Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on Jun 29, 2020


When Dan woke up on the 1st, Steve wasn't in bed. That wasn't all that odd, because Steve still woke up as if he were going to work in the morning at the old firm. What WAS odd, was that his slave necklace was laying on the bed table, together with the collar Dan had given him. He hadn't taken those off, even when he was showering, since Dan put them on him. Dan rubbed sleep out of his eyes, and threw on a pair of briefs, just to keep away the cold. He found Steve at the breakfast table, in a robe Dan had given him for Christmas, drinking coffee, and looking very solemn.

"Hey handsome." Dan came over and kissed the top of Steve's head.

Steve reached out and stroked Dan's stubbly cheek, and smiled. "Hey. Happy New Year Dan."

"He called me 'Dan', not 'Sir," Dan thought to himself. He began to put things together.

"Something's up Steve. How about sharing. I'll go put on something decent."

Steve smiled. "You don't have to do that Dan."

"No, I better. It's cold, and I suspect this is going to take a little time."

Steve looked positively ill, and he was silent. Dan looked at him. "Steve, are you breaking up with me? If you are, you wouldn't be the first."

"No, that's not it, Dan. Not it at all, but if you wanted to break up with me after we talked, I wouldn't blame you."

Dan looked at him, and took Steve's hand. He squeezed it. "I'm listening. I promise I won't interrupt . I won't speak until you're done."

That didn't seem to change the sick look on Steve's face. "Dan, I'm thinking I rushed into things. Not the relationship with you . Let me be clear: I look forward to being in your bed every single night. Your kisses, your hugs, the way you play with me. All of that. If I can be crude, I LOVE being your bottom."

He paused. "The part where I'm having the problem , is the submissive part. I liked things the way they were going here, but you told me that, when we moved to Otokouomo, you'd be expecting me to be more submissive. I think you said once, you wanted me to be your traditional wife - a man wife."

"I did say that Steve. I was honest with you up front. From day one."

"I know, I know. And I know I begged you to let us move up there as soon as possible. I wanted to move up in the fall. I know all that. I know.." He almost seemed like he was crying. "But I'm having second, third, fourth, fifth votes about this. " He looked at Dan. "I can't do it. I'm sorry." Then he DID begin to cry.

It wasn't as if Dan hadn't anticipate it something like this, but he had let his guard down about things. Steve seemed so INTO this. He should have been more careful. He came over to Steve, held up his head, and kissed both of his teary eyes.

"Steve, it's ok. It's ok. This is a VERY big commitment. Remember? I also made you wait before we did it. If you don't want to go through with it, we won't. " Now Dan paused. "And no, I don't want to break up with you, because I feel exactly the way you do about the relationship. I love it. I love what we do together. I'll miss the dom aspect of things, but... " He paused and smiled at Steve "if my choice are having your ass without the dom part, or not having your ass at all, I'll take the first one."

Steve laughed. "I can always count on you to put things in perspective, Dan."

"So, what do you want to do, handsome? You want to stay here or move back to your place? You left work, so do you want to come to work for me."

Steve took a deep breath. "I don't want to move out Dan. I like living here. You live better than I do, and I love being around you. About the job... it's the holidays, and my boss is away. He'll be back in a week. I'll talk to him then. Do you mind if I freeload for a while?"

"Freeload as long as you want. I'll take it out in trade, big guy."

Steve laughed as Dan rubbed his shoulders. "How about I clean myself up and you get dressed." He nibbled Steve's ear. "Still wanna spend the day together? Maybe we'll go take a walk or something, look at the ornaments in Boys Town, whatever you want" "I'd like that Dan."

"Ok. You decide while I get cleaned up." As Dan walked out he was thinking "Time for Plan B."

He got himself showered, and got dressed. Then, he went into the side drawer of his bed table, where he had the little bottle of chloroform, and the cloth. When he came out, he saw Steve dressed. Those hot jeans, a white shirt, and a heavy Alpine sweater Gretchen had given him for Christmas. He was looking at something on the computer. Dan came up behind him. "Decide what you want to do sweetcakes."

"I did. I certainly want to spend it with you."

"Well, you will." Dan had soaked the cloth in the chloroform and, from behind, he covered Steve's face with it. Steve was bigger, but Dan was much stronger. In less than five minutes, Steve was out like a light.

"Glad you dressed warm, Steve. It's cold in the car. Backseat OR trunk."

Getting Steve out of the apartment wouldn't be a problem. He had plenty of restraints, and Juan was on the door today. A big tip would make sure that either the cameras went out for a minute, or Juan just saw Dan tossing out the Christmas tree. So, after he had Steve cuffed, gagged, and bound at the ankles, he took his first trip downstairs.

"Juan. I apologize. Every time I saw you at Christmas time, I didn't have my wallet with me." He handed Juan an envelope with 5 100 dollar bills in it. "belated happy holidays."

"Oh, same to you Mr. Dan. Are you and Mr. Steve still moving this weekend?"

Dan smiled. "I'm afraid that that's been postponed Juan. I'm going to take a trip myself. I may be away for a while."

"Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Dan. I liked him. You were so happy together."

"It's ok, Juan. We're going to stay together. Just not the way it was."

"Maybe that's better Mr. Dan."

Dan smiled. "Maybe it is."

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When Steve woke up, he had a headache. He tried to move his hands, and found he couldn't. He looked down, and saw his ankles tied. He felt the car moving. What the...


"Hey steve-o. You were out longer than I thought you would be. Hope you don't mind the cold. I tossed a blanket on ya, but you just started sweating so much."

"MMMPH M MMMPH MMMMMMMMMMPH.' Steve fought against the cuffs, even though he knew , it was hopeless.

"Gotta pee, handsome? We're gonna stop in about fifteen minutes. You can hold it until then, can't you?

"mmmmmmph." the last one came out almost like a cry.

"By the way, steve, I took your collar and chain with us. But we really won't need them for long. Now that it's gonna be permanent, there'll be a bigger, better one."

'MMMMMMMMMMPH" Why, oh why, hadn't he listened to Gretchen? He felt the car decelerating. Then it stopped. Dan got out and looked down at him. "I'm gonna take off the ankle restraints , so you can walk. Eventually, I'll take out the gag. the handcuffs stay on. Try to run if you can, but it's awfully snowy, and all you have are sneakers. And I know the land, you don't. "

Steve shook his head, weakly, as Dan dragged him out. He saw someone he vaguely remembered from Otokouomo, and a black car.

"Carmine, I'm glad you got here on time. It's fucking cold." "Tell me about it Master Dan." He looked at Steve. "Your new wife to be." Dan smiled, and Carmine continued "He's a hot one. Congratulations. " "Thanks. I didn't think it was gonna go this way, but you know, we go sideways as often as we go forward. Anyway.." He handed Carmine the keys to the car. "After we get steve in , let's go get the stuff. There isn't much. Then you can bring it back to New York." Dan looked at Steve. "Now, if you're gonna behave, I'll put you in front and take off the gag. You wanna be a pain in the ass, you go in the backseat, gagged. You want the passenger seat." Steve paused, and shook his head yes.

"Here's the stuff Sir. You're right, not much. " He shook Dan's head. "Best of luck. He's a big guy. I think you may be one of the only ones who could handle him."

When he got in the car, Dan untied the gag on Steve's mouth and began driving. "I know your arms hurt Steve. I won't tie you up for the rest of the day, once we get to home.


"Not happening Steve. To be honest, this is the way I always thought this would happen. You just made things difficult by getting into things so deeply."

"Why are you doing this to me Dan? I would've bottomed for you. 100%."

"But you said it best this morning, Steve. It's more than that. You're gonna be my man wife. And you're gonna love it."

"Didn't you tell me I'd have to agree to that?"

"I did."

"I'm not gonna agree to that. EVER." Dan laughed. "You've changed your mind before. Even this morning."

Steve was silent for the rest of the trip. When they drove through the gates, the guard smiled. "Happy New Year Master Dan. You got your wife with you?"

"I do. Something he'll be saying soon enough."

'FUCK THAT' Steve yelled.

The guard laughed. "I'm a sub just like you so that's ok. Better not sass a Master like that."

When they got to the house, and Dan pulled Steve out, Steve saw the guys who had met with him on one of his first visits.

"Welcome brother steve." one of them said and put his hands on steve's shoulders. Steve squirmed but Dan held him fast. "In time, you'll be one of us. A Master chose you. You should feel honored. " Then he looked at Dan. "Master Dan, we've cleared the steps so that you can cross the threshold in traditional manner."

Dan smiled. "Thank you. I will do so." He was so strong, he had no problem picking steve up, and tossing him over his shoulder. His hand was firmly on Steve's ass, as he whispered. "This belongs to me now. As it should." A second greeter opened the door, and he carried steve in. The door closed.

"Turn around steve. I'll take the cuffs off." Dan unlocked the cuffs. Steve wanted to charge at him, but he knew better.

"I DON'T WANT THIS DAN." Dan smiled. "I'm giving you that one free. Hereafter, I am Sir, or Master. Should you forget, it will be added to the list of your rewards and punishments for a given day. "

'WHAT? That's like fucking grade school" Dan smiled. "Yes, it is. But it's effective. He turned and called "IVAN!"

The housekeeper Steve remembered came out of another room. "Happy New Year Master Dan. Welcome brother steve. We've been waiting for you anxiously."

"It's been a long trip, and I'm going to the bedroom, to refresh and retire. Steve, having you share my bed would delight me to no end; however, if as I expect you choose not to, Ivan has prepared sleeping quarters for you."

That was something steve did not expect. Now, he didn't know what to do. The thought of having Dan's cock excited him, but..."

"Take off your sweater Steve."

With Ivan and Dan circling him, Steve complied. His white shirt had gotten wrinkled, and untucked on the trip. It was one that Dan had gotten for him, and it was tight. His nips pointed through the fabric, and that's where Dan went now. Steve began to pull away, but both the thought of his position, and the thought of how good Dan's touch was, kept him rooted to the spot, as Dan played with them.

"MMMMM. " Steve began to moan. He realized he had thought about things like this on the trip up: how being in Dan's bed was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to him.

"If I share your bed, is it as a sub?" Dan looked at him. "If I share your bed, SIR, is it as a sub?"

Dan smiled. "For now, it is as a bottom. The rule here, steve, is that you must take a vow of submission in front of the other subs. Until then, you are a bottom. You will not wear the collar of submission, but you will be recognized as my bottom, and you may not be taken by any of the other Masters without my permission."

"And what happens if I submit.... SIR?"

"Then no Master may even ask for permission to have you."

Steve paused. He turned to Ivan. "show me my room, please Ivan."

Dan smiled. "Very well. You will come around."

"This way, brother steve." Ivan pointed toward the basement. As they walked toward there, Steve ran for the door, and grabbed the handle. It was locked , and an electric charge went through him.

'AAAAAAAAAH." Dan pushed a button. "I don't think you'll try that again. I will see you in the morning." He turned to go upstairs to his bedroom.

"Come brother Steve. There's much new to assimilate."

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Ivan showed steve to one of the cells in the basement . The cell contained a closet, filled with clothes. "Master Dan ordered them about six weeks ago. They show his taste. He'll be sending instructions on what you should wear every day." There was also a small entertainment center, with a television, a stereo, a bookcase, but no computer. Also, a private bath, and then a sleeping area.

"This will be where you will stay, as you like, brother Steve. During the day, the door will be left opened, and you'll be free to come and go as you like. Master Dan has specifically requested that you have an open invitation to dine with him when he does, but if you choose not to, there will be ample choices for you. At night, when Master Dan retires, you'll be asked to return to the room, and the door will be locked, until he gives the instructions to open it."

Steve began to cry again. Ivan put his arm around him. "Brother steve, you will have to trust me. There are men in this community who wish that Master Dan had taken them. He is a very strict, traditional, but kind Master. I can speak from one experience of his prowess in bed. You are lucky to have him. From my point of view, you would be well served to reconsider your resistance."

Steve reached into his pocket. His wallet and cell phone were gone. "I'm afraid there is very little signal here, because of the mountains, brother Steve, and you will have no need of the other materials. For us, you are brother Steve, and hopefully, soon, Man wife steve.

He began to chuckle now. "It seems that your community has thought of everything." 'We ARE thorough brother steve. " He looked at Steve's face. "You are reconsidering tonight. May I make suggestions?" Steve looked at him, and said, in a low voice. "I would appreciate it Ivan."

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Dan was at his computer, checking inventory and sales at the end of the year. His novelties were always popular as holiday gifts, and this year was no exception He was lost in thought when there was a knock at the entrance of the room. He looked up, and Steve was standing there, in an untucked, pink buttondown oxford, a pale colored pair of pants, his hands thrust deep into his pocketes. He smiled.


Dan got up. "Steve. I'm glad you came upstairs." "Thank you sir." Dan approached, took steve's wrists and put them behind his back, and began rubbing his stubble on Steve's neck. "OH. GOD. That feels so good Sir." Dan just kept on doing it. Then he moved to Steve's ear. "FUCK. OH FUCK. I love when you do this Sir." And this, huh? Dan shoved his tongue down Steve's throat, and he groped Steve's crotch. He was hard. "You want cock, sweetheart? "Yes Sir. Please give me your cock."

"This way, handsome." Dan put Steve on the bed, as he had so many other times. He went back to his neck and ears, and then began opening his shirt. Once he had enough of steve's chest exposed, he began licking, nibbling and scruffing his nips. "I thought about that last night of fucking steve. I thought I'd have to wait, or visit the brothel. I'm honored that you are giving me your ass."

"Please fuck me Sir. Please. Don't make me sleep in the cell." "If you choose not to sleep in the cell, you are free to sleep here." He undid the belt on steve's chinos. Then he slipped them down and saw that steve had not put on underwear. He smiled. "I'm going to taste you, handsome.." He bent steve's knees and brought his tongue to steve's ass. The moan that came out was so loud that Ivan, cleaning up some last minute items, smiled. "Yes, it will take a little time, but he'll be one of us."

"Time." Dan dropped his own pants, and his cock was engorged, and thick. He began taking steve. "My handsome accountant. I will always be your first. " Dan pinned steve's wrists down as he kissed him, and began pushing into him, little by little. The stress of the day had made steve very tight, but he yielded now, as his lover took him. As he pumped his cock into Steve's ass, Dan looked at steve's chest and thought "perhaps I will claim his fur as his dowry when he becomes my man wife. " He was confident that it would happen. The heavier collar, with the lock , would wait. He knew, however, that Steve had become a slave to his cock.

"the last one took 3 days to come to my bed," he thought. "But this one is different." He thought of the ceremony when steve would take him. It brought him to the edge and he filled steve with his jizz.

"I'm afraid that, at least for now, steve, as a bottom, you do not get to jizz. That is on the list of proscriptions you'll receive tomorrow. I didn't think you would come to me tonight, so we didn't go over them."

"I understand Sir. Will you be gentle with me tonight?" "Yes. I'm satisfied. I'll hold you in my arms, and let you sleep, This is probably a harder day for you, then the day I took you the first time." He kissed Steve, and cradled him into his arms, as they fell asleep. Steve's brain was all over. It took him a while to sleep, but the familiar feel of Dan's arms, strong, secure, and loving, carried him to slumber

Next: Chapter 19

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