Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on Jun 22, 2020


Gentle readers, we're now going to advance this story line forward more than a couple of months. When we left Dan and steve, they had just made dinner for steve's cousin Gretchen, and Dan got her approval. Two months after that, steve began reminding Dan that they had been living together for nearly 3 months, and it was time to start thinking about the move to Otokouomo. In fact, Dan had been thinking about it carefully. He wanted it, but the calendar said "conflict." It was mid October. If they left in the near future, Thanksgiving and Christmas were right in front of them. When he took steve to Otokouomo this time, he wasn't letting him return. Trying to do this at holiday time was a challenge he wasn't really afraid of, but he saw an easier path. The discussion that mid October day, in the park, watching the leaves begin to fall, was sweet and to the point.

"I know you want to go. I do too steve. The leaves are GORGEOUS right now. It's not the time." "But Sir, you said three months. It's been 2.5" Dan laughed "I expected my hot accountant to be keeping good records." He hugged him. "I know it's 2 and a half. Believe me. I am probably the only person who wants to go back more than you do. It's not the right time." "Why not? I'm ready. I'll quit the job tomorrow. There's time for a going away party. " Dan held steve's hand, and squeezed it tight. "But Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and then there's Christmas. You know what a hassle it is to get there." "I only know it's long Sir. I've been asleep both times. " Dan laughed. "True. But how long was long. Five hours? Six hours?" "About that Sir." "And we went at non holiday time. It's really, REALLY hard to get back in the city from there at holiday time: don't forget weather, and all that stuff." "True. I didn't think about that Sir." He put his arm around steve. "So, how about this? I know how important the family is to you. How about..., we spend the end of the year here, you take care of your holiday obligations, and then, right after the New Year starts... we'll make a clean break of it. Resign for the start of the year, so you get any bonuses coming to you, spend the time with your family, and then we'll make our move. " Steve sighed. "You think of everything sir. I guess I'm good at numbers, but not planning." Dan didn't say anything, he just smiled internally. Yup, he thought of everything.

So, steve tendered his resignation at the beginning of December, effective for the new year. There was a going away party, and steve insisted that Dan come to it. He did. Dan was standing there, at the side, as steve was chatting with his buddies. "He's beautiful," he thought to himself. "Sort of like a cross between an actor, and an athlete. I could fuck him all day."

"Hey, I think I know you." A man came over, and shook Dan's hand.... "Ultimate fighting... aren't you...." Dan smiled "I'm The Giant Killer, but my name is Dan. Nice to meet you." "I'm Herb. I've worked with steve for about ten years. " "That's impressive. This place is a hard one to work at I hear." "Yeah, but we deal. So, Steve is such a geek, like me." he laughed. "How do the two of you know each other?" "Oh, we met at a party, a little less than a year ago. Steve probably has it down to the hour." He smiled at steve who saw him across the room. "And you stayed friend?" "More than that Herb." Steve had come over. "Dan is my lover." He kissed Dan in front of Herb, who wasn't the only person who saw it. "OH. I'm, I'm sorry. I didn't know." Steve laughed. "No, I kept it really quiet because, well, I just didn't want folks to get all excited over something that's really private. But I talked this man into moving and , well, that's what's gonna happen. That's why I'm gettin' outta Dodge." "Well, what're you gonna do steve, you never stop working." "Oh, " Dan answered. "I'm gonna insist that he take a little bit of a break and then steve's gonna join my company. I need an accountant to take care of the business end of things. Steve looked at my books and turned green." "Kinda true," Steve laughed. "THAT was not a friendly kiss. Steve, you SNEAK" a large dark haired woman came up. "Hi. I'm Jewel. Nice to meet you. You must be Dan" "Guilty as charged Jewel." "I asked Steve about the picture in his office. I'm the office manager, so I'm around a lot." She laughed. "That pale skin, he turned red as a tomato. But he told me." Dan could see Steve was getting uncomfortable, so he put his arm around him. "I'm getting a good man, that's for sure. He just didn't want to disrupt the business with everyone talking about what steve was doing. " He hugged steve "Your loss is my gain." "It is Dan. You're getting a REALLY fine man. One of the best. " She leaned in and gave Steve a kiss. "I wish you the best of luck hon. I don't know this guy Dan, but damn, as we used to say about the priests "whatta waste." Dan laughed and Steve looked puzzled. "I'll explain at home later. It's an old expression."

That night, as they ate dinner at a local place, steve asked. "So, whatta waste?" "It's a compliment babe. It means that we're both so attractive that women losing us to each other, is a shame. They need more attractive, nice men." "Well, I guess that is a compliment. Jewel was always good to me. Tried to fix me up two or three times too." Dan laughed. "Well, it doesn't surprise me. I would've expected her to go after you herself." "She did. We went on one date. Not a good fit." Dan started to laugh. "Yeah, I could see that."

"So.... sir..." steve began to play with Dan's foot under the table. "What's the plan?"

"Ok, so how about this. It's actually pretty easy to drive on the 1st, because everyone's in. How's about... we get an early start on traveling, celebrate a belated New Year's when we're settled in? " Steve smiled. "You mean that don't you? Just pick up and go?" "Sure do. I know you have another 3 months on your lease. Keep it. Just don't renew it. We've got this place for coming back. For packing... you know, you've got clothes up at my place and we've got everything else. And my Christmas present to you was gonna be a shopping spree. So, how's about you just pack a small bag of your personal stuff: the things you need for your heart. You know, family photos, trophies, etc? You won't really need anything else, and if you forget something, I can send Ivan when he makes a run to the stores."

"Ivan comes down, Sir?" "About once ever 4-5 weeks. Checks inventory, lets me know what the stores are doing. Stays at the apartment, comes back, and then goes back to housekeeping for me." "So, you stayed in NYC just for me." "pretty much handsome." Steve smiled. "You know, I still have trouble thinking that someone would do that for me." "Stop thinking that way. You have one person who does. How many more do you need?" Another smile. "I think you're enough. More than enough. Now how about we say goodnight, you take me home and fuck me?" "Isn't that a little uppity for a bottom?" "Sorry. Now how about we say goodnight, you take me home, and fuck me SIR?" Dan smiled. "MUCH better." And he did.

Life for Steve, at Dan's, pretty much followed a regular pattern. Morning's were frantic, although now that he had tendered his resignation, he was relaxing more. They would make out, and sometimes Dan would demand a blow job in the morning, but the real fun would start after work. Dan had taken charge of choosing all of Steve's clothes: what he wore to work, what he changed into when he came home, what he wore when they went out, etc. His work wardrobe was pretty much what it always was, but Dan dressed him in dark, rich colors when he came home - just before he tied him up and played with him before an afternoon fucking. Sometimes there would be a game: Steve was the forensic accountant, captured, and tortured until he gave up information, or the coach who was grabbed by a closeted father of one of his students, and turned into a sex slave. Today, though, Dan was playing one of Steve's favorite games: torment and edging.

In torment and edging, Dan would tie steve to the bondage chair - the high backed chair they used specially for games. Then, he would work his nips, or take out the hitachi and tease steve's crotch, scruff his neck, until steve was moaning, hard. Then, Dan would force him to strip, and spread eagle him on the bed. That's where they were now. Dan had taken steve's briefs and shoved them in his mouth, and sealed that with a big piece of duct tape. He had a small pastry brush, and he was rubbing it, back and forth, over Steve's very sensitive feet.

"MMMMPH MMMMPH MMMMPH" was all steve could muster, as he tried desperately to laugh. "Hmmm. SOMEONE seems to like this." Steve's cock was rock hard, and Dan moved the pastry brush to his cock head, and he teased it with the bristles. "Who's gonna get FUCKED today? I wonder who? Hmmm. Got any ideas steve?" "MMPH MMMPH MMMMPH. " The sounds became higher pitched, and even more high pitched when Dan tickled steve's feet AND cock at the same time. Steve was ready to burst. Dan had tickled his feet and his cock before, but never at the same time. Then he saw him take out the nipple clamps.

"HEE HEE HEEE stevie. HEE HEE HEEE. You know , you would look SO hot with little bars through your nips. Little tiny bars." "MMMPH MMMPH MMMPH." This time, steve was trying to say "NO," even though he knew that, at some point, this was inevitable. Dan had told him that part of the deal with being his sub in Otokouomo was going to involve either chastity, or piercing, or tattoos. Dan really wanted the piercing, but he was going to let steve choose.

Dan lay down next to Steve and began licking his ear. He whispered "love it when you're like this steve boy. Can't argue with me. Can't get away. Can't give me ANY trouble at all. " He kissed steve on his chin, which always drove steve wild. He began tickling his pits. "You know, I LOVE your chest hair steve boy, but maybe, just maybe, we oughtta shave these. What do you think?" The tickling was driving steve nuts. You could see it in his eyes, and the way his cock was trembling. That's when Dan grabbed it, and began slowly jerking it. VERY slowly jerking it. Steve began to pump his hand, and Dan let go. If someone could whine through a gag, that's what steve was doing.

"What are those noises sweetie? You wanna cum? " Steve shook his head yes, hard. "HUH?" Dan grabbed Steve's balls. "You wanna cum before your topman does? We can't have that. He undid Steve's ankle restraints, and lifted up his legs. "OH, that's such a pretty hole. It's pretty every time I fuck it. You wanna get FUCKED steven?" Another vigorous set of "yesses" with a shaking head. "Let me hear it. " He pulled off the gag. "FUCK ME SIR. PLEASE PLEASE FUCK ME." "Why? So you can have permission to shoot?" "NO Sir. Because you like it. Because you love shooting in me. PLEASE. PLEASE USE ME LIKE THE BITCH I AM." Dan smiled. "My bitch now, my wife soon." "YES SIR. YES SIR. YOUR CUNT. YOUR CUNT FOR EVERY DAY." Dan rammed in without mercy. He was very horny himself that day. The bed shook: both men were big, and strong, and with the gag off, Steve's howls of pleasure, were loud and deep. When Dan finally came, and the buckets of it filled his man, he screamed too. Then a second set of yells, when Dan brought off Steve.

"FUCK SIR. That was awesome. Some of the hottest sex we've ever had." "I know" Dan answered. "I was thinking about life after the New Year." "Me too Sir. I can't wait. I want this so bad." Dan didn't say anything, but just kissed Steve gently.

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Before they knew it, the holiday season was upon them. Dan was grateful for the invitations to Thanksgiving and Christmas with Steve's family, but he declined them both. He insisted though, that steve was going to spend New Year's eve with him. He had steve fitted for a tuxedo, and they were at a club, in boys' town, which had a very exclusive membership. It was just the two of them, and steve's excitement about leaving the next day, was palpable.

"How about a slow dance, handsome?" Dan took steve to the dance floor as the band played a slow waltz. "Oh, I don't know how to dance Sir." "I do. and just follow. " Dan laughed. "I'm gonna lead, which shouldn't surprise you." As he held Steve close to him, steve whispered in his ear "marry me Sir. Please." Dan pulled back and looked at him. He smiled. "Of course, " before he hugged him again. Their kiss as the New Year fell was deep and long. A young man, at a table with three other people looked, before he turned to his date. "WOW" he whispered. "that kiss is hot." "You're gonna get one too Joey." His boyfriend, old enough to be his granfather, smiled. "happy new year angel boy," and gave the young man the hottest kiss he had ever had in his life.

Back at home, Dan and steve continued to neck on the sofa. Dan had managed to get their bow ties off , and Steve's shit opened. He was working on steve's nips, before steve looked at him. "I want you to be the FIRST man to fuck me in the year." Dan smiled. "I'm gonna be the ONLY man to fuck you in the New Year. " "Let me get you hard and wet Sir."' "How about harder and wetter steven." "I'll do what I can." The two fucked for about two hours, before they fell off to sleep. Dan had set the alarm for noon. It would give him plenty of time to make sure that Steve had fallen back asleep, before the move to Otokouomo. Steve's bag of personal stuff was already in the car, and he had arranged with Ivan for the second car to be waiting for them, and where. In just a little while, he'd have his prize. It took longer than he thought it would, but who knew he would actually fall in love with the man he intended to be his sub?

Next: Chapter 18

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