Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on May 13, 2020


Dan looked up and smiled. "Come sit over here." He put his arm around Steve. "THAT may be the very best thing I've heard all week. Even better than hearing you sceam FUCK me Sir after I've nibbled your nips." Steve blushed "Really?" "Yeah, really. Because, let me tell you something Steve: I have not made this a secret: I want you. I want to dominate you, I want you under me every single night. I want my cock in your ass, I want it in your mouth, and I want you moaning through a gag when I do it. I want you as my manbitch.

BUT I also want a relationship with you. You're not some dumb trick, and I want more. I want you cuddled in my arms, not in my slave cell. And I want you trusting me, and being a part of my life and my lifestyle. But I don't want you to give up your independence. But right now, what I want... is to kiss you." Dan's kiss was long, and deep."

"You got all of that out of my wanting to be called your boyfriend?" "I did Steve, because I know you thought about it. You thought about it hard. "

Steve smiled. "You changed my life so fast, so much, that I need to take this a bit at my pace. My pace right now, is hunger. I'm starving. Kiss me again and you may not get your tongue back."

"We're eating casual tonight, steve. Why don't you put on that pink shirt, and your faded jeans? The outfit that won me over. We'll take a little walk through town, and have some food."

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Steve had a cocky little grin that ALWAYS got to Dan. It was on his face when Dan came out of the bathroom: Steve had taken his position, leaning against the door frame, a bit to the side, hands in his pockets, and the grin. "Hi." Dan felt the blood run to his cock. He walked over. "I know, I know, I promised you food, and we're going. But.... " He ran his thumbs over steve's nips, and heard him suck in his breath. "I love how you do that Sir. More please. More, every day." Dan kissed Steve on the lips. "Let's go get you some food."

As they walked out, Steve grabbed Dan's hand. That was fine for Dan: in this town, his hand on Steve's neck or his bicep would have been better, but Steve being shirtless at this hour would have been better yet. The town had some idiosyncratc ways that Steve experienced right away. They passed a couple: a big bear of a man, with a ring through his left nip, and a hat that said "TOP" with a thinner, but muscular man, ringed on the right. The bear smiled. "MASTER DAN. Welcome back. So good to see you." He didn't even look at Steve." "Good to see you too Tom. " The thinner guy looked at Steve, and held out his hand. "Hey. Your first time here? Welcome. I'm Sean, Tom's wife."

"Tom's wife?" thought Steve. "Nice to meet you. I like this town."

Sean smiled. "Yeah, it's like nothing else. And you're with a great man. I hope you stay."

That pattern repeated itself. If a man, clearly identifiable as a top, came by, he spoke with Dan, never to Steve. It was the reverse, with the bottoms. When they got to the restaurant, a place called "Raffi's", it was busy, but not crowded. The host recognized Dan. "MASTER DAN. WELCOME BACK HOME." Hey, thanks Claude," he gave the host a hug. "Claude... this is my boyfriend, Steve." Claude looked at Steve. "Nice to meet you, steve. You're a handsome man. We need more hot guys in town." Steve blushed. Before he could say anything, Claude brought them to a table. "Josh will be serving you tonight. I recommend the lamb."

A think freckly waiter came by. "Good evening. I'm Josh, and I hope I can help you with anything you'd like." He winked at Dan. He handed Dan a menu and walked off. Steve was about to try to call him back and Dan pulled down his arm.

"My apologies, Steve. I forgot to tell you all the idiosyncracies of this place. " "Huh?" "Well, remember, the town has some pretty strange rules. You're new, and they are making assumptions, because I'm known as a Master and a Top. Which makes you.... And bottoms don't have any choice: they do what they're told, they eat what they're told, and so forth."

"OH. So that's why those guys weren't talking to me." "PART of it. I was still adapting. I have to give them permission to talk to you," he paused. "Because on one level, you're regarded as my property. " "Hmmmm. I'm glad you're telling me this Dan. " "But lean in . I want my arm around you, and look at the menu. Pick what you want." He whispered. "the newer population pretty much does that. We don't accept ALL the rules, so we 'bend' them a little." "So let me ask you Dan. Do you regard me as your property?" Dan winced. "I really hate that word, you know. My car is my property. My bed is my property. But you? I wouldn't use that word. You might hear me say , during sex "I own you. " Or "you belong to me." "I did . you've said that. It was hot." "Well, if you think it through. It's a big question as to where you draw the line . If I told you how much argument goes on about this here, well.."

"I think I get it. Let me ask you something else. Dan, if I wanted to leave, could I?" Another deep breath. "Do you want to leave, Steve?" "No, I'm just asking." "It would be difficult, unless I took you back. There IS a service, that will do it in an emergency. But generally, once you're here, you're here." Steve smiled. "So I'm trapped with you this weekend?" "I'm afraid so." He snuck a kiss from Dan. "I can live with that Sir. And the lamb DOES sound good."

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After dinner, Dan took Steve for a little walk around town. The streets were full of people: singles, couples. "There's some of everything," Steve remarked. "All colors, all shapes... is everyone here...."

"You mean in a Dom/sub Top/bottom relationship? Yup. There are different types, but they're all here. For example, see that couple over there: " he pointed to a handsome, grey haired pair. "Jay and Brice have been together forever. They don't live here, but they're weekenders. Anyhow, Jay firmly believes that a sub should be in a cock cage for chastity. So, Brice gets released once a week, if he hasn't pissed Jay off, and gets to cum."

"WOW. He agrees to that?" "It's part of his deal. When he surrendered, it was absolute."

"Now, that couple over there... maybe too young to be doing this: Adam and Nick. " Dan laughed. "We're really not sure who does what in that couple. One day one is wearing the bottom gear, the next day, it's the other one. They spend a lot of time at the disco . My guess is that they're both bottoms, looking for some kind of sugar top, or a three way. But that's me."

Steve laughed. "You're a perv," and Dan stopped, looking the taller man in his eyes. "Maybe... But I also appreciate beauty, and right now, the way that moonlight is falling on you, and the way your eyes are sparkling, well.. I just want you in my bed, pleasuring myself with you."

"Well, what's stopping you Sir?"

"Just one thing. I want to show you, ahem my pride and joy."

They came up to a large bustling building. "The disco Sir." Dan laughed. "This is the brothel." "HOLY SHIT. Look at that line." "Yup. Since 2pm when it opened. It's Friday night. It'll be that way until about Sunday afternoon, when the 'visitors' have to get home.

"Can we go in at some point?"

"Maybe Sunday before we leave. For now.." he dropped his hand to Steve's butt, and squeeze it. "I want that."

They got back to Dan's house. Dan had his arm around Steve's middle and he was gnawing at his neck, getting steve aroused. He whispered "I just brought the handsomest man in town back to my place." His hand went into Steve's shirt, and found his nip "OH YEAH," whispered steve. " I kept on wanting that. All night long..." Dan took him by the hand, and to the bed. Kissing him, he pushed Steve back on the bed, and then got on top. He was licking at Steve's neck, and nibbling his ear, while his fingers opened steve's shirt, and then began squeezing his nips. His knee pushed steve's legs opened, and began massaging steve's cock, which was growing by the second.

"OH, Master Dan. Master Dan. GOD. Even saying it makes me HOT." Dan looked at him. "How about saying "Master Dan is my boyfriend." Steve smiled. "I can do that. "Master Dan is my boyfriend. He's my TOPMAN." Dan kissed steve again. A long one, and steve looked at him. "I'm ready. FUCK ME SIR. FUCK ME HARD"

Steve's shirt was opened, and Dan made his way down to steve's belt buckle, kissing, nibbling and licking. "You have any idea how hard I am, handsome man?" He began opening his pants, and steve stopped him.

"WAIT, I wanna do that. But first, I wanna hear you say steve is my boyfriend." A big smille came over Dan's face.

"steve is my boyfriend. The handsomest man in NY is my boyfriend. He's my bottom, and I want him all the time. Yeah, steve is my boyfriend."

Steve sat up and began opening Dan's jeans. When his cock poked out, Steve took it in his mouth. "Not planned, but it looks so good Sir." He began sucking, as Dan began to moan. "Not too much Steve. You want some for your manpussy."

Steve stopped. "Go to it, topman." Dan got out of his jeans, and pushed steve's legs apart further. "I wanna FUCK you handsome. I wanna make you my manbitch." He slipped on a condom, and then, began pushing in. Steve was still a chalenge, but it was getting easier. When he saw the wince on Steve's face, he stopped. Too much, handsome?"

"Yeah, but too much is a good thing. TAKE ME. TAKE ME NOW.." Dan plunged in. Steve moaned, part in pain, part in pleasure, but he took the whole cock, and Dan began chewing steve's nips, kissing him. He looked at his boyfriend and said "thank you." before he began pushing back and forth.

Steve was moaning in a way he hadn't moaned before. "OH GOD YEAH. MY MAN IS PLEASING ME. I WANNA PLEASE YOU SIR. BREAK ME. BREAK ME. "

Dan began thinking "this is going faster than I thought. Tomorrow."

"I'll tell you how you can please me more. But right now... I wanna please you.." He stopped, and then pushed. "How's that feel, steve-o"

"Like the best thing in the world Sir. It's cotton candy, it's the ferris wheel, it's everything. OH GOD. " Dan saw how hard Steve was. .He had an impish grin, as he ran his finger down the back of steve's cock. That's all it took, and a fountain of jizz came out of him. He moaned, and almost cried as it did.

"My turn, studmuffin," Dan began to pump, faster and faster. He got in deeper than he ever had, and then, with one push... he came inside Steve."

"OH LORD Steve. You are the best lover I have ever had." He held Steve to him, tight. Steve was breathing hard, not saying anything, until finally, he asked. "Is that true Sir? "

"Sure is handsome." Steve kissed him. Then Dan threw him back on the bed. "Know what you need tonight? Some post -coital TICKLING..

"NO. NO. C'MON. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA", as Dan dug into his ribs. "I'm getting those pits too, steve.'

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No you're not."

"OH Yeah?" He grabbed steve's wrists, and he tied them over his head.

"NOW, what are you gonna do? Hmmmm?"


"I'll stop if you make me a promise, steve."


Dan stopped for a minute. "I'm serious. I'm really serious here. Will you promise to think about moving in with me? In NY, but mostly here?

Steve looked serious. "You mean it?"

"I do. He gave a kiss to the bound man. "I realize you're not in the best position to think about it now, and I don't want you to answer, but will you think about it?

Steve smiled. "I already have been. Gimme a few days."

Dan thought about keeping Steve tied up overnight, but released him. They slept, locked in each other's arms.

Next: Chapter 10

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