Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on Apr 29, 2020


As he began to come out of sleep on Sunday morning, Steve felt that he had never felt as secure , as cared for, as he did in Dan's arms. That was good because, while Steve could usually employ his size to "muscle" out of anything, Dan's strength was more than he could handle. And of course, there was the fact that, anytime he squirmed a little, he felt Dan's hand on a nip, or even better, his swelling cock pressing against his ass. Laying there, his heart told him to just stay forever. His head told him to be careful.

Dan began to stir. In his mind, he couldn't believe how well, and how fast, this was going. His experienced eye had sensed that Steve was "ripe for harvest," and he was right. But he had no idea HOW ready Steve was, for giving himself to another man. Nor was he prepared for how much he was enjoying this emotionally, rather than just physically. He hadn't been in this position before. "Don't fall in love," he told himself. "Love is for the weak." But DAMN, it was hard NOT to fall in love with this polar bear of a man.

He rubbed his fingers against Steve's nip as he felt the big man beginning to stir. "Think I'm letting you go? No chance man." "What makes you think I want you to?" Steve answered. Dan didn't have to flip him on his back, he just rolled over underneath him. "Last night was SUPER" he smiled as he spoke to Dan. "JUST SUPER." Dan smiled. "Tell me the truth. How are you feeling down there?"

"A little sore, but pretty good," Steve answered. He reached up and kissed Dan on the lips. "I think if a hot, former fighter, turned entrepreneur, were to fuck me again, I could handle it."

Dan slid to the side and put his hand on Steve's belly. "Let's see how that goes." He slid his hand down, and took Steve's cock in it. "You want some relief this morning, big boy, before I subject you to a gay Sunday?"

Steve began to breathe hard. "I think you already started Sir. OH YEAH. I can use that. I think you do me better than I do me." Dan laughed. "experience big guy. " Steve tried to move his hand down to participate, and Dan was having none of that. He kept Steve's hands pinned down near the pillows. "Nope. When Dan takes care of his guy, it's 100%."

"FUCK. I'm your guy? For real?" Dan kissed him straight on the lips as he slid his hand back and forth "Like I said, for 100% real."

"OH GEEZ. I'm close. DAN I'M CLOSE. "

"I know... " And Dan let go before Steve could come. He kept him pinned down.

"Hey.. What? Your hand tired?" Dan laughed. "Your first introduction to edging. I can keep doing that, over and over, until you can't contain yourself. You wanna?"

Steve sighed. "Next time. Now, please Sir. I just wanna cum. I'm thinking about last night, and I'm flooding."

Dan smiled. "You ever do dirty talk with your girls?"

"No Sir. At least I don't think so. I don't know what it is."

Dan put his hand back on Steve's cock and began stroking. He whispered into his ear. "I'm jerking my BITCH. My manbitch. My MANCUNT."

If this was dirty talk, Steve liked it. Dan kept going. "My big giant Steve-o is gonna bottom for me. I'm gonna FUCK him, gonna make him serve his MAN."

"YES YES YES." Steve's big voice thundered across the room, as his cock exploded.

"OH, I'm sorry. I'm sorry Sir. I made a mess, but... but... GOD, you're good at what you do in bed." Dan traced a circle around Steve's nip. "It's just gonna get better. I promise."

He climbed on top of Steve like he did the day before. "So... here's what I thought we'd do. " He nibbled Steve's lower lip. "First, you don't have to do anything, but if I don't get to the gym today, I may die. So if you'd come with me for an hour - but you don't have to. " Then, I want to take you to what gay guys consider blood sport - SUNDAY BRUNCH. Then.... and you can't say no to this." He kissed him again. "I want to take you to get you a present to give you a small something for what you gave me last night.." Another kiss. "Then... tea dance. I'll explain," and then... I made a reservation at a more reserved spot. Unless you'd rather eat pasta here. " He lay down next to Steve. "And I'd LOVE for you to spend Sunday here, or invite me to spend Sunday at your place, but I realize you're still jumpy. So if you wanted to part ways, I can deal with that."

"MMMM. You're a planner. I'm used to doing the planning. I haven't been in a gym since college but..." And he smiled. "If it means I get to see you sweaty, and in skimpy clothes, I'm there. Tea Dance? Tell me what that is? I'm not a good dancer.

Dan sighed. "Ah.. How to describe tea dance? Well, first of all , the tea is NOT tea. Not usually anyway. It's boozy. And it is a dance, sort of. An afternoon one, informal, friends hang out, gossip. You don't have to dance well, Steve. I don't dance well either. It's more for socializing. "

"OH, let's try it. It's probably in boys town." "Of course it is. We'll be spending most of the day there."

"A present for me? REALLY? " Dan smiled. "Yup. I came up with an idea yesterday. It's actually for both of us. And that's all I'll say. Now, let me go and make a call to make sure that we can get in for brunch."

He picked up his phone, and dialed. "Marcel? Dan here. " There was a brief exchange in French, and then Dan switched to English. "Listen, I'm seeing a new boy. He's darling. And I know this is short notice, but..." "One o'clock it is. Merci Marcel."

"You speak French?" Dan laughed. "Of sorts. Marcel and I dated a long time ago, and I learned a lot from him. He was telling me about his latest date. He told me he was still sore from the spanking."

Steve blushed, and Dan laughed. "You're curious about being spanked?" Now Steve blushed darker. "I'm curious about all of this Sir. Remember, I've been sort of out for all of two days."

"Fair point sweetie." He leaned in and kissed steve again. "Now, I introduced you as a new boy. I tried boyfriend yesterday but that's too soon. What would you like me to use? Friend? Fella? Take your pick."

"I thought about that Steve. Know what I think? When you called me "new boy" to Marcel, I got excited. How are you with calling me your boy?"

"For now, that's ok. I got other words for you. " Steve smiled "Like manbitch and mancunt?" That provoked a big laugh from Dan. "That's bedroom language ONLY when we're in bed and I'm trying to have my way with you."

They got dressed for the gym. Steve was in a t shirt and sweatpants, and he carried a change of clothes for going from the gym to their excursions. Dan had on a snug pair of white shorts, a dark blue athletic shirt, and he too, carried a change. "DAMN IT STEVE. Is there anything you wear that doesn't make me wanna just undress you?" Steve blushed. "Thank you Dan. You know, you're the first person who made me feel good about your looks." "Well, if you decide to stay with us gay folk, I won't be the last. C'mon , let's go. I got lifting to do." "Uh, Sir, are we going to Boystown for the gym?" Dan grinned as he saw Steve whiten. "NO CHANCE. I go to the gym to work out not to cruise. " A sigh of relief passed over Steve's face. "The gym is two blocks from here. My bud Joe runs it. I think he's somewhere between 80 and 250 years old, but he works out every day. DON'T let him talk you into wrist wrestling."

At the gym, they dropped their "fancy duds" as Dan called them off in the locker room. "JOE YOU OLD FART. Whatcha up ta? How many ladies this week?" Dan shook Joe's hand and gave him a bump. "SO good to see ya Dan. You missed Friday and Saturday. I knew you wouldn't do three in a row." He turned to Steve. "I'm Joe. This is my business, my living room, sometimes my bedroom. If Dan misses three days at the gym, we know to send an ambulance." Steve smiled. "Nice to meet you. I'm Steve. "

"So you're hanging out with this lunatic, Steve?" Steve laughed. "Yeah, he IS a little crazy. But that's ok. It's nice crazy." Dan was already out on the floor, on the treadmill. "He CAN move for a big man, that's for sure. " Joe nodded. "Oh yeah. Even if he cheats on lifting, he gets his cardio done. Every single time. Probably just a mile today, but it'll get done."

"He does a mile EVERY DAY?" Steve's mouth dropped, and Joe laughed. "No, most days it's 3. He's got company, and you guys are heading out, so he'll cut it short. He'll probably make it up over the next couple of days."

Dan finished up the run, wiped off, waved to the guys, and went over to the weights. "He's doing legs today. Watch." Dan locked himself in the machine, and started pressing. "EH. He's going light today. 500? He can go to 750. "HE PRESSES THAT MUCH?" "Oh yeah. Nature of his old work. You guys must be going dancing. He usually is a bit of a wreck at 750." "YEAH He did say we were going dancing." Joe smiled. "Look, no secrets here, Steve, ok? I love Dan. He's been good to me and my family, and he's a nice man. In this world of bastards, you got one of the good ones. Yeah, he's quirky, and he's got his rules, but he'll take care of you, like no one else will. And Steve." Joe looked hard at Steve "He loves not 70, not 80 not 100, but 150 per cent. Hold onto him if you can." "That's good advice Joe. I intend to follow it." Dan had moved over to bench pressing. "Hey, I know you haven't been in the gym for a while, but ..." He handed Steve a pair of small dumbbells. "Let's do some presses. You may just like it." Joe knew that, with an old man like him doing the pressing, Steve would join in. "Not bad. You've got good form." "He sure does. " Dan had finished and came over to Steve, putting his hand on his shoulder. "Massage isn't my thing, but I give a good one." "So where are you kids off to?" "Oh, the gladiator arena. Then some shopping, then some dancing."

"The gladiator arena. Pierre's or Marva's?" "Pierre's today. I don't think Steve is quite ready for Marva." Steve laughed "Oh, now I'm curious." Joe laughed. "Marva is a 360 pound drag queen who thinks she can sing. Her cooking is good, but..." "Yeah, Pierre's for Steve's first gay brunch." "FIRST ONE? Hey, you're in good hands. Just don't let him get you drunk?" "Why not?" Steve asked. "He can take advantage of me anytime he wants?" "GRRRR," came the response. "I'll take you up on that. Now, can I trust you guys while I clean up?" "Yeah, I should get changed too." He shook Joe's hand "It's so nice to meet you, and thanks for the advice." "No problem Steve. Coming out is rough. Come by anytime." "HEY. I didn't tell you I had just come out. How did you know?"' Joe laughed again. "Steve, I'm 300 years old. I just know."

In the locker room , Steve heard Dan singing in the shower. "Ok, he can't carry a tune. I'm glad I found something he CAN'T do. Dan came out of the shower, naked and soaking wet. "I know, I should be in a towel, but you've seen it all before, and no one else is here. " Steve licked his lips. "The more I see of it, the better." He paused. "Blow jobs?" Dan laughed "Not here handsome. Maybe later. " He got dried off, and then started getting on his blue oxford, his jeans, the whole kit and caboodle. Steve had the pink shirt and the tight jeans "Steve, don't tuck in the shirt. Seriously. If you do, because it's not tight enough, it'll make you look fat. Let's look good together today, stud."

They headed off to boystown again, and again, as soon as it was clear where they were, Steve grabbed Dan's hand. "I'm not gonna let you go today" At Pierre's , Dan spoke some more French and soon they were at a little table, drinking champagne. "Why spoil it with orange juice?" Dan said to no one. "Get the sting. That's why it's there." Steve could have sworn he heard someone go by and mutter "O La La" as he saw them. Their food came out, and Steve realized that the omelets, the pommes frites, were probably the best he had ever had.

"I feel like I could eat four of these. " "You can if you want, but then don't step on the scale tomorrow. They make great profiteroles - French cream puffs - but the dessert at dinner. " He stopped and smiled "and maybe afterward, will be better."

Dan hung out with Pierre just a bit before they left. More French, and then holding hands, as Dan led Steve off to a clothing store. "Pierre just told me you're the handsomest man he's seen me with since he's known me." He squeezed Steve's hand. "He's right."

Marcel's was one of those clothing stores that didn't look like a clothing store. Very dark, very discreet. Again, a little French, and Marcel came over to Steve with a tape measure. "Don't be nervous, Steve. I told him what I wanted, and he's measuring you so he can send us to what he has.

"What DID you tell him?" "Oh, I wanted to get you a couple of shirts. Really good ones. Not stuff you'll wear to work - although you could - but stuff that will make you feel SO DAMN SEXY." He whispered. "Steve, I said this this morning, but I need to say it again. What you gave me last night was priceless. I was your first. I'll ALWAYS be your first, whatever else happens. And I am SO honored that you chose me." Steve was blushing. He felt like he wanted to cry. He felt like Dan had chosen HIM, but...

Marcel came over with a couple of items. "Steve, there's a dressing room over there. It's just a shirt, that's all you gotta change. Try it on. Let's see." Marcel had chosen a silk/cotton blend, in a color just a shade darker than "French blue," and a shade lighter than midnight. Steve came out, and Dan's jaw dropped. "OH GEEZ. OH MY GOD." He came over. "Steve. This shirt is YOU. OH geez. It picks up your eyes, it fits you so well. Come look in the mirror."

Steve never thought of himself as ugly, but he also never thought of himself as attractive. But now.... WOW. Was that him. Dan chuckled. "You know, there's a line from a play. It kinda suits here. The daughter turns to her mother and says "I'm a pretty girl Mama. Steve, you just found out you're a handsome guy." He was silent, and Dan made a joke. "You're thinking 'geez, if I met me looking this good, I'd ask me out on a date." Steve laughed. "pretty close."

The second shirt was a dark brown one: almost chocolate. Darker than the one Steve had worn yesterday and better fabric. "OH SHIT. Two shirts that are gonna make me keep you horizontal constantly, Steve." Steve looked at himself in the mirror. He actually liked the brown one better than the blue one. Dan came up behind him. "We better get going, because otherwise, I'm gonna lock you in the dressing room, teach you about blow jobs, and then I'm gonna fuck the shit outta you." Steve smiled. "Sounds like a plan to me."

"Nah. I wanna show you off at the dance. Marcel, can you have Gio deliver them to my apartment? "Mais oui Mosieur Dan" Steve saw Dan pay for them, and his mouth dropped. "That may be more than everything in my closet costs." Dan laughed. "Could be. They're for special occasions, and special people. Like me. Come on. You don't need to dress for this dance. I'm serious: it's VERY informal. I'm gonna introduce you to my favorite afternoon drink. An Aperol spritz.

When they got to the dance hall, the attendant put a band on each of their wrists. Steve was used to this from his college days, so he didn't even think about it. He DID think about Dan's comment "Now listen up Swede. You ARE going to dance with me. You're going to dance fast, you're going to dance slow, and you are going to GRIND into me. Because no one here is going to remember anything next week."

Steve usually thought long term, but he had never been so , well, head over heels. Dan was talking about next week. Next week? He was hoping they'd see each other in the next few days.

Dan brought over two bright orange drinks. "I love these because they're sweet, but bitter. To me, they embody the Italian temperament. " He clinked glasses with Steve. "To new beginnings with my honey." Steve tasted the unfamiliar drink. The first sip was not pleasant. But then he began to drink . It was sort of like a cross between hard liquor, and sweet juice. Dan leaned in and whispered. "It's sort of like the first time with a lot of people. The beginning is hard, and nasty, and then the rest is just sweet."

"It was all sweet for me Sir." Steve paused. "Can I kiss you." "Only if I can put my tongue in your mouth." "DONE." They Frenched for a few minutes. "Now come on Steve. Loosen up. NO ONE IS WATCHING YOU. THAT'S HOW YOU SHOULD DANCE. AND IF THEY ARE WATCHING, IT'S BECAUSE THEY'RE JEALOUS."

Steve went along with it. He actually had a really good time, but he wished he could be as free and open as Dan was. Dan knew some of the people here, and Steve thought he saw someone who lived in his building. He was smiling so much it hurt. When the DJ announced "OK boys. Last dance. Pick your honey, and cozy up," Dan looked at Steve. "It's a slow one. You up for that?" "with you, hell to the yeah" Dan led Steve out to the dance floor. Dan put his head on the much taller Steve's shoulder, but there was no question who was in charge. Dan had his hand on Steve's ass, and Steve kept on pushing up on Dan, hoping to get harder. At one point, Steve whispered to Dan "I love you," and Dan stopped the dance, and stared at him. "No you don't. Not yet. But maybe you will. For now, let's just enjoy what's happening." Steve asked "will you fuck me again tonight?" And Dan just smiled and said "yes."

At the end of the tea dance, Steve was all smiles. "I have REALLY enjoyed myself today Dan. Maybe we can skip dinner?" Dan looked at him. "Uh, NO. ONE of us worked out hard today. ONE of us needs to eat. ONE of us needs energy in case he's called upon to fuck his new boy."

Steve laughed. "Ok, ok. Let's go." They went off to a restaurant in boys' town, where they also knew Dan. This time, they spoke Italian. They brought the guys to a table where they sat next to each other, rather than across from each other. Dan put his hand on Steve's thigh.

"How many languages do you speak?" Dan laughed. "Well, that depends on how WELL you want me to speak them. I speak Italian , German and French well, and I can get across in Japanese and Chinese, but that's it.

"GEEZ. HOW Dan? OOPS. I'm sorry. I mean SIR."

"It was the circuit. If the fight was in a foreign country, you went. Most of the time, we were idle. I went out, learned to speak to people. " He paused. "Steve , rule number one: I'm never afraid to look stupid. Keep that in mind."

Steve paused. "Are you going to be angry if I don't spend the night Dan?" "Angry? No. Disappointed, yes. I think I know why, but I'd like to hear it from you."

"Well, I've been 'out' I guess for two days. If I stay with you, tomorrow I'll be leaving for work from your place. If you come over, people may see you. I'm just not ready for that. Out of boys' town." He prepared for Dan to be angry.

"Like I said, I'm disappointed. Friday and Saturday convinced me: I like sleeping with you. I like feeling your big, tall body up against me, and I love knowing that I know EXACTLY how to turn you on." He paused. "And I feel an obligation to make sure that, at least the first few of your sexual encounters, leave you happy."

Steve grabbed Dan's hand. "Dan, Sir, I may have been happier this weekend than I've been since my family took me to the circus when I was 5 years old. I will never be able to thank you. I HOPE I can see you next week. Give me time. Please.

Dan smiled. "All the time you want. You know, I told Marcel today 'I think Steve is a man I could marry.' I hope that doesn't scare you, but there it is."

Steve blushed. "You mean that, don't you?" Dan looked at him with steely eyes. "it's only been two days, but I think you've figured out: I don't speak untruth."

"True." Steve responded. Dan signalled for the check. "Maybe an after dinner drink? Then goodnight?

"I'd like that."

It was boys town, so when they got in the cab, and started making out, the driver didn't even flinch. "Thank you for today," said Steve, which got the response "it's not over yet. You didn't finish that scotch." Steve smiled. "You don't have any aperol, do you?" Dan answered. "In fact, I do."

At Dan's apartment, after he made the drinks and sat down next to Steve, he told him. "You know, if you were here every night, Steve, I wouldn't complain." Then he reached in and kissed him. He began opening Steve's shirt, before he dived in and began scruffing up his nips. "No one will see any marks tomorrow Steve. You won't have to worry."

Steve looked at him. "Can I have a blow job lesson?" Dan looked at him. "You sure can. Now, the key thing, at the beginning , is like with doctors: do no harm. So be careful of your teeth." He slipped down his pants and his hard cock stuck out. "Let's start with easy. Get your tongue around the cock head. Lick it. Lick it all the way over, all of it." Steve did what he was told, and he heard Dan moaning. "OH YEAH. My big Swede is making me happy. Now, slide your lips down the shaft. Not too fast, and not too slow." Steve was perhaps a bit too studious, but he got there. "OK, stud. Now, excuse this, but it's part of it. " Dan grabbed his head and pushed it forward. Steve began to choke, but Dan was not letting his head go. "Slide your mouth, back and forth. FUCK YEAH. Now speed it up. FASTER. OK, now pay attention to my sounds, because you have to know , when I'm close, and I'm close. PULL AWAY YOUR MOUTH." Dan jizzed all over the sofa, Steve, everywhere. "DAMN. Know what handsome? That was the best one I've had in a long time. Did you like doing it?"

"I liked making you happy Sir." Dan grabbed him and squeezed him. "OH, you've made me more than happy this whole weekend. I WISH you'd stay, but... I get it."

He looked at Steve. "Yeah, I know. You gotta go. It's cool. I'll remember today for a while. Don't forget your bag."

Steve looked at him as he got up. "No doe eyes, Swede. Won't work. You've got my number. I'm here. You punch a clock, I don't. You let me know when you want to come over. I'm ready . .OH, and before I forget, can you check your schedule? I didn't tell you: I have a country house. It's a long way off, but if you can sneak out early on Friday, we can spend the weekend there, and you don't have to worry about knowing anyone."

"I'll check work schedule Sir, but I can guarantee you. Socially, nothing comes before you." Dan kissed him again. "you have a sweet night. Think of me. Promise?" "that will be the easiest promise I'll ever make."

On the elevator out of the building, Steve found himself misting up a bit. In the apartment, Dan was shaking his head. Was he falling in love with this man? NOT his normal way of acting.

Time would tell.

Next: Chapter 5

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