Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on Aug 9, 2020


Steve fell into Ivan's arms. He sobbed softly. He whispered "Thank you for being so patient with me brother Ivan. Thank you." Ivan held him close and whispered "it was a pleasure to walk on your journey with you. I'm Ivan now. Brother is assumed. That will be true for all of us." He stood back from Steve and looked at Dan who nodded. He kissed steve on both cheeks. "You're one of us now. I will make arrangements for the celebration." "The celebration?" Dan smiled. "It's an old tradition of the town, steve. Ivan will make a public announcement in our newsletter, and then we'll have a town hall meeting. You and I will be center stage. The "mayor" of the town will officiate, and we'll both answer questions, so that the residents can let us know, we are welcomed.

"Well you already live here, Sir. "

Dan smiled. "steve, we are one couple now. One being. We both appear to the town. It will be fine. " After a pause. "Now make sure you come to self defense class tomorrow. I promise I won't use you as a model. " He felt a buzz. "Excuse me." He looked at his phone and smiled bigger. "You'd best call Gretchen. She's been trying to get in touch with you for hours."

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Ivan did go about making arrangements. It had been a Friday when steve made his decision, and they would appear at the meeting on Wednesday night. On Wednesday, Steve dressed and Ivan looked him over, shaking his head no. Steve had put on a good suit, a white shirt, and a necktie.

"WAY too formal steve. You're dressed for a wedding, or a funeral. Not here. Let me help. Hmmmm." They went up to the bedroom, because steve had moved all his stuff in that room.

"Have you spoken to Gretchen, steve?" "I did. We're looking for a long weekend that works for her, and for Beatrice. She's going to stay with Beatrice." Ivan smiled. "Beatrice is a good woman. Totally asexual too. That's ok in her town. " He began pulling things out. A pair of dark, well tailored genes. "A white shirt is good, but not one so formal.." He pulled out another one. THERE. That's one where you can open buttons and look good. And.... then he pulled out a gray blazer. "This suits your coloring, and Dan always wears blue. You don't want to look like Bobsey Twins."

As steve was looking at the clothes, Ivan embraced him from behind. "I knew you were the one for Dan the minute he brought you here the first time. And I can't wait until you meet Charlie, my Dom. He's heard so much about you. "And I've never met him," steve said. "He's kinda quiet. The strong silent type if you know what I mean." He smiled. "We've been together a while. " "And what does he do , Ivan?" "He publishes all of the newsletters, etc, for Otokouomo. The internet cut into his business a lot, so I started doing stuff like this," he answered. "Dan has been a gem. He uses Charlie for all of his brochures, and everything else. Never argues about price either."

There was a soft knock on the door, as Dan walked in. He was wearing his traditional blue oxford, navy blazer, and charcoal slacks. He put his arms around steve, and hugged him, before he kissed his neck. "You look so hot, sweetcakes. I may not get to the meeting. You either."

Ivan laughed. "Remember the days of the blood bladder?" Dan laughed too. "Oh my God. Could you imagine if we still did that?" "the blood bladder? " steve looked puzzled. When they stopped laughing, Ivan explained. "Because they were trying to replicate a standard marriage as much as possible, they needed something to represent the sub's hymen." He started laughing again. "So... , on the night that this meeting took place, the sub would wrap the blood bladder around his waist, and then when he and the Dom had sex, the bladder would break, and the other subs would pull away the sheets." Now, Ivan was laughing uncontrollably. "They stopped that tradition when that poor boy was wearing white pants, and it broke during the meeting." Steve began to laugh. "hate to tell you this Sir stud, but that would be a deal breaker." Dan took steve's chin in his hand and kissed him. "There are no more deal breakers love. Ok?" "Ok sir." They headed off to the hall where the meeting was happening. Dan and steve had to go backstage, so they could be interviewed on stage. Ivan joined his Dom in the audience.

The meeting was presided over by the town's longest resident, Myron. He claimed to be 89, but he had claimed to be 89 for the last 5 years. "Myron the Mormon" as he was affectionately called, believed in polygamy. He had three subs. Whether he did anything with them, or they took turns dominating each other, was the subject of much gossip. He was very sharp, and very spry, as he called the meeting to order.

"Good evening everyone. It's good to see a turnout like this. And I imagine it's because one of the most attractive couples we've ever had in town." There was applause, and Dan squeezed steve's hand "are going to answer your questions tonight, to see if they are suitable in the town's eyes, for living with us. Now our tradition says, Dan, that you will be silent while the audience gets to ask questions of steve. After that, it will be your turn. Then we will take a voice vote. " He looked over the crowd. "Yes, good, I see the questioners are lining up at the microphone. Wonderful. I didn't even have to ask.

The first question to steve was "how did you meet?" Steve smiled. "Well, I'll tell you the official story, and then the unofficial one, as told to me by Sir Dan. Officially, we met at a work party for my office. I had gone with a group of colleagues, and Dan had gone as the 'date' of one of the women who I worked with. I was really, REALLY uncomfortable at the party. Dan came over and started talking to me, and offered to take me out for coffee. I thought it was just coffee. " He blushed. "It wasn't" After the laughter and applause ended , he continued "Now, the REAL story is, Sir Dan and I lived in the same neighborhood, and he had seen me around a few times. " He smiled. "I caught his eye, and he pretty much stalked me." Someone from the audience yelled "That's our DAN!" and when he had the chance, well...

Next question was "when did you decide he was the one?" "Oh, that's very hard to say, but it was early on. REAL early on. We had gone on a date - some fancy restaurant and some dancing. I'm not a good dancer. And Dan told me "Just follow along. No one here dances well. " I think that did it.

Then another one. "What is it about Dan that you like the most?" Steve smiled "Easy one. His patience." That got a whole lot of laughter, and steve asked "you don't think Dan is patient? You know, again, let me tell you an unofficial story. Dan is my first, and I was very, VERY uncertain about all of it. And he waited. He waited , maybe impatiently to you, but patiently to me. He met my best cousin, and said it wouldn't happen if she didn't approve, and he just let me move at my speed."

"So Dan was your first.?" "If I get what I want, he'll be my last too."

"Steve, did you have any doubts about coming here?" Steve laughed "Hell yeah. I almost didn't."

"Well, what changed your mind?" Honestly, talking about it with guys like Mario, and Ivan, and also - and this is important - walking down the streets I walked down with Sir Dan, but without him. I felt like I was home."

Myron spoke next. "Ok, I think it's time we heard from Dan. Ready for some questions ?" "Bring it on"

"Dan, what was it about Steve that made you want to pursue him? After all, you had so much more experience." "His openness. Steve tries everything. And his honesty. He tells me what he likes and doesn't like."

"If he didn't like something but you did, would you make him do it?" "I don't know, it hasn't happened." That got a round of applause.

Then, someone asked a question that everyone was thinking "I want to ask you both this question: do you love each other?" Dan looked at Steve and smiled. Should we show them?" Steve shook his head yes, and they got up, and kissed, passionately, in front of the gathering.

"Nobody asked me this, but I'm going to answer it. Know what I'd most like to be doing right now? Making love to my sub." "And I want my Dom on top of me more than anything else right now. Even food. And I'm hungry. "

Steve's answer got an ovation, and Dan moved over and put his arm around him.

"Well, it's time for the vote, and I think we don't need ballots. Shall we welcome these men to Otokouomo? There was a round of calls of "SECOND," before Myron turned to steve and said "welcome brother. You'll always find a home here."

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When they got back home, Dan gave steve a few minutes to go to the bedroom and gather his thoughts. When he walked in, steve was still in his clothes, except for his jacket. He was just sitting, staring.

"Hey babe. Something wrong?" Steve smiled "No, no. I'm just thinking about how much things changed, so fast. I came out. I found a man. I found myself. I found a place I belong. " He started to cry a little. "And Sir Dan, I LOVE you more than anything else I can think of. But right now, to be honest, it's not love I'm thinking about." "Me either handsome." Dan gently pushed steve on the bed. He opened his pants, and then he opened his own. He shoved his cock into steve, and fucked him harder than he had fucked him since their first date. And three hours later, he did it again. And after six hours, a third time. They slept late. Ivan let himself in, and saw that. And he smiled.


Well folks, we've come to the end of the line here. So, let the author just give you a precis of "what happened next."

Steve called Gretchen, and then Gretchen and Beatrice arranged for a place for Gretchen to stay. Dan sent her very explicit directions, and she spent a week of vacation in the women only town, on the other side of the mountain.

Also, steve began working in Dan's company. He began taking care of the accounting for the brothel, and the novelty store. He was amazed at the revenue Dan was bringing in. He advised Dan on certain things - like getting rid of the New York apartment, and staying in hotels when he returned to NY.

About four months after all of this happened, without telling Steve, Dan changed the deed on the house so that they co-owned it, and made Steve a co-owner of the brothel, and the novelty company.

With Steve moving in the house, Ivan asked if they still needed him. They chose to do so. So Ivan still comes by, as does Beatrice, and steve is happily settling in as a "man wife" who also works.

Dan and Steve make a trip to NY once, or twice a year, mostly to see plays.

Steve was introduced, more and more, to Dan's playroom. One day, when Dan didn't know it, he went to a tattoo parlor, when they were in NY, and got a tattoo on his bicep. A traditional big heard, with "Sir Dan" in the center.

They're still together. Other couples have come, and gone, in Otokouomo, but everyone knows about the ultimate fighter and the accountant. And steve has become the most popular "brother" for orienting new arrivals.

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Thank you all for coming along on this ride. The author appreciates all of you who don't want it to end, but for him, its time has come. Anyone who wants to pick up a story line and run with it, please feel free. Let me know if you like, because I'd love to read it.

Follow my other stories. My by line is ropingtop@aol.com. And PLEASE DONATE TO NIFTY. You've had 23 chapters of this story. Maybe donate a dollar for each chapter, and round it off with 2 bucks more.

Until next time folks, happy reading.

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