Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on May 2, 2020


Monday left both Dan and Steve thinking , hard, about the weekend. Dan reviewed what had happened. He had gone out, looking maybe for a little fun, and met a man whom he thought might very well be the permanent bottom he'd been looking for. Steve pretty much had everything he was looking for: tall, handsome, pretty submissive. Everything else could be taught. The fact that he was mainly straight was a big turn on to Dan, as was the coating of soft hair, all over him.

His original plan, for when he met the guy he would "take" as his "man wife," was to bring him in , little by little, over 2, maybe 3 months. In two days, Steve had pushed the plan up way ahead of schedule. For Dan, the question was: do I push some more? Do I let Steve do the pushing - because Steve seemed to want this more than I do? Risky. On the other hand, do I back off?

Dan had broken other men: Steve wouldn't be his first, but Steve was the first where Dan was HIS first. He was in unknown territory.

If Dan wasn't sure what to do, it was worse for Steve. He cried all the way back to his apartment. "WHY WAS I SUCH A FUCKING COWARD?" He was too proud to call back and ask Dan to reconsider, and Dan clearly took him as his word, and didn't ask him to come back that night. He had a couple of drinks before he went to bed - his scotch wasn't as good as Dan's - and finally got to sleep. He dreamt about that first night, and the second night, where Dan fucked him. He wondered about the "toys" Dan kept mentioning that he hadn't seen. He woke up, covered with his own semen.

Steve had always been a big guy: the tallest and heaviest kid in grammar school, in high school, in college. Too big and awkward to play basketball, he got used to the nicknames: "Lerch," "Jolly Green Giant" "Godzilla," "Hulk," all of them. The names had changed, as an adult, but they were still there. Romance? He had to laugh. Every girl, every woman wanted to dance with a man "a little taller than her." He was nearly a foot taller than most. Eventually he stopped going to the dances. Gym class? He got more teasing, especially in the locker room. Being so big, meant his penis just kind of disappeared. "Weenie weenie" was a name guys used, and there were worse. Every piece of clothing he had was ill fitting, because to get shirts long enough, ,or pants long enough , was a custom tailor job, and his parents just wouldn't go for it.

So he grew up very lonely and isolated. Today, we'd say he was "ill socialized." College was liberating, business school even moreso. Finally, if people cared about his appearance, it took second place to his work - and he worked hard. Now, he was in a fairly high position, at a fairly high level accounting firm. He was happy there. At least he thought he was before that party.

No man had ever showed a sexual interest in him, and he thought that he was straight. The limited experience he had was with women. He had gone into a gay bar, once, and again, got laughed at for being so big. And now, at this party, a really attractive man, who seemed to have a successful business, had not only taken an interest in him, he swept him off his feet. In fact, thinking about it , was getting him hard again.

Those thoughts went through his head, over and over again as he got to work on Monday. He wondered what Dan was doing. He wondered if Dan were thinking about him. He didn't THINK he had ever been in love before. Was this love? He thought "should I call him?" about 500 times. He dialed the first five numbers about 100 times. He dialed the full number, once.

"This is Dan," he heard the deep voice. He didn't expect it. He thought he'd leave a message. "Hi." was all he got out. There was silence, and then "OH MY GOD STEVE! I'm so glad you called. I wanted to call you but you didn't leave a number" came out in a rush. "HOW ARE YOU? I miss you! Do I get to see you tonight?" Steve smiled, and began to laugh. "Wow. I didn't expect such a warm welcome. I just wanted to tell you, I've been thinking of you all day, and I'm SORRY I left last night. I shouldn't have." "Hey, no Sorries around me, ok, handsome. You did what you needed to do. You know where I live, so you can come whenever you want. " There was a pause. "And I've been thinking of you all day. Some of it has NOT been suitable for work" Steve began to grin. "Is that right? Well, what have you been thinking?" Now Dan began to grin "Oh, I'm not gonna spoil it for you. I'll just say that, I realized that I never showed you any of my toys, and I thought of a new action game: it's called 'torture the accountant" A giggle from Steve. "Sounds like it would have limited appeal, " to which Dan answered "I'm only after a market of two." "So, Steve, think you may be able to come over tonight?" A whine from Steve's end. "You know, I really wish I didn't have this dumb staff meeting. They go on. And on. And on. Last one ended at 9." Dan sighed. "Well, I'll be up at nine. In more than one way. Just saying. So if you wanted a night cap, Dan's here." Another pause. "Whatcha wearing today, Steve-o?" "Oh, nothing fancy. White buttonndown. Blue tie. Jacket. Kinda boring." "I'll be the judge of that. Listen up studboi. Take off the jacket, roll up the sleeves. Loosen the tie, and take some bathroom selfies. Send them to me. Then I'll tell you what I'd do to you if I had you in front of me like that." Steve felt his cock grow when Dan said that. "Yes sir. I'll get those pictures taken and send them right away." "Hey, Steve, before I forget, because I already forgot once. I have a country home. It's REALLY out there. It's in a town you'll never find on the map: Otokuomo. It's really more of a gated community. I was planning on going up this weekend. If you could sneak out early on Friday, I'd love it if you could come with me, make a long weekend of it? " Steve knew he had nothing planned. Should he play hard to get? Maybe. "I'd love to go. I think I can get out of the office by 2. Is that ok?" "GEE. He thought to himself. THAT was not playing hard to get. But he wanted to go!" Dan was grinning when he answered. "It's perfect. It's about a 5 hour drive. Maybe you should tell everyone you'll be back late on Monday." He grinned "make em guess. Tell them you're going on a weekend in the country" "It sounds romantic, Dan." Dan laughed. "It CAN be. Mostly, it'll be fun. You'll learn a whole lot more about me, I'll learn a whole lot more about you, and we'll figure out, I think, how far this is gonna go. Now get me those photos."

"YES SIR." He heard Dan toss a kiss over the phone. He got up, and headed to the bathroom, When he was there, in a stall, he set up his clothes like Dan said. Then, when he was sure no one else was around, he took four pictures. In one, he goofed and flexed. He sent them off to Dan with a note. "Never know when I may show up."

Within a half hour, he had a text back: 'if you show up like that, I'm gonna tie you up , gag you with that tie, open each button on that shirt and make you beg me to stop when I play with your nipples. Then, I'm gonna drag you to bed, tie you down and tickle the shit outta you. And then... second time for you."

Steve had to go back in the stall to release his jizz. Then, he took a walk to the place he usually bought his clothes. The salesman looked at him. "Steve, didn't you just buy a dozen dress shirts."

"I want something sportier Ralph. Let's look at the polos." Ralph smiled. "OH, STEVE. I have been waiting for you to do this. "

In half hour, Steve walked out with Lauren polos in a dark blue close to the one Dan had bought him, a pink one, and a white one, because the white one looked much better on him than the white dress shirts did.

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Dan came home that night from the gym, still pretty sweaty , and in his used gym clothes. The doorman looked at him. "Dan, you have a guest. " He looked over, and there was Steve, dressed in that blue polo, his tight jeans, and some HUGE white sneakers.

"Hi." was all he said as he stood up. Dan beamed. "OH MY GOD. I have to pray more often. I really, REALLY was hoping I'd see you Steve. Can you stay?" Steve smiled "Uh huh. Can I sample some of your cooking ? Dan grinned. "You're gonna taste plenty of it." As they got in the elevator, he trapped Steve in the corner. "New shirt?" "Yes sir." "Looks good. Looks sexy. Makes you look like an accountant spy." His lips met Steve's, and Steve opened up, right away. Dan pulled away. "I like this shirt. In one washing, it's gonna shrink just enough so that I can slip my fingers right here." He reached at Steve's waistband, and began tickling. "AGGGH. STOP. "

"OH. My big boy is ticklish. NOT a thing you want Dan to know... " The elevator stopped at Dan's floor. He put his hand on the back of Steve's neck. "You're mine tonight, big guy. Get those hands behind your back."

"Yes sir. " Dan stopped and smiled when he saw Steve. "OH SHIT. You are gonna look so good when I tie you up."

They got in the apartment, and Dan kissed Steve again, this time running his hands up and down on steve's ass. He whispered. "you know how much I want that." Steve answered. "probably not as much as I wanna give it to you."

"You want a drink first, to relax?" " I think I'm plenty relaxed. Maybe the accountant game another night? Like tomorrow. ?" Dan leered at him. GRRRRR. I plan to make love to you, but I may get out of control and just fuck you." "I'll take either Sir.." Dan was strong enough to lift the larger man up and put him down on the bed. He was also strong enough to hold him down, easily, as Steve squirmed under him. But when Dan got his stubble onto his neck, Steve was done. "OH GOD. I love how that makes me feel. " Dan stopped and looked at him. He kissed him, before he started running his fingers over each of Steve's nips.

DAMN. I like that too. "Get your shirt off. That way I don't bite through it. " "Yes sir," Steve pulled it off, and Dan pushed him back and began sucking and nibbling at his nips. "OH GOD. I think they're wired to my ass Sir. My ass feels like it's on fire. "

"You haven't felt fire yet, stud... Get those sexy jeans off you while I get undressed." It didn't take Steve long. Or Dan. "Now, the first time, I was gentle. This time, you're gonna get it the way it is.." Steve's legs were so long, that Dan had to separate them at the base. "Know what we're gonna do from now on, Steve? I think I'm just gonna tie them to your wrists, keep you nice and split. That way I can play with that pretty rosebud, like this..." He slid his thumb around it, which made Steve nearly jump to the ceiling. "Or other things.." he laughed. Steve didn't see him slip on the condom, but Dan was, as he said "dressed for action as he began to slide into Steve.

"OH GOD. That hurts a little Dan." Dan gritted his teeth. SHUT UP. Or it's gonna hurt a lot more, bitch." The talk just got Steve more excited, and Dan slid in easily. "Nearly virgin ass. ALL MINE." He began to pump. When he did, he grabbed Steve's big balls.

"Won't be much Sir. I came twice today. " "So did I stud. Let's inspire each other." The pumping continued. Steve was moaning in ecstasy. "OH GEEZ. I missed this for so many years. I wanna make up for it. " "I'll . See. What. I. Can. Do." Dan intoned, before he yelled, and began jizzing into Steve's ass. Steve "splooched" as he called it, about h thirty seconds later.

"Damn. That didn't look like we came twice today did it?" Dan asked, smiling. NO Sir. Didn't feel like it either.." He pushed his head close to Dan's. "May I?" He opened his lips for another kiss. Dan rolled him to his back. "Not gonna lie Steve-o. I thought, I REALLY thought, that if I were gonna get you in bed, it was gonna be harder to do. ." He paused. "You really needed someone who wants you." Steve looked serious. "you want me? This isn't just a game for you?" Dan grabbed him and hugged him. "I may have said this, but I'll say it again. I walked into that party, saw you, and told a friend "I'm taking that boy home with me." I THOUGHT it was gonna be a one time thing: another notch on my belt. But you know what Steve? " He ran his hand over Steve's face. "You Sir, are the REAL THING. And I LIKE the real thing. " He cuddled into Steve smiling. "So what about this weekend? You psyched."

"Damn right. I haven't been away in a while. And to be away with you. In.... Otokuomo?" Dan smiled. Your buds won't know about it. Otokuomo means "man man" in Japanese and Italian, because that's what our founders were. Otokuomo is a gated community , men only, where men get to play out their fantasies freely. I'd like you to experience some of mine, and I'd like you to tell me some of yours."

OH, boy, I don't think I have any fantasies, Sir." Dan laughed. "We all have fantasies sweet man. Watch some TV. Look at some book covers. You have them. ." He grinned. If you come over tomorrow, we may just unleash your spy fantasies.

"I'll be here tomorrow Sir. And I want to spend the night if I can. The hell with what people see." Dan laughed. 'You know what Steve? You're gonna realize soon enough that no one is watching, no one is looking, no one cares."

He smiled and hugged the man. "But I care NOW, about feeding that strong body, watering it with some booze, and maybe getting a blow job before you leave."

Suffice it to say they ate a wonderful home cooked dinner, Steve had two scotches, and Dan came for the fourth time that day. And Steve had to leave VERY early the next morning to get dressed for work.

Next: Chapter 6

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