Flipping the Yoga Teacher

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 18, 2023


Dear Readers,

If you come to this story and find it confusing, I ask that you take a look at the first two parts of it. They're not very long, and they'll give you an idea of how our characters got to where they are. I hope you enjoy the tale.

And so it started. Neither Wayne nor Charles talked about the kiss the next time they met. Or the time after that. And so on. And it was usually Wayne who called and asked if Charles maybe wanted to go for a drink, or hang out, etc. Charles tried to make time for Wayne: he liked long term seduction, and if Wayne knew what was going on, he didn't show it. When Charles called to set something up it was usually a little more "formal:" a dinner, or brunch, or something like that. When the weather got warmer, he "jumped the shark," as it were, and asked Wayne if he were interested in lounging on the beach for an afternoon. He was ready for Wayne's response. "Uh, ok, if it's not the gay beach." Charles laughed. "No, Wayne, it's not. You may have the body to get the boys excited, but I don't. Standard family friendly beach. Nothing more. "Then I'm up for it. Maybe I'll challenge you to a swim." "Oh NOOOOOOOOOOO. I've been doing my research Aquaman. I heard all about your mile swim time. I'll pass." And so they went. And it was Wayne who, shirtless, in a pair of baggy black shorts ("make a note, Charles," he told himself. "Speedos."), who asked "If I roll over, you think you could oil me up, Charles?" He smiled his big smile. Charles couldn't see Wayne's eyes under his sunglasses, and the shorts were too baggy to see if he was tenting.

"How far down do you want me to go?" Now, Wayne laughed. "Charles, I studied good touching and bad touching in school. I bet you did too. No bad touching. It's a family beach." "Don't worry about that, stud. I'll behave." And for the most part, he did but when Wayne whispered, "you can go lower, Charles," he did. Not VERY much lower, but just at the very top of Wayne's ass crack. When he heard the sigh from Wayne, he asked, just to tease "Is this bad touching, Wayne?" The answer he got was "keep being a bad boy." Instead of going lower, Charles just put a bit more gentle pressure on that spot, and Wayne responded by arching his hips up. "Where did you learn to do that? It feels great." "Tell you another time. Now roll over, I'll do your chest too." And now Charles saw that, despite Wayne's baggy shorts, he had a hard on. So did he, and if Wayne hadn't had on his sunglasses, Charles would have noted that his eyes were fixed on Charles' crotch.

Their dates became a regular thing and, at some of them, Charles would give Wayne financial advice. Wayne always pulled out a notebook and wrote down whatever he found useful. Then, at one brunch, he raised a question. "Hey, Charles, tell me if this is none of my business, that's cool, but, as a straight guy, I don't understand the appeal of sex with men. I mean, it's like different foods I don't like: I just don't eat them but I'm curious: what is it that makes you, well, you couldn't have dinner last week because you had a date, right?"

"I did. And we had sex. And it was great."

Wayne laughed. "Well, now THAT was too much information but" He stopped talking and shook his head. "Let me ask YOU a question, Wayne. What makes sex with women so appealing to YOU?"

"Fair question, Charles, fair question. I'm not sure I can explain it, so I shouldn't expect you to do so." Now Charles smiled. "Of COURSE you should. We know you're the pretty one and I'm the smart one." They had a laugh and then Wayne said, "so I'm just a dumb blond to make you look good?" Charles teased Wayne by saying "pretty much." They were quiet for a minute and then Wayne asked another question. "Again, Sir, none of my business, but did you ever?"

"For the first twenty years of my life, Wayne. I dated women, screwed women, had fun with women. And I realized that there was almost never a time that I was in bed with a woman that I wasn't thinking about a man. Once, I yelled out his name in the middle of sex and, well, she wasn't pleased."

"I bet not," Wayne whistled. "I yelled out another girl's name when I came once, and the woman I was with had very long nails. It hurt for a while." Charles paused. "Know what I'm gonna do, Wayne? Next time we meet, I'm gonna give you a basic gay sex toy." He saw Wayne's face go white. "No, no, no." I'm going to give it to you in a sealed package. You'll know exactly what to do with it. Use it or don't, but maybe you'll get a little bit of understanding as to what's appealing about it." Wayne was blushing. "Do you use them?" Charles smiled. "Not on myself. I don't think I have to tell you: I'm a top."

"Yeah, Amanda told me that." Charles laughed. "OH, so NOW I know where these questions are coming from." "Well, I asked her if I could ask them, and she said you wouldn't mind. "

"I really don't. But listen up, stud, we need to talk some business stuff. What's your `Wayne opens his own business' fund doing? Wayne shook his head. "Not great. I THOUGHT things were coming along, but then, my bastard landlord raised my rent. BY THIRTY FUCKING PERCENT. I thought that was illegal, but I asked an attorney friend."

"No, it's not. What are you going to do?"

Wayne gave a little desperate laugh. "My options were to dip into the savings, or to move back in with my parents. That wasn't really an option. I'm trying to get more shifts at the restaurant, but it seems that EVERYONE's rent has gone up, and mine was after a lot of other people so, I'm kinda screwed. "

"Hmmm." Charles' mind was working overtime. "One man's misfortune is another man's fortune," he thought to himself. "Let me give this some thought if you don't mind. I might be able to find some options."

"Charles, if you could, I would REALLY appreciate that. And you know, you're the best, Charles. The absolute best. Can I get a hug?"

"Sure can, straight boy." When they embraced, he pushed his knee into Wayne's junk, and Wayne just rubbed it back and forth.

That night, after he came back from the restaurant, Wayne tossed the dildo onto his bed. It was still in the package. He laughed. "Sorry guy, I have another date tonight," he looked at his right hand. Dating had been hard for Wayne for a while, between classes at the yoga studio and the restaurant. Now, with the hit to his income from the rent increase, and the added fatigue from taking more classes at the studio, and covering when other servers called in sick, dating was not on his agenda. He had a good sexual appetite and masturbated two nights out of three. Now, though, he was intrigued. He remembered Charles' touch to the tip of his crack and every time he remembered it, he felt a jolt in his balls. Was this toy better than "choking the chicken" as his brother called it?

The instructions seemed fairly straightforward, but just to make sure, he went online and watched videos. It took a while to get past the ones where a woman used it, but eventually, he got to men using them. All straightforward. He kept on turning back to videos where one guy was using the toy on another one. "Charles and I." The thought went through his head, and he tried to push it out. It kept on coming back, with more and more jolts to his balls. "I'm just horny," he thought, then stripped, lay down on the bed and after he had lubricated the dildo, began pushing it into his ass.

"FUCK THAT HURTS!" He yelled for the first time, pulling it out and tossing it aside. "How the hell do chicks use them?" THAT turned a switch for him: that and another thought: "Charles wouldn't do something to hurt me." He used some of the breathing exercises he taught in class and, little by little, the 4 inches went in. He had read that he was supposed to slide it, back and forth, and he did, moving very slowly. "DAMN that feels GOOD" he thought. He controlled the dildo with one hand and jerked himself with the other. Then, halfway through jerking, when he realized how close he was, he moved that hand up to his nipple and squeezed.

"MOTHER FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKER!!!!" he screamed as he began shooting. It was a huge orgasm. A mess. A total mess. Wayne was in terrific shape, but he was breathing very, very hard. Again, he tried self-regulation and when he got to a normal rate, he whispered "I'm not gay, I'm not gay. It's just nerve endings. Just nerve endings." He got up, cleaned the dildo off and put it on his side table. He used it again later that night.

While Wayne was experimenting, Charles was leading a very frightened, but very horny young man named Cory to his bedroom. Cory's hands were tied behind his back, and his balls were linked to a collar around his neck, which had a lead that Charles pulled. "MOVE IT BOY. I CAN MAKE THIS REAL PAINFUL."

"Yes sir, yes, of course Sir. Please don't hurt me Sir, please." Charles snickered.

"Oh, I'm gonna hurt you. I'm gonna hurt you REAL good. Right in that tight little tush of yours. Now..." He yanked Cory so hard that the boy almost fell over. Cory was a student at a local university, trying to augment his scholarship. He knew who Charles was, and he expected it would be a good payoff, even though Charles had been very explicit about what he wanted, and that he was very demanding.

"SPREAD THOSE WIMPY LEGS, WHORE" Charles barked, and Cory whimpered "Yes sir." He had already told Charles he didn't want to continue and that had gotten him a serious swat across his ass. "YOU'VE GOT YOUR MONEY, BOYCUNT, NOW DO YOUR JOB." That job, at least for now, consisted of keeping his legs spread as Charles rammed a short, thick cock into his ass, enjoying every minute of it. It wasn't Cory's ass: Charles had had much better, and he was thinking about the prize he planned to win: Wayne's ass. And every time he thought of that, he got harder, and Cory cried a little more. "TAKE MY LOAD WAYNE," he yelled as he came into Cory. Cory was about to say, "my name is Cory, Sir," but was scared. Very scared. Clearly this guy was mental. His money was good, though. An hour later, when he collected his fee and the 150.00 tip, Charles patted him on the shoulder.

"You were a good sport, Cory. Thank you for being such a great bottom." Cory was all of 19 and smiled at the praise. "Thank you, Sir." "I think there may be more of that," Charles pointed to the money, "if there's more of this in the future." He patted Cory's ass. Or maybe... this." He ran his finger around Cory's lips. "Uh, sure Sir. I have to check my class schedule but, sure." "One good night kiss, Cory. Then we'll call you a ride. Study hard. If you do as well at school as you do in bed, you'll be fine." Wayne said, thinking "he's a B- student at best." He had another meal with Wayne in a couple of days. He smiled: "vibrator this time."

"I used the toy you gave me," Wayne said when their drinks arrived. Just coffee. Wayne was off to work after their meeting. He didn't tell Charles HOW MANY times he had used it, or that it was in his hole as he sat there.

"A point of anatomical trivia, Wayne: there's debate about which has more, but the anus and the vagina have more nerve endings than any other part of the body." He smiled. "You see, handsome, women are smarter than us: they figured it out a long time ago and cut us all out of pleasure." He sighed and winked at Wayne. "But of course, it took gay men to figure out how to fix that." Wayne looked down at the table. "Charles, does it mean you're gay if you like how a dildo feels?" Charles laughed. "Well, I think any woman will tell you no."

"I mean, if you're a MAN who does?" Charles shrugged his shoulders, thinking "I'm about to land a big fish." "I think it means you enjoy having your ass stimulated. Whether you're gay or not is a different situation." He had on his glasses that day and he looked over them. "And I assume you like the stimulation, otherwise you wouldn't be wearing it now." Wayne blushed. "How the hell did you know that? Is it showing?" Charles laughed. "You must SUCK at poker, Wayne. But no, it's not showing. What IS showing is you shifting positions on your cheeks every ten minutes or so. I think what you might want to do is go use the bathroom, get it out, put it in plastic and clean it when you get home. I've got another toy for you but I'm not giving it to you until you do that. "He saw Wayne's face color as he got up. He mused while he waited for Wayne to come back. Charles was getting ready to try some really interesting bait in order to land Wayne. He had investigated and learned that he knew Wayne's landlord. He had met him years before, and he called for a chat. There was no way that Seymour was going to lower the rent: it wasn't a regulated apartment, and he had received an offer from a developer for the property: he wanted to raze the building and use it for commercial space. The increase in rent was the most he thought he could get away with before the press went wild. Charles didn't say it, but he was thinking "this guy is smart. I like him." The other bit of information he had was that a commercial space was about to become available. He had called that landlord as well, and had offered to take a lease, at 20% less than what the landlord planned to ask, if he kept it off the market, and Charles offered him his email list. Another landlord who wasn't stupid, he brought the papers to Charles himself. "A perfect place for a yoga studio," he chuckled, as Wayne came back. "So, Wayne, a little bad news. I didn't mention your name, but I called your landlord. He took my call because he thought I was interested in development."

"SHIT, you did that for me, Charles?" I did, but I didn't do any good. He's not budging on the rent, Wade."

"FUCK. I'm so goddamn financially stressed that I don't know how I'm gonna do it. It's impacting my yoga practice too. I can't teach relaxed meditation if I'm wound up."

"I'm sure that NOT paying rent would relieve some of that stress, huh?"

"Yeah, right. But I'm not moving back home. Not happening."

"How about with your brother?"

"Fucking redneck. Every time he hears I'm with you, he thinks I'm gonna go missing and get sold into white slavery." Wade laughed. "Which is sounding better and better every day."

"Well, I shouldn't tell you this, then, but I found a property that would make a great yoga studio if you went into business for yourself." Charles saw Wayne' eyes widen. He knew he had to plan the next steps carefully. This was when he'd sink the hook. "Yeah, Right. I can't even afford to buy new shoes. Like I can put down the money for a studio."

"Hmmm. I thought about that, Wayne, and I don't know how you'd feel about this, but I could lend you the money. We'd sign an agreement, first payment in six months, and then we'd take it from there." Wayne's look was of shock: he looked like he was going to cry.

"You'd do that for me? REALLY?" "Yeah, I would."

Wayne smiled. "You're a sweetheart, Charles, but I can't accept it. "Charles began to speak, but Wayne stopped him. "No, this is one that I can't be talked out of. No borrowing. Ever. Not even from good friends." He patted Charles on the thigh. "I hope that was ok, Charles. I didn't think a hand pat was enough." Charles smiled.

"Well, let me think of some more options. You think of some too. Now, about the toy." He reached into his bag and brought out the small vibrator. "This is what you do. You slip this loop around the base of your balls, and then you slip this up your butt. You hit the button and... I bet you can't hold your jizz more than ten minutes."

"DAMN I can hardly do that now. Makes things a lot easier because, fuck, I sure as shit am not getting any sex from anyone but myself these days." Charles laughed. Then he looked at his watch. He called over the waiter and paid the check. "I need to go, Wayne, but let's both think about the situation, and we'll see if there's an alternate solution. I wish I could stay, but I have to meet with someone who's interviewing to be my houseboy. He grinned. "You know. Personal Assistant, wink wink nudge nudge." Wayne grinned. "Just out of curiosity, Charles, what do you pay a houseboy?" Charles smiled. "It's usually not `payment' like a salary, Wayne, but he lives rent free, and gets an allowance. "He shrugged his shoulders. "Someone told me the biggest benefit of being MY houseboy is being seen with me. I don't know about that, but maybe they're right."

"Well, you're the one who teaches running a business. What do YOU think the major benefit of working for you is?" Charles grinned. "There isn't much that needs to be done during the day unless I'm hosting a party. Most of the work happens at night if you know what I mean." "I know what you mean," Wayne gulped. Until Charles had said that he thought he might apply for the job. That night, Wayne tried the vibrator, and found that Charles was right: he came in seven minutes. Charles hadn't told him that he'd be thinking about Charles through the whole seven minutes. And while Wayne was cumming into a towel, Charles was plowing Cory again, and again, he yelled Wayne's name. "You're wearing a tie, Wayne. Did they change the uniform at the restaurant?" Charles and Wayne were sitting for coffee before Wayne's shift started. "Yeah, it's management's way of changing things up. Figure that maybe if we look dressier, customers will spend more." He loosened the tie, and some of his abundant chest hair poked out. Charles had to work not to lean over. And then when Wayne stretched, his hands behind his head, all Charles could think about was how good he'd look tied down to his bed in the same position, while he slowly took off every item of Wayne's clothing. "You know, you were right about the vibrator, Charles. Seven minutes." Charles smiled. "DAMN. I should've made a bet with you. Let me tell you something though. Those things are great when you're solo, but they're even better when someone is using it ON you, sort of sliding it around, moving it, keeping it still, using another hand to ... "GOD, STOP CHARLES. You're making me horny." Wayne looked around and saw people staring at him. "OOPS. Sorry folks." He dropped his voice. "So, how's the hunt for a houseboy going?" Charles smiled. "I think I found the right person. He's a little older than the standard houseboy but, I think it'll be a good fit." "Well, that's great. Congratulations." "Oh, don't congratulate me yet, Wayne. He hasn't accepted the job. I haven't even offered it to him." "Why not? You worried he won't accept it?" And for the first and only time, Wayne saw Charles look a little nervous. "I'll find out very soon," he reached for a glass of water and took a sip. Wayne noticed that ever-confident Charles was shaking as he reached into his folio to get a paper out. "Let me show you something, Wayne. It's title to a piece of property. I bought it a few days ago." He put it in front of Wayne, and Wayne looked at it. "Well, congratulations on THAT. What do you think you're going to do with it?" He saw Charles' face and the same nervous look was there. "I'm thinking it would make a perfect yoga studio." Now, the color drained from WAYNE'S face. "I don't quite think I understand, Charles." "Hear me out, Wayne. I've given this some thought. A LOT of thought. I want to offer you the job as my houseboy. "He saw the look on Wayne's face. "WAIT. Are you offering me the studio space if I, if I, move in with you?" "That's part of it. See, if you accepted, the studio would take up all your work time, so I'd want you to give up the restaurant job. You'd work at the studio as you saw fit, and then, when your day was done, you'd come back and..." he smiled. "I would explain your duties as we went along." Wayne's voice got very dark. "And they would include you fucking me on a regular basis." "Indeed they would." Wayne threw the lease back at Charles. He almost knocked over the table as he got up. "FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU, YOU DIRTY OLD MAN. I'M A LOTTA THINGS BUT I'M NOT A FAG WHORE. MY BROTHER WAS RIGHT. GO TO HELL. DON'T BOTHER ME ANYMORE." He reached into his wallet, pulled out the last 3 bucks he had, and threw it down for his coffee. "DON'T EVEN BOTHER PAYING FOR THAT. I GOTTA GET TO WORK." As he stormed out, Charles sighed. "Well, that went well." "Wayne, you're clearly out of sorts, maybe you should take the rest of the night off?" His manager came up to Wayne and spoke softly. "No, Matt, I'm fine. I'm fine." "You're not fine. The last table told me you said, `if they didn't like the food, they should go somewhere else.' That's not you, Wayne. Something's bothering you." "You're right. It is. Maybe it would be better. I'll clock out." "Nah, don't worry. You're one of the best here, Wayne. I think we can afford to give you the additional two hours." Wayne drove home. He couldn't get what had happened that afternoon out of his head. Nor could he get the image of Charles using the vibrator on him out of his head either. It made him hard. There was something, he couldn't put his finger on it, about Charles that was...seductive. He was a good-looking man, but not a great looking one. One thing was certain: Wayne had figured out that Charles had it bad for him. Way more than anyone ever had -- male or female. "He pushes my buttons, that's for sure," he thought as he went home. When he got home, he sat for about two hours, his head in his hands. "I WANT THAT SCHOOL." Didn't Charles say something like "sometimes, you have to take a leap and let go of everything you know, in order to try to get what you want. You'll find out something about yourself on the way." Well, Wayne had learned a LOT about himself already. "I hope this isn't the wrong thing," he told himself, as he pulled out a duffle bag and tossed some stuff into it. An hour later, he was ringing Charles' doorbell. Charles had company, and he tossed on some clothes, and didn't button his shirt. Wayne hadn't seen him that way since the beach. The guy was better built than his clothes gave away. "Wayne? Well, this is a surprise." "I hope pleasant, Sir?" Charles couldn't let his smile show. "I don't know. Why are you here?" Wayne gulped. "Is the houseboy position still available, Sir?" Charles smiled. "I was about to instruct an applicant on part of the job, but I think I can stop. Please wait here." Fifteen minutes later, Wayne saw a young blond guy wiping away tears, running out of Charles' house. "I just want to be clear, Sir. I'm not gay." "Not a requirement of the job, Wayne. Now, I was in the midst of explaining how I like certain things to Cory. He's more advanced at it than you are, but there's time to start. Why don't you come this way? We'll begin working out the details tomorrow." "Yes sir,"

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