Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on May 7, 2020


Folks, this story is in part about a man who is an accountant. Accountants know about balance sheets, and they'll tell you the importance of positive cash flow. Do your part to make sure Nifty's cash flow is positive. Contribute, so you can read these stories.

Wednesday night, and Steve was at Dan's for the third time that week. He justified it to himself by deciding he'd stay at his place on Thursday, getting his stuff together for their weekend away.

He was pouring drinks as Dan was in the kitchen cooking. As he collected ice, glasses, and alcohol, he smiled: this felt a lot like early married life. He liked it. He liked coming to the apartment, putting down his work stuff, and having Dan embrace him, kiss him, tease him, whisper what he planned to do with him that night. He loved thinking about what he'd wear, that would drive Dan a bit crazy: indeed, tonight he was in what one person had told him was a "banker's shirt: " white collar, light blue body, untucked, sleeves rolled up, two buttons opened, khaki pants, hoping that Dan would attack him at some point. As he busied himself with the drinks, he got his wish, as he felt Dan's muscular arm circle his waist, and his mouth at his ear.

"You're a flirt, you know that Steve." Steve giggled "uh huh." "Light blue and white are GREAT colors on you. The blue brings out your eyes, the white suits your hair. OH HELL , everything looks good on you but this outfit... You're gonna make me burn the meat. And my meat is burning." He began to lick Steve's ear.

"C'mon I wanna make a drink. Oh.... " Steve felt Dan's tongue go DEEP in his ear. "FUCK. That feels so good. " Dan's hand moved up from Steve's waist to one nipple, his other hand went to the other, and he began rolling them between his fingers.

"OH SHIT. You know what number 1 does to me, Dan. " He began to whimper. "No Steve, I think I'm forgetting. Remind me." In a high pitched voice, Steve answered "It makes me wanna get FUCKED by you." "Oh, you wanna get fucked by me, more than you want a glass of that scotch." "YES SIR," Steve's breathing was heavy. "I want you in me. DEEP." "That right? Well.. let's see." He yanked Steve's arms behind him, and held them there. "I think someone needs to be tied up tonight, and experience something new." "I wanna experience your dick Sir."

"You will. But for now.." Steve felt the rope around his wrists. He didn't think he would like being tied up, but at Dan's hands , well. And a big guy like him should be able to fight this off. Dan was, however , 'persuasive." He found himself tied up, in the torment chair, as Dan brought over a small paddle.

"You know, Steve. Sometimes, a boy just has to learn that he REALLY wants cock.." He began stroking Steve's crotch with the paddle. "Sometimes, it takes a lot of persuading, sometimes, just a little. " He pressed the paddle against Steve's cock, and elicited a moan. "I suspect I won't need much from you. " He grinned. "You any man's bitch Steve."

Steve smiled. "Not that I know of." "Sure about that? " Dan pressed the paddle against Steve's crotch harder. :"How many wacks do you think a hard, Scandinavian cock can take?" "Not many Sir. Ask your question again. Please." "You any man's bitch Steve?" "Yes Sir . I'm your bitch Sir. I'm your boy , your bottom. I'm here for your pleasure Sir." "Then why should I fuck you instead of just shooting on you?" Steve gasped. "Because you love the sound of me moaning and begging." Dan laughed. "That's true. And you know what else I like? Kissing you.." He pulled up a chair, and pressed his knee against Steve's cock. He moved in and teased with his lips, before he opened Steve's mouth and pushed his tongue down. He could feel Steve's cock getting harder.

"You wear that shirt tonight to flirt with me Steve?" "Yes Sir. I think it worked." "It did. More than just about any of your work clothes. " He stood behind Steve and began massaging his shoulders. "SOMEONE had a tough one at work today." "I did Sir. Some of the guys are teasing me because I don't hang out anymore." "Hmmm. Consider this studmuffin. Just consider it. You think any of them were ultimate fighter fans?" "They all are Sir." Dan laughed. "Do you think they'd shit their pants if they met Steve's boyfriend? The ultimate fighter Jack the giant killer." Notwithstanding his normal timidity, Steve's eyes shot open. "OH MY GOD. They'd die. They'd shit their pants. WAIT. I got the order wrong. But yeah, I see that. I do. Let me think about that. SHIT. "

Dan put his mouth around Steve's ear. "you tell me the place, and I'll show up. A party where you can bring a date? Well, I'm there. "

"How about a party in your bed, Sir? With my legs on your shoulders, and your cock in my ass? Practice for the weekend?" Dan grinned. "I wish you could live here with me. But it's too soon, I know. For now, though, let's go."

He led Steve into the bedroom. Steve needed no persuading to lay flat on the bed , and let Dan open up his shirt, little by little. Dan smiled. "Know what a lot of guys do to their boys?" "Uh, Fuck them sir?" BESIDES THAT. They shave them. SMOOTH. I'm just trying to imagine you, totally smooth." Steve began to squirm. "Not sure I'm comfortable with that, Sir." Dan grabbed his balls. "Think I care if you're comfortable? " He twisted Steve's balls a little. "No sir. I forgot my place. I'm sorry. " Dan grinned. "No worries for now, Steve. I like your fur. In fact, tonight I wanna fall asleep on it. YOU holding me, me imagining I'm in a field of white flowers, that smell of you. I may have to pluck every blossom. But for now, let's get those sexy legs out"

He got Steve out of his pants, but he didn't pull off his underwear.

"You know steve stud, you've got GORGEOUS legs. Every time I see them, I want to kiss them all over. Which is what I'm gonna do right now." Dan moved up and down, licking and kissing Steve's legs, as Steve whimpered, whined, and then moaned.

Dan looked at him with an evil leer. "This weekend, we're gonna find out just how ticklish that spot behind your knees is. Unless you wanna tell me."

"No sir. Not really sure myself. I don't think it's ever been tickled. "

"Heh heh. Oh, I got a full itinerary for you, boy." He spread Steve's legs. "I said this before, I'll say it again. I thought you were gonna be a real hard nut to crack. BOY, was I wrong. "

"I was saving myself for... OH SHIT.." Dan had begun to tongue Steve's ass. Steve's attitude switched to sheer bliss, as Dan's tongue opened him, little by little. "FUCK ME SIR. PLEASE. I'm hungry, but I'm STARVING for cock. It's been a whole day."

Dan laughed. He couldn't remember the last man who had said that to him. He couldn't believe his fortune. He wondered again if Steve would be "the one," as he did remove his briefs, and began to slide into him.

"YES. That's what I've been waiting for. Sir, I dream about.. THAT.." Dan had just thrust deep. "I think about how it's gonna feel. OH SHIT THE THINKING IS NEVER AS GOOD AS THIS." Dan began to work on the spots he knew made Steve wild, including the spot just over his hip. Squeezing it, would make Steve open up like a flower. Tonight was no exception, and Dan just dove right in.

"You are such a HOT fuck. SUCH a hot fuck.." He slid, back and forth, getting faster and faster, as he reached up to Steve's nips and teased them. Steve began to drip precum, faster and faster. It shot out occasionally, as Dan pounded his ass.

"DAMN THAT FEELS SO GOOD. FUCK ME HARD. HARDER. HARDERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Dan began to shoot into his boyfriend/lover. Steve hadn't touched himself, but he found himself shooting too. "OH GOD. OH GOD. So good."

In the afterglow, with the kissing, Dan looked at Steve, smiling.. "How about those drinks while I finish up dinner?

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Dan had introduced Steve to the art of the cocktail and having wine with dinner. At the table, even though they had just had sex, Dan found himself more than mildly aroused.

"Maybe its the weather Steve, but I don't think so. I'm just finding you SO GODDAMN HOT TONIGHT, I can't stand it. "

Steve took a bite of his steak, and blushed. "You know, Dan, no one ever told me I was hot. I didn't even know what it meant."

Dan took his hand. "When you look in the mirror, do you think you're hot?" Steve looked down. " I try not to look in mirrors Sir. Because when I do, I don't see what you see, and I keep on thinking: this is all gonna be over soon." Dan squeezed Steve's knee. "The only way it's gonna be over, is if you say you're done. And even then, it aint gonna be easy, cause I'm gonna fight like hell to keep you. He paused. "I bet you get hit on by at least six guys this weekend."

Steve laughed. "Well that will be more than in my whole life." "Don't be so sure, handsome. I bet you were. You just didn't know it. More to my advantage." "Let me ask you a question Dan. I hope you don't mind." "If I can ask you one." "You're a good looking guy, successful, funny. What did you do with your time before I came along?" Dan grinned "Oh, I worked. I read. And occasionally, if I needed it, I'd rent a call boy. Easy, quick, no strings. Some of them will even do bondage. " Now my question "Ok" "Really serious Steve. Since we've met, I've been fucking you. I''ve always been the top, and I love it. More than the top: I've dominated you. I love that too. And I'm gonna do more of it. So my question is: have you ever wondered, what it would be like to top me, or anyone else?" Steve paused "Well, I did think about that. First, I really haven't seen anyone who caught my fancy Not in real life. I mean, meeting you made me realize that most of the tv I watch is awful. I watch it because I might see the guys take off their shirts. Or I may see them work over a prisoner. Really the only real life person I've been interested in , is you. And I haven't thought about switching positions because, well, I LOVE what you do to me. I don't want to fuck it up."

Dan moved his hand from Steve's knee, to his cheek. "You may be the sweetest man I have ever met, Steve . Your answers always surprise me. You know, I almost didn't go to that party. Something made me do it. "

Steve smiled "I almost didn't go either. There was a Hawaii 5-0 marathon on, and I thought I'd enjoy that more.

"Who's your favorite? " "Oh the Caan kid, totally I'd love to have him on top of me." Dan laughed heartily. "If you tell me you've slept with him." Dan just kept on laughing "No, no no. He's my favorite too. But I always dream of having him under me, struggling, until I subdue him."

Steve looked at Dan. "You like it when the guy under you fights, and struggles?" Dan sucked in his breath. "Greatest feeling in the world When I was fighting, and I had the guy and I knew it, and he fought anyway, and I felt the strength just go out of him... Let's just say I had to wash more than my share of jocks so no one would know."

"You want me to struggle Sir?" "In an ideal world, yes. but you're still new to this. I want you to be comfortable." "I wanted to struggle Sir. I thought you wanted me subdued from the start." Dan looked at him, and his look was almost like a werewolf. "Let me work for it, Steve. Resist. Fight me. Not tonight. Tonight we're going to rest up because we got a BIG weekend. And not if you don't want to. But if you fought me, trust me... I'd fuck you even harder. "

Steve looked at him. "You still wanna fall asleep on my field of flowers?" "I do. After we clean up." "Uh, am I wrong, or doesn't your cleaning person come in tomorrow?"

Steve, you're right. You're 100 percent right."

They made it to the bedroom. Steve tried to undress, but Dan wouldn't let him. He LOVED undressing this hot man, little by little, feeling hi shiver under his touch, his tongue, his lips. He stripped himself, and got into bed. He climbed on top of Steve and took his mouth with his lips, his ears, anything he could touch, before Steve wrapped a strong arm around him. "Save something for the weekend tiger. I wanna experience some new things from you."

"MMMM. Not only does your chest feel good, it SMELLS good. That mix of your sweat, that pine soap you use, the smell of sex." "You can SMELL sex, Sir?" Dan shook his head. "There's a lot to learn this weekend. Take notes." He kissed Steve one more time. Contented, he fell asleep on Steve's chest, a big smile on his face.

Next: Chapter 8

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