Flipping Thick Nick - installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 17, 2023


As he was lying there, tied up, Nick was trying to figure out how he had fallen for Ben so fast, and why he was letting him do these things to him. He hadn't taken a dick up his ass for years -- maybe not since he was 20 -- but he had given his up to Ben as soon as he said, "spread your legs, boy." And he enjoyed it. He enjoyed ALL of the sex when Ben dominated him. He couldn't help getting excited when Ben tied him up, or when he edged him, or ordered him around, ANY of it. But he yearned to top as well. He hadn't had sex with Bob the night he "cheated" on Ben (at least that's how Ben described it), but he wanted to. He wanted to have sex with the other guys too -- not just Bob. He liked using his own fat cock. It was true that he wasn't as imaginative as Ben. One of the guys he had fucked described Nick as a "stone top." His exact words were "GEEZ. You just lay back and say, `do me'." Nick's response had been "So?" And then the guy had done him! The cute ones just seemed to be drawn to him, and he enjoyed most of them. It had been said by some that Nick never left the bars alone, and with the exception of Bob, never with the same guy, twice.

Ben had changed all of that. Nick couldn't explain it. He supposed it was because of something Bob had said to him the night he "cheated." "Other guys ask. Ben just takes. He assumes there's no argument to be made. He wants it, he takes it. You give it." Even hearing Bob describe it like that was getting Nick aroused. It was true. Maybe if someone else had been as aggressive as Ben had been, he'd be with someone else now. But no one had.

"Bob will be here in about half an hour, nicky. Then, we're gonna have some fun." Ben had moved Nick to a chair and had untied his legs so he could retie them to the chair legs. He was still gagged, and his wrists were tied behind him. He mumbled something into the gag, as he felt Ben press his thumbs into his shoulder blades. That was another thing about Ben: his hands were amazing. He knew how to find the spot where pleasure would give way to just a little bit of pain, a place that also got Nick excited. This "massage" was no exception.

"You have no idea how desperately I want my cock in your ass, nicky. How fucking hard it is for me to wait. But wait I will because... I'm gonna fuck you in front of Bob. Right after you blow him."

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMPH MPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJJJJHHH." Nick shook his head NO as hard as he could. Ben just laughed and ran his tongue up and down Nick's ear. "You seem to think you have something to say about this, or that it's a topic for discussion." He paused. "It's not, handsome fucktoy. Bob's leaving here tonight with lots of stories to tell. About time that gossip boy told the truth." Nick squirmed and Ben hooked his arm around Nick's throat. "Oh, the changes that are coming up in your life, nicky. I know you're not broken, for all the times you call me `SIR'. But by the time I'm through, you'll say it and MEAN it. One hundred percent of the time."

The doorbell rang, and Ben stood up. "Time to get started. Gee, I wish I had a movie camera to record all of this."

"MMMMMMMPH. PLMP)SPMSZZZZZZZZZZZ!" Nick begged through the gag as Ben went to the door. He heard him greet Bob.

"BOBBY! So glad you could come over! I have a surprise for you and then, we can talk about the future of you, nicky and me." Bob hated being called "Bobby," but he knew his position. Whatever Nick didn't know, Bob knew that arguing with Ben was pointless. He took a quick look at him and thought "yeah, I could see falling for him."

"Come on in. Nicky's waiting." Ben smiled as he gave Bob a once over. "A nerd. A geek. But he wears it well," he thought. Bob's khaki's were too big, and his white shirt was cheap, but there was a certain sexiness in the way he looked. As Bob walked into the living room, he saw Nick sitting there, fear in his eyes.

"NICK! What is he doing to you?" He felt Ben put him in a bear hug. "Anything I want to, Bobby. Because that's what a DOM does to his sub. You know that don't you bobby?" Bob loved it when a man took charge of him, and Ben had done just that. "Yes, Sir. I do. But Nick... Nick isn't a sub, Sir." Ben laughed. "Well, we'll see how you feel about that after tonight. Let me ask you Bob: how many times have you blown nicky?" Bob squirmed some more, and Ben tightened his hug.

"I dunno. I lost count. I mean, I don't count them."

"More than ten?"

"Yes Sir."

More than twenty?" Nick was grunting and pushing at his ropes. HE knew what was coming, but Bob didn't.

"How many times has he sucked you?"

"SIR, Top men never suck their bottoms. That's just wrong. Bottoms and subs do the sucking. Tops and DOMS get sucked."

"Ha, ha. You hear that nicky? Clearer words have never been spoken." He turned his attention back to Bob. "How many blowjobs HAVE you gotten, bobby?" Bob went silent and Ben whispered, "I guess that makes you a French virgin."

"Please, Sir. Please let me go. I'm not gonna fight you over Nick. Just please. I'm uncomfortable, Sir."

"I think it's time you got your cock sucked. Would you like that, Bob?"

"OH GOD," Bob whispered. He figured it out. Ben was certainly not going to blow him which meant...

"Then, if you brag about how nicky blew you, you'd be telling the truth. And you'd like him to blow you, wouldn't you?" Bob seemed to go limp as he said, resignedly, "yes Sir."

"GOOD. Because this is what you're gonna do. You're gonna open your pants and let your cock pop out. Then I'm gonna ungag nicky, and he's gonna show you what amazing oral skills he has."

"Sir, please, I don't want to..."

"That's a lie, bobby, you know it." Ben's hand moved to Bob's crotch, where he felt the sizeable hard on. "Now I know it too. Do what I told you. That's what subs do."

"Yes, Sir, " Bob answered weakly, as Ben let go of the hold. He thought about trying to escape, but there was no way he would be able to, and he worried what Ben would do to Nick if he did. He gulped and opened his zipper. A surprisingly large cock popped out.

"WHOA! Look at that. Now I did NOT expect a whopper. What do we call that, a Bopper because it's Bob's whopper?" Ben began to laugh.

"Please, Sir. You're embarrassing me."

"Get up close and personal with nicky. I'm taking out the gag." As Bob moved forward, he ungagged Nick.

"NO. I'm not doing this. He blows ME. That's how it works." He felt Ben's fingers grip the back of his neck and squeeze. "The way it works, nicky, is you do what you're told. You have a cute blond man in front of you with a dick longer than yours, and you're gonna suck it. You're gonna suck it until he cums, and then you're gonna swallow every drop, because that's what a good sub does. Isn't it, bobby?"

"Yes, Sir. It is."

"Bobby is my guest. You treat my guests the way I tell you to treat them. Show him your oral skills, nicky. As good as when you suck me." Defeated, Nick answered "Yes, Sir. Bob, can you get closer? I can't lean forward that much."

Bob was getting more excited by the minute. He couldn't believe this was happening. He still couldn't believe it when he felt Nick's mouth encircle his cock.


"OPEN YOUR EYES, nicky. You need to watch bobby's face. " Ben stood at the side, watching as Nick, who was getting more experience as a cock sucker almost every day, initiated Bob.

The initiation didn't take long. It was less than ten minutes until Bob exploded in Nick's mouth. Ben howled.

"WOW. Don't you play with yourself, bobby? Get yourself off? Looks like you just unleashed enough cum for six guys." Bob began to blush. He didn't know whether to say thank you or not. "Can I go home now, Sir?"

"OH NO, not even close, bobby. There are two more men who need to get off tonight. And you're gonna help with one. For now though, you and nicky are going to change places. Well, actually, you're going into the chair, and nicky...nicky's going on the bed." He untied Nick as Bob pulled his pants back up. "Tie him up the way I tied you, nicky. Don't use a gag though. And have him face the bed. Then when you're done, you know the position."

"Yes, Sir, " Nick sighed. He was desperate to have Ben's cock in him, but having Bob watch? He had been Bob's Top for months and now..."

"Move, boy! I told you I was horny, and I want it taken care of." Nick sighed, and stretched out his arms so the cuff restraints could be attached. He stretched his legs. There was an evil grin on Ben's face as he pulled off each of nicky's shoes. He grabbed an ankle and turned to bob. "You should see how nicky reacts when I tickle his feet. He ever tickle yours?" Bob shook his head no.

"I'm way to ticklish for it to be fun." When he saw Ben's face, he knew that was the wrong thing to say. "Who says it won't be fun? Maybe not for you, but...Hmm. I wonder if there's enough room for the two of you on the bed. One sole each. Let me think about that." The thought of getting tickled was intimidating nicky more than Bob -- Ben HAD tickled him, and he was brutal. He remembered, too, that he threw a hard-on that surprised even him.

"Nah, no tickling tonight, nicky. I told ya...I'm too far from anything but a good, solid fuck." He got off nicky's jeans, and Bob saw from the bulge in nick's thong, that he was hard. Ben slipped a finger under one of the sides of the thong. He slid it down, slowly with one hand, while the other one roamed over nicky's chest.

"Who's my bitch bottom?" He asked. "I am, Sir" nicky responded. Bob was a little shocked.

"Who owns your ass?" "You do, Sir." Bob stirred in the chair. He couldn't believe he was hearing this. Nick, BOTTOMING, being submissive? He didn't understand it but, well, it was hot.

Ben picked up nicky's legs by his ankles. "You see well enough bobby?" Bob had turned his eyes away.

"BOBBBBBBBY! Now, now. You know, I want you watching this, and as the only DOM in this room, my word is the law. If you don't watch, I can collar you to the chair. Your head won't move and, it's just possible I'll turn around and squirt on you at the end."

"That sounds hot," Bob thought to himself, but he kept on thinking about Nick. "I understand Sir. I'll watch."

"GOOD. Because if a miracle happens and I turn you into a topman, you need to know how to do this." He began sliding into Nick, and nicky moaned.

"You like that, nicky, don't you? You like the feel of a dick inside you."

"YES SIR. I love the feel of your cock." Then he whispered "Please, Sir. Deeper."

"FUCK" thought Bob. He was getting hard again. He saw Nick's cock doing what he was used to seeing it do: it didn't grow long, but it got fatter. When he tried to blow Nick, sometimes he just couldn't get it in his mouth. Ben, though, was getting it bigger than Bob had ever seen it.

"YES. YES. Your ass is hot, nicky. Is it because bobby's tied up there and you're thinking of sex with him?" Nick WAS thinking about Bob, but he didn't say that. "No, Sir. I'm in the moment, like you told me to be." He screamed in pain as Ben pushed in.

"FUCKING LIAR. I know you're thinking of topping Bob. " He began sliding back and forth. "Trust me, nicky. At some point, I will extinguish any flame inside you about topping. I will turn you into the supreme sexy bottom." Nick closed his eyes. Ben was sliding back and forth slowly and sliding his hands around Nick's upper body.

Nick felt Ben lower his body and begin sucking at his neck. He loved the feeling, and he hated it. Ben working on his neck meant he knew Nick's weaknesses. When he was topping, Nick never allowed anyone near his neck. It drained him and really, as one person had said, turned Nick into a "boy puppy," or a "puddle of sexy Greek stud." The only thing that did it faster was someone nibbling on his chin, which is what Ben was doing now. Nick moaned, and squirmed and Bob wished the ropes weren't as tight as they were so he could get involved. He could see, from the way Ben's glutes were moving, that every moan got him more excited. "If we were in ancient times, I could be the Roman with his hot Greek prisoner. COULDN'T I NICKY?"

"Yes Sir. I'm your captive. You can do whatever you want with me." Ben chuckled. "And right now, what I want, is to FILL you with my jizz." Ben screamed, pushed one more time, and Bob saw the pumping motion and the look of relief on nicky's face.

"I try to fuck this boy at least twice every three days, bobby. He's a horny slut. Aren't you nicky?" An exhausted "Yes sir," came back to them.

"So, let's see. Two of us had orgasms. One didn't and..." he touched nick's cock, which provoked a moan. "I think this man has to be milked. And bobby's gonna be my assistant cowherd." Bob thought he was gonna get to suck nick, but Ben had different ideas. He untied Bob and brought him over to the bed. He handed him a large hitachi vibrator. He had one, too.

"Like this, nerd." Ben turned on his and began pressing it against one of nicky's balls. Nick began to moan again. "You do it too. Not too hard. Not yet."

"NO SIR, PLEASE. HE'S A FUCKING BOTTOM." Nick didn't get out the rest of what he wanted to say, because he screamed when Ben smacked his cock.

"There are alpha bottoms, and beta bottoms. Tonight, nicky, you're the beta bottom. And that means, bobby does what I told him too. GET BACK TO WORK BOB." After about two minutes, nicky didn't care who was applying the vibrator to his balls. He went into a space in his mind where he thought about what he wanted to do to some of the guys at the bar, and also about the things he wanted Ben to do to him. He wondered if he could persuade Ben to let him top and DOM when Ben wasn't horny, or if they could come up with a schedule or something? He stopped thinking when he felt the cum beginning to flow into his shaft.

"I'm gonna have to get a flesh light made special for this boy, but for now, we'll use this. He's close, bobby. Turn it to gentle mode. That way we can prolong it." Bob smiled for the first time that evening. He hated to admit it, but he was enjoying this. Immensely.

They kept nick on edge for another fifteen minutes before it was clear: it was happening, now. Nick's scream was with a few sobs. "THANK YOU, SIR, THANK YOU." Ben chuckled. "I haven't let him jerk off for a week and a half. He didn't expect this tonight, and it's VERY possible there'll be another prohibition. All depends on how I feel. Help me untie him, bobby. I got some things to discuss with you."

"Yes, Sir," Bob answered. He wanted to go home. He had had enough. Ben, however, had other ideas. He stopped nicky from getting dressed after he slipped his thong back on.

"Sit. Right here, next to me." "Yes, Sir," came the answer. "Only one in the room undressed. How humiliating. Must mean you're the SUB..." Ben moved nicky's arms behind his back and held them there while he spoke to Bob.

"You can tell anyone you want about what you say tonight, bobby. And there's something else I want you to do." He tightened his grip on nicky as he continued. "You know who's serviced nicky way better than I do. Well, you need to let them know that if they ask me, they may very well get serviced by nicky, the way you did tonight." Ben felt Nick tense up at that and he snapped "YOU DON'T GET A CHOICE IN THIS SUB." Meekly, Nick answered "Yes Sir," as Ben went on. "NO ONE is going to get his ass, and it's not open season on my boy's mouth, but it's there. You, bobby, because you took care of him more than anyone else, get first crack. You want it, you get it." He sneered. "Of course, since you're a sub just like nicky, if I tell you to come over here and get sucked off, you do it. " Now Bob was the one to answer, "Yes Sir."

"I'm gonna send you home now, bobby, because I'm going to want nicky to get his rest. And I'll be taking him to a different club over the next few days. We'll be back and then people will know what you told them was the truth."

"I understand, Sir. And thank you." Bob wanted to leave, fast. He nearly tripped as he went to the door. "You have a great ass, bobby. Hope it's being used." "Yes, Sir," Bob answered, and ran out, quickly. He hurried because not only did he need to get away, but he was also hard, and he needed to get home and jerk off.

"This weekend, nicky, I'm taking you to one of the membership clubs for D/s couples. You'll need to dress better than usual, and..." He pointed to the leash and collar that was hanging on the door. "We won't use the leash, but the collar? Yeah, that you'll be wearing. I hear you're a pretty good pool player."

"That's what people tell me, Sir."

"Well, very little turns me on more than a man bent over at the pool table, so we'll have to make sure that ass of yours looks even better than it usually does. I'll instruct you about wardrobe. OH, I almost forgot. In the past, when I was `persuaded', I've fucked my sub on the pool table, and let the other guests give him a cum shower. Just keep that in mind." He laughed. Now, he knew that nicky would never get it out of his mind. He'd be repulsed and turned on. And that was EXACTLY what Ben wanted.

Next: Chapter 3

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