Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on Jul 11, 2020


Although Steve fell asleep, he had trouble STAYING asleep. He couldn't understand what had happened: he changed his mind about coming up to Otokouomo with Dan. Then, he was drugged, tied up, and brought there anyway. Everyone was treating him well, but as if he were some precious object that had been found, and now belonged, to Dan. He didn't know how close he was to the truth.

Why had he not only agreed to, but basically BEGGED to have sex with Dan that night? It was great sex - it always was - but he felt like he was playing right into what Dan - and apparently everyone else wanted - his eventual submission to Dan. As he lay there in bed, wrapped in Dan's arms, he was trying to figure out a way to get out of this . To escape. He wasn't finding one. He didn't have his phone, his wallet, anything. And he didn't know where they were.

Dan was a heavy sleeper. Steve knew that from their time in New York City. Under their normal circumstances, he could have gotten out of bed without disturbing Dan at all. Tonight, though, Dan had him wrapped up in his arms, tight. There was very little chance Steve would be able to fight out of that grip, so he whispered

"Excuse me Sir. I need the bathroom." Dan stirred. "Oh, sure babe. Ok. You know where it is. Just so you know, the bedroom door is locked , and the only people who have keys are Ivan and myself. Do your business, then come back."

"FUCK" Steve thought to himself. He saw the door WAS closed, which was unusual: when he had come up here before, they always slept with the door opened. Dan had a thing about it: he liked the draft. If he tested the door, Dan would know. He saw a slight smile on Dan's face, as if he were waiting to see what Steve tried.

He went to the bathroom and faked peeing, and then came back. Dan pulled him into his arms, spoon fashion. He began playing with Steve's blond hair.

"You're so pretty, steve," he whispered, and Steve could feel Dan's cock press up against him. "Such beautiful blue eyes, such gorgeous hair. Such a nice, long, sinewy body." Steve felt himself flipped over on his back, and Dan on top of him. "Such a rare find." He kissed Steve. "I forgot to mention what soft lips you have." He paused for a minute. "

"Why are you doing this to me, Dan? PLEASE. Please let me go." Dan smiled down on him. "Now, Steve, I'm willing to do a lot of things for you. I wanna treat you like the royalty you are. But one thing I'm not gonna do is let you go. Think of it this way, if you want to: I captured a member of the royal family of another country, and that's YOU." He nuzzled steve's neck and steve found his resolve weakening. "I wanted to make you my permanent man bitch since that first day at the party. I knew you were ripe for it. " Steve pushed against the hands pinning him down, even though he knew it was useless."

"I really loved you Dan. I did." "And you probably still do steve. You'll come around. And if you don't, well, that's ok too. I've had partners who didn't love me. You wouldn't be the first." Steve was really struggling with his feelings. "You'd rather conquer me than win my love." Dan almost laughed. "I'd rather have both. And if you give it some thought... I DID win your love, and I DID conquer you. Now try to get some sleep." "I don't wanna sleep here. I wanna go to my cell."

"You sure about that steve? Because if I bring you down there, I'm locking that door, and you won't be able to get back. Ivan doesn't get here until the morning." Steve felt conflicted. NOTHING had ever felt as good as being in bed with Dan. But... He sighed. "Ok. I wanna stay here. I'm sorry Sir. I'm just very confused. " Dan rolled steve back over on his side. "It's a very confusing situation, steve. You'll adapt. Don't worry." He pulled Steve into him. "In all the time we've been together, have I ever hurt you?" "No Sir, you haven't." "We always went at your speed, right?" "That's right Sir." "Now, we're gonna go at MY speed a little. But I'm not gonna hurt you. EVER. I promise." As Dan settled down and began breathing softly, Steve believed him. It was true. The SECOND Dan had thought he had even made Steve uncomfortable, at anything, he stopped. And more than one person had told him, through their time in NYC, including Gretchen, that Dan treated him like a Prince, or a king, or an emperor.

Steve was being seduced. Again.

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When it was mornng, Dan gave steve a kiss, got up, and unlocked the door to the bedroom. Steve tried to watch where he had put the key, but wasn't successful.

"Shower here if you like, steve, or you can have your privacy downstairs. Your clothes are still down there, and they'll stay there until we work things out.

"I'm going to go downstairs Sir. If you don't mind, I need a little time to think about things."

"Take the time you need, but Ivan is going to want to go over some stuff with you today. It's the things I expect you to be in charge of and to do while you're here."

"I don't want to be here, Sir."

Dan smiled. "But you are. And I'm not sure I believe you. " Steve looked down, and Dan came over and ruffled his hair.

"It's not going to be that bad. Trust me. " He saw the look on steve's face. "Look, if it's that big a problem, if your cousin doesn't mind staying at a lesbian commune, there's one on the other side of the mountains to the west."

Steve looked up. "REALLY SIR? Gretchen and I could visit."

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. She'd have to be accepted by the lesbian community, and it'd be interesting getting her up here, but that's in the future."

"Why Sir?"

Dan smiled. "No visitors before submission."

Steve's smile faded away. "That's really important to you, isn't it?"

Now Dan was smiling more broadly. "it's everything. Fucking you is hot. Knowing you belong to me, is hotter. Now, I just heard Ivan let himself in. He'll help you get dressed, and then start showing you what I expect.

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Steve went downstairs, and saw Ivan unpacking some groceries in the kitchen. "Morning brother steve. Sleep well?" "Eh, sort of." "I see you went to Master Dan's bed. He accepted you?" "Of course he did. Why wouldn't he?" "He's disappointed brother steve. He had no idea you'd change your mind." "I don't know how to answer that, Ivan." "Don't. And you can call me brother Ivan if you like. " He smiled. "Breakfast? Coffee?" "I think just coffee." "Sounds good. Let me get you a cup and we'll go to your hopefully temporary closet and get you dressed."

They both took mugs of coffee, and in the cell, Ivan pulled out a piece of paper. "Hmmm. Good choices." He turned to steve. "You guys woke up earlier than I expected, but I promise I'll have these out for you in the morning in the future." He pulled out a lavender buttondown shirt, and also a blue chambray, cowboy style. Then he took out a pair of very faded jeans, and also a pair of dark ones.

"Hmmm. Master Dan wants you in the lavender, and the pale jeans. He writes he MIGHT want the other outfit later, but for now.." He added "He also says you know how to wear them the way he likes."

Steve took a deep breath. "Yep. Sleeves rolled, two buttons opened." Ivan laughed. "his taste in what his man wife wears hasn't changed." Steve gave him a look. "I'm NOT his man wife." He paused. "I'm his bottom." "Whatever brother steve. Just make sure you dress the way he instructed. He's got toys in the playroom that he's used on men who didn't follow instructions. And you DO have a playroom session scheduled today." Steve gulped when he heard that. But he also got hard.

"Most of what you'll need to do around the house, brother steve, is basically light work, and looking good for Master Dan is the most important part. You don't need to cook, unless you want to: Beatrice comes over from across the mountain to take care of that, and Master Dan eats out a lot. You WILL have to learn how to make the cocktail he likes: a VERY dry martini, or an aperol spritz. Beyond that, the silver needs polishing every month. His shoes? Every day, and that's your job." Ivan paused. "Usually while he's wearing them."

"Why when he's wearing them, brother Ivan?" He smiled. "So he has you on your knees in case he wants a blow job." Steve blushed. "You know, he's the first man I blew. The only one too." "I do know that. " He paused. "You like blowing him?" Steve blushed redder. "Nearly as much as I like him fucking me." "I get that." He paused. "You know, he and I dated for a few months. I wasn't really his type, but that's cool. My Master is a good fit." "So you serve a Master and work too?" "Oh yes. Not all of us are as financially fortunate as Master Dan is, so we work. You can work too if you want to. I KNOW Master Dan talked to you about the brothel and the accounting." He looked over steve. "Yeah, that combination is GOOD on you. You may not be able to sit during dinner tonight."

"MORNING BOYS. Who's talking about dinner." "Hey Beatrice." Ivan called out. "Brother steve has joined us." They went and met a very round, very blond woman. "Nice to meet you brother steve. Like your hair. Yours is natural. Mine's not." Steve laughed. 'yeah, the whole family is blond." "Gotta be honest, you must be something special. Master Dan usually likes darker men. "

"He IS special. " Steve felt Dan's arm wind around his middle. He felt his scruff on his neck as he kissed his ear. "So you've met Beatrice, and of course, Ivan's starting to introduce you to the house. " "Yes sir. Little by little. I learned about polishing so far." "AH. Then you've learned just about all you'll need . Except for the drinks. Ivan will teach you those later this afternoon. Kind of hard to justify a martini at 8 in the morning. Even here."

He looked at the spread Ivan had brought in. "Breakfast? We really didn't know what you'd feel like eating, so we got some of everything. You get first pick." Steve felt slightly flattered that someone cared about that. He looked over the baked goods. He picked up a bagel, sesame, and some cream cheese. "I think that's it, this morning. And coffee."

"Did you see the melon?" "Uh, no Sir." "Oh, it's behind you." Dan squeezed steve's ass. "Very ripe, and very sweet." He saw steve's face and laughed. "Sorry if I embarrassed you handsome, but it just looks so good today."

"There ARE berries, Master Dan," Ivan reminded him. "Have some, steve. You look so cute when you've got a strawberry in your lips." Suddenly, steve DID have a craving for some strawberries. And Dan was beginning to feel a craving for steve, as he saw him eat that fruit. He was thinking his cock would be better placed there than the berry.

"So, this is what's going to happen , steve. Ivan is going to take you for a short walk around the town , just to show you a few things. Maybe you'll see some of the other subs, and you can chat. "He smiled. "Then you have a play session with me."

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The three of them left the house together, because Dan was heading to the brothel to check the holiday receipts. "they tell me it was really busy which is a surprise. People usually stay home at the holidays," he said, before Ivan walked off with steve.

"Brother steve, I know you walked around once or twice with Master Dan. Remember: you're one of the bottoms here, so mind how you talk to people . I'm a sub, so you don't have to show submission when you're walking with me." "I understand Ivan. So, can we start with the entrance to town?" Ivan smiled. He knew what was in steve's mind. "Sure. Let me just tell you some historical background, brother steve. We've had 11 attempted escapes from the front gate, and 8 from the back gate. All were unsuccessful." Steve stopped walking for a minute. "What happened to the 19?" "Well it was only 15. Four guys tried both ways. Failed both times. I'm trying to remember. Some recanted when they met with their Masters, some were sold, and I think 3 are working at the brothel. "

He saw the look on Steve's face. "Yes, sold. If you think that men aren't objects in white slavery, you're wrong."

Steve paused , and changed the subject. "You know, Ivan - I'm sorry, brother Ivan - from what you and Dan told me, life as a man wife here is pretty boring. Polishing shoes, and making drinks - that can't take much time."

"Steve, one thing you'll have to learn is to remember to call Dan Master Dan. It really will do you well. Anyhow, I didn't get to talk about a lot of life here, and later today, some of those guys you met - remember frank, joe, mario and sean? - they'll tell you more. Some of the man wives do have jobs doing things like I do. For fortunate guys like you, there's a gym, there's classes, there's all kinds of things to do. Frank has been looking for a tennis partner for a while. Maybe you can learn how to play."

"I think I'd like that. I could use the exercise." He said that just as a group of five guys ran past. "Yeah, that's the jogging club. They do a run most days. " Ivan giggled. "I have a thing for the red head's legs."

"When you meet with the guys, you'll have another newbie with you. His name is brad. Straight guy who played with being dominated, and would up with Master Hal. He's been, let's just say, even more reluctant than you. And let's say Master Hal is a bit more insistent on his needs than Master Dan is. So if you see bruising, well..."

Steve gulped. Dan had never hit him. He didn't think he would either. He seemed to have tried to get away from that violence of ultimate fighting as much as he could.

When they got back to the house, Dan was already there. He had clearly been to the gym, and while he had cleaned up, he was still sweating.

"Ah. Did you have a good walk, steve?"

"Yes sir. Interesting town." "Good. I'm sure Ivan told you, the guys you already met wanna meet with you later this afternoon to just welcome you properly. For now... I want to welcome you. " He pointed to the play room. "I'll meet you in there in five minutes. I just want to go over household things with Ivan. You'll be doing that eventually."

"Yes sir." Steve went into the room. He remembered it a little. All the toys, the restraints, the tables. What was Dan going to do? He was getting hard thinking of it. Then he felt a strong hand on his shoulder. "The horizontal table. Lay down. Stretch out." "Yes sir. What are you going to do to me?" Dan smiled "I'll never tell you that. It'll be a surprise every day." He restraints steve's wrists and ankles. He gave very little space for movement, and steve felt almost like an insect specimen, the way he was spread out. Dan began opening his shirt.

"I'm still trying to decide whether or not to shave you. But for today... Let's start..." He bent down and he began to lick and nibble steve's tits very gently, very carefully, making little sounds as he did. Those little sounds were joined by louder moans from steve in no time.

"Oh yes. Oh yes. I love when you do that Sir. I just MMMMPH. Dan had shoved his tongue down steve's throat, and moved a hand to his growing cock.

He pulled his tongue out and looked at steve. "Every time I see your bare chest, and your pits, I can't help myself." He began running his nails back and forth over steve's body.


"I'm only gonna do it for a little while steve. One of the Masters tickles his wife 2-3 hours a day."

"OH FUCK SIR. I don't think I'd survive."

Dan smiled and just kept on working. The he stopped. He was stroking steve's cheek when he asked him. "What do you want me to do to you next handsome?"

steve gasped out an answer. "I think you know Sir. I want your dick in me. FUCK ME." "Oh yeah, that's a good idea. But first... you know , you turned me on eating those berries this morning. So... " He dropped his zipper. "SUCK ME CUNT" "YES SIR." Steve felt his cock jump when he was called a cunt. He moved his head over to take Dan's cock and he sucked it like he was a desperate man. He was. The conflict in his head was large, and his resistance was slipping. He didn't want to resist, but he didn't want to surrender. Right now, he just wanted to suck and suck Dan well." He seemed to be succeeding, based on Dan's face as he pulled out.

"If I don't get out of your mouth, I'm gonna shoot. And I wanna shoot in you, bitch boi." He hurried down and released steve's ankle restraints, and opened his pants. He slid the pants down, expertly, and pushed up steve's legs. When he did, steve saw that there were restraints on the ceiling.

"Yup. For ass toy play steve. You'll need to keep your legs in the air a while. For now though... " He began to slip his cock into steve, who gasped. Dan was much more engorged than that morning, and he had a little trouble adapting. Dan sensed it, and slowed down. "You ok, baby? We can stop if you're hurting. "NO sir. DON'T YOU DARE. RAM ME. PLEASE. I NEED TO KNOW WHO'S BOSS."

As soon as those words got out of his mouth, steve wondered where they came from. Was he breaking? Was he looking at his future as Master Dan's man wife?" Dan shoved all the way in and smiled. "GOOD steve. GOOD. You got me REAL excited today. Having you here, finally, is making me way more excited than I thought I would be. DAMN I WANT YOU SO BAD." Steve began to realize that yes, he loved this. He LOVED being taken by Dan. As Dan slid back and forth, he thought back to that first time. He hadn't even noticed Dan. Dan noticed HIM. He had a much better life now, in so many ways. He grunted as steve reached parts he hadn't reached that often. "MORE SIR. PLEASE. MORE SIR." Dan pumped harder and harder, and then, the explosion. Dan had his hand on Steve's growing cock, and soon, steve joined him.

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When they were finished, Dan left steve tied down. Steve didn't seem to mind. "Sir, that was a GREAT fuck." "It was.. " He bent down and kissed steve. "Thank you. " "He said thank you, after he fucked me" Steve was thinking. "this man is seductive." "you look so good tied up, I don't want to let you go. But I want a drink with you. And I want you to make it." "Yes sir. Let's go make martinis." Dan untied Steve. After steve got dressed, he tapped Dan on the shoulder. "Sir.. Can you wait just a minute?" "Sure steve. What's up?" Steve threw his arms around Dan, and hugged him. Hard. "I didn't tell the truth. I love you Sir." Dan smiled. "And I love you. And I'm gonna love you more after you make me my drink." They both laughed, as they walked to the kitchen, where Ivan had the alcohol out.

Steve decided he'd listen to what the other guys said. His resolve was weakening. Maybe it wouldn't be bad. Maybe it would even be good.

Next: Chapter 20

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