Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on Jun 12, 2020


It was 12:50, and Dan was sitting in the restaurant , waiting for Gretchen. Steve had told him that tardiness was one of Gretchen's pet peeves, and he didn't want to start this meeting badly. (In fact, he didn't much care what Gretchen thought: he was going to have Steve the way he wanted him, but he didn't want Steve to be out of sorts and cranky because of Gretchen). He was sitting with his back to the door - another one of Gretchen's idiosyncracies - she liked to see the door - so he didn't see her come in, but he heard a more feminine version of Steve's voice. He turned, and waved his hand. Gretchen. She smiled and came over. Steve held out his hand. "Gretchen. So glad to finally meet you. I'm Dan. I hope it's ok to use first names." As she shook his hand, Gretchen smiled and thought internally "points. He asked without presuming he could use them." "They're fine. Easier to remember. I feel the same way. " She made a small joke. "Now I know my cousin isn't dating a gnome."

Dan laughed. "You know, I think you may have given us our Halloween costumes Gretchen. Steve's so tall, and then there's yours truly. We could be characters from Scandinavian mythology." She smiled "I'm sure everyone will understand who you are." The waiter came by with menus and asked about drinks. Gretchen, of course, ordered her usual. Dan looked up. "The lady knows what's good here, so let me try a glass of what she's drinking." "Trust. She thought to herself. More points." Gretchen unquestionably had an agenda. She had a list of questions, and they were written down, but she wouldn't pull it out . She had them memorized. Let them get into lunch first, and then she'd ask. The waiter came over. Of course, he went to Gretchen first, and she told him she hadn't made up her mind, could he start with Dan.

"Uh, the spaghetti with clams. Are they in the shell or out?" He had just asked the same question Gretchen asked at every lunch. "Oh, of course they're in the shell, Sir. " "Then that's what I'll have."

"I think I'll have the same."

Gretchen gave him a look. "Did Steve tell you about that?" "About what?" "About how I won't eat the pasta if the clams aren't in the shell? I ask them every time?' "Well, no. All he told me is not to be late because you hate it when people are." "Hmmm," she thought to herself. She actually believed him. She was liking him better. "I mean, Gretchen, I know, it's just pasta, but it's 12 cents of pasta and 3 dollars worth of claims, and it's 16.00. I'd like to know they ARE clams." "You know, Steve hates clams." "I know. He told me they give him the skeevs. For what it's worth, I hate salmon." "ME TOO." The teenager in her came out for a minute. "And that's what he eats here. EVERY TIME." Dan laughed. "Every restaurant it's either salmon or a statement like "there's no salmon on the menu, should I ask?" "Are you breaking him of that?" "Trying, but this is gonna take a while. I think I got him to eat chicken and meat loaf. " "meat loaf is one of my favorites, I just can't order it in a restaurant." "Well, maybe you can eat it at my place. Can you come for dinner some time?" Gretchen didn't expect the invitation. "Yes. I think I could. I'd love to come."

"So, you're wondering about the two of us. Can I speak for a bit Gretchen? I don't want you to be nervous or anxious about this. I just want you to know 'where I am' with this relationship. I spent a fair amount of time thinking about it beforehand, and maybe I can answer the list of questions you have in your purse." She blushed. "How did you know?" "Because Steve makes a list and puts them in his wallet before meetings."

She smiled. "Ok. I'll be quiet. I'll ask my questions afterward. I promise." "Thank you. First, the big question: am I in love with your cousin." He sighed. "I'd be lying if I said I were. I'm GETTING there, but I'm not there yet. I AM totally in LUST with him, and I like him way more than usual, but love? Love is hard to explain, it's something I FEEL, and I don't feel it 100% yet. I'm sorry if that's a disappointing answer, but it's the truth. I won't lie to you." "No, I appreciate that. Does Steve know you feel that way?" He paused "Steve is new to this. He thinks he's in love. He's not, he's in deep infatuation. So I don't say "I love you." I say "I love you too," when he says he loves me, so he understands, maybe, that I love him as HE understands love. Have I told him 'I don't love you yet?" No. And I won't."

"Please don't. He overreacts to those things. He thinks asking him out meant you love him." "He's new to this. It's sweet. I've never been with a beginner, but it's also a challenge. I have to think of all the things that I'd normally do, and rethink them."

"So you met at one of those awful parties?" "Yeah, I went because I was invited by the host. Someone who used to promote my fights when I was younger. " He smiled "Truth is, I saw this handsome, tall man off to the side, who was constantly getting ragged by his business associates, and honestly, I was just looking for someone to talk to. That's when, well, the lust bug bit me and I was interested"

Gretchen smiled again. "I'm glad you're being so honest with me Dan. I hate deceit." He replied "If I start weaving stories, I'm gonna eventually say something that's gonna give it away. You're much sharper than the usual person. You probably rip the lace and decorations off of anything you buy because it's not practical . I do the same thing."

She paled a bit. "Did Steve tell you I do that?" "No, but I can tell. You've got on pearls and a wrist watch, there are no gee gaws on your dress. What you see is what you get. I kinda hope you feel that way about me." "I'm getting there. Tell me about this thing about Steve moving away." He laughed a little, and smiled. "Ok. That house in Otokouomo is my main residence. At this time of year, it's beautiful. And I wanted to show it to Steve because, eventually, I'd like to move back there. I LOVE New York, but Otokouomo is my home. I told Steve that if we made it permanent, maybe he could move in with me. " He paused. "By the end of the weekend he was asking when he could move in. " Gretchen looked up, somewhat concerned. "Now, I'm not having that. I've had to move around a lot for what I did, and that's disruptive. REAL disruptive. And I'm not letting anyone move into a house 5 hours from "civilization' until we know each other better. I've had dates, I've had relationships, and I know infatuation is different from love. Steve is infatuated. If we get beyond that, we'll think about it. But not yet. Not this week, not this month, and not next month either."

Dan saw a weight of concern leave Gretchen's face. "Then you're NOT moving with Steve ?" "Not right now. I told him he should keep his apartment, but move in with me for at least 3 months. If we can live together for 3 months, without killing each other, it'll be a good test for the future. Then we'll see if we need another 3 months , if he's ready, if we're done, whatever. " He paused. "Gretchen , please understand that I KNOW Steve is green on this. As green as they come. But this isn't my first rodeo." He smiled at that, and thought of hogtieing." "I'm trying to respect Steve, and his relationships to his family , because he's so over the top excited that someone loves him, he can't think in a straight line about his personal life. I PROMISE you I will do my best NOT to hurt him."

Gretchen looked up and smiled. "I think your suggestion to him to move in with you was brilliant, and I appreciate you forcing him to keep his own lease. I will be honest myself. I'm not happy about him moving as far away as he wants to, but he's an adult, what can I do? If I push it, he'll cut me off. It's happened before. " She paused. "I guess at some point my baby was going to grow up. It just took longer, and I'm tired Dan. But I'd like to take up your invitation to dinner. Especially if you promise to serve meat loaf. Steve is going to yell at you "MEAT LOAF for company?" Yes. Meat loaf. With cream mashed potatoes. And spinach. That's what I want . Oh. One other thing. This wine that I drink? It's awful, but I know nothing about wine. Serve something I'll like. Steve told me you know quite a bit." She looked at her watch. "I'm afraid I have to go back to the salt mine.." She pulled out a business card and Dan pulled out his card. Then he picked up the check. "Will you let me?"

She smiled. "Normally, I'd say no, but yes. If you let me pick it up next time.'

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Meanwhile, at his office, Steve was about to come out, without planning to. He had tried to give Dan advice about meeting with Gretchen in the morning, and Steve wasn't listening. At one point, he got up and hugged Steve from behind , where he was sitting, and whispered, "listen you handsome devil. Either she likes me or she doesn't. I've dealt with my share of businesswomen, and I know what I'm doing. You trusted me to put my cock in you. Trust me to talk to your cousin." Steve blushed and grinned. "I should remember that. Now I don't want you to take it out." Still, he knew that , at that moment, they were eating, probably spaghetti with clams, and he didn't know what was going on. He got a text from Dan. "lunch is finished. All good. Gretchen and I are getting married." He smiled and laughed so hard, someone came into the office.

"Steve. We don't hear you laugh too often. That was a good one. Care to share?" "Oh, sorry Jim. Didn't mean to disturb you. Just a text from my friend. He said he wanted to marry my cousin." "GRETCHEN? She'd eat any man alive." Steve laughed. "Trust me. Not Dan." "Dan? You've not mentioned that name before. " Then Jim saw a photo on Steve's desk. It was one of the selfies they had taken at their first dinner. "I never saw this. Is that Dan?" "It is. " "He looks familiar.... HEY WAIT. Is that the ultimate fighter "the Giant Killer?" "The one and only." "WOW. How do you know him?" "Oh, we met at a party?" James laughed "must have been some party. You guys look very close." That's when Steve took the plunge. "We're dating. He's my boyfriend." James didn't know what to say. "You're not kidding, are you Steve. You're not a kidder." "Nope. Not kidding at all. Remember that Long Island party?" "Oh, yeah, that awful thing for that investor?' "Yup. That's where we met." "Wow. Well, I mean congratulations. Hey, can you invite him over so we can meet him." "Actually, I was planning an out of office party. I'll let you know when it happens. You can all meet him there." James paused "Are you happy with him Steve?" "Blissfully, James" James held out his hand. "Congratulations then. It's about fucking time you met someone"

"Well, that was easy," Steve thought, as James left his office. Ten minutes later, there was a call from Dan on his cell phone. "Hey Sir. How did lunch go?" "On a scale of 0 to 100, I think about 250." "REALLY? THAT GOOD?" "I'm serious steve-o. I 'get' your cousin and she gets me. I invited her to come to dinner." "Don't tell me, let me guess. She asked you to serve meat loaf.' Dan laughed "You swedes. You're so predictable and you share one mind." "We like what we like. Even if it's the salmon you hate." "SHE hates salmon." "Well, she's only half Swedish." "So, listen, I hope we're gonna have some time to celebrate this tonight. I have some ideas..." Steve felt his cock stiffen right away. "If they're as good as your ideas usually are, I'm gonna be happy. OH, two things. First, maybe you could take me to join your gym this weekend.. And.... I just came out at the office." Dan was silent. "WAIT. You just came out?" "Yeah, I told a colleague you were my boyfriend. I'll tell you all tonight." "You better. Steve, congratulations. This is a HUGE step. Honestly, it's bigger than losing your cherry." "It wasn't as much fun though Sir. I'm looking forward to tonight. Does it involve rope?" "Of course it does." "I'll finish up here early then."

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When Steve got to Dan's place late that afternoon, he could smell something really good coming out of the kitchen. Dan heard the door and came out.

"Hey. Let me get my hands cleaned first. I'm making meatloaf." Steve laughed "trial run?" "Well, you'll have to be the judge as to whether it's as good as Gretchen's." "Oh, she never makes it. She just likes it."

Dan came back, with clean hands, and kissed steve. "Big days for both of us." He kissed him again. "I think that champagne with meatloaf is not at all inappropriate." Another kiss. "And...., since meatloaf takes a while to cook, and it does reheat, I think that you may be in for a little fun."

"Yes sir. I've been thinking about it all day." "Go and change. Today we start with me picking what you wear."

Steve went into the bedroom. He saw the original brown shirt that Dan had bought him, and a pair of tight jeans, plus his sneakers, and a pair of sheer dress socks. That was odd, but.. He got dressed exactly the way Dan liked him, and came to the kitchen. "Hi" he smiled. Dan had just put the meatloaves in the oven, and turned around. He smiled. "Well, well well. Don't YOU just look like

perfect kidnap victim.." He approached steve, and gently but firmly put his hands behind his back, where he tied them. Then he brought him back to the bedroom. He roped his ankles, and lay steve out on the bed.

"Sir, can I ask about the sheer socks?" "No. And then Dan shoved a round gag into his mouth. He locked it behind. "I'm gonna watch you struggle until the meatloaf is done. Then... we move onto the next phase..." He grinned.

MMMMPH.. MMMMPH. Steve struggled against ropes he knew were going to be too tight, but he did it anyway. Every now and then, Dan would get up, and run his thumbs over Steve's nips, or cup his ass, or play with his earlobes: all stuff that teased, and got steve even stiffer than he was, but he didn't do anything "big."

When the timer went off, he brushed steve's hair out of his eyes. "Looks like you didn't do much with this. Time to move on to the next phase, big man." He took out Steve's gag, and then he reversed the bondage, so that steve was spread out, face up. He slipped off steve's sneakers. Since his ankles were bound, steve had a real good idea what was about to happen. It did. Dan began running his fingers over steve's soles.


"I read somewhere that Scandinavians are more ticklish on the average than others. Is that true?'


Just gonna do feet tonight steveo . The rest of that beautiful body is safe. BUT... I have to go back to the kitchen to finish up dinner, and I'm not finished here, so....."

He pulled out two electric toothbrushes, and a roll of duct tape. "You probably wonder why my company sells toothbrushes. Well, you're about to find out handsome." Dan taped one toothbrush to each of steve's feet, turned them on and walked out.


"Had enough steve?"


"Nah, I don't think so. I have to check the veggies and the champagne.


Dan came into the room. "That's a tempting offer, but, no. I don't want you to get spoiled..." He turned off the brushes and untaped them from Steve's feet. He left him tied though, as he got on the bed, next to him. He kissed steve's neck, and then rubbed his 5 o'clock shadow over it. He whispered. "My brave boyfriend. My very brave boyfriend.." He kissed steve's lips, and steve opened his mouth, hungry for more. By then, Dan had climbed on top of that mountain of a man, and was kneading steve's crotch with his knee." "My SEXY brave boyfriend... He began opening steve's shirt. He found the nips, and got to work.

"MMMMM. MMMM. OH Sir. That tickling made me so HOT. I'm so fucking horny. "

"That right, hunk? Well, what do we need to do to resolve that?"

"I think you need to fuck me Sir."

"Well, I think I gotta get lubed before I do that." He opened his zip and aimed his own hard cock to Steve's mouth. "Do your job."

"Yes sir. MMMPH." Dan rammed his cock into Steve's mouth. During lunch, he was far from horny, but as soon as he got home and realized he had won over Gretchen, thoughts of the future had made him maddeningly hot. He had held off from jerking off that afternoon, because he wanted to fuck his soon to be man wife as hard as he could..

Thinking about it was bringing him to the edge, so he pulled out, and got to work fast. He pulled off steve's jeans after he had undid the ankle restraints, and pushed his legs up in the air.

"I think we may have to put in some restraints on the ceiling. Hold you in place better, big man."

"Yes sir. Maybe AFTER Gretchen comes over." Dan laughed. "I have a feeling Gretchen knows a LOT more about kink than she's letting on." He tested Steve's hole. It seemed receptive. "No rubber tonight, handsome?" Steve gulped. "Whatever you say, Sir." Dan smiled as he slid his naked cock into steve. He saw steve close his eyes, and take a deep breath. He began sliding in, slowly. In the short time, he knew how easy it was for steve to tense up, and he hadn't given him a drink yet. "HERE we go... Master's all the way in.

"OH YES SIR. YOU ARE. GOD I THINK YOU'RE UP TO MY EYES." Dan smiled, as he began to push, back and forth. That brown shirt made steve look even hotter than he was. Normally, he could control things during sex very well, but his excitement about getting over one of the few remaining hurdles was taking over. He pumped, faster and faster, as steve's moans became more and more high pitched. Steve could hit some pretty high notes if you got his "g spot, and dan had it. Then, one final, slow, big push, and he was filling steve with his jizz. With a sly smile, he bent down and rubbed that 5 o'clock shadow over steve's cockhead. It was enough. Steve exploded on the spot.

Dan kept him tied up when he lay down next to him, twisting his fingers in steve's chest curls, and kissing him all over his face.

"Here or at supper? Where will we discuss the day?" "Sir, did you say you opened champagne? Should we get to it while it's still bubbly?' Dan sighed. "I guess you're right. But it's hard to loosen you when you look so good this way. "

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Steve poured flutes of champagne, while Dan served up the meatloaf, the potatoes, the peas and carrots. "I know it's really retro, but it sounded like the kind of thing your cuz wants." "It is. She'll love something like this. And a big, puffy pink dessert." "REALLY? I had a feeling she just wanted hard liquor after dinner." "That too. She's a bourbon drinker after meals. Strawberry shortcake, souffles, that kind of thing. I know, it's weird, but my tough ass cousin becomes a little girl with sugar." Dan smiled. "You know, there's an old saying that if you want to separate the top from the bottom, put a candy bar in front of him. I guess it's true for someone like Gretchen too." "Did you like her, Sir?" "I did. She's very to the point, and very , VERY perceptive. " He smiled. "She told me a secret about you." "She did? Which one?" "Oh, how the two of you write down lists of questions before you go to a meeting, memorize them, and then hide them in your wallet or purse and go the bathroom if you forget them." Steve blushed. "Well, yeah, I do that." There was an evil grin from Dan. "She said it was ONE of your secrets." Steve smiled, but said nothing. "You know, I can just take the toothbrushes out again when I wanna learn the next one." "Maybe you should think about that Sir." "By the way, I could always put two on your armpits too." There was a bigger, more evil grin, as steve gulped. "I'll tell you one tomorrow morning Sir. Right now, can I enjoy this meatloaf. It is REALLY good. " He looked at Dan. "Uh, you didn't put any of your semen in it, did you?' Dan laughed hysterically. "NO. That's the soy sauce you ditz.... I put the semen in the potatoes." He saw steve blanch and then laughed. "No I didn't. I wouldn't do something like that. Well, not anymore." "OH. So you have secrets too." "Tons of them. Tons."

"Here's one that's not so secret." "What's that Sir?" "I wanna kiss you right now." Dan got up and planted one on steve. Then a second one. " He looked eye to eye at Steve. "I got a special dessert tonight, to celebrate you coming out. And you have to tell me how it happened." "Oh, yes sir..." Steve then talked about his colleague seeing the picture and the conversation. "You know, that's an easy one. Now, let's see how people react." "Sir, I think that since they know your reputation, there's not going to be a problem. I would never say it, but I'm sure those yokels are thinking "I better behave or his boyfriend will kick my ass." "I will too." "Yeah, I know. That's what scares me, probably more than them."

Dan got up and came back with a plate of eclairs and cream puffs. They reminded me of you, these eclairs. Long and sweet, and filled with cream. MY cream. Steve responded by taking a big bite out of one of them. It was so cute that Dan grabbed his phone and took a picture. "Now THAT's going to Gretchen." "NO. You can't show her that." Steve got up to try to grab Dan's phone. It didn't go well for him, as he wound up on the floor, pinned down under Dan. Dan smiled. "You knew that was going to happen, didn't you, you foxy little whore."

"It worked, didn't it Sir? Now I've got you on top of me again. I swallowed the eclair. Think you could fill my mouth with more cream?

Dan hadn't recovered from their sex yet, but that night, as they were sleeping , he was aroused. He woke steve, and they both got their wish.

Next: Chapter 16

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