Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on May 10, 2020


Dan had driven by Steve's apartment right on time. Steve had tried not to be antsy, but he couldn't help it. He was sitting on the stoop, trying to calm down. He had his bag with him, packed, repacked and repacked again, with frequent consultations with Gretchen, facetime photos of outfits and looks, before he finally settled down. "Should I go upstairs and try to squeeze in? Is the jacket too much? (Steve had gone out at the last minute and bought a very expensive, very snug black leather jacket. The salesman said "that should get her for you," and Steve just smiled and said "I hope so."

"HEY HANDSOME. You look good.!" Dan stopped the car, and got out to see if he could help Steve with the bag. He had an untucked oxford on, and some tight jeans. He wore a cap which said "The name is SIR" on it. He wanted to hug Steve, but he was discrete, and shook his hand, waiting for Steve to make the next move. Steve whispered. "The doorman is already talking about my jacket, so.." And Dan smiled. "And he SHOULD be. It's STUNNING. I hope you wear it for more than this weekend. Did Gretchen help you pick it out?" Steve blushed. "She gave the ok."

"She gave the FIRST ok. I approve as well. I approve of the shirt too." Steve had put on the off white polo he had bought recently.

"You like it? Really? Be honest Dan." "Steve, you are going to make EVERY man in town turn his head. I'm already turning mine. Now get in that car before I drag you into it." "This weekend is starting well," joked Steve."

"Now, it's a long ride, and if you need a pee break, tell me. I know every decent rest room along the way, and some of the less decent ones," Dan laughed. "And we can stop for a snack anytime you like. I thought I'd either make us dinner, or we could go to one of the cafes when we get there. We're going to one of the better restaurants in town tomorrow.

"I'm planning on wearing that shirt you bought me, Sir." Dan sucked in his breath. "OH, MAN. A good meal, a hot man, dressed like a stud. It's gonna be a good, weekend." He reached out and patted Steve on his leg. "I'm glad you agreed to come, Steve. " Steve held his hand tight. "Me too." I'm already having a good time. I'm with you.

The drive WAS long. Steve had an idea of where they were for a while, but in the third hour of driving, he fell asleep. "PERFECT" Dan thought to himself. "He won't have any idea where he is. That's exactly what I need."

Steve's light snores stopped, as he began to wake up. "Hey. Getting close?" "Maybe about an hour. " "Anyplace a guy could, well, relieve himself. " Dan sucked in his breath. "Well, we're in the middle of nowhere, and if you're willing to rough it, no one's gonna know who peed on the tree. Just watch out for poison ivy." "I'll take my chances." Dan stopped the car, and Steve walked off. He watched Steve find a place "GOD, his ass is HOT" he thought, and put his hand down to his already eager cock. "This is gonna be make or break. Keep it even , Dan-o" He told himself.

Steve got back and got in the car. "I have to say, this is BEAUTIFUL country. It's what I imagine Scandinavia would be like in the summer.' "You know, when I was touring with the ultimate fight circuit, we NEVER made it to Scandinavia. Just off the circuit, I guess. Someone told me Scandinavians fight so hard, they don't need to watch other people beat each other up." Steve laughed. "Well, from my childhood, THAT's for sure."

"We're almost there.. See that gate we're coming up to? That's the entrance to the community." Dan pulled out his phone and punched in what seemed to be a very complex series of numbers. The gate swung open, and after they got through, he punched another set. He grinned and turned to Steve. "No one gets out without permission." Steve smiled. "Why would I want to leave?"

"Gimme a kiss big man."

They went through more countryside, before they got to the town proper. Coming to Otokouomo for the first time, was a culture shock to experienced guys. For Steve, well... He saw no women, only men. It was at that time of season when you still could go around without shirts, and many of the guys were not wearing them. All kinds of guys, all kinds of physical types. Everyone seemed to be smiling or laughing. A few of them waved to Dan as he was driving into the center of town.

"I see some younger guys... Are those rings in their chest, Sir?" Dan smiled. "Yes, you're right. If you get close enough, you'll see different colors. I'll explain more, but the guys who are wearing silver ones, are engaged to their Masters. The gold ones are for guys who are married to them. You'll see collars too. And arm bands. They all mean something. " He paused. "What you don't see, because we don't permit full nudity, are the chastity cages some of the guys wear. When the submissives surrender completely, they give up their right to orgasms, without the Master's permission." He paused again. "I have to say, that excites me a little. I do NOT get into the scenes where the Master welds the cage so it never comes off.

He saw the look of horror on Steve's face and patted his leg. "RELAX STEPHEN. NO, I'm NOT gonna ask you or tell you to wear a cage. If you choose to wear one, I'll honor your choice, but NO, I like it when you cum. Your face is so cute. Now, on the other jewelry, maybe, and in time. But we've got a long way to go before we get there. For now, folks are going to recognize that you're my date, that you're trying this out, and everyone's gonna respect your lack of any ornaments. I HAVE them if you want them. That's up to you. It really is. " He squeezed Steve's hand. "I just want you to have a good time, and to get a better sense of what you're getting into."

As they drove up to the house, Steve's eyes opened wide again. "THIS ONE is yours? It's HUGE. And you live here alone?" Dan laughed. "Not quite. I have a houseboy, Ivan. You'll meet him in a bit. I asked him to stay on to show you around the house. He knows it better than me.

"House boy?" "Yeah, a lot of the subs in town do take on jobs, either to make some more money, or just to stop being bored." He squeezed Steve's legs. "For example, if you could hold your nose enough, I sure could use an accountant to help me manage the brothel." Dan gave Steve the eyes he gave him when he was "in the mood."

'DON'T LOOK AT ME THAT WAY, IT'S UNFAIR." Dan grinned. "How'd you like it if I looked at you that way while I was playing with your nips?" "Oh shit. I'd be figuring out how to account for revenues from blow jobs." Dan laughed, as they pulled up in front of the house. A well built man, maybe 32, with longish brown hair, and a short bit of facial hair, waved. He had on a shirt, but it was opened, and he had a gold ring in his right nipple.

"MASTER DAN. Welcome home. We've missed you." He hugged Dan, who hugged him back. "Ivan, I want to introduce you to my guest this weekend. Steve is my new boy." Ivan held out his hand, and gave Steve a big smile. "Welcome to Otokouomo, Steve. I hope you'll have a great time. I know you'll have a good one. I'd hug you, but until I know your limits, I wouldn't do that. Dan told me about your background, and my experience of Scandinavians is that they're well, not as open about things like hugging, as Italians are."

Steve laughed. "You're right about that, Ivan, but I'm glad to meet you too. Maybe we'll be hugging by the end of the weekend. " He turned to Dan. "I hate to bug you, but I am exhausted, famished, and I can use a shower. Could we go in?"

"Sure can. I'm gonna bring your stuff up to our room. Ivan will show you around a bit while I get us all unpacked. Sound good. ?" "Sure does. How about a kiss?" He got one right away, with Ivan smiling. "Steve, can I just say one thing? That's the first time I've seen Dan smile in the last year and a half. You get brownie points from me - and probably most of the town.

"Well, thank you. Dan has made me smile for the first time in a long time. I didn't even know.." "That you preferred men?" Ivan smiled. "A lot of the bottoms here are in your position. You'll meet some of them tomorrow." "Is there a party?" "More like a tea. Dan asked me to bring together some couples, no more than 4, so you could meet some of the guys who chose to live up here with their Doms and tops" "Can I ask a question, Ivan. If I don't want to do this, is the relationship with Dan over?" Ivan sighed. "I wish I didn't feel obligated to answer this honestly, but yes, it would be odd if Dan were to change at this point. He's been a member of the community for over 15 years, and , well, he respects the rules." "He was here when he was fighting?" Ivan smiled. "Did he tell you about the black guy who beat him? Well... he works at the brothel now. VERY popular with tourists. " Steve felt like his head was exploding, and Ivan said to him "Look, you don't have to, but I know, it would make him REALLY happy if tonight, at dinner, you would wear one of his collars. It would make him feel so good." "Let me think about it Ivan. Now show me the place. "Well.. first of all, downstairs." He took Steve down a flight of stairs. In the finished basement, he saw three large barred cells. They were equipped with TVs, libraries, closets. Essentially, they were studio apartments. "WHAT THE..." "Yeah, it surprises people . The guy who owned the house before Dan liked having a harem. Dan's a one man man, but he keeps this set up ' just in case,' and also, to be honest, sometimes Dan can be a little overwhelming, and his man needs a break. So...:" "So you really can't leave once you commit to a Dom like Dan?" "Not on your own . Our guys go on vacations, they go to New York , they do a lot of things . But you're expected, essentially, to be the equivalent of a male wife to your husband." "Male wife to your husband. The thought both frightened and appealed to Steve."

"Let me bring you upstairs. Nothing much there. Just the dining room. It can seat 24 if it has to, the kitchen- Mike comes in and cooks when Dan is here, because I can clean but I can't cook , the living room - you'll LOVE the collection of videos, I think - and of course, Dan's pride and joy - his playroom."

Ivan brought Steve into a huge room filled with tables, ropes, chains, toys that he hadn't seen in New York. "You probably won't spend much time here this weekend, but if you come back... Dan likes to play here. I'm usually gone - back to my Master Max when he starts playing - but 'no customer is unsatisfied' as they say.

"Ivan, if I can, how long have you and Max be together?" Ivan smiled. "Well, depends on what standard you use, but I'd say 15 years. He actually bought me at a slave auction in the Ukraine, and brought me back. He sent me to school, to a gym, and then, 10 years in, he asked if I would take his collar. I was happy to. Two years ago, we made it permanent. See?" He showed the golden collar.

"Are you..."? "Caged? That's always the question isn't it? Yes, but not full time. Max locks me up three days of the week - they vary, but it's our compromise: I'm free most of the time, but it also shows: I belong to him."

"You're happy here?" ABSOLUTELY. Max takes such good care of me. Dan took care of us both when Max was sick, which is why I take care of his house. " He looked at Steve staring at his feet.

"Steve, look. He's not going to ask you to be a part of the community for at least two months. But he WILL ask you to come back, and I hope you will. You're a handsome guy, he is clearly head over heels for you, and frankly , what have you got to lose."

"Would I be able to visit my cousin ?" "OF COURSE. It won't be a simple 'let's have lunch ' kind of thing, but really, if she lived in California, it wouldn't be either. Now, let's go upstairs. Can I make a suggestion to you Steve?"

"Sure." "Just for tonight. You have to take it one day at a time. I know Dan is going to want sex. If you're not uninterested, go along with it. " He smiled. "I'm spilling state secrets here, Steve, but he told me you're great in bed."

Blushing, Steve went upstairs to the HUGE Master Bedroom. There were two bathrooms at the side, with "HIS" written on each door. The bed was four poster, and huge. Steve felt a little like he was in a palace.

Dan looked up from his computer. "Ivan. Thank you. " "if there's nothing else Sir, I should be getting home to take care of Master Max." "Indeed you should. Give him my best. Tell him I'll send some of that gin he likes, and make him an extra drink tonight." The embrace again. Ivan turned to Steve, and offered his hand. "Nice to meet you." Steve pushed aside the hand, and embraced him. " Ivan smiled.

Steve stood in the doorway, his hands pushed into his jeans. "Hi. I like your house." "Thank you. I like you." Dan sat on the bed and patted the portion next to him. Steve came over and sat down, and Dan put his arm around him.' "A lot to take in, huh, Steve?" "Yes sir. I'm not sure I'm ready for this." "It's ok. All I'm asking you to be ready for now... is my tongue.." He moved over, kissed Steve's lips, and then pushed in his tongue. "MMM. You know what I don't taste much of Steve? Fear" "I'm not afraid Sir. You wouldn't hurt me. I'm just trying to understand it all." "Baby steps, Steve. Baby steps. " Dan's fingers found steve's nip. "Like that first time you gave yourself to me." He whispered. "Will you give yourself to me tonight, Steve." "Yes sir. I've been wanting to all day."

Dan smiled. "Lay back. " He climbed on top of Steve and started a slow move down his body, with kisses. "This shirt really looks good on you, but I wanna see skin." "Can I see yours Sir?" Dan doffed his shirt. Their torsos pressed against each other, as Dan found Steve's neck and began nibbling. "OH GOD. There's no one here so I can moan as loud as I want." Dan looked at him and smiled. "Unless I gag you." "FUCK. " said Steve. "DO IT." Dan pulled a leather penis gag from the side table, and attached it around Steve's mouth. "Now you can feel like you're blowing me while I'm fucking you.." He continued his work down Steve's body. "No ropes tonight, unless you want them." Steve shook his head no. Dan grabbed Steve's balls the way he knew Steve liked it, and he rolled them in his hand. "My stud bottom. My big, tall, handsome studmuffin. " He gently pulled Steve's balls until his legs were in the air. Then he pressed his finger against Steve's ass, and the moans got louder. " "I haven't finger fucked you yet. Just two tonight." He licked his fingers, and pushed them, one at a time, into Steve's butt. He moved them back and forth, and Steve twisted some more.

"I know what you want, don't I?" Steve shook his head yes, as Dan reached into his pocket for the condom. The moisture from Dan's fingers had gotten Steve loose, and Dan passed in easily. Steve gulped, but took the whole cock

"OH YEAH. Weekend in the country with my boy. What could be better? " He began systematically fucking Steve, slowly than fast, driving Steve wild. Dan was getting pretty hot himself. Clearly he had thought of this on the ride up, and then... the explosion. He pulled out, and shot all over Steve.

He pulled out the gag and lay next to Steve. "How do you want me to bring you off?" "I don't Sir. I wanna see how I handle control " Dan looked at him. "You want a cage? Already?" Steve laughed. "NO Sir. Not yet. I wanna see if I can do it on my own." Dan stroked his hair. "Good man. You let me know when you're done."

Yes sir. Can I ask for one other thing?" "Sure. Ask away." "You calling me your boy makes me crazy hot, but.. can you start introducing me as your boyfriend?"

Next: Chapter 9

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