Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on Aug 6, 2020


Steve woke up on the morning of the day he would have to make his decision: he believed, 100%, that Dan meant what he said: if he wanted to go back to NYC, they'd get him packed, and driven back to NYC with no trouble at all. Dan DID tell him that he would give him a drug to put him to sleep until they were closer to the city: the route to Otokouomo was going to stay private . Did he want to take him up on that? He didn't know. He thought he did, and then he didn't.

Part of the reason he didn't know, was in bed with him. Every night, Dan had given Steve the option of going off and sleeping on his own. And every night, Steve elected to come to Dan's bed. There wasn't a night they didn't make love before falling to sleep, and there wasn't a single night where Steve didn't love everything they did. He had become especially fond of when Dan finger fucked him, because it was like getting a taste of what was to come, before he plowed into Steve with his cock. And every single session, left Steve wanting more.

They had used the playroom, but just once. Dan had introduced Steve to more electronic vibrators "so that you can have something to play with on your own." He told him that he could use them during the day if he wanted, and if he decided to leave, he'd send Steve home with a box of them .

Wrapped in Dan's arms, he didn't know what he was going to do. He felt Dan's lips on the back of his neck, as he kissed him. "MMMM. good morning. " There was a bit of laughter in his voice "Did I satisfy you last night , good looking?" Steve felt the low level soreness he always did after a fucking from Dan, and it felt so good. "Oh, yes sir. It was great. Did I satisfy you?" Another kiss to the back of Dan's neck. "Always." Dan began to toy with Steve's hair. "So did I hear right? Beatrice is going to teach you how to make a Swedish pastry?" Steve laughed "Oh yes. Cardamom buns. We had them on the holiday every year." He felt a hand running over his ass "Cardamom buns are sweet, but I think I like THESE..." Dan was running his hands,around Steve's ass, and then slowly moving a finger down his ass crack. Steve moaned, pushing back for more. "Nah nah. Not yet sweetums" . He rolled Steve over on his back and climbed on top. "How about you give me a little bit of your ear before we get up?" Dan went for Steve's ear and nibbled at it. Steve began breathing hard. "Please Sir. I came so hard last night, I don't think I could handle it." Dan reared up and laughed. "Know what? Somewhere along the way, you began to feel you're a wimp. You can handle a whole lot more than you think you can."

He climbed out of bed. "I've got a whole lotta shit to do over at the brothel, and then I'm gonna need about 2 hours to take care of the toy business Steve, so I'll be later than usual today. I think Ivan told me that Mario was coming over to take you to lunch?

"Yes sir. That's on the schedule." "Are you also going to one of the fitness classes today? " "Yes sir. Beatrice's cooking is nullifying the walks. I gotta do something. Dan laughed. "Ok. Be careful of the teacher. Carlos is , shall we say, 'tactile'. And he's beautiful. It's very easy to get seduced." "And I get seduced very easy," Steve thought, but didn't say it. Dan finished up getting ready to go to his "office, " and gave Steve a kiss. "I know what today is steve. You give it all the thought you need. If you need to cancel something, to spend more time thinking, just do it." "Thank you sir. I'm looking forward to having our talk tonight."

Dan rumpled Steve's hair before he left. That hair was getting longer, and it was going to need a cut soon. He smiled as Dan left , and got up to get cleaned himself. He noticed that the drawer with all of his personal materials had been left open again. This time, the phone had clearly been powered up and was active. Steve picked it up and gave it a try by calling himself. He got the answering machine. Yup, the phone was working.

He looked around for the clothes that Dan picked every day, and couldn't find them. So, after his shower, and getting himself "gussied up" as Dan called it, he went downstairs in one of Dan's bathrobes.

"Hey , good morning sleepy head. " Ivan was in the process of unloading groceries. "Good morning. Hey Ivan... I went looking for what Master Dan wants me to wear today, and I couldn't find anything." Ivan smiled. "It's an important day. He wanted you to feel as comfortable as you could be. You should pick whatever you want to wear today, steve. For now, I'd put on something that you don't mind staining. Cardamom buns can be messy, and Beatrice will be here shortly."

Hmmm. Dan hadn't chosen. OK. For now, this wasn't a problem, but it was going to be a "fashion show" day, as Steve thought of days like this. He was about to get messy with Beatrice, and then there was lunch with Mario - another outfit, and then he'd probably change for when Dan came home. He had actually come to look forward to "dress up for Dan" as he sometimes called it when talking with Ivan. Ivan had told him that Dan would find him attractive if he were wearing a garbage bag, but there was no reason to test that out, now, was there?

"AH GUT" Beatrice teased. "Let's see if those Nordic genes are going to be any help today." She had laid out the flour, the spices, the melted butter, the sugar, and she, Ivan and steve got to work. Ivan made a joke at some point "I know YOU'RE used to being kneaded, but let's see if you can still do it." Steve blushed, and then laughed. His t shirt was covered with cinnamon sugar, and the kneading work was actually making him sweat. His arms were long, and his hands were big, but he hadn't done much upper body work, and he got tired easily. It was one of the reasons Dan could subdue him so easily - that and the fact that Steve wanted to be subdued.

They went ahead with "rollin and foldin" as Beatrice put it, until they were done. "Now we put it aside to rise. It'll take a while." "Must not be gay," Ivan whispered to steve, who blushed again. Beatrice sighed "He makes that joke every time we make yeast bread steve. Try to ignore him. I'm not gonna tell you what he suggested I use for frosting once." Ivan smiled. "My man loved it." "THAT, sir, might be considered way too much information" Steve answered, giggling nonetheless. "I DARE you to serve what I call a cumbun to Master Dan." Steve shook his head. "Nope. He's got more than enough ways to, well, drive me crazy. I'll pass." "Wimp," Ivan laughed, and went off to do laundry.

Steve went downstairs to get changed for lunch. Mario would be over soon. He put on a light gray dress shirt and some jeans. He pushed up the sleeves, and grabbed a sweater. They were having an unusually warm day that day, but it could turn cold at the drop of a dime . When Mario came to pick him up, he smiled. "Well, well, brother Steve. Don't WE look good today? Might even think you're trying to pick someone up." Steve laughed. "I don't think I'd know how. So, where we going to lunch? I'm hungry. " "That bistro on the main street? They do an informal brunch. Salad, sandwiches, all with a French flair. I know you've been there for dinner, but they make good lunch."

On the way to the restaurant, they passed the jewelry store where Dan had taken him the first time he had come up. "Brother Mario, do you mind if I just take a look in the window?" Mario looked at his watch. "We have a few minutes. Be my guest." Steve looked at all the items spread out: the caps, like the one he had, and the chain: the chain with the lock at the end of it . He had one of those, too, but Dan had taken it off him when they got here after New Years'. Steve looked at it, with a lump in his throat. He remembered when he had asked Dan for it, and then the memories of when Dan put it on him, the sex they had afterward, and how happy he was, all flooded him.

He knew the chain was still in the house. He just didn't know where. It wasn't in the drawer with the phone.

"Would he ever wear it again?" he thought.

"Brother Steeeeev. Can you come back to earth?" Mario called. Steve laughed. "Oh yeah, sure. Sorry. Just..." "Just thinking about Master Dan, huh?" "How'd you know?" Mario put his hand on Steve's shoulder. "Brother Steve, I know the decision you have to make. Loving him as much as you do is making this harder. " He sighed. "I wish I could tell you what you should do. I can't answer that. I know what I WANT you to do, because you're a good guy, and we can use more good guys in this place. But yeah, giving up one form of freedom for another, it ain't easy."

"When we sit down at lunch, brother Mario, can you explain that to me a little? I'm not sure I understand what freedom I'm getting in exchange."

Mario smiled. "I will, if you promise to be open minded."

When they sat down at their table, Steve could see that brad , the guy he had met with once, was there, with a guy who looked like his dom. They didn't seem to be having any difficulties, as brad was in a lip lock with the guy, and it looked voluntary.

"Uh, brother Mario, is that..." "brother Brad? That's him." He smiled. "What happened brother steve, is that after we had our meeting, brad went to his sponsor, and they had a heart to heart. Turns out that brad DID have some very legitimate concerns, including the degree of domination he was getting." He paused.

"Generally, we're not interested in interfering in what a couple wants and does. But when one complains about assault, there IS an investigative group that gets to work. We don't want to be on the first page of the newspaper: "GAY TOWN EXPOSED FOR ABUSIVE BEHAVIOR." So we had a chat with his top. " Mario smiled. "You see how it went."

"But... I don't understand, brother Mario. Dan kidnapped me. You can't call it anything else. He kidnapped me." Mario looked right at him. "Did he really, brother steve? I think he told me that you brought up the idea of moving here faster than he wanted to." "Well, I did, but.. I changed my mind. At the last minute, I agree, but..." "And you asked him if you could have your life with him the way you did but just not here." "Well, yeah, I did." "Brother steve, let me ask you a question: if Master Dan worked for a company that transferred him to, oh, I don't know, Indonesia, would you have gone with him." Steve paused, and thought for a minute. "Yes. But he would have asked me." "Steve, YOU asked DAN. Don't you think it's a bit of a cocktease to say 'I WANNA GO RIGHT NOW,' and then change your mind?" "I didn't mean it to be that way," Steve said, in a low voice. "Well, I think you might have forgotten that Dan was involved too." He paused. "Do you like it here, Steve?" "Oh yes, it's a great place. That's why I wanted to be here. " "You asked me about exchanging freedom for another freedom. Well, here goes. If you don't want to work, you don't have to, but you can if you want. You don't have to worry about rent. You don't have to worry about missing the things you had in the city, because just about all of them are here. And you've got a man who's so bloody head over heels in love with you, that you're making all of us jealous, and wonder what you've got that we don't." Steve blushed at that. "All the things you told me I don't have to worry about.. I've worried about them all my life. I'm not used to not. I'm sure not used to the great sex I have every night". Then he blushed. "Sorry, but sometimes twice a day, and occasionally 3." He saw Mario give him a look "What the fuck does Beatrice feed him?" Steve laughed. "And it's never a cheap fuck. I always feel like I may not be able to take anything the next time. And then I do." Mario grabbed steve's hand. "If you could tell me 5 things that you miss from NYC, what would they be?" Steve paused... He thought. He thought hard. "I can only think of one: lunch with my cousin Gretchen." Mario smiled, and patted steve on the hand. "That's a terrific answer. Know what? I think you should tell Master Dan that. It'll make a difference. I think." He paused "I think you've made up your mind. I saw you look at that chain. Don't try to buy one. They won't sell a chain like that to a sub. Master Dan has it. He probably has a bigger one too. Just let things happen tonight, ok? " Steve smiled gamely. "Ok. Thank you brother Mario. Should we go to this fitness class now?"

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The gym in Otokouomo was one that issued uniforms to the clients, for convenience, and also to avoid, as Mario put it "peacocking." The class was an hour long, and at the end of it steve, who was admittedly out of shape, felt like death. Mario was winded, but he had been coming to the class for a while.

"If you stay, brother steve, you might want to come when Master Dan teaches" "HE TEACHES HERE?" Mario smiled. "Oh yes. He doesn't get a scad of time, so he's not a regular employee, but if he has time, he teaches self defense, and he teaches aerobic conditioning." "He oughtta be teaching fucking," steve thought to himself, but Mario saw his face and called him out on it. "You're getting laid good, brother steve. I'm glad. "

Mario walked steve back to the house, and stopped to chat with him. He held both of steve's hands. "Listen bud, I wish you'd stay. I really do. I think we all do. But more than that, we all - Dan included - want you to be happy. Coming out late in life is tough - it's BRUTAL. Just know you have a support network here, and if you decide to leave, well.. we'll be in touch." He gave steve a hug. "Thank you for everything brother Mario. I can't tell you how much help you've been."

Steve went into the house, and he saw that Dan was sitting on the sofa, reading some big set of documents. "Oh. Sir. I didn't expect you home so soon." Dan looked up and smiled. "Oh, I finished at the brothel, and the stuff I needed to do about the business, I could do anywhere. I like being here the most, so here I am. He looked up. "You're sweating. The aerobics class" Steve smiled. "Yes sir. I am SO out of shape. And I heard YOU teach there sometimes?" "When I can. I teach a mixed class: Doms and subs. Everyone needs to learn self defense. In fact.." He pulled out his phone. "Yeah, I forgot. I have an afternoon class on Sunday. It's full but..." Then he stopped "I shouldn't put that kind of pressure on you, my bad."

"Sir, I should get cleaned up. Can we talk after that?" "Sure. By the way, I left the drawer opened so you could call Gretchen if you want. Or anyone else you want to. Please feel free. I won't be up there until you're done."

In the bedroom, before he got in the shower, Steve did in fact call Gretchen. He got her answering machine "Hey Gretch. Steve here. Belated happy new year, and my apologies for not being in touch. I'm with Dan, and everything is fine. I'll call you as soon as I can, but things are a little busy here, so you may not hear from me if you call. A few days, max. Love ya girl. OH. Before I forget, the housekeeper here, a lady named Beatrice, says she'd be happy to host you when you visit. Anyhow, take care."

Dan did not hear that line "host you when you visit," so he didn't know that steve had made a decision. Steve showered, and then he dressed. He wanted this to be special, so he put on the dark blue shirt that he knew always got Dan 'in the mood," and a tight pair of cream colored pants.

"What a sexy look" Dan surprised him by coming up behind him and encircling his middle. He kissed steve's neck. "Wanna talk?" "Yes sir. I do." "Horizontally?" "Not yet sir. Can you let me go for a minute?" Dan smiled and did so, and steve turned into his arms, face to face and kissed him. He kissed him hard, and he pressed his knee into Dan's crotch. "You know I want that Sir." "You know you're gonna get it." Dan returned the kiss, adding his tongue to his kiss. When he was done, he looked at steve . He said nothing. "I submit sir. If it means I'm your wife, your whore, your cunt, your bitch, whatever it is. I submit. Please. Please accept my submission. I don't want to be away from you. EVER." Steve was tearing up a little." Dan held him tight. "You're sure about this sweetheart?" "Yes sir. More than 100%" Dan tried to inject some humor. "That's quite a statement coming from an accountant." "It's an honest one, Sir." "Then I have something for you." Dan reached into his pocket. The chain with the lock on it. The one he had taken the first day they came back here. He put it around steve's neck. "You belong to me now, steven." "Yes sir. I do. ALL of me." "Can we get horizontal now, good looking?" "Yes sir." "GRRRRRRRRRRR" came out of Dan as he carried steve to the bed. He pinned him down, and then locked steve's wrists into the bed restraints. Then he opened the blue shirt, button by button, licking and kissing, as steve moaned. "YES SIR. YES. TURN ME ON MORE. PLEASE." Dan slid his tongue along the line where steve's pants met his belly. The sensation steve felt was a combination of tickling, and the deep tingling he felt when Dan nibbled his ear, or his nipples. "FUCK SIR. You never did THAT before." Dan laughed. "I was saving it." "Save nothing Sir. Fill me with everything." Steve didn't get to say anything for a while, because Dan shoved his tongue into his mouth, and played in there for a good while. He began undoing steve's pants. "Know what I need to get in this room? Ceiling restraints. So I can lock your ankles in the air and fuck you good." "OH SHIT. I don't know if I could take that Sir." "Heh heh. You'll take it all." He had steve undressed, and his cock in his hands. "Who's cock is this?" He began to slide his hand up and down. "It's yours Sir. Everything about me belongs to you. " Then he moved his thumb to steve's hole. "And this?"' "OH SIR YES. THAT DEFINITELY BELONGS TO YOU. Dan lifted up steve's legs. He held his cock head at steve's hole, and steve tried, desperately, to surround it with his ass. Dan smiled, as he began to push in, slowly. He wanted this to last, but he also wanted release. He decided to go for release. steve looked pretty rigid too. With a wicked look on his face, as he shot into steve, Dan slightly ran his palm across steve's cockhead. The man screamed, and came with the biggest orgasm he had had in months. Dan saw the smile on steve's face. He lay down on top of him, kissed him and whispered "whatever else I call you steve, you're my lover. My man. Don't forget that." "Never Sir. Never. Can you untie me please, so we can hug?" Dan couldn't deny that, and they hugged on the bed, for about half an hour. "I'm gonna take your self defense class this weekend Sir. I know it's full, but surely they'll make room for your man wife." Dan laughed. "You're gonna have to wear shorts. You KNOW how I get when I see your bare legs." Steve laughed. "Well, I've read lotsa stories about locker room and shower sex. You never know."

Ivan hadn't finished the day's work when Dan and steve came downstairs. He saw a slightly bedraggled steve, wearing the slave necklace. He smiled, and came up to him "Welcome brother steve. Welcome home."

Next: Chapter 23

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