Flipping the Yoga Teacher

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 6, 2023


On Fridays, wayne usually got home about half hour before Master Charles did. He let himself into the apartment where they lived, and called out "Master? I'm home." When he didn't get a response, he looked through the six rooms to make sure Master wasn't involved in something and couldn't hear him. No sign of him. Wayne had asked the doorman if "Charles" (almost the only time he referred to his Master by his first name only) were home, and the doorman had indicated that as far as he knew, he wasn't.

When he had assured himself that Master Charles wasn't home, wayne took off his t-shirt and left it on the table that stood in front of the bondage chair. His muscles were covered with a thin film of sweat and he wanted to shower, but Master preferred him to be a "little funky" when they played. Wayne made sure that he was wearing the tight yoga pants that Master Charles preferred for him to wear. They didn't go all the way down to his ankles, so his well-muscled calves were a bit on display. It was POSSIBLE that Master would do something with wayne's lower legs and feet, but he usually didn't during the week. Wayne kept his sandals on as he sat down. He picked up the handcuffs on the table: Master Charles had taught him how to lock his wrists behind his back by himself, and with the flexibility wayne had from yoga, it wasn't difficult at all. Before he did that, though, he surveyed the other items on the table. Duct tape? No, Master preferred to gag him himself. Nipple clamps? A harder call, but Master hadn't said anything about them before he went to work in the morning and there was also a lead sinker that Master had confiscated from wayne's fishing kit. Wayne assumed that meant that weight play was in the cards for that night, and again, this was something Master preferred to do himself.

Just as wayne settled into position, he heard a key in the door. Master Charles was home. Wayne adjusted his position: he pointed out his nipples and wrapped his feet around the legs of the chair, leaving his crotch as exposed as he possibly could. The spot of pre-cum was growing. Wayne had thought he'd never get used to what Master Charles did to him. Now, not only was he used to it, but he had also come to like it -- a lot.

"Well, well, well. This is ALWAYS a good way to start the weekend, isn't it?" Wayne felt Master's hands on his shoulders, digging deeply into his muscles. Wayne sighed just a bit. He needed a massage badly, but the last time he had gotten one, Master had noticed evidence of his erection and minor orgasm. "It was a woman, Sir, I promise!" wayne had protested before Master Charles had pressed the hitachi to his crotch.

"And that makes it better, how, wayne? Telling me that just got you an extra five minutes of this nice, big toy. Just hope I don't pull out his twin brother and ram it up your ass." Since then, no massages unless Master went with him.

"Nice and perky today, handsome." Charles' deep voice crooned as he began fingering wayne's nipples. "Just the way I like them. Get them ready for what's to come." Wayne thought that Master must be especially horny today. He hadn't even taken off his jacket when he came into the study where wayne was cuffed, and wayne could feel Master's silk tie brushing against his back. Normally, Master at least worked in shirtsleeves and frequently took off his tie.

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG" slipped out of wayne's mouth as Charles squeezed his nipples tighter. "AH. There we go. A sound. We know what that means, don't we wayne?"

"Yes Sir," wayne answered, as he saw Charles' hand pick up the silver duct tape. This was the part of their early evening routine that wayne probably liked the least. He was hairy, and while Master shaved him from time to time, he left wayne's facial hair alone. "Makes me feel like my boy is a man. I like that." Still, when the tape gag came off, it always took a few hairs with it, and since Master did not like it when wayne showed discomfort, there was always a struggle not to scream.

Now, Master Charles took off his jacket. He laid it on the table and picked up the clamps. Wayne's nipples were sensitive from the initial play, and while Master Charles ran the clamps over his tits before opening them and clamping them down again, he closed his eyes. He could "feel" the pressure from the clamps before Master used them. When he did, another "MMMMMMMMMPH" came out of wayne's mouth, smothered by the tape.

"Oh, you'll moan a LOT harder than that, boy" Master smiled as he picked up the sinker. "I think next time, we'll either move up to a bigger one, or use two that weigh more together," he said, as he hooked the sinker in the middle of the chain. The pull down from the weight provoked another moan from wayne: one much louder, with a whimper of pain behind it. The moans got louder and faster when Master picked up the weight and lifted it up above wayne's nipples. "PLEASE DON'T DROP IT. PLEASE!" wayne thought to himself. "Just put it back down. PLEASE." Master Charles looked at wayne.

"Have you behaved today?" "MMMMPH" wayne answered, shaking his head yes, even though he knew there would be pain from the movement of the chain and clamps.

"I see that spot on your pants. From thinking about me?"

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!" wayne nodded vigorously. He had figured out that when Master saw him nod enthusiastically, he believed him. Master looked directly into wayne's eyes: wayne's signal to look away: the beta never stares directly at the alpha, and he felt Master Charles gently place the weight back on wayne's chest. Now he moved his hand to wayne's crotch.

"How long has it been since you used that thing for anything but MY pleasure, wayne? About 4 months?"

"MMMMMMMMMPH." Again, wayne shook his head. He had been Master Charles' "arm candy," as Charles put it, for about six months. Two months in, Master Charles had decided that wayne would only use his cock with his permission. It had been one of the things he insisted on: part of their agreement.

Charles began loosening his necktie. "I think it's time you got into downward facing dog, wayne. Your best friend" -- he pointed to his bulge -- wants to bury itself in you. Nice and deep."

"The agreement." Yes, the agreement about which Charles had no doubts and about which wayne had mixed thoughts. Wayne was straight: at least that's how he identified. Yet, he was living as -- could he say he was living as Charles' lover? He didn't know WHAT you'd call it. But there was no question: he lived with Master Charles, and he was the beta, the sub, the bottom, whatever you called it, to the man who had financed wayne's yoga studio, paid all his expenses, and was, according to one of wayne's friends, "wayne's sugar Daddy." (The story of how that all happened is interesting, and we shall get to it. For now, though, you're probably wondering how much fun it is to have a yoga teacher bottom for you).

Charles didn't know a lot about yoga; but he knew that when he saw wayne in "downward facing dog," all he wanted to do was fuck him and fuck him hard. He liked to hear wayne's moans too, so now he cut away the tape, and took off the clamps. Wayne knew by now to say, "Thank you, Sir," as Charles led him to the bedroom. "Position please, wayne." "Yes Sir," wayne answered back, assuming a position he had assumed much more since he had moved in with Charles. Experienced fingers pulled down wayne's yoga pants and spread the lips of his ass.

"Who goes in here, wayne?"

"You Sir. Only you. Whenever you want. It belongs to you."

"That's right, boy." wayne felt Charles insert a finger inside of him and he moaned. Charles new how to do a lot of things well: playing with wayne's ass was up at the top of the list, in wayne's opinion. "Right near making money," he would tell himself, but never anyone else.

He heard the glob of spit and then he felt Master Charles pushing it into his ass. Sometimes, Master would rim wayne, or go even deeper and eat him deeply. Not tonight. Again, it all indicated that his Master was very, very horny.

"I don't want your juices up here, boy. This weekend is plenty of time." Charles was hairy himself, and wayne felt his scruff tickle his ear as Charles teased it with his tongue.

"Yes Sir. OH YES SIR. OOOOOOOH." One of the "eye-openers" for wayne after things had started with Charles, was how many portions of his body hadn't been explored and were explosively sensitive. His ears were one of them. There were so many parts of him that Charles got worked up, but if he had to pick a top 3, wayne would have included his ears. Now, though, Master Charles was working another one: his ass. He felt the head of the cock that had taken him so often over the last half a year begin to enter him. Wayne's yoga training meant he could hold position very well, even as Charles pushed his cuffed wrists further up his back. Charles' cock penetrated further.

"My 42-year-old boy. I LOVE IT. And everyone is jealous. Charles Billings has a hot, muscular, man, serving the role of his boy. TAKE IT BOY!" Charles had a smug look on his face that wayne could not see. Charles knew that being called "his boy" rankled wayne to no end.

"Who's my boy?" He continued, pushing his cock deeper into wayne.

"I am, Sir," wayne grunted through clenched teeth. It was true. He still hated it, but not as much as he loved Master's dick.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SIR. FUCK YOUR BOY'S ASS. PLEASE. PLEASE MAKE HIM SUFFER. PLEASE." When Charles pushed harder, wayne moaned louder. "YES. YES. YES MASTER. I thought about this all day (which was true: wayne worked for part of Saturday, but the weekends were always a time when Charles made it crystal clear that "Charles was in charge." Wayne had made a joke about that once and found that Charles didn't find it funny. It was the first time he had gotten spanked since he was about 11 years old. "Next time, it'll be in front of people, boy. Maybe even your students."

Now, Charles felt the motion as Charles began pumping his ass. He felt the occasional smack to his cheeks. Sometimes during these Friday "fuck fests", Master would use his necktie to pull wayne's head up, as if he were a horse or some other work animal. Sometimes wayne enjoyed it, and sometimes he didn't. Today, Master Charles seemed to have found every single spot that needed "massaging" in wayne's chute, and he was moaning "like a 2-buck whore" as his father would have said.

"UNLOADING HANDSOME. UNLOADING IN YOUR HOT BLOND ASS," Master yelled, just as wayne felt the hot jizz fill him. Maybe, just maybe...

"You need milking wayne." Charles unlocked the cuffs. "Roll over."

"YES SIR. THANK YOU, SIR," was wayne's response. It would be the first time this week that Master had allowed him to cum. It had been very challenging, because Master had taken the cage off of wayne on Tuesday, leaving it to wayne to control himself.

"Milking" meant Master either pinned wayne down or tied his wrists and then slowly stroked him to a climax. He pinned wayne's muscular arms down: wayne could undoubtedly beat his Master at anything physical, but their relationship was such that wayne didn't dare resist -- not that he was convinced, most of the time, that he wanted to.

Charles took wayne's ample cock in his hand and began stroking slowly. He had spat into it again to get some lubrication. As wayne moaned, Master began telling him what he planned to do to wayne that weekend.

"I wonder how you'll feel getting fucked with the tickle machines on you, boy. Or whether I'll gag you when we go out." He squeezed wayne's cock because he felt it thicken when he said that.

"You like being shown off in front of my friends, don't you boy?"

Actually, it wasn't Master Charles' friends that interested wayne all that much: it was THEIR boy toys, all of whom were at least ten years younger than wayne, and whom wayne thought were all cuter and more attractive than he was.

"OH FUCK" wayne muttered. Master had begun scruffing one of his sensitive nipples before he licked it, and then began chewing on it. He stopped and gave wayne an evil look. "Maybe I'll pop by the studio tomorrow. Or even better, we'll go to the restaurant where you used to work. You can make them all jealous of your new boyfriend. Boyfriend... HA HA. The day you think of me as your boyfriend, stud, is the day the sun turns green." He heard the whimper from wayne and knew: he was right on the edge. He let go.

"Who owns you, wayne?"

"YOU DO SIR. YOU DO." Charles had gone back to squeezing wayne's dick and bringing him closer and closer.

"Gonna tie you up good and tight this weekend. Just like a bottom boy should be."

"YES SIR. YES SIR. OH MY GOD YES SIR. AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGH" wayne screamed as he climaxed. He thought about what Master Charles had just said about `boyfriend.' It was another area where he was confused -- so confused. He thought that at some point, Master Charles would get tired of him, and wayne could go back to living a straight life and dating women. That didn't seem to be about to happen anytime soon, though, and in any event...

Wayne thought about Master Charles. A lot. He wasn't lying when he said that the pre-cum was from thinking about Charles. The last six months had shaken up wayne's life in so many ways. Once an employee, now a boss. No longer a server at a restaurant, just a server to Master Charles. Once straight and now, well, who knew what?

To go forward you need to go back. We'll take a look at how Charles and wayne got here when we continue.

Next: Chapter 2

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