Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on Jun 16, 2020


Moving in with Dan had been the first step, and now, Steve was a full fledged member of the gym Dan attended. They had agreed that they would NOT go at the same time, for many reasons. That's why on Saturday morning, Steve was pulling himself together, after a work out. He wanted to get home and help Dan with the dinner preparation. After wrangling over several weeks, Gretchen had time on her schedule, as did they, and she was coming over for her promised meatloaf dinner that night. 8pm. Dan looked up from where he was chopping onions in the kitchen when he heard Steve walk in the door. "Hey," greeted Steve, his usual greeting. He paused, watching Dan work, smiling.

Dan looked up and saw his sweaty boyfriend standing there. "Well, aren't YOU a sight..." He washed his hands, and came out. "Good workout? " He kissed Steve flat on the lips. "Great workout Sir. " Dan slipped his hand under Steve's workout shirt. The cold from washing his hands hadn't left yet, and Steve jumped. "OOOO. Cold Sir" Dan slipped his hand further up Steve's shirt. "Such a wimp. I love having sex with a guy after the gym. Know why?" Steve gave a goofy grin. "No Sir." Dan took Steve's wrists and pinned them behind him. "Well, it's because with all the sweat, the guy's ass is usually lubricated already. I can slide in easier. Get in further.. " He moved his mouth to Steve's ear "Fuck the guy really, REALLY hard. Especially when I didn't get my morning blowjob."

Steve gasped out "I can take care of that now Sir," and Dan's answer was "you're gonna take care of my cock a lot more than that, handsome. " He nudged Steve toward the bedroom. "Don't you need to cook?" Steve teased. "Like you, studboi, I have the kitchen under control." He pushed Steve down on the bed, and pushed up his shirt. "MMMM. Salty sweat. Makes nipples even tastier..." Dan began to lick around Steve's aureoles, teasing him, looking at those blue eyes wondering when Dan's teeth were going to get involved - something he loved. He began to moan, and to squirm.

"You like the electric toothbrushes, steve-o?" Dan had used them on steve a couple of times, including the night before. "Not my favorite Sir, but I love how aroused you get." "Know what else arouses me? Seeing you smile. Seeing you walk around without a shirt. GRRRRR. Just seeing you.." He gently pushed his knee into steve's crotch, as he moved his chin to Steve's neck. Dan hadn't shaved yet, so his scruff was sharp and 'lethal' "OH YEAH. OH GOD that does it to me every time Sir." It may have been his very soft, sensitive skin, but they had learned that Dan did have to be temperate when he scruffed steve. Just a little too much could leave a burn, and just a little too much could, well, bring steve off. So, after he had done a little scruff work, Dan moved to Steve's ear, and nibbled, licked, whispered "Fuckbottom" and got an answer "Oh, YES sir. YOUR fuck bottom. "

Steve had kicked off his sneakers while Dan was working his neck, so it was easier to slip off his shorts. After he did that, Dan went back up to Steve's face and kissed him. He kissed him about a half dozen times, with little pecks, before he Frenched Dan deep. More moans. Kissing was another thing steve loved. There was very little Dan did that he didn't at least like. Kissing was at the top of the list. Dan's tongue just made him nuts, wherever he used it. He began to think: can I ask? Can I?"

"Sir.. tongue me. Please. I know I'm wet, but... tongue me, PLEASE..."

Dan chuckled, as he began more nip play. "All depends. Whatcha gonna give me in return?" Helpless, Steve moaned, but he got out "how about a nice slow blowjob before bed tonight, Sir?" "I think that's a fair trade." Dan slid down and pulled up those big long legs. "My giraffe man," he used to tease steve. Then he began licking around Steve's balls, the base of his cock, and then, after warming up steve, he pushed his butt cheeks up, and dove in.

"AAAAAAAAH, " Steve yelled, making Dan laugh. "Maybe I need to gag you before doing that, handsome." "Sir, I'm so sensitive there today. Maybe it was the squats, maybe it was... AAAAAAGH." He didn't get to finish, because Dan went back. And he wasn't stopping. The way steve was writhing, and moaning, was getting Dan so worked up, he didn't want it to end. His cock was telling him something different, and so was steve.

"OH SIR. OH SIR. That feels so good, but I want your cock. I want that TOP MAN cock in me. All the way. DEEP. Please SIR. I need to know who's in charge. FUCK MEEEEEEE"

"Hmmm. Was this stress about the dinner? Probably. " Dan was thinking. Steve was an avid , perhaps ravenous, bottom, but this morning was exceptional. He began pushing his cock into steve.

'HARDER YOU FUCKING TOPMAN. HARDER. FASTER. MAKE IT HURT" "WOW. Dan was thinking. " "You want it to hurt bottom ? YOU GOT IT" Dan had in fact used his cock to punish bottoms before, and he used those techniques now, He had strong lower body strength and he pushed, and he pushed hard.

OH YEAH. YEAH. DO IT. MAKE ME HURT SIR. MAKE ME KNOW MY PLACE." "YOUR PLACE IS UNDERNEATH ME MANBITCH. ALWAYS. " 'FUCK YEAH SIR. FUCK YEAH. OH SHIT. OH SHIT. YOU ALWAYS DO THIS TO ME SIR.. I CANT I CANT..." Dan smiled, grabbed Steve's cock, and aimed it at his face. Two or three lacings caught Steve on his face as he moaned. Dan looked at him. "you ready?"

"Yes sir. FILL ME. BREED ME. " Dan flattened on top of Steve and then pushed once. He didn't scream because, at that point, he was truly overwhelmed by the way steve felt about him, and he shot much more than he usually did. He grabbed steve and held him tight. He whispered into steve's ear "I've had other men. I've never felt so strongly about any of them. I want you. I want you all the time."

Steve looked him right in the eye. "And you have it. I'm yours. 24/7. Or more.

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"So what else are you making besides the meatloaf, Sir?" Steve asked a few hours later.

"Well, Gretchen told me her favorite meal is the meatloaf with creamed spinach, and mashed potatoes. So that's dinner. I'm going to surprise her with some fancy sausage canapes with drinks.

"OH yeah, did you get that wine she likes?" Dan laughed. "The swill she gets at the restaurant? She told me she HATES that wine, but she doesn't want to show she doesn't know anything about it, so she asked me to pick. We've got some good stuff, trust me. And I refilled on that scotch you like in case she's a lover of it like you.

"It's all sounding good. " With someone taking care of him, Steve's sweet tooth had emerged and he asked "Dessert? She's going to say she doesn't like it, but..." "I know, I know. I'm beginning to understand this Swedish love/hate thing with desserts. We're having strawberry shortcake. She can say it's fruit, and put on as much whipped cream as she wants." Dan turned back to doing stuff in the kitchen and he felt Steve's arms around his middle. "Whipped cream... MMMM. Know what my favorite whipped cream is ? Yours Sir. Your sweet cream." Dan spun around smiling. "And you're gonna get your share, after your cuz heads back home. I promise. " He moved Steve's hand down to his cock. "See? I may be old, but I'm not dead. And after you change... well, I may need to change too."

"OH, YEAH. What do you want me to wear?" "How about the beautiful dark blue shirt? And dark green pants? Or jeans. You pick that. How formal is she gonna be?" "You doing your usual buttondown Sir?" "I am, but so we don't look like the Bobsey Twins, I'm doing white instead of blue. " He grinned, "I'll roll the sleeves. You'll get my hairy arms all through dinner." Steve LOVED the hair on Dan's arms. He would sit there, sometimes, and just kind of play with it, or nibble Steve's forearm, or just run his hands over it. "My big bear," he would croon, before Dan attacked him. He loved it. "So, how do I look?" Steve came out of the bedroom, in the blue shirt. He had left only one button opened, since Gretchen was coming over, and he had left the shirt untucked. "I can tuck it in if she looks more formal than I remember her from dinner parties."

Dan put down the tray of shortcake he was making, and walked slowly toward Dan. "When you wear that shirt... EVERYTHING in me gets set off. Know what? I thought I could never be as turned on by you as I was that first night, when you were in full geek mode. But now, when you're in sexy bottom mode..." He grabbed Steve and pushed his head forward. His tongue went down Steve's throat and he was keeping it there, listening to Steve moan, and try to get more air, before they heard the intercom ring.

"It's Gretch. She's always early. She's gonna check out the house." Dan greeted Gretchen at the door. She had a big bouquet of hyacinths in her hand - blue and pink. "Someone told me that these were the right flowers for you guys. Divide them in different rooms. They smell sweet, but strong. " She looked at her cousin. "THERE HE IS.... GOD YOU LOOK GOOD." Steve's smile when he saw her was one Dan wished he had captured in a photo. There were more photos that night, but that one, was "the one that got away." Gretchen was an amazingly wonderful guest. She ate everything, fawned where it was appropriate, and when she praised the wine, and Dan offered her a bottle of each, she didn't say no. Dan found himself thinking "you know, if they allowed women in Otokouomo, I'd want to bring her." "So, I know about your athletic career Dan. Do you know about Steve's?" Steve looked like he knew what was coming and he blushed. "NO. He told me he never did sports in his life." She laughed. "Not TEAM sports, or combat like you, but Steve was a cross country runner. Seems to be built into Scandinavian blood lines. We all run." "I did notice his stamina" Dan said. Steve caught the joke and gave him a dirty look "No, I'm serious. He used to do 8,9, 10 miles a day." "I was trying to run away from home." "And you did , darling, you did." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx Like Steve said, the love/hate relationship with desserts came out when they got to the end of dinner. "Oh, no, please. A single gal my age can't afford more calories than I just had." "Gretchen, it's strawberry shortcake. It's fruit," Dan smiled. she was silent for a minute. "You know, Dan, you're right. Fruit's good for you. Light on the whipped cream though." Steve had to laugh, especially when she stuck her spoon in the bowl to get more, halfway through dessert.

Dan had made two extra meatloaves. One to freeze for home, and one to send with Gretchen. "Use it as a doorstop if you like, or poison someone with it, but since you like it so much." 'SHARE IT? Are you kidding? Ever hear of a meatloaf omelet?" "Uh, no." "ME EITHER. But that's breakfast tomorrow." She started laughing. When Gretchen made those crazy comments, Steve just went along. When he started smiling at her laugh this time, Dan caught it.

"OK everyone, selfie time. Each of us take one of the three of us. Everyone sends it to everyone else."

On her way out, Gretchen hugged Steve. "I wish you the greatest happiness, Steve. It looks like you found it. Just be careful. Please . For me." "Always Gretch. Always. Mom. Sister. Cousin. Friend." The two of them were tearing up a little. Dan had already said his goodbyes, and he left them and went into the kitchen.

It was about ten minutes later that Steve was at the door of the kitchen. "Hey." He stood there, hands in his pockets, leaning slightly. "Well, I think that went well, don't you, Steve." "It. was. . PERFECT. You know, Dan, I think I love her even more than I did . Hyacinths. She did her research. They're the gayest flower around." "I know. I guess that's the way you subtle Swedes tell people things." "Well, I'm not going to be subtle now, Sir. I want some more cream."

Dan smiled an evil grin. "I guess the dishes can wait until tomorrow morning." Steve laughed. "Even MY stamina won't hold that long. Maybe an hour?" He came in and put his hand on his man's crotch. "Give that to me Sir. Please." Dan kissed his ear and whispered. "The living room. Not here. Too dangerous."

Steve got on his knees in front of the place that Dan claimed as "his seat." "Open my zipper, boi" "Yes sir," Steve moved his hands over, and Dan pushed them away. "NO. With your mouth." He saw the flash of a smile from Steve, who loved being dominated like this. "Yes sir. I'll try." He had actually become very good at this, and the word play was part of their game. He got Dan's zipper opened, and then nuzzled his cock with his face. His tongue moved over Dan's jock and then he looked up. "May I Sir?" Dan shook his head yes. Steve pulled down the jock and sighed. "GOD it's beautiful SIR. Makes my mouth water more than your meatloaf. He dropped his mouth over his lover's cock, and began to slide back and forth. "OH GOD MY SWEET MAN. DO ME GOOD." Dan began to moan, as steve worked his tongue around the curves of Dan's cock. Dan threw his head back and just swooned. The man had learned so much. He was SO good at this." Dan leaned forward and put his hand in Steve's slave necklace. "This man belongs to me. ALL of him." Steve looked up for a minute to say "Yes sir. I'm yours." Then he went back to work. His tongue danced over Dan's cockhead, and then he slid his whole mouth down, taking the cock that used to choke him. He wanted to go on, and on, but he could feel Dan hardening, and his moans getting darker, and more frequent.

"I"m gonna shoot steve boi. I'm gonna SHOOT. AHHHHH." He felt his jizz going down Steve's throat, and Steve grabbing every drop.

"KISS ME YOU FUCKER. KISS ME." Dan yelled and took the big man on his lap, kissing him deeply. He hugged Steve and laughed. "I know how you are. I better get up and get those dishes done. Leaving them until tomorrow is not an option.

"Not if you want my ass tomorrow Sir."

Those dishes got done. Fast.

Next: Chapter 17

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