Flipping Thick Nick - installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 3, 2023


In the days leading up to their visit to Ben's favorite club, Ben began to hear things that were disturbing to him. They had started with a chance meeting with his friend, Ted, at the gym. "So, you have a new boyfriend, eh Ben? Someone trying bottoming for a while before he goes back?" Ben laughed. "Not exactly. I have a new SUB. And nicky isn't every going back." Ted grinned at him. "Well, I guess you'd better know that's not the word on the street."

Ben looked at Ted hard. "HUH?"

"Well, what I heard is that you came on to him at some bar and he thought you were hot. He thought the sex with you would be great, and when he found out you weren't versatile, he went along with it because..." and Ted stopped "He HAD heard that you were gifted." Ben smiled. "I haven't heard any complaints from him about that." Ted shook his head.

"Oh, no. Again, what I hear is that the sex between the two of you is great but, he's gonna move on if he can't get to top part of the time." Ben smiled. He had been a bit concerned because nicky had not been calling him Sir lately. He had been planning to reinforce the requirement after he had paraded his new sub in front of his buddies, but now, it seemed, he was going to need to take some more drastic action.

"Thanks for telling me, Ted. I guess I have some housekeeping to do that I didn't see." Now Ted grinned. "Listen, Ben, I've seen Nick and PHEW. He's hot. It's hard to imagine him bottoming but the thought that he does, well, that's something I think more than a few people would like to see."

"Maybe you will, Ted, maybe you will. When was the last time someone got fucked on the pool table at the club." Ted laughed. "WOW. That was about four months ago. Pretty tepid scene if I remember. Now, you and nicky..."

"No promises, stud. But I'll let you know. I owe you for this info."

"I'd ask for a crack at him if you have him broken, but I know what a pig you are, Ben." Ted made grunting noises and Ben shrugged his shoulders.

"Hey, why shouldn't I keep my conquest to myself." Then he began thinking about what to do. He texted Nick: "Let me know when you're on the way home." He didn't get an answer right away, and when he did, rather than "Yes, Sir," the way Nick had replied when they started, he got an "ok." He knew Ted was right.

Ben was sitting in the center of the living room when he heard Nick's key opening the door. "Note to myself. Take away his key," Ben thought. Nick walked in and saw Ben. "Hi," he said, and smiled, not doing any of the things he had been taught, like spreading his legs, or putting his hands behind his back, let alone kneeling in front of Ben.

"Nicky, seems we need to talk about some things."

"Yeah, we do," Nick answered.

"I heard you're telling people you're not my sub. Is that true?" Nick reddened, and his mouth got dry, but he screwed up his courage and spoke. "Well, I'm not. I called you Sir because it was hot. But you never broke me. I came home with you willingly and...I was thinking we could go out together, look for bottoms and maybe have a flip fuck kind of session unless..."

"Unless what?" Ben asked, and now Nick grinned. "Unless you're willing to find out why they call me Thick Nick." Ben stood up.

"Oh, I've seen it, and I'm impressed. Having a sub with a thick cock is a really hot thing." Ben spread his legs. "See? I'm getting aroused thinking about how hot it's gonna be to fuck you tonight." Now, Nick scowled.

"No, not tonight. I let you fuck me last night and I'm sore."

"So I guess you're not the only one with a powerful cock."

"Your cock is great. Sex with you is great. I want my own bottoms again. I never signed up for this." He looked away from Ben, who said simply: "Get in the bedroom, get undressed, and get on your back." Nick shoved his hands in his pockets and then said. "Not tonight. If I'm not topping tonight, I'm going back home."

"You're not topping tonight. You're not topping, period," was Ben's reply. Nick chuckled. "See ya later, Ben." He turned around and headed to the door. Ben was up and on him in less than 5 seconds. He grabbed Nick in a bear hug.

"You REALLY want it rough tonight, don't you nicky? Now let's go." Ben was strong, and he pulled Nick just slightly off the floor. His feet weren't touching the ground. Nick was yelling:

"NO! NOT TONIGHT. I DON'T WANT IT. NOOOOOOOOOOOO." He struggled all the way to the bedroom.

"UNDRESS AND GET ON YOUR BACK, SUB BOY." Ben stood at the door with his arms folded. When Nick didn't move, he walked toward him. Nick yelled "OH SHIT" and because he couldn't get around Ben, he curled up in the fetal position, face down on the bed. Ben leered.

"Well if you'd rather have it doggie style, I can get into that. I actually like it better but, since you're so fucking sore, I was gonna give you a little bit of a break." He put his hand on Nick's back and Nick shivered, before he whimpered "You're not getting my ass tonight."

"We'll see about that. I want you to beg for it so...roll over." When Nick seemed to get into an even tighter fetal position, Ben climbed up on the bed, on top of him. Nick stiffened.

"I guess I have to roll you over myself. That's fine." Ben looked for a way to get his hands under Nick's arms, and he couldn't. "Well, there's more than one way to fuck a sub, nicky. Don't say I didn't give you a chance." The bed was more flexible further down, and by pushing on the mattress, Ben was able to get his hands between Nick's belly, right where it met his jeans, and the bed. He began tickling, and Nick's shrieked.

"AGGGGH! NO. DON'T DO THAT." Ben stopped. "Gonna roll over?" Nick realized he was getting hard. "NO. I don't want your cock in me tonight." Ben tickled Nick again and, helpless from the laughing, he raised his arms just a bit. Ben saw this and slipped his hands under Nick's arms. He lowered his voice.

"You know I wrestled in school, don't you nicky? And I was really, REALLY good at the chicken wing." Nick groaned, and squirmed, but it was as if he were losing at arm wrestling. Little by little, Ben was getting him into a position perpendicular to the bed. Nick felt one big pull from Ben, and then he was on his back. He tried to squirm away, but Ben had him pinned underneath him.

"Where you goin' nicky? You're right where you belong.


"You forgot to use Sir, nicky."

"No I didn't. Subs use Sir, and I'm not a sub."

"Sure about that? How's about..." Ben began rubbing his fingers on Nick's nipples. He knew these weren't Nick's most sensitive spot, but he had a plan now. "How about I get you to beg me to fuck you, and you call me SIR?"

NOT HAPPENING." Nick was grunting a bit. His nipples were just a little sensitive and Ben's fingers, plus his back pushing down just slightly on his pelvis, was turning him on. "I want your ears, nicky. Gimme them." Ben knew that Nick hated when his ears were played with, because they were so sensitive, and Nick scrunched his head down to his right shoulder to block Ben from his right ear.

"Well, you got two ears, nicky. How about I go for the left one." Squirming, Nick scrunched his left ear and shoulder together.

"Now why are you resisting, nicky? You know I always get them when I want them. And I want them."

"NO!" Nick bellowed as hard as he could. Then he moaned, because Ben had moved his hands to pin down Nick's wrist, and he was licking at Nick's chin -- another sensitive spot.

"OH GOD," Nick moaned, as the licks turned into a gentle chewing. Yeah, this was one of the hot spots Ben knew about. Three of them: chin, neck, ear. Nick's moaning got louder.

"Too bad I shaved this morning nicky, because that neck of yours looks really, REALLY ready for marking by a DOM."

"NO PLEASE. NO marking. PLEASE BEN. No hickeys. No bite marks. Please. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Ben had started rubbing his scruff over the side of nicky's neck. Nick began to shake and squirm even more, but he couldn't get away from Ben. "And now, the prize. The TRUE prize. MMMMM" Nick felt Ben's mouth encircle his ear. He felt his tongue thrusting back and forth, and then Ben's teeth chewing his earlobe.

"OH GOD. What that does to me....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH."

"You gonna give me the other one?" Ben pulled his head away and, without saying anything, Nick offered him his other ear. He began to buck up and down as Ben got to work on it. Ben whispered "You're such a sexy mother fucker, nicky. Why no one else ever tried to train you is beyond me, but... You want something?" Nick gulped.

"Yes Sir, Yes. Yes. I want your cock in me. I want you to fuck me. PLEASE." Ben wanted to demand that nicky say he was his sub, but he stopped short of that. "Let me kiss those big soft lips. Those lips so good at sucking. Then, get naked, bottom."

"Yes Sir. MMMMM." Ben pressed his lips against nicky's mouth, and then pushed his tongue inside. Nick offered no resistance. Ben moved his tongue around freely. He let go of nicky's wrists, and nicky embraced him. Ben pushed a knee against Nick's crotch.

"Naked. On your belly." Nick sighed. "Yes, Sir." When he had stripped, Ben positioned him on the bed: his head down, touching the pillows, his back arched. Just before he had put his head down, nicky saw that Ben's dick was rigid. He knew better than to ask Ben to go easy on him: that would just make him fuck harder.

"You need a collar, nicky, that's for sure. For now, we'll use this." Ben looped a necktie around nicky's neck: the one he had worn to work, then took off, unopened. Nick knew that Ben would be pulling it: not hard enough to choke him, but enough to force Nick's body back on his dick. He felt the tip of Ben's cock touch his ass, and he shivered.

"You want that, boy, don't you?" Now, nicky purred. "OH YES SIR. YES." He yelped as Ben took him. He hadn't been lying: nicky was sore from the fucking he had gotten the night before, but Ben didn't seem to care. It felt almost like a corkscrew was taking a cork out of a wine bottle as Ben penetrated him, pulling gently on the necktie.

"Touch your cock and I'll make sure you regret it nicky."

"No, Sir. I won't. UNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGG" Ben shoved all the way in, and nicky felt his balls hitting against his ass. Ben pulled back and slammed in hard. "OH MY GOD SIR THAT HURTS."

"Remember, nicky. A fourteen-inch dildo can hurt even more." He began screwing nicky in a rhythm. Nicky felt Ben's tongue around the perimeter of his ear. He heard him whisper "BOTTOM," and then... he felt the explosion of Ben's orgasm, as he emptied his balls into nicky's ass. With each spasm, Ben pulled back and then rammed home again. There were at least thirteen of those: nicky stopped counting after that. He bit his lips because he didn't want Ben to know that he was hurting from the reaming he had just gotten. Sometimes that seemed to get Ben even more excited. He felt Ben collapse on top of him, and he felt Ben's hot breath on his ear.

"Where do you belong, nicky?"

"Underneath you, Sir. With your cock buried into me."

"That's right, boy. No more arguments from you?"

"No, Sir."

"No more backtalk?"

"No Sir."

"No more bullshit about flip fucking?" Nick gulped. "No, Sir. I'm your bottom." Ben heard it and this time he did take action. He reached underneath nicky and grabbed his balls. He squeezed them.

"WHAT ELSE?" Nick took a deep breath. "I'm your sub, Sir. I'm your bottom sub."

"DAMN RIGHT you are." Ben said it in a convincing way, but he knew Nick wasn't broken. Not yet.

"Let me take a look at you. Hmmm. Shirt's good but we need to get you tighter pants, that's for sure." It was Friday night, and Ben was taking nicky to HIS favorite bar. It was an idiosyncratic place: very much a Dom/sub hangout, but it was dressier than most bars. There wasn't a "code" written down, but everyone who was a regular knew what it was: dark colors for Doms (Ben was wearing black), lighter ones for subs (which explained nicky's white pants); looser fitting clothes for Doms, snug and slim fit for subs, and a whole lot of other smaller "rules." Nicky was wearing a snug fitting blue dress shirt. Ben had him roll up his sleeves so that his muscular arms showed. He hesitated before ordering nicky to open two shirt buttons: subs were expected to be smooth, and nicky was not: the bushy moustache, the thick head of hair, and the curly fur that poked out of his shirt. Ben was considering whether to get rid of it or not: on the one hand, anything that made nicky realize his life had changed was a good thing. On the other hand, to have a sub who had so clearly been a Dom in the past was, well, they would've called that "cultural capital" when Ben went to college.

"Sir, is this the place where guys get fucked on the pool table?" Nick looked fearful and Ben laughed loudly. "Yeah, as a matter of fact it is. You've heard about that. You volunteering?" Nick knew that the right answer to that question was "it's up to you, Sir", but he answered, after swallowing hard, "No, Sir."

"Yeah, you're not ready for that yet. As things are, I may have to keep you away from the other subs -- especially the twinks. Now let's go. Make sure your hands are behind your back when we walk." It wasn't far to their destination. Nicky did what he was told. He felt Ben's strong hand on his left bicep. He heard him make a fake growl.

"Lots of guys are gonna want you tonight. They're not getting you. But DAMN, I'm gonna have fun showing you off." It was a gay neighborhood and as they walked, other men checked them out. Ben got more than one "thumbs up" sign, and there were a few woofs and other sounds of approval. "Ever get attention like that when you were pretending to be a Dom, nicky?"

"I am a DOM" nicky thought to himself, but answered "No, Sir." They turned into the bar and nicky almost froze. He recognized people: guys he had topped before, other Doms he had hung out with, and they all recognized him. One guy came up to them, shaking Ben's hands.

"Well, Ben! I heard that you had scored big time. Rumor had it that you had bagged a hot top guy and turned him. I was skeptical but...DAMN you did." Nick could feel the blood going to his face. "Yeah, Jerry, thanks. Nicky here is still in training but...what better way to let guys know he's off the market, and he's MINE, than to take him here on a Friday." Nick tried to look around: he saw two pool tables. One was empty and there was a group of younger, "prettier" guys playing at the other one. "Go join the subs for pool, nicky. Guys like me, we like to watch you all bend over to shoot, pick the best ass." Ben turned to Jerry. "I gotta start changing his wardrobe. Those slacks..."

"I can't believe you brought him down, Ben. I mean, EVERYONE has heard about Nick's chunky sausage and his `do me' attitude, but..."

"Didn't think he could be taken, huh? Well, let me tell you: all I did was look at him, tell him to come home with me and, that's how it started." Jerry laughed. "Well, damn! I've heard of a wolf in sheep's clothing, but a sub in DOM's clothing? That's new to me."

"Let's call him a semi-sub, Jer. He's not quite there, yet."

"And from the smile on your face, stud, I can tell you're enjoying being a teacher. Hell, you're probably enjoying it too much."

Meanwhile, nicky was over at the pool table. "Hi," he said bashfully and in a low voice. One of the guys, of course a blond, looked up. "SO, it's sub boy nicky. Guess that cock of yours isn't too important anymore, is it?" Blood rushed to Nick's face again. He whispered "I'm not a real sub." Another guy laughed. "Well, don't let Ben know that and you shouldn't say it too loud around here because, well, word is that Ben tops and doms like a fucking machine and it's great." Nick mumbled "I can't complain," and someone else laughed. "Listen nicky, just understand that there are any number of guys who'd give up a ball to be in bed with Ben. If you're taking it from him well, you can't do better." Nick saw two of the guys whispering and then laughing. One of them said "So I guess your neck is sensitive, nicky. I can see Ben's marks."


"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. SIR BEN, HOW ABOUT YOU USE YOUR STICK ON ME," yelled one of the boys, and nicky found himself looking up, defensively. He had just had a thought go through his head: "hands off. I'm not sharing him."

"Yes, Sir. Sorry Sir." Nick took a shot. He was actually very good at pool, and kept sinking balls, which meant he was bent over for a while. "I see what you mean," Jerry said to Ben. "It's a fine-looking ass, but it needs better display."

Nick hadn't had a climax all week: Ben had forbidden it, and he was horny as hell. He looked around: he could shove his dick into any of these guys, like old times but... he saw Ben looking at him. He winked, turned around, and squeezed his butt cheeks enough for Ben to notice. By then, Ben's friend Pat had come over.

"You taking him on the table tonight, Ben?" Ben shook his head. "Nah, not tonight. Maybe in the future. He's in a bit of a state of shock. See how he shook his ass? Just like a good sub. But he strains when he has to call me Sir. In between."

"I see," Pat answered. "You know, I like the hair. I really do. I think too many of us just sort of decide `that's how it is,' and we convince ourselves we like our boys smooth. " He looked up at someone at the table. "ERIC!" He called, and a very fair skinned red head looked up. "Yes, Sir Pat?" "Shaving session postponed for tonight. At least on your chest. Pubes and pits, absolutely." Eric answered "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

As they left the bar about two hours later, Ben clasped nicky on the back of the neck. "I have to say, nicky, you were a REALLY big hit. Doms are jealous, subs are jealous, and I'm fucking horny." Nicky whispered, "I'm glad I pleased you, Sir."

"Oh, you're gonna please me more when we get home, stud muffin." Nicky winced. Ben had fucked him every night that week and he was very, VERY sore. He didn't know if he could take it. He had complained during the week and got a severe whipping with the advice "Subs need to put their limits behind them and please their DOMS. GOT THAT?" So he knew that Ben wouldn't care whether or not he was sore.

"Get in the chair. Hands behind you." They were back home, and Ben barked out an order. It wasn't the one nicky expected. "Yes, Sir," he answered, and sat in the chair as he was instructed. He felt the ropes going around his wrists. "Now, it's real clear that your anal skills are getting better, but we haven't spent enough time working on your oral skills. Tonight, you're gonna blow me the way your boys used to blow you. And you're starting... now." He opened his pants and nicky saw the hard cock. He knew what he had to do, and he knew Ben expected certain things. Nicky's moustache was very thick, and Ben hated feeling the hair on his shaft. He had already told nicky that if he didn't get it under control, it'd get shaven off. And he knew that he had to be careful with his teeth. Ben was more understanding of that. "I'm giving you a month to develop some real technique otherwise, well, we'll have to figure something out."

"Please fuck my face, Sir." Ben smiled when nicky asked without provocation. He rubbed his sticky cock head over nicky's lips and pulled it away when nicky tried to take it in his mouth. "You want it?" He teased. "Yes, Sir, I really do." Nick was sincere about that. It had been so long since he had cum that any kind of sex was sounding good to him.

Ben deep throated him. As nicky sucked, Ben moaned. "Do a good enough job and we may let that cock shoot a load. But you better do well."

"MMMMPH," nicky answered, trying not to rub his moustache hair against Ben's dick. He could hear Ben moaning with pleasure: it was more pleasure than he had with nicky's other attempts at blow jobs. Then he felt Ben's thrusts getting faster, and harder. He remembered that feeling when guys blew him.

"Really good, nicky. REALLY GOOD." Nicky felt inspired. He tried to "swallow the sword" as Ben sometimes called it. He knew Ben was close when he pushed nicky's head into his pubes, and then screamed. The hot jizz went down nicky's throat. Some of it slipped onto his shirt. "SHIT" he thought. "That may cost me." When Ben was finished, he pulled out. "Lick me clean, nicky. You did a really fine job. Missed a little, but we were gonna need to clean this shirt tomorrow anyway. Now..." He smiled. "You've pleased me so much tonight that I think you're getting a reward." He yanked nicky out of the chair and into the bedroom. They were both still dressed, and nicky was till tied up, as Ben lay him on his side. He opened nicky's pants, and then lay behind him. Nicky felt Ben's hand curl around his dick and begin pulling on it. He moaned, and Ben's other hand covered his mouth. "SHHHH. You talk when you're finished, understand?" Nicky shook his head, as he began to get one of the best hand jobs he had ever had. "I can reward a sub if he's good. If he pleases me. The way you did tonight." Nicky felt Ben's mouth on his ear, and he felt the hand leave his mouth. "You my boy, nicky?"

"Yes, Sir, I am."

"And my sub?"

"Yes, Sir," not as convincingly as the first one. "Sir, I'm so close. I'm so close. May I shoot? PLEASE."

"Yes. And you get fucked tomorrow."

"OH SHIT YES SIR!" Nicky's jizz sailed out over the bed. "And tomorrow, I need to decide on a few things about your hair and..." he reached into nicky's shirt and tweaked his right nipple. "Whether we do anything with this."

Next: Chapter 4

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