Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on Jul 21, 2020


Before steve went into the kitchen to get his mixology lesson, he asked Dan "Is it ok if I go and change first, Sir?"

"Well, it's fine of course, but cocktail making isn't messy. You don't need to change."

"Sir, you've seen me in this outfit already, and I'd like to maybe look a little different."

Dave smiled. He hadn't required this, but dressing for his Master, was something he appreciated in a man wife.

"I'm sure the gin will wait for you."

Steve went down to the cell where his clothes were kept. As he went down those stairs, he couldn't figure out WHY he had just said he'd do that. Steve was still trying to figure out what he wanted to do. He thought back to the night before with Dan, and then the play session in the afternoon. Both were great. He was a bit sore, but his orgasm had been huge, and satisfying. And sleeping with Dan, the night before, left him feeling protected, and safe. He wasn't happy about the locked door, but when he was back in Dan's ridiculously strong arms, he didn't want to leave. Just Dan's touch would send a slight charge through him.

But to be a captive here, permanently. He thought about that. He didn't know. He just didn't know.

He looked through the closet, and he found the first brown shirt Dan had bought him. It was a little snugger now, but it still fit. He put it on, left it untucked, but rolled his sleeves and left the buttons opened at the top. Then he put on a pair of worn jeans: it was a pair Dan had said made his ass look really hot. He looked at himself in his mirror. Then, he put his hands behind his back to see how he'd look tied up. He felt his groin bulge. He smiled, and took the stairs two at a time.

When he came into the living room, Dan gave him the once over and smiled.

"OH my. Good choices steve. SUPERB CHOICES. I think... well, you know what I think.

"How about you two break it up for a minute and I'll show brother steve how you like your drink, Master Dan."

He smiled. "Show him how to make two. I want steve to drink with me tonight before his meeting."

"Come on in brother steve. Bit secret to making martinis? Don't get too fancy. Leave things alone, especially the way Mater Dan like them, and you're more than halfway there. "

He proceeded to show steve how to combine the liquors, the shaking , the draining. "Now, we're in the winter, which means Master Dan takes olives. Three of them. In summer - after Memorial Day and before Labor Day, he'll take a lemon twist." Ivan made the drink, and then he poured it out , down the drain. Now it's your turn."

"Don't be nervous honey, " came from Beatrice at the counter where she seemed to be baking bread. "It's a drink that's hard to mix up."

Steve, nervous accountant as he was, was shaking as he put the components together. He began to sweat. Ivan put his hand on steve's back.

"It's ok, brother steve. You're doing fine. ." Then he lowered his voice. "steve, that man is so obsessed with you, we could substitute bleach and he'd drink it if it came out of your hand."

Steve smiled. It was hard for him to think about that - that Dan was more smitten with him, than he was with Dan . He finished up the drink mix, and poured it into two glasses.

"Hardest part for you is going to be carrying it with that shake, brother steve. So for now, you can bring them in holding the stems. Eventually, you'll use the tray, and you'll be fine.

Steve brought the drink out to Dan. "Here you are Sir." Dan smiled as he took the glass and steve put down the second one.

"The drink is gonna taste much better with a kiss."

"Yes Sir." Steve reached in to kiss Dan, who patted the seat next to him. When steve sat down, Dan's arm went around him. He held up his glass. "Let's toast. To your first. And to more." Steve couldn't help smiling. He took a sip of the drink. STRONG, but good.

"You're a natural, steve?" Dan grinned as his hand moved from steve's shoulder to his nip . "I shouldn't be surprised."

Steve sucked in his breath. "Sir, that feels really good. "

"How did you like visiting the town?" "This is an interesting place Sir. I learned a lot from Ivan."

Speaking of, he came out to the living room . "Master Dan, I apologize for interrupting your evening, but if you need nothing else, I'll be heading back home." "No, can't think of anything Ivan. Thank you." "Sleeping plans unsettled?" Dan looked at Steve. "I think so." "Ok, I thought so. I left out tomorrow's wardrobe so I wouldn't have to disturb you brother steve, if you're in your room. I'll see you tomorrow. " He smiled at Steve and gave him the high sign. Beatrice left shortly after.

Dan pulled steve closer to him. "So it's just the two of us now, at least until the gang comes over." He reached over and gave steve another kiss.

"You know, I've had boyfriends before, I've had lovers, but I've never had one I wanted as much as I want you steve." "Sir, every time you say something like that, I get embarrassesd. I just don't get why you're so attracted to me." Dan laughed. "I'll tell you sometime. But one of them is.. you changed clothes for me. And I like it." A smile from steve. "I had a little time to study videos on how to seduce a man" "It's working." The doorbell rang. "Ah. Your brothers are here to talk to you. You met all of them but brad already, steve. I'm gonna head over to the brothel to catch up on paperwork . It won't take more than an hour. We'll talk when I come back." He started to get up. "Wait Sir. Let me kiss you goodbye." Steve got up and kissed Dan. Then, again, he didn't know why, he opened his mouth, so Dan could probe with his tongue. Dan smiled. "You guys stay out of trouble. "

"HEY brother steve! Welcome back." The guys had come through the cold, and Ivan had left a huge pot of coffee for anyone who wanted it. Frank, Joe, Mario and Sean, all the guys that steve had met on prior visits were there, and a new guy, who looked pretty scared and angry. "This is brother brad. He came up this weekend. Just like you." "I don't think so," brad muttered. "you don't have a swollen jaw from getting slugged."

Mario grinned. "If steve has a swollen door, it's gonna be because Master Dan..." and they started giggling.

Steve held out his hand. "I'm glad to meet you brad." Brad just looked sullen. "I want outta here. I didn't sign up for this." Sean looked at Joe. "Sounds like something you said."

Frank came back with coffee service. "Beatrice made a batch of cookies, and she always makes too many so, I took liberties." He put them down and joined the rest. "Steve, we came over to try to answer your questions, brad's questions, and to try to make your acclimation easier.

Mario is going to steward you, brother steve. He'll check in every day, see how you're doing , and try to answer what questions you may have. Brother brad, sean is going to play that role for you."

"WHAT THE FUCK ACCOMMODATIONS? " Brad yelled. 'I DON'T WANNA ACCOMMODATE. I WANNA GO HOME." Frank smiled "brad, your man wouldn't have taken you up here, if you hadn't agreed to it." 'I CHANGED MY MIND' "Well, then, of course that's your prerogative, but he's the hunter. You have to think of yourself as captured prey." 'HE KIDNAPPED ME." Joe joined in. "That's a loaded word, but let's use it. Is there anyone here who never had a fantasy of being kidnapped by a big , strong man, who would take care of him for the rest of his life?" Silence. Joe went on. "So, on one level, you could say that a fantasy, or a dream, came true. " He paused. "Now, let me ask you, brother steve, and you, brother brad, a question. Has either of your men ever taken you, sexually, without you wanting it? If he did, we'll report it. That's rape, and we don't allow that here."

Brad and steve looked at each other. They said nothing. "I've wanted Dan every time he took me," Steve said. "I can't lie about that." He blushed. "I want him now." A low voice came out of brad. "Phil had me hot for him every time. He knows my turn on spots."

"So, let me ask you both something then. What is it about the situation that's bothering you." Steve could answer that easily. "I miss my relatives. I don't like being away from them." And he paused. "Dan uses this expression man wife. I HATE IT." He saw the guys looking at each other. "I'll try to put you at ease, steve, but I wanna hear brad's issues first." "Brad was almost crying. I'm married. I have two kids. Yeah, I was playing. I was playing heavily. Phil became 'the best friend brad spends weekends fishing with' , that kind of thing. He had me in chastity for a week, and I nearly died hiding it from my wife. I guess I'm a closet case. But... he kidnapped me."

Mario came over and put a hand on Steve's shoulder. "You know, you can see your relatives if they behave, steve. Ask yourself how often you saw them, to begin with." Steve thought to his cousin Gretchen. She was the only one he saw regularly, and she had signed off on this. He shook his head. "I see your point." "Now on this man wife thing, yeah, I know. It's a horrible expression. You know, Dan is really, REALLY into these stories where an army conquers another one, carries off their women, and makes them their wives. He always asks why there are no stories where the victorious army does that to the men." The guys tittered at this. "it's like a nickname you hate. " He paused. "Steve, has he ever asked you to DO anything that made you feel like a woman?" Steve paused for a minute. The answer was no. "Do you think you could get use to it, like you would a nickname like blondie, or stretch, or swede?" Another pause. "I'm not sure." "Here's the 64,000. question, brother Steve. Do you want to stay with Dan?" Steve looked up. "Well, that's easy. Hell yeah. " Sean joined the conversation "you know, we all know Master Dan. I'm telling you the truth, steve. He didn't stop talking about you from the day he met you. Yes, he DID cajole an invitation to that party, because he had seen you in the neighborhood, did his research, and he was hoping, just hoping desperately you'd say yes to the first date. He thinks you're extraordinary. " Steve was taking this all in, looking down at the floor. "I had no idea." "Steve, if I told you how many times we heard him say 'I think I found the one,' you might be surprised.

Now Steve looked up. "He feels that way? " He saw everyone but brad nod his head up and down. "Hell yeah. He's pretty much told every Master in the town to keep hands off of you. He's possessive. No question. Steve... someone said this to me once, about something my Master was doing that bothered me. It wasn't much. His words were 'get over it.' Seriously, if the issue you have, is the name, get over it. I KNOW he told you , you could see your relatives once you gave in. Now it's up to you.

Brad was looking more than a little frustrated. "Now brad, how did that swelling happen?" "Phil brought me here. He said he wanted to celebrate. He reached for me and I swung a fist at him. He swung back." There was a little laughing. "You know, it's never a good idea to go one on one physically with your Master. " Mario asked "Did he bring you here before?" "He did. I had a great time. I told him I wanted to be with him forever" They looked at each other. "Brad, you can't have it both ways. Look. Philip is difficult, we all know that. But you picked him. Give it a week. If you can't make it work, then we'll talk to him. We'll get you back home, wherever that is. " He sniffled. "Ok. I'll see."

They began to pick themselves up. "We've got to get to OUR OWN men," Frank said. "But brad, steve, you're our brothers now, and you can ask us anything you want. Just give it a bit more time." "Thank you." steve answered. "Thank you so much. This was very very helpful. " For Steve it was: putting things in terms of the nickname made it much simpler for him to think about things.

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It wasn't more than fifteen minutes after that, that Dan came back in the door.

"It gets COLD up here, steve. WOW. Feels good to be inside." He saw steve cleaning up the coffee cups and plates.

"You don't have to do that. That's Ivan's job. He'll take care of that."

Steve blushed. "I want to keep busy Sir." Dan grinned. I have some ideas about keeping you busy. But I have ideas about dinner first. " He went and looked in the pots. "Beatrice made a brisket, and a whole bunch of vegetables. I'm starving, and I'd love it if we could eat together. Will you eat with me, steve?" He went to look where steve was standing, and didn't see him. Then he felt steve's arms around his middle, and his chin on his neck. "Oh, how sweet ." Steve was whimpering as he whispered "I'm sorry I gave you trouble Sir. I really am. I don't want to be a problem." Dan turned around. "You're not a problem, steve. You're overwhelmed. Trust me. If you were a problem, I'd fix it. You're not." He began putting meat on a plate.

"Can I serve you?" Steve cracked a grin. "only if I can serve you Sir." Dan smiled when he heard that. "Let's eat, and then we'll talk a little before bed. I have a proposal for you. NO, not a marriage one, but something else. "

If there were ONE perfect moment that day, it was Beatrice's brisket. It was irreproachable. Both men were hungrier than usual, and had two helpings each. Dan loaded dishes and asked steve to go to the sofa. He joined him, again stretching his arm around Steve's shoulders. Steve curled up in his hug.

"So, steve, I have a suggestion." He kissed steve. "Tell me how you like this. " He kissed him again. "How about you try things my way, for a week. We'll agree right now. If you don't want to stay after the week, no questions asked. I'll have someone drive you back to NYC. I WILL need to put you to sleep, to keep the route secret, but no questions asked." Steve looked horror stricken.

"Now, now. I think I know what you're thinking. But seriously. At this point, you have enough experience to find another boyfriend, another lover, another date. And you're hot enough that another guy is gonna just grab you, especially when he finds out you bottom. You won't be alone." He smiled and kissed steve again. "Look, I don't do this, so it isn't happening, but three other Masters asked me tonight if they could "borrow" you. Not happening, but these guys are selective, and they're picky. You'll have no trouble. So..." he smiled at steve. "How about it?"

"A week Sir?" "That's right. A week. And I'm not accepting an early answer. We'll reconvene here, in 7 days, and you'll give me your answer." Steve fairly whispered "I can do that Sir." "Mind if I do this?" Dan smiled , as he began to run a circle around steve's nipple. "NO SIR. Do it more please." Steve sighed, and moaned a little. "OH my big blond pussycat wants stroking..." Dan began opening steve's shirt. He took both nipples in his hands and twisted gently. "OH FUCK SIR. OH GOD. " Gently, oh so gently, Dan pushed steve back on the sofa and got on top of him. He kissed his lips again, before he went for steve's neck. It was late in the day, and Dan's beard was scruffy and sharp. And steve pushed up into it to get more.

"OH GOD. I don't have to worry about what people think." He breathed hard. "MORE SIR. MARK ME. PLEASE. LET PEOPLE KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO ME."

"GRRRRRRRRRRRRROWL,' came out of Dan's mouth, and he pushed just to the point where he knew it would hurt. Steve began to writhe under him. "I need you Sir. I need you in me. PLEASE. PLEASE. FUCK ME. FUCK ME HARD.

"Here? The bed? The room? " "The bed Sir. Please take me to the bed. I want to be in bed with you. I wanna be in bed with you forever." Dan looked down and smiled. He licked each nipple before he carried Steve in his arms, up the stairs. They were steep, but Steve felt save - very safe.

Dan put him down on the bed before he started undressing him. "OH GOD STEVE. Every time I see you naked, I say a prayer of thanks for meeting you." "I say OH GOD a lot when I see you naked Sir. " Dan didn't reply, but just pushed Steve's long legs in the air. He buried his head into steve's balls and ass, and began licking, getting deeper and deeper. "FUCK YES. FUCK YES." Steve moaned and thought for a quick moment that if Dan were brad's Master, brad would have no doubts about staying. That thought lingered for a minute. Then why was he having doubts? " He sighed, as Dan pulled out and asked

"Ready?" "Yes sir. Take me. PLEASE." Dan slipped off his own shirt - his trademark blue buttondown - before getting out of his pants, and showing steve the long, hard cock he had ready. He began sliding into steve, who let out a deep breath, and just muttered. 'I'm yours Sir. Take what's yours." Dan did, pushing gently, and then harder, as he grabbed steve's nipples again. He looked down at him.

"I. WANT. YOU. EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY." His jizz surprised even him. He surmised that his relief at his reception by steve had something to do with that. On his part, steve began to breathe, heavier and heavier, as his own cock got longer and harder. Dan gently rubbed his hand over steve's cockhead.

'OH YOU BASTARD TOPMAN.. FUUUUUUUUCK." Steve shot into Dan's hand, spreading jizz all over. He smiled. "Oh Sir. That was more than great. It was fucking awesome."

Dan reached down, kissed steve's ear.

"Thank you for agreeing to give this a try, steve. How's about we clean up and get to bed?"

For another night, steve slept like a baby, feeling safe, and secure. And Dan didn't lock the bedroom door that night. Steve didn't even notice.

Next: Chapter 21

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