Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on Jul 28, 2020


"Seven days." That's what Dan had said. If, after seven days, he didn't want to stay, Dan would bring Steve back to NYC, no questions asked. He wouldn't see him again.

As an accountant for a big firm, Steve understood deadlines. He worked with them all the time, frequently deadlines MUCH shorter than seven days. If Dan's offer was intended to calm him down, or make him less anxious, it didn't. Steve wasn't sure he could make a decision in that time frame. And it WAS a big decision. If he wanted to go back to NYC, he'd lose Dan. If he accepted what Dan saw as his new role, he'd be starting a brand new life.

What actually made it worse, was how Dan kept out of his deliberations. He did continue to pick Steve's clothes for each day, but that was his only "rule." Every day, he invited Steve to eat with him, or to take his meals separately - and Steve ate with him every single day. Every day, Dan gave him the option to sleep in his separate basement room, or to sleep with him. And every night, Steve came to the bedroom.

If Dan was a perfect gentleman outside of the bedroom, he dropped that once they got in bed. They hadn't used the "playroom," but in the bedroom, there was no question who was boss. What he did, changed, but Steve bottomed. Every night. One night, Dan licked steve's balls and hole until steve would have screamed if he could - Dan had gagged him. Another night, he used a vibrating wand, and insisted he couldn't hear steve yelling "FUCK ME", until he did. And he did.

Sleeping in Dan's arms continued to be one of the most pleasurable things steve had ever done. One night, as he began falling asleep, Dan swore he heard steve begin to purr. He made a joke the next morning - out of Ivan's hearing - that he must have been purring like a cat, because he had just swallowed a whole lot of Dan's semen. Steve blushed at that, but he also laughed.

Every day, Mario would come by the house to take steve out and show him something else about the place. They played tennis together - steve was much better than he thought, and coming home in tennis whites had gotten him grabbed, and fucked silly by Dan. And every night, after dinner, Dan would go out with steve too. He'd hold his hand - and steve never pulled back, and they'd walk through town, or in one of the more rural areas.

"is that where you bought me my jewelry Sir?" steve asked one night, as they walked the main street. Dan smiled. "It is. you remember that Sunday? You were so happy. So was I." Steve smiled. "I do. It was a great day." Dan stopped walking and turned to steve. His voice was low. "It wasn't the last one steve. I hope I've made you happy." "you have sir. I've never been happier in my life." They kissed long and hard, in front of the store. So much so, that a few passersby applauded , and some kidded them: "GET A ROOM YOU GUYS."

There was one day when, after they woke up, and Dan had gone out to visit the brothel to check on the receipts, steve noticed that a drawer in the bed table, on Dan's side of the bed, was opened. He saw his wallet, his cell phone, his ID, all in the drawer. He began to think: "was this a trick? Was Dan testing him, to see what he would do? He looked around: was Ivan milling about, cleaning rooms, or Beatrice, or SOMEONE? He didn't see anyone. He stood in front of the drawer for a while. Then he thought he would take more time to decide what to do. He showered, shaved, checked on his chest hair, and then got dressed. He stood in front of the drawer one more time.

Then he went downstairs to breakfast. "Hey Ivan. I think Sir Dan left a drawer unlocked this morning. I didn't want to disturb anything, but I wanted you to know." Ivan smiled. "Morning. I think Beatrice made cranberry scones and scrambled eggs this morning. Help yourself. I'll go up and check. Thanks for telling me."

As he passed he asked steve "how are you doing brother? " Steve grinned just a bit. "oh, I'm fine. I wish I didn't have to decide so soon, but I'm fine." "You'll make the right decision brother steve. Don't second guess yourself."

When steve went up to the bedroom again, he saw that the drawer had been locked.

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"You know, brother steve, one thing I wish we had here, which we don't, is a decent theater company. There aren't enough actors or singers here, and .." Mario began to laugh "How can we call ourselves a gay community, if we can't even put on a show?" Steve laughed. "I wonder if you could hire actors to come up for a weekend or something? Maybe Dan could clear some rooms in the brothel." Mario laughed. "You know, that's a thought. In the beginning, actors were also whores, so it might be hard to tell who's who." "Maybe you could get the workers at the brothel to put on a show." Again Mario laughed. "Some of them claim they do every night." "Hey, by the way, how's brad doing?" Steve asked. Mario shook his head. "I'm not sure. His Master says that every time he ties him up, he gets a hard on, and he begs for cock every night. But when he's not horny, he's downright onery. He just hasn't come around. " He paused "Don't repeat this. Word is that, if his Master spanks him, he gets whatever he wants." "Hmmm. Sir Dan has never spanked ME." "You want that?" "Maybe..."

Mario paused. "I know he's got them in the house, but tell you what. Let's go in here. Let's get a small paddle. Just leave it at the dinner table. " "NO! I can't do that!" "Why not? If you're giving yourself to him every night, can't you have some say in what you get back?" That innocuous question set steve to thinking, but not in the way you might have in mind. He began to consider how much of a "catch" Dan was - and it was clear from talking to people, that there were any number of guys who would've traded place with steve. Yet, Dan was faithful. He was home, every night. He had heard stories of how some of the Masters would take a trip to the brothel, once or twice a week, or would bring someone up for a while. Dan showed no interest. His affection was for steve. Yes, he called the shots in the bedroom, 100% of the time, but he had never done anything that Steve didn't love, or want again. "Mario, you're right. Let's get that paddle." Mario smiled. "you won't regret it. Get it gift wrapped."

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When Mario left off steve at Dan's house after their walk, he smiled at him. "I'm not going to tell you what you should do, brother steve. I know you'll make the right decision."

"Hey there, bro steve," Ivan was at work vacuuming. He turned it off when steve came in. "Good walk?"

"Yes. REALLY good one. Mario thinks very deeply. Has some good ideas." Ivan smiled . "Thanks for letting me know about that drawer. I don't know what happened. Some of this furniture is really, really old and warped, and I've seen it pop open sometimes, as if there were a ghost in the house."

Steve laughed. "Are there ghosts in the house?" Ivan shrugged his shoulders. "Who knows? If there are, I just wish they'd pick up after themselves. SO. You wanna get yourself refreshed for when Sir Dan comes home?" One of the things steve was having trouble with, was hearing other people call his lover "sir." He thought that was something special between the two of them. He told himself "it's words steve, it's words. Like being called Stephen or steve or john or anything else like that."

"I think so. Hey, I wonder if you'd think he'd mind if I picked something to wear tonight instead of what he chose. " He paused and blushed. "It's actually something kinda special for me, and I think for Sir Dan too."

Ivan smiled. "You think he'd remember?" "I KNOW he would." "Ok, let's go find it."

Steve went to the closet, and he pulled out his white shirt with blue stripes - the one he was wearing when he and Dan met - and the blue pants he had been wearing. "This is what I wore the first time we met Ivan." "Hmm. A signal of a new start maybe?" Steve blushed "I don't know. I'd like that." "Come on upstairs when you're dressed, brother Steve. We'll chat while we wait for Sir Dan to come home." Steve changed, and he noticed that his time in the gym had built up enough bulk so that the clothes, loose, at the party, were now snug. He looked in the mirror and smiled. "Dan is gonna like this."

He came back upstairs and Ivan looked him over. "Good call, brother steve. You look really, REALLY sexy in that outfit. By the way, we'll have to chat later. Time to make drinks. Master Dan has called. He's on his way. "

They heard the door open. "ANYBODY HOME?" Dan's baritone rang out. "Hey Sir. Welcome home." Steve walked out into the living room. "Shall I get your drink Sir?" He saw Dan's face, as it went from neutral to a big smile. "C'mere sexy. " Steve smiled. "Why don't you come and get me?" He saw the smile on Dan's face as he began to stride toward him. Steve turned, but Dan was too fast, and he had steve in his grip. "Ok... I got ya. Now what am I gonna do with you? Hmmmm?" Dan was nibbling on steve's left ear, ever so gently, as his hand went around to steve's crotch, where he squeezed. He whispered "Good choice. Made me remember ALL the reasons why I wanted to go to that stupid party. " He whispered again. "Get me my drink and when we're done, we'll go fool around upstairs." Steve teased some more. "What if I don't wanna?" Dan laughed, and squeezed his balls. "Oh, you wanna. I KNOW you do." Then he pushed up against Steve's butt "And I wanna too." He let steve go so he could get the drinks. "Ivan, don't let him sneak out the backdoor." "No Sir. Don't worry. I've got it locked.' "There's a back door?" steve asked. "There are surprises all over this house." Dan replied. Not knowing what he meant, steve brought out two drinks, and sat down beside Dan. "Do you need a foot massage Sir?" he smiled, as Dan snuck his hand down steve's shirt. "Nah. What I need is my sweet swede cuddling against me. " He kissed the top of steve's head. "Thanks for telling Ivan about that drawer. I forgot to lock it this morning." Steve gulped. "you know Sir, you don't have to lock it." Dan kissed him again. "let's revisit that in a couple of days. We agreed to 7, didn't we?" "Yes sir, we did. How's your drink?" "It's perfect. About as perfect as those beautiful round halves of your ass. ." He paused. "I wanna split them." "Yes sir."

They went up to the bedroom, and Ivan smiled. Dan shucked his jacket, and went to the bed, where steve had already lay down. He climbed on top of steve, and gently pushed his knee into steve's crotch. "OH GOD SIR. I've been thinking of what you do to me since about 8 o'clock this morning." "Oh really? What do I do to you, handsome?" Dan began stroking steve's belly through the buttoned shirt.

"MMMMM. You make me hot. You make me excited. You make me purr. And you make me cum. LOTS." "Sounds like we do the same things to each other sweetcakes. Except for ONE thing, heh heh heh." He began undressing steve, and licking his body, all over.

"OH GOD SIR. That's too much. It's making me... OH GOD" Steve was trying his best not to shoot. He wanted Dan in him, shooting, before he did. Dan had thrown off his own shirt, and now undid his pants. He had steve, naked underneath him, and he began to run his finger around the man's hole.

"OOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOH. Don't tease me Sir. Give me the real thing. PLEASE. I want you so bad.. " "Get me wet blond boy. Get my cock covered with your spit." Dan straddled steve, and pointed his cock to his mouth. Steve was all to happy to comply. He sucked on that cock, and remembered the first time Dan had face fucked him. It had gotten better. He enjoyed it more, and he held Dan's cock in his mouth, refusing to let it go, as he got harder.

"It's now or never, steve. Lemme go. Or ." He didn't have to say anything else. Steve wanted cock in his ass. BAD. He felt like he was an animal in heat, and the way he moaned as Dan slid in, sounded like one. "YES FUCK YES. MY MAN IS TAKING ME. TAKE ME SIR. TAKE YOUR SWEDISH BITCH. " Dan was very horny himself. He had been doing interviews at the brothel that day, and with each new guy, however handsome he was, he thought of steve, and how much hotter he was.

"I am so lucky to have you under me, stevie. I am going to fuck you.. HARD." One push, and steve felt the cream coming out of Dan's cock. As soon as the last drop had come out of him, Dan grabbed steve's hard cock and began stroking it, fast and hard.


What Dan had nicknamed "steve splooch" began cascading over both of them. He saw steve smile.

"That was AWESOME Sir. Go to the brothel more often."

Dan heard those words: " go to the brothel more often." Steve was pretty precise, and Dan was certain he was counting the days before he had asked for a decision. Had he made one? Quickly, he thought about asking, and then decided not to. Instead, he lay down along side him, and stroked Steve's hair, before he kissed him.

"Ivan told me about the open drawer. Thank you for telling him" Steve's eyes got wide .

"I didn't use the cell phone Sir. I swear. I didn't try, and I didn't take anything. It's all there."

Dan laughed, and he kissed him again. "Steve, I didn't think you did. And there's no punishment coming unless you want one. " He saw steve redden. "Yes, I saw the paddle. Unnecessary expense because I have about 6 of them in different sizes in the play room. But no, no punishment is coming."

"You trust me Sir?" Dan took a deep breath and hugged Steve. "Listen stud. I know you have an independent mind. But I also know you can't lie. You wouldn't lie to me. You said that, Gretchen said it, and I have no reason not to believe you. Ivan did fix the lock, so you won't be tempted anymore." Then he smiled. "Unlike ME, because when I see you like that, I'm just ready to yield to temptation, and try to fuck you again."

"I don't think I could take a second one so soon, Sir Dan." "And even with my urges, I'd need more time. Maybe tonight." He ran his finger down steve's nose, and then all over his lips, before steve took the finger in his mouth.

"I think Beatrice roasted a chicken tonight. You hungry for something other than man sausage?" "I wouldn't say no to dinner Sir. And I hope you won't say no to me inviting you out for dinner tomorrow." "Another hint?" Dan thought. "Sure. Mario can give you some ideas and you can make the reservation in my name. Let's get cleaned up and have dinner."

Next: Chapter 22

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