard, too. I wish he didn't."

He was meeting Ben after work. They were catching a quick dinner, and then going off to Stirrups. Ben had told him there was "a special event" that night that he wanted to see. Nick had heard some talk that one of the older DOMs, a guy named Frank, was going to discipline his boy evan on the pool table. It was the first time someone was using it for that since Ben had made nick his boy, and Ben wanted nick to see exactly what would happen to him if he "continued to be bratty," as he put it. "Hi Sir," nick spoke to Ben when he got to the casual restaurant. "You look so fucking hot tonight, nicky. You have a chance to look at yourself in a mirror today?"

"I don't think so, Sir" was what nick got out before he felt Ben's lips on his, and then his tongue snaking down his throat. When he stopped, Ben stroked nick's ass. "Button-down shirts suit you. Especially with jeans. GRRRRRRRRRRR. Maybe we won't go out tonight." He saw the look on nick's face. It was a mixture of relief but also disappointment. Nick couldn't deny that he had heard what Shawn had told him about Ben before, and when he saw the way people looked at them, and when he felt Ben pull his arms behind him, or give him a bear hug, or even just squeeze his neck, it gave nick a feeling that he couldn't explain. "Nah, you need to see this, nicky boy. " Ben gave nick the once over. "Stand still. Let me open this button." When he opened the second button on nick's shirt, nick's thick chest hair poked out. "I'm still not sure about this. Does it stay, or does it go?"

"PLEASE DON'T SHAVE IT," nick thought, knowing that if he said anything, Ben would shave him immediately. Ben continued "Most subs are smooth but on the other hand...you look so hot and you're such a rare commodity with all that bear fur." He closed the button. We'll see. Let's go. I'll ask for some opinions too."

When they got to Stirrups, it was clear that Ben wasn't the only person interested in seeing evan "disciplined" as he called it. Nick recognized some of the people there from prior times, but there were a lot of people he hadn't seen before. Some of them were checking him out, and some of them were checking him out hard. He heard Ben growl between clenched teeth "KEEP YOUR EYES DOWN, NICKY. You HAVE a DOM, and you are NOT available for anyone, but me." He tightened the grip he had around nick's middle. "Yes, Sir. I understand. Sorry, Sir."

"It's that kind of behavior that makes me think you need the same discipline evan's getting. Not just for yourself but for everyone to understand you're MY sub." Nick didn't speak, and he felt Ben's hand move up on his torso and start running fingers over his nipple.

"Piercing is still an option, nicky. If I leave the fur, definitely: need something to make sure people know your place. But a shaved sub with a tit pierce? Yeah, that's good, too." Ben hadn't played with nick's nipples in a while, and he began to squirm. "No bratty behavior nicky. I'm saying that for your sake. I'd LOVE it if you gave me an excuse for punishing you." THAT was something nick knew. That's why he had tried so hard not to get excited when Shawn was massaging his shoulders. If Ben found any signs of pre-cum, well, that meant he'd devise a new torment for nick. "Let's see what folks say when they see this," Ben opened the second shirt button again. Now, people not only cruised Ben and nick, but some of them also came up and spoke to Ben. The talk was about the hair: some of the DOMS really thought it was "hot" that nick was a "sub bear:" he heard that expression a lot. Others let Ben know that subs should be smooth in their opinion. Ben spoke to all of them, including the guys who wanted to know how often he tied nick up. "Tell Master Joseph, nicky" Ben said to nick at one point. "Tell him whether or not you like being tied up." "I like it when Sir Ben ties me up, Sir. No one ever had before Sir."

"You want me to tie you up more, nicky?" Ben asked. He was surprised he asked, and so was nick. "Yes, Sir. I would love it," nick answered, wondering where that answer came from.

"Let's go get a good place. I saw them bring in evan." Ben moved nick in front of him so he could see better. Nick saw the thin, frail young man -- exactly his type before Ben -- tied down rather sloppily. "Why did he tie his ankles? He's just gonna lift them up?" Ben wondered out loud. Ben was thinking the same thing. As the scene proceeded, Ben whispered "this sex is boring me. You're three times hotter than that boy-bitch, and Sir Frank isn't the DOM he used to be." That might have been the case, but this WAS nick's "first rodeo," and it was getting him hot. "SHIT" he thought because he felt a drop of pre-cum escape his dick. He'd best confess it. "Sir, I just." Ben cut him off. "Yeah, I know. I felt your glutes clench. We have a lot more work to do, nicky. A WHOLE lot more."

The "work" started the next evening. Ben restrained nick's wrists to the corners of the bed. He used a set of very heavy wet metal "horseshoes" to hold down nick's ankles. Nick knew that meant his legs were going into the air, and his ass was to be used at some point. He didn't know what else Ben had in mind: he wasn't naked, but Ben had him wear a very short pair of gym shorts and a tight polo shirt: one that was past its prime. There was a roll of silver duct tape on the side table, and nick couldn't help himself: he kept on staring at it. Ben used duct tape when he wanted to torture nick just a little more, because taking it off hurt: nick's heavy scruff and moustache stuck, and a few hairs always got pulled off. When Ben came into the bedroom, he was naked, and his cock pointed out in front of him.

"Just a matter of time, nicky, just a matter of time," Ben smiled as he said it, gripping his cock as he got close to nick. "You want it right now, boy?" Nick shook his head `yes,' and Ben laughed.

"Well, that's not happening because, ya see, we have to `discuss' a few things." Nick gritted his teeth: Ben's idea of "discussing" things with him meant he was going to give nick orders, and nick had to follow them. Right now, Ben put his hand underneath the tight polo shirt, and ran his thumb horizontally across nick's belly, right near his navel. He drew the thumb back and drew circles around it. Nick began to moan.

"How well do you think you're adapting to sub life, nicky?" Ben slid his hand down and held nick's growing bulge. He squeezed it gently.

"I'm fine with it, Sir. I know my role." Ben smiled and squeezed nick's bulge hard enough for nick to moan in a bit of pain.

"Well, I'm not sure I agree with that nicky. I mean, it's one thing to act all submissive and passive when I've got you tied up and you're hard." Ben had moved his hands up to nick's nipples and had begun to play with them. "But a sub is a sub 24/7, and I don't think you're even close to that. Do you, nicky?" Nick didn't answer and Ben laughed.

"One thing you DID learn, sub boy. If your choice is to lie or to keep quiet. Keep quiet. I'll help that." Ben picked up the roll of duct tape and nick groaned in despair.

"You REALLY want to ask me not to use it, don't ya nicky?"

"Yes, Sir. I hate the tape. MMMMMMMMMMMPH." He felt a good-sized piece of it go down over his mouth and onto his cheeks.

"Well, I'm afraid that boys who don't behave as proper subs have to learn to accept what they hate. Think of it this way, nicky: if I wanted to get you smooth, I COULD just take big pieces of this stuff, stick it down on your chest, and then rip it off, real fast or...heh heh, nice and slow."

Another moan came out of nick. "Please don't do that, Sir," he thought. Ben saw the fear in his eyes.

"So, nicky, that little ejaculation, the checking out of other guys, some of your fresh-mouthed answers, I just wonder: are you a pain pig as well as a sub? Do you LIKE getting punished?"

Nick shook his head no. He was telling the truth. "Well, then, you're gonna have to work MUCH harder at adapting to your new position, and a session like this one is designed to help you- how should I put this -- UNDERSTAND the consequences of your actions." Ben moved down to the foot of the bed. Nick could see him pulling off his loafers, and he saw Ben's cock begin to quiver. Socks came off next and then Ben's finger began to trace a line up and down nick's sole. Nick struggled to get his foot out of the way, but that wasn't happening. His laugh was suppressed by the tape, and he began to thrash wildly.

"I like tickling you, nicky. I like to do other things more, but I think something like this makes it REALLY clear to you that I get to do whatever I want to you."

A helpless "mmmmmph" came out of nick, as Ben stopped working on his feet.

"Now, I've been wondering, big time, over all this fur all over you. It's really not something you see on a lot of subs. On the one hand, I kinda like it, but on the other hand, I think that if you were shaved, you'd remember how to behave a whole lot more. You agree, muffin?" Again, nick didn't answer, and Ben laughed.

"It took me a little bit of time to think this out, come to a compromise: how can I keep you shaved, AND hairy. Well..." Nick felt Ben unclip the wrist shackles, but he then pulled nick's wrists up over his head and attached them to the board at the top of the bed. Then he felt Ben take a corner of the old polo shirt in his fingers. "Fabric here is REALLY weak. VERY easy to tear." Nick heard the sound of the ripping, as the shirt tore and exposed his body.

"DAMN. That chest of yours. FUCK." A drop of Ben's pre-cum fell on nick. "So, that's staying. For now. But what's going...the hair in your pits. The feeling and the sight will remind you, and...your skin will be MUCH more sensitive, and WAY more fun to tickle." Nick began to protest, begging Ben not to do it. "Better keep calm, nicky. While I'm at it, I may do your pubes too. I'm still thinking about that." Nick felt tears forming in his eyes as he watched Ben go toward the bathroom, and come back with a rag, crème, and a razor. "Keep very still, nicky. It'll be good practice for you in case I decide to do your pubes." He smiled as he continued: "What am I saying? It's good practice for WHEN I decide to do your pubes." Nick felt the blast of the crème and then Ben spreading it around his pit. He felt the sharp edge of the razor which stung and tickled at the same time. "Very still, nicky, very still. You have a hairy ass, too, so that's not off the table, so to speak." While Ben shaved him, nick could feel his cock getting more and more swollen. He tried as hard as he could NOT to shoot out anything because he figured that since Ben already had the crème and the razor, he might just go to nick's pubes as further punishment.

"NICE. I can't wait to see how you react when you get a look nicky. Nice and smooth, like a proper sub." He dug his fingers into nick's pits, and nick tried to howl through the tape. "See? I TOLD you: nice and sensitive." Ben stopped for a minute and pulled the tape off nick's mouth. "Let's hear you HOWL, Wolfman." He dug into the pits even harder, and nick was sure a neighbor was going to come banging on the door soon.

"Want me to stop?"

"Yes, Sir. Please."

"First tell me who you are." Ben kept his fingers curled on nick's pits.

"I'm your sub, Sir. Nicky, your sub bottom." He saw Ben smile. "Don't forget it, stud." Then he bent down and kissed nick. As he did, his fingers moved back to nick's tits.

"I'm thinking about something else, boy. You need an identifier: a tattoo, or a piercing, something to remind you ALL the time. You know what a right nip pierce means?"

"Yes, Sir. It means bottom."

"GOOD. Some people think it means sub too, but not to me. For that, we're gonna get you a lock collar. I think a pierce is the way to go, especially if we keep so much of your hair: no one will ever SEE it." He snickered. "Of course, we may go whole hog and get you pierced, shaved, and tatted. Then take you out without a shirt. MMMMMMMMMM." Nick felt more drops of pre-cum hit him.

"Another thing. This monster of yours won't fit in a regular cage, but I think we can probably get a custom one. Make sure you're not playing with yourself during the day or getting hard at inappropriate times." Ben started to laugh. "Looks like you just swallowed sour milk, nicky." He paused again. "Who's my sub?"

"I am, Sir."

"I think you're gonna get a reward tonight. Just because I feel like it. And it's not this." Ben pulled on his cock. "Something that I KNOW is gonna get you going, so you better work REALLY hard at holding back your jizz, because I haven't cum yet." He shoved nick's knees up toward nick's face and then began licking nick's ass before he poked his tongue into nick's hole.

"OH MY GOD SIR. OOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOH GOD. I DON'T DESERVE IT. NO SIR, NO." Nick was hoping his protests would slow Ben down, because his tongue work was bringing nick closer and closer to the edge. Ben stopped just before nick crossed it.

Nick's eyes were closed when Ben shoved his cock in. "Let's see if we can find that good ole pleasure point, that prostate, nicky. You ever care about your bottom's pleasure when you HAD bottoms?" Ben was getting close to that spot, and nick was beginning to gasp. "No, Sir. I almost never fucked them but..."

"Bottoms like things other than fucking, nicky. Some like being tickled, some like being kissed, all kinds of things. You just like GETTING FUCKED HARD." He shoved into nick and nick yelped.

"YES, SIR I DO. I LOVE IT WHEN YOU FUCK ME." When Ben pulled back a little and found "the spot," nick didn't know what to do. He began shooting pre-cum and he couldn't control it.

"Oh, yeah. We have to get to the custom shop as soon as possible, nicky. This is NOT acceptable." Ben began sliding more slowly and nick calmed down a bit. Then he saw the smile go across Ben's face as he pushed harder and harder. Faster and faster. "It's ok, nicky. You have my permission to explode. And for the rest of the week, when I'm screwing you, you can cum. Enjoy each one of them because...once you're locked. Heh heh.

"Thank you, Sir, thank you thank you. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." Nick's orgasm started right before Ben's did, but Ben's went on for a while longer. When he was done, he lay on top of nick, and nibbled at his soft lips.

"Whether I fuck you or not, I need to keep you tied up more. You always look like a Greek warrior who's been captured in battle. Which you sort of are." Nick thought about that for a minute. He liked the image: Ben, the Roman centurion with nick, the captured Greek soldier, saved from sacrifice to become his captor's sex slave.

Nick felt Ben's mouth at his ear. "Yes, we'll do that fantasy, nicky. And now, understand: a blow job or anal sex, every day. Sometimes both. Or sometimes two of one and one of the other. You need to expect that from now on."

"Yes, Sir. I understand."

"I'll make an appointment at the shop. We'll talk about your cage and your pierce tomorrow."

Next: Chapter 5

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