Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on Apr 26, 2020


John's voice was a mix of whimpering , and deep breathing "Please. Can we do them now? And maybe more tomorrow?" Dan smiled. "SURE. We hadn't talked about tomorrow, but I'm up for it. " He showed John his big hard cock. "As you can probably tell."

Dan moved up to the top of the bed, and he pulled out some restraints that were attached to the frame, but were hidden under the bed. He hoped they were going to be strong enough. John was a BIG man: easily 6'4", and 250. Dan was drawn to big guys, and the white, rather than salt and pepper hair John had. When he got him out of his shirt, he smiled because John was covered with curly white hair too.

"I fucking hit the jackpot," he thought to himself, as he secured John's wrists to the bed.

"sometimes , I restrain ankles too. Just not for this first time, John." He leaned in and kissed him. "you're a good sport."

As John pulled at the restraints, he grimaced. "You know, I just realized: you could do anything you want to me, and I can't stop you."

"That's right. But don't worry. I told you what I'm doing, and I'm a man of my word. How do the restraints feel?" "I don't have anything to compare them to , Dan, but... I AM getting excited." "Good. That's EXACTLY what I want. Now, let's get to my next promise. " Dan moved down to the bottom of the bed, and he took John's ankles and began to lift them. John smiled, and gave a bit of resistance.

"Oh. You wanna do it THAT way handsome? We can if you want. " Dan took John's balls in his hand, and squeezed them very very gently, before he twisted them too. "OH GOD. That just felt so good. Do it harder." Dan smiled and did, and he saw John's cock growing. "Hmmm. Seems I may have to resort to an old classic way of getting your legs in the air." He took John's right foot in his hand. "Shall we see how ticklish your feet are?"

"NO. NO. Here. Take my ankles, please. Get them up. Make me wet Dan. Get me excited." Dan grinned. "And away we go..." He began licking around John's balls, provoking a long set of moans from the man. Then the inside of his thighs, before he lifted John's legs further, and began to make quick little licks around the perimeter of his hole. He didn't ask for permission, but just dove in.'

"OH SHIT. DON'T DO THAT. I MEAN DO IT, I MEAN GO HARDER. I MEAN... OH SHIT I DON'T KNOW WHAT I MEAN." Dan was gloating internally. He was going to be able to do anything he wanted with this man. He just needed some patience - which was NOT his strong suit.

He continued to dig, and John moaned, louder, and stronger. "OH GEEZ. How did I miss this? " Dan looked up. "You don't have to miss it anymore handsome. " He continued for about five more minutes before he looked up. "I'm hard pressed to tell who's harder, you or me?"

"I dunno, Dan, but I'm really, REALLY hard. "

Dan smiled. "Yeah, and speaking of being helpless, and me being able to do anything I want, you can really get relief, unless I give it to you, can you?" He ran a finger down the back of John's cock.

"OH SHIT. OH GOD. Pre cum began to drip out of his cock head. Dan said nothing, but ran his finger around the perimeter of John's cockhead. "You want me to make you cum?

"YES. YES I DO." Dan tried something. It was risky, but if he were going to dominate John, best to get it out now. "Well, I wanna hear these words: 'please make me cum Sir."

The reality of what he was asking hit John , and he hesitated. But then, he almost whispered. "Please make me cum Sir." Dan chuckled a little inside. No, it wasn't time to tell John he wanted to fuck him. He'd get there. "

"Now, I could edge you, as if you were masturbating stud. Or... I could give you the best blow job you've ever had. A preference?

"SIR. Please, please blow me Sir."

"GOOD." Thought Dan. I didn't even ask for that, but he picked it up..." He smiled and dropped his mouth on John's cock, sliding back and forth, moving fast, then slow. When John moaned louder at any point, he would stop, and then intensify his attack on that part of his man's cock. He slipped his mouth down over John's balls, and rolled them around in his mouth.

"OH YES. OH YES. GOD. I think I'm gonna shoot Dan. I think, I think...." He screamed. Dan had been in this postion before, and moved his mouth out of the way as Volcano John erupted.

"OH MY LORD. That was the BIGGEST orgasm I ever had." Dan laid down next to him, and ran a finger around his nip. "Was it the BEST one you ever had?"

"HELL YEAH. GEEZ. You gay guys know what you're doing. " Dan smiled, and kissed John again. Yeah. We do. So, let me be honest John. You tied down there like that is making me hot, and if I had my way, I wouldn't let you go. But you tell me: you wanna go home, you wanna spend the night here, what pleases you?

"Well, I see you as hard as a rock. I'd like to see you shoot. And honestly, Dan, I'd like to see your body. You can see mine. And.... can I stay here tonight, sleep with you?

"You're gonna get all your wishes, stud." Dan began to shuck his clothes. His six pack caught John's eye, as did his biceps. John was pretty big, but taking a look at the shorter man, he knew right away: he'd take me with no trouble."

"How about I keep you tied down, and jerk off all over you? Sound good for a first time?"

"Yes sir. I know there are other things, but I don't know how to do them."

"You'll learn, John. You'll learn. " Dan began to jerk himself. Standing over John he whispered. "Look at this hot, HOT guy I've got in my bed. All mine. I don't have to share him with anyone. Look at that beautiful chest hair. Those bright blue eyes. That smile - the mouth that kisses so easily. And that sweet virgin ass. OH SHIT HERE I CUM" Waves of Dan's jizz spread over John's body. "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. That may have been the biggest orgasm I'VE had in a long time John. See what you did?" John smiled from his bound position. "But was it the best one?" Dan laughed. "Definitely top ten. Hey, now, you're covered with jizz, and I've got some on me too. We CAN sleep the way we are, but I always find it a little gross, and you're meticulous. You want a shower?

"I'd like that Sir. " Dan pointed to the bathroom . "Help yourself. Plenty of towels, everything is hypoallergenic. "

When John went off, and the water was running hard, Dan took a look through John's pants pocket. He found a drivers license. Hmmm. His name wasn't John. That was his middle name: Steven John Janssen. He laughed. Scandinavian. I could've said that. Steve DID live not far from here. Dan couldn't figure out the code to his phone, so he didn't look, but that would come with time.

John came out, smiling, wrapped in a waist towel. Dan laughed. "John, I just had you naked in bed for a few hours. You don't need the towel. " John laughed. "Sorry. Just modesty. And I was hoping to go and sit in the living room a little bit, maybe pour myself a drink, while you got washed. I didn't want to stain the sofa.

"Oh, sure. That was considerate of you. Help yourself. I think there are snacks in the fridge, but I haven't shopped this week. The housekeeper may have replaced them, but you're sort of on your own there."

"I think I'll be good. Maybe something stronger than the white wine, though."

"Liquor cabinet to the side. I'll be out in a few."

John poured himself a glass of a scotch he knew about , but had never been willing to buy. Then he sat down on the sofa. There was a scrapbook there, and he began looking through it. How Dan got that body, was now clear. Dan had been an ultimate fighter. that was clear. He laughed at his name. "The Giant Killer."

"So you found my past, huh?" Dan's strong hand was on John's shoulder. John reddened. "I'm sorry. I just got nosy. "

"Nah, it's out there. Take a look. Ask any questions you want."

"Well, 'The Giant Killer?" Dan laughed. "Well, as you can probably tell, I like men who are taller than me. MUCH taller. And that was true when I was fighting. They matched me up against guys who were 4, 6, sometimes 10 inches taller than I am. That's why I had to develop such a strong upper body. And speed.

"Were you successful?"

"Well, my record was 29-1."

"WOW. Why did you stop?" Dan smiled. "It's exhausting John. All the training, all the planning the politics of the matches. I just wanted out. And when the league found out I was gay, well... " He put his arm around John's shoulders. "It's ok. It gives me more time to meet people like you."

"Uh, Dan, did you come to the party looking to take someone home?" Dan smiled. "Well, yes and no. I like sex. No, I LOVE sex. I especially LOVE sex with taller men. So I'm always looking. It seems like I'm just looking for fun, but, to be honest, I'm looking for Mr. Right. I'm looking for the man of my dreams. "

"What would he be like Sir?" Dan smiled. "That's for another day, stud. But calling me Sir gets big points from any guy who does. Hey, look, it's late. How about you finish your drink, we can get some sleep, and tomorrow, if you wanna spend the day, I'm free. We'll stop by your place to get you some fresh clothes, and then we'll figure out what to do. Sound good?"

"You read my mind Sir. " He smiled. "And if calling you Sir keeps you interested in me, I'll keep on using it."

Dan got up and put his hand on the back of John's neck. "Like a kitten. Let's take my little kitty cat to bed," and he was thinking "SCORE."

Next: Chapter 3

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