Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on Apr 27, 2020


John slept deeply that night. Dan's bed was very comfortable, and he felt even more comfortable, wrapped up in Dan's arms.

John wasn't a late sleeper, and when he woke up, he was very much aware of Dan's hard cock up against his butt. Dan didn't seem to be doing anything with it, which produced mixed feelings in John. The conflict about what to do about taking Dan's cock was weighing on him. Dan hadn't pressed, and even when he had tied John to the bed, never did anything that John hadn't said he wanted. But now, John was trying to figure out, at 7:30 in the morning, what he wanted.

Things happened so fast: he had been at a party with his jocky friends, and now, he had come home with a very out gay man, kissed him, and had been kissed by him, had been blown by the guy, had been played with, tied down, and there was no question: he had loved everything the guy had done to him. Was he gay? He didn't know. His sexual history was not that rich: if he thought, hard, he had slept with maybe six women, and no men. There was no question he had enjoyed being with Dan the night before, more than anything he could remember. But what was next? This was all so new to him. Did Dan want to fuck him? His mind was totally confused. When he imagined himself getting taken, he began to get aroused, and he pushed back against Dan.

"Good morning, John." Dan was already awake too. "Did you sleep well?"

"Oh good morning. Yes, best I've slept in a long time."

Dan moved his hand over John's right nipple, and played with it. "You know, there's something about you John. I am constantly 'in the mood' with you. It started at the party last night. It hadn't ended." "That feels so good, Sir," he whispered to Dan . "You flatter me. No one has ever found me that attractive." Dan threw his leg over John's legs and put his mouth up to John's ear. "You're so clear about what you like. And you know what? Being with you makes me think I'm with a tv star. Can you guess who? John laughed. "I bet you're gonna say the guy from Quantum Leap. I can't remember his name." Dan laughed. "Yup. He's the one. You're like a great big Scott Bakula. One of my all time crushes." Dan stirred in the bed, and then, pulled John onto his back. He climbed on top of him, and kissed him.

"So, my handsome stud." And he kissed him again. "We have a few options. We CAN go back to sleep if you want." He kept up the kissing. "OR, we can make love again," OR... we can get to your place and get you cleaned up and get some new clothes. OR we can go out to breakfast." More kisses. "OR you can suffer through my cooking and I'll make breakfast here. OR we can call something in. OR we can do it all at your place. Then we can plan how to spend the day - if you want to spend it with me. " More kissing.

"GOD you're a persuasive kisser, Sir" John smiled. "And I wanna feel some of that beard on my neck again. But for today: I definitelyl want to spend it with you. For the rest: yeah, I need some new clothes for the weekend. I'd like to stay here because your place is nicer than mine. So maybe we could go to my place, I could get cleaned up, and then we can go out for some food. ?

Dan smiled his big smile. "Sounds good to me. Now, my handsome man wants some scruff on his neck? Ok..." He moved his neck in, and began rubbing. "You tell me how hard you want it, but keep in mind: I CAN leave a mark, and your yahoo friends are gonna tease you about it."

John began to moan quietly. "This is just fine. You're making me hard. All over again. I never get hard again that fast after I jerk off." "Maybe you've found something you really like John. Ever think about that." "I think what I like found me Sir... Please don't stop. OHHHHH" John felt himself melting into Dan's embrace. But Dan stopped after a while. "Wanna get started?"

"Yeah, I do Sir, but I have a question. I've been thinking about it since yesterday, and I thought about it while I was sleeping too."

"Well, ok, go ahead."

John paused. "I can't think of a roundabout way to ask this: Sir, do you want to fuck me?" Dan smiled. "I do, but when you're ready."

John looked at him "I think I may be ready tonight." "Well, why don't we revisit it tonight? For now, though, how's about getting you home and changed.? For John, the answer was a disappointment. He was hoping Dan would flip him over and take him right then and there. For Dan, it was part of a plan. Make this handsome stud wait: make him so eager, that he can't help himself.

"Tell you what John? You wanna leave your address and I'll come meet you in an hour? I'll get ready here, and then I'll come by. "That sounds good." John gathered his soiled clothes, got dressed quickly, kissed Dan, and went on his way.

Five minutes after he was gone, Dan picked up the phone. "Ivan? Yeah, good morning . I know I didn't wake you. Listen, not this weekend, but can you get the house ready for next weekend? I'm pretty certain I'll be up there with a guest." He heard Ivan laugh on the other end. "Now, now. As the witch said in 'The Wizard of Oz,' "These things must be done DELICATELY."

At his house, John looked around. HE HAD A DATE! What was he gonna wear? What were they gonna do? He decided, he'd leave that to Dan when he came over. He wasn't sure he had any "gay clothes," or anything that would make Dan happy, so he'd ask. And what were they gonna do? Were they gonna hold hands? That might freak him out, especially if he saw any of his work buddies. It was all a blur to him, but he was cleaned up, and in a pair of gym shorts, when Dan rang his doorbell.

"Well, hello there.." Dan smiled, looking at John. "you know, if you did this to excite me, it worked." He kissed him again. "So what's going on?" John blushed a little "I'm sorry, I'm such a geek. I didn't know how I should dress to go out with you. I've mostly got work clothes, and some stuff that people gave me, but ... I just didn't know."

Dan smiled. "Well, ok, tell ya what. Let's go look at your closet. " They went into the bedroom and yes, John was right: lots of white shirts, blue shirts, an occasional striped shirt, blue pants, grey pants. Not much more. Well, John was in work clothes when he saw him, and that did him just fine, but let's look...

"Hey, what's this brown buttondown at the back of your closet. "Oh, yeah, my assistant gave me that. She told me to loosen up. It's a little too tight." "Try it on , stud. Let's see. " John got into the shirt and yes, it WAS snug. It was close fitting. His nips pointed out, and his body showed through it. Dan was feeling his own cock grow. "That's what you're wearing today John. Just roll the sleeves up a bit, leave two buttons opened, don't tuck it, and you'll be hot.

"WITH SHORTS?" Dan laughed. NO, of course not. Got any jeans?

"Uh, I think so. An old pair. Kinda faded ."

"I'm gonna die," thought Dan. "I'm gonna drown in my own pre-cum." John tried on the pants. They, too, were snug. They were 501s, and they made his ass look like two nice ripe cantaloupes.

"We have a winner. Go take a look at yourself in the mirror," Dan said. As John went over, he came up behind him. "Now, how do you look?"

John blushed "I think I look gay." "I think so too. Almost as gay as I do." Dan was wearing a lavender shirt, and some jeans. He kissed John. "But I also think you look hot, and handsome, and I think that I am gonna make people very jealous today, when they see who my boyfriend is."

"Boyfriend," John thought to himself. "Uh, isn't it too soon for that, Dan?" Dan smiled. "Yeah, but they don't have to know, do they? Just as long as we catch their eye. That's enough."

"SO... you got a favorite place for breakfast," Dan asked him. "Uh, not really. I usually grab something from the truck on my way to work, but nothing fancy. "

"Well, there's a good Eastern European place not far from here. I favor the French Toast, but they've got all kinds of stuff. And coffee that may even turn YOUR hair dark."

John smiled. "That sounds good. Let's try it."

Fifteen minutes they were sitting in the restaurant, and ordering pancakes, eggs, coffee, all kinds of things. On the way over, Dan had tried to hold John's hand, but John kept on moving his away.

"I should explain why I was doing that, Dan. I hope you weren't insulted." Dan smiled. "It's pretty hard to insult me, but go ahead."

"I don't know whether I'm gay or straight or bi, or what right now. I like being with you. More than just about anything I can think of. But it's my neighborhood. I'm not sure I want people to see. Not yet."

Dan smiled. "It's ok. I figured it was something like that. Here's what we'll do. I thought we'd go to boystown." John looked puzzled. "It's the gay section of town. You've probably not be there, and we'll hang out, maybe get a drink stuff like that. You hold my hand there." John blushed. "JOHN! If any of your buddies see us in boystown, let me let you in on a little secret: they're gay.

John laughed "I didn't quite think of it like that, but you're right. "

They finished breakfast and took a walk over to what Dan had referred to as "boystown." Like with all boystowns everywhere, it was clear when they got there, and as soon as they cross the street, Dan went for John's hand. John didn't pull it away.

"How did I live in this town for all these years, and not know about this? John was fascinated, like a young man at the circus. Dan was elated with his amazement. "How about we stop in a few stores? This one over here is a clothing store. Nothing either one of us would wear, but it's fun.

Dan just stood back and enjoyed watching John encounter some of the articles in the clothing store. "WHO WEARS THIS STUFF?" WHO BUYS THIS STUFF? IT'S ALL SO EXPENSIVE!" Dan laughed. "Well, guys our age certainly don't wear it. We may BUY it for our boys, if we've got a young one, or some young man who needs it as a tool of the trade may buy it - maybe he'd come to you for a tax deduction - and I guess there are guys your age, or my age, or our size, who somehow think it makes them sexy. Frankly..." He looked at John. "I like your sexiness better." Then he whispered in the store. "GOD you make me hot."

They went around to a few more stores: a bookstore, where again, John's eyes flew open and he reddened when he saw some of the magazines, and the photos, and a design store. John seemed to know something about the wood work in the store, and he smiled when Dan asked. "My dad was a carpenter. I think that's where I got these hands. " He held out his big paws: soft, but still, they looked like they could do some damage.

"What did you get from your dad, John? Your eyes? Your hair? " John smiled. "No one really knows where the hair came from. My dad was hairy, but he was a typical Scandinavian: blondish red. He was big, but not as big as me. But I did get my eyes from him. OH, he had the bluest eyes. My mom used to say that's why she married him.

"Your eyes would be reason enough to marry you John," Dan looked at his watch. "You know, I made a reservation for dinner, not far from here. It's casual, we'll be fine as we are. Tomorrow we may want to dress a little more if we're still hanging out. That ok with you?"

John turned around and smiled. Then he bent down and initiated a kiss. He smiled. "I hope you didn't find that too forward Sir, but you hadn't kissed me in a while, and I was getting withdrawal symptoms. Yes, the dinner sounds good. " He paused and smiled. "Can we stop on my place on the way back, so I can pick up some clothes for Sunday? That way I don't have to leave."

Dan didn't know much about what John liked to eat, so he had picked a favorite, small Italian place. He ordered wine for them, and as they ate, John said to him "you know, I should be honest, Dan. My name isn't really John. It's Steve."

Dan was glad that he told him, but looked surprised. "Oh, ok. Why do you tell people it's John?"

"Well, two reasons. My dad's name was John, and I like to honor him that way. It IS a very Scandinavian thing. But beyond that, if you haven't noticed, I''m very guarded. I don't really give people my REAL name until I trust them. I should have told you the first night, but, well, this is all so new to me, I don't quite know what to do."

Dan put his hand on Steve's knee. "Listen, my sweet stud. How about we go back to your place, get you your clothes, and then head to mine ? Maybe I'll introduce you to some of my 'merchandise' tonight." He saw the look of curiosity in Steve's face.

At Steve's apartment, Dan asked "Now, seriously, do you prefer to wear accountant drag, because I think you look hot in it. But it's a casual Sunday. What would you wear? Steve went around the house, and he pulled out some t shirts, a pair of sweat pants, sneakers, white socks. "Well, that's all good . Now, for dinner... let me go to the back of that closet again.." Dan found a pink buttondown shirt. "Another one you think is too tight?" Steve blushed. "Well, there's fit, and then there's gay fit. What you're wearing today is gay fit, Steve." He pulled out a pair of Steve's khakis from his "work closet," and then he grabbed a blazer. "I don't think you'll need a tie, but I've got plenty of those, and they're one size fits all.

Back at Dan's apartment, he hung everything up . "You want a drink, handsome?" "Yeah, that would be nice. That's good scotch you've got there." Dan came back with a scotch for Steve, and a brandy for himself. He sat down next to Steve, and threw one leg over one of Steve's. He put his arm around his shoulders. "So... how about we...." and he slid his hand down, inside Steve's shirt, and started toying with his nipple.

"OH MAN. That was number 1. It should be. It feels SO good Dan... WOW. I bet you won some matches by working your opponent's nips, because you've got me ready to submit." Dan laughed. "No comment. By the way, I LIKE the word submit."

Steve made a weak smile. "I wanna get fucked by you, Sir Dan. But I don't want it to hurt."

Dan pulled him over. "Hey, I'm not gonna lie, it'll hurt a little. But we'll take it as slowly as you want it, because I want my dick in you so bad, it ain't funny.

Steve looked down. "You'll be gentle Sir." "As gentle as I can be." He began to open Steve's shirt.

"you know, I didn't think that would be so hot. It is Sir. Made me feel even more eager to, well, proceed.." Dan said nothing, but began nibbling one of Steve's nips, before he licked his torso, top to bottom.

"FUCK." moaned Steve. "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. This feels so good . Why did I bother with women?" Dan laughed. "Sweetcakes, I wanna hear you saying 'why did I bother with anyone but Dan." He put his finger through a loop on Steve's jeans. "Bedroom."

"Yes sir." Steve began to slip off his pants, and Dan stopped him. "Nope. That's for me to do." He stood behind Steve and, while he kissed his neck, he undid his jeans from behind. They fell to the floor, and you could see Steve's raging hard on.

"My God, you stud. How long have you had that?" Steve blushed. "Probably since breakfast." Dan laughed. "Oh, you stoic Scandinavians. " He growled, and pulled Steve onto the bed. He had him pinned, as he began slipping the wrist restraints on him.

"Hey. Hey. Bondage and fucking? I don't know about that." Dan answered. "I do . Got a problem with it?" He began to tickle Steve's ribs, and Steve broke into laughter. "NO SIR. NO NO. I have no problem.."

"Now, how about I get you moist, the way I did with number 4?" He pushed Steve's legs in the air - without resistance this time - and gave him a good, thorough rimming, which Steve moaned through from start to finish.

The Dan stood up, and took out a condom.

"Look, I don't need to tell you this, but I will. WHOMEVER you sleep with - be it me, another man, another woman. USE THESE. " He slipped it on his cock, and lubed himself. "Now, you tell me when it's too much, ok?

"Ok Sir. You're big. Is it ok if I don't take it all?" Dan laughed "Oh, you're gonna take it all." He pointed his cockhead at Steve's butt. He smiled. "You know, it's been a long time since someone gave me their rosebud. I'm honored Steve." He began pushing in, and Steve caught his breath.

"You ok?" he looked at Steve, somewhat concerned.

"Let me adjust. THERE. Now I'm ok." Dan pushed in a little further. "OH THAT FEELS GOOD DAN. OH MY. OH . WOW. " Dan was smiling internally, but he stopped. "More?"

"YES. IF YOU'VE GOT MORE GIMME. GIMME PLEASE." Dan complied, and soon, he was completely inside Steve.

"Ok. Now, this is the best part of this Steve. Just tell me if I go too fast, or too hard." He began sliding back and forth, slowly, then a little faster. He saw Steve's face twisting as he got used to it.

"Yeah. This hurts a little . But when it doesn't hurt, it feels SO GOOD SIR. Keep pushing. PLEASE. DON"T STOP."

Dan was enjoying every minute of it, but he was also moved. This big, sweet man, had given up his cherry to him. Had that ever happened before? He didn't think so.

"OH FUCK. What did you just do you stud?" Steve moaned. Dan realized that, thinking about what Steve had done, had made him thicken, and get maybe a quarter inch longer.

"I just thought of what a great guy you are, and what an honor it is to be your first." Dan leaned over and kissed Steve.

"You mean that Dan? You really mean it?" Dan smiled.

"OH yeah, you sweet man. OH YEAH. You gave ALL of you to me.. ALL of you. " He continued to pump.

"Steve, I better warn you. I'm gonna cum in any minute. I'll pull out if you..

"DONT YOU DARE. I'LL CUT IT OFF WHEN YOU'RE ASLEEP." Dan laughed. "OK, big man. TAKE IT.." He shoved, and then BLAM, he began shooting into the condom. Steve felt it, and he screamed out. "OH YES. OH YES. STEVE ISN'T A VIRGIN ANYMORE. NO MORE JOKES YOU COCKSUCKERS."

"Hmmm. Where did THAT come from?" Dan thought. He gently slid out of Steve, and laid down next to him.

"You want me to untie you, Steve.?"

"No Sir. Not yet. I want to feel this. I want to savor it. I want you to get on top of me and kiss me hard. REALLY HARD.' Dan shoved his tongue down as hard as he could. He played Steve's nips as he did.

"OH GOD. Dan, that was SO OVER THE FUCKING TOP . Untie me now, please. I wanna hug you. I wanna hug my first."

"Me too," said Dan, as he released the restraints." Steve grabbed him, and the big man's strength was impressive. He kissed Dan.

"Can we do that again tomorrow?" Dan laughed.

"Well, big man, we could, but why don't you wait? Right now, you won't have the soreness or the fatigue. You MIGHT tomorrow, and if you do, NO, we won't. "

"I understand Sir. Can we just cuddle until we fall asleep?"

"Dan smiled. "I knew I had picked a guy who was smart, as well as handsome. Yeah. Cuddling sounds real, real good Steve."

The man was clearly exhausted. He was breathing in peaceful sleep in less than ten minutes, as Dan began to try to figure out: what next?

Next: Chapter 4

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