Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on Jun 6, 2020


Steve met Gretchen at the restaurant where they always met. Lunch was at 1, and in all the years they had been having these lunches, Gretchen was always there first. Steve was punctual, or early, for every appointment, but Gretchen always beat him there. So it was this time. She was sitting at "their" table, her glasses, tied to the chain she always used, firmly poised on her nose, as she studied the menu. That was something Steve always found amusing: they came to this restaurant for its consistency, and consistent it was. The menu hadn't changed in ten years, and didn't matter anyway, because Gretchen always ordered the same thing: a glass of pinot grigio, green salad, linguine with white clam sauce, and an espresso. And she ALWAYS asked the waiter: are the clams in their shells? Because if they're not, I don't want it. "

He leaned down "Gretch I always miss you." He planted a kiss on both of her lips. He had on his suit - a new one, he had bought after he and Dan had gone shopping, in a blue that flattered his eyes, a tighter fitting white shirt than he usually wore, and a Hermes tie Dan had given him.

"You look great Steve. New clothes?"

"Yes Gretch. New clothes, new attitude, everything new."

"Not everything's new. You're still my baby cousin. " Steve looked around for a waiter. "It's ok. I ordered for you. I just told them not to fire anything until you came in." Steve laughed. He was as predictable as Gretchen was, and his meal was always the same too: chardonnay, arugula salad, and baked salmon with vegetables.

"Gretch. I know. I know you're worried, but.."

"WORRIED? " she raised her voice. "Steve, I'm scared to death. You met this man less than a month ago, you want to move in with him, in a city in upstate NY?"

"Well, it's not really a city, Gretch, it's more of a town."

"Otokouomo?" I looked it up on the best map I could find. no mention of it. I googled. No mention. "

"Well, it doesn't have a post office, so it wouldn't be on a map. I don't know why it doesn't show up on google. I can ask Dan."

Gretchen was silent, and in the silence, Steve speed dialed his lover. "Hey babe, I'm here with Gretchen and she asked an interesting question: she googled Otokouomo, and she found nothing. I can't tell her why. Can you?" Dan laughed at the other end of the line. "Tell her to look up Manville. We call it Otokouomo because that's what the founders called it, but the charter says Manville, because they wouldn't accept the foreign sounding name for the town, or something like that. I don't know."

"Ok , thanks. Tonight? " Steve smiled. "see ya then."

He repeated it back to Gretchen, who pulled out her phone, and started punching in the name. "Good Lord that's tiny! Says the population is "somewhere between 350 and 400" Five hours from New York. "

"SEE? It's exactly what I told you Gretch. I mean, it's not easy to get to, I admit that, and if there were 400 people there when I was there, I'd be surprised. "

"I don't see anything about no women allowed, Steve."

He sighed. "Gretch, I was there once. I didn't see a single woman, and Dan told me, when they visit, they stay at a nearby town."

"You just made my point for me. You were there once. It's 5 hours away. And you want to move there? Steve.... I can understand you being gay. I always thought that was a possibility, but... THIS? Moving so far away?"

"Well, it's not going to happen right away, love. Dan was very clear on that. And when I was at his place last night " Gretchen winced at that, and she couldn't hide it fast enough "I saw that he had had enough stuff delivered from his house to make 3 months in the city work." Their food had come, but Gretchen wasn't eating. Instead, she signaled for more wine.

"Gretch, please meet him. Nothing's decided yet. " He smiled. "I'm an ACCOUNTANT Gretch. You know I don't do these things without crossing the t's and dotting the i's. I got emotional. I'm in love with this man. He loves me. It's a new world for me."

"I'll give you my decision after I meet him" Gretchen answered. "We're having lunch on Friday."

Now, what Steve wouldn't have known, nor would Gretchen, was that the inhabitants of Otokouomo were used to these questions. Since Mannville was, essentially the same distance, and the same size, as Otokouomo, that was the information everyone gave. Sending someone to Mannville would have put them so far away from Otokouomo that they'd be lucky to get home in a day, let alone to find the destination they sought. When Dan gave Gretchen the information, he smiled. He had very much won this already: Steve was head over heels for him and wanted to move tomorrow, and now Gretchen probably had the information she wanted about the town, even if it were incorrect. The only thing he didn't plan for, was how head over heels for Steve HE was.

"Hey, it's Steve," Dan heard when he picked up the phone. "Well, yeah, your number came up, and unless I had to come up with some ransom to rescue you, I was sure it was gonna be you. Hmmm. Now that I think about it, having you kidnapped, ransoming you and being thanked...." Steve laughed a little. "Listen, the lunch with Gretchen went fine, but it was rough. "

"Did she change your mind?"

"Well, no, not really. I just didn't want to get her upset, and I did, and I didn't want to get upset but I did."

"STEVE. That's not right. I'm sorry to hear that. Can I do something?"

"Well, yeah, you can. Can I come over tonight?"

"I assumed you were."

"Well, how do I put this? The meeting kinda killed my libido."

"Happens. TV and cuddling sound good to me."

Steve laughed. "Well, you never know how my mind will go. You're a persuasive cuddler."

"Ha ha. I promise. I'll be good. I'll lock the ropes away."

"don't do that, Sir."

Dan laughed again. "Ok, we'll play it all by ear. Should I meet you after work? We'll go have a drink and some dinner?"

"You know... " steve mused. "I think I'd like that a lot. And if we're gonna be here for 3 months, well.. it's time. Introduce me to the gym again. I think I can fit in time to get in better shape." He laughed. "I gotta be able to put up a better fight with you."

Dan laughed in return. "You're still gonna lose."

"I hope so Sir. "

"What time for dinner? Shall I meet you at 7? Your place? Your office? Then we'll come back here.

"Hmmm. Know what? Office. I'm getting ready to make a splash."

Dan smiled. See you there."

Dan texted Steve before he left his apartment. "Ok if I come over now?"

Steve's one word answer was "sure." Dan smiled. No "Sir." That was worth remembering.

When he got to Steve's office, the receptionist buzzed Steve, who asked that he come in. Steve was at his desk , looking slightlly hassled like a good accountant. He had his jacket off , his tie was loose , his sleeves were rolled, and he smiled when he looked at Dan.

"Best thing to happen to me today." He got up and hugged Dan.

"Geez. And I didn't even open my zipper." Steve said nothing, and just hugged Dan.

"Are you shaking, Steve? Things aren't ok." Steve didn't say anything, but he could feel his head shake no. "I'll try to make it better. Dinner out tonight? Boystown? Italian? Something simple? Lotsa wine? Hunk shows on TV?"

Steve pulled back, looked at Dan, and just smiled. "I love you so much." Dan smiled and ruffled his hair. "You tell me all about Gretchen, at dinner, at home, however you like. I checked before I came over. You have a few sets of clothes at my place, no need to go home. Let's go. We'll get a cab." Before they left, Dan noticed the framed photo on Steve's desk. It was the two of them, from their first dinner together. That series of selfies they had the waiter take.

Over focaccia, Steve began to tell Dan about the lunch. "She's not happy with this. She had two glasses of wine, Dan. For Gretchen, that's a sign: she's distressed."

Dan smiled. "You told me she had a couple of kids, but they're up and out of the house, right?

"Yes. Living on their own. Out on the West Coast. Both of them."

Dan grinned. "Oh, you accountants. You can find me an extra 1/8 percent of income on an investment, but you can't figure out what's going on in your own family. She sees you as her last child. She doesn't want to give you up."

"But I've been on my own, never lived with her, never asked for help."

"Doesn't matter. That makes it worse. A son with no demands. No wonder she's upset. She have anything in her life besides her husband?"

"She has a job. She's good at it. But I'd never say she was anyone's favorite supervisor."

Dan put down his knife and fork and he took Steve's hand, and squeezed it. He sat back and took a deep breath. "Steve, you're not gonna be happy unless Gretchen is happy, that's for sure. And if you're not happy, this move is not for you. It just isn't. I thought things might go this way, so I have a few thoughts. How about moving in with me for the next couple of months?"

Steve's eyes opened "Live with you? Give up my apartment?" Dan shook his head no. "No no. Keep the apartment. Use it as a storeroom, or whatever you want, but see if you can live with me. I've got the rent covered, so it's not gonna cost you anything except your ass." He smiled, and Steve squeezed his hand. "It'll give you practice, close to home, we can invite Gretchen over, for drinks, for dinner, whatever, and she'll see how we live together. It'll make her less defensive about this."

Steve was lost in thought. This DID seem to address a bunch of the issues: he'd still be in NYC, he'd still be working at his old job, he could see Gretchen, and she could get to know the two of them better.

"Let me think on it overnight, Sir. I think that's a great idea. "

Dan smiled. "Now, you want your usual tiramisu, you want to venture out to something different, or you just wanna go home and watch some movies?

"Can we go home Sir? " He smiled. "My mind is coming around on sex too."

Back at Dan's apartment, they made out as soon as they closed the door, Dan pushing Steve up against the wall and ramming his tongue down the man's throat, the way Steve loved it. Dan rubbed his knee back and forth over Steve's crotch, and he could feel that Steve WAS changing his mind about sex. "Slowly, stud, slowly," he said to himself. " He looked at Steve. "You can't possibly be comfortable . Those clothes are clammy, and you had a rough day. How about... you shower and change, I'll pour some drinks, and we'll watch TV. You get to pick. If you fall asleep, I'll get you tucked in."

Steve hugged him. "You know, if I were dating women, I think what you're doing would probably be my job. And I'd fuck it up badly.'

"Well, you don't have to worry about it . Just pay attention, because you may need to do it in the future too."

Steve showered, put on a blue chambray shirt that he knew drove Dan wild, and a pair of the shorts he had kept from college. Dan was sitting on the sofa with the drinks. He saw Steve, and licked his lips. He patted the sofa cushion next to him.

"Here. Get over here. I'm in a cuddling frame of mind."

"Me too. A kissing one as well."

"Well, I can take care of that as well." Dan kissed Steve the same way he did when they came in the door. Then he backed off, put his arm around Steve's shoulders, and picked up his drink. "C'mon. Let's toast to new beginnings. " They clinked glasses : the scotch Steve loved, and the bitter amaro that was Dan's favorite. "Now, blonde's choice tonight. Pick a show."

"Ha ha. I'm not really a blond anymore Sir. I WAS when I was a kid, and then one day, I woke up with this white hair. No one knows why. "

Dan hugged him. "I think some Norse god knew that you'd stand out with the white hair and I'd find you..." Dan slipped his hand down Steve's shirt and found a nip. Steve didn't protest.

"Know what I wanna watch, Sir? Any of your old matches on tape?"

Dan laughed. "REALLY? You wanna see me fighting?"

"Sir, the chance of seeing you half naked, sweaty, and dominant... I'm getting hard already."

Steve cuddled into Dan, feeling very content... "So, Sir, you talk about domination and submission. I like what we've done. In fact, I love what we've done. Tell me more. When I move in with you, what does it mean?"

"Well, we're gonna have to discuss that, so better now than never, Steve. I think I told you. Different people up there think of domination in different ways. I'll see if I can explain it. Easy one: if I told you I wanted to decide what you wear to work every day, could you handle that?"

"of course, Sir. That's an easy one."

"Ok. Now if I told you that the first thing you do when you come home, every day, is get on your knees and suck me, how about that?" "I wanna do that now, Sir."

"Now we get to the hard ones. If I told you that unless you have permission, you don't leave the house unless I'm with you, how does that work for you?" A pause. "I'd have to think about that Sir. I THINK I'm ok with it, but I don't know."

"the questions get harder Steve. I thought this one was the hardest one, but, now that I think about it. What if I took you to a tattoo parlor to have "Dan's property" marked on your ass?" "SHIT NO. I can't get into that Sir."

Dan smiled. "Last one. If we had a party, and I said to you "You're gonna suck all of the doms until they shoot," and there were six of them." Steve gave a look of horror. "You'd DO that to me?"

Dan pulled him to him. "No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't do that, or get you tatted. That's not how I roll. But the house one.. yeah, I would get into knowing that my man is, well, under my roof waiting for me."

"I think I could do this Sir. " The tit play was making Steve reconsider his 'no sex tonight' decision.

"How's about, if you move in here, I start stepping up the domination. See where your limits are. That'll let us know if it'll work. " "I like that idea Sir. Nice and easy." He looked at the TV. Dan had just grabbed his opponent, twisted his arms behind him and lifted him off the ground. The pain etched on the guy's face was sharp. Then Dan threw him to the ground, and pinned him.

"FUCK SIR. Seeing you sweaty, and on top of someone else... it's making me hot and jealous..."

"Ha ha.., " Dan rubbed a bit of scruff on Steve's neck. "How does this sound then? What if I had you tied up really tight in the bedroom, and I brought someone else home and fucked him right in front of you." He saw a jump in Steve's shorts.

"God. I never thought about that, but it sounds hot. VERY hot, Sir. I could get into watching you do someone else, and think about you doing it to me."

Dan slid his hand down and opened Steves shirt, He looked up at him. "Oh, that's right. No sex tonight." He began nibbling Steve's nip."

"I think I changed my mind Sir. Is that ok?"


"Yes sir."

In the kitchen, Dan chuckled. A few months of training here, in NYC, and he might very well have the best sub in Otokouomo. He walked into the bedroom, and there was Steve, spread out all over the bed. His huge frame was inspiring... Dan stripped, lay down on one arm, pinned the other and with a free hand, took Steve's nuts .

"Now, you know that, as a sub, you won't get to say 'no sex tonight' "

"Yes Sir, I understand. "

"MMMMM. And I'm gonna want sex a LOT... He ran his hand all over Steve's torso, circling his navel, because he knew that Steve was ticklish there. Steve began to bolt from the touch, but Dan had him held down, good and tight.

"Now, about no sex..." Steve was laughing helplessly now. "You're the boss Sir. You want sex? " Dan moved his hand from Steve's balls to his erect penis "Looks like you do, too." A moan escaped Steve's mouth. "Yes sir. PLEASE. I want the feel of your cock in me. PLEASE. "

Dan kissed his man. "I'm gonna give you a toy tomorrow Steve. " He smiled. "You could ask Gretchen. I bet she has one, but don't. It's a dildo. I want you to use it during the day. 3 times, minimum. It's gonna make you smile. Not as much as I do, but..." "And then you'll graduate to the vibrating ones. "

In fact, Steve had looked up dildos and vibrators and thought about getting one, before the idea of living with Dan in NYC had come up. Having something in his ass a few times a day, made him get even harder.

"Sir.. what if it makes me cum?" "I'm gonna train you to use it so it doesn't. It's supposed to arouse you, not bring you off. That, Sir, is MY job."

With that, Dan headed to the bottom of the bed. He pushed Steve's ankles up on his shoulders. He put his hands under Steve's butt cheeks, pushed them up, and then dug his tongue in. Steve wasn't gagged, so he could get a full loud moan out. "OH SHIT. I NEEDED THAT. I NEED MORE." Dan gave him more, digging in deeper, pushing Steve's cheeks apart, as steve just sort of whispered "Oh shit. OH FUCK."

Dan did a very thorough job, as he ate out Steve for about 5 minutes. Then he looked up. "Hmmm. Is it possible to get you any harder?" He ran his finger over the back of Steve's cock. Drops of precum shot out.


Dan reached over to get a condom, and Steve looked at him. "No Sir. Please. Please. Let me feel you 100%. I can take it . I'm not scared anymore. FUCK ME. FUCK ME RAW."

Internally, Dan smiled. Each and every wall was crumbling. That made him even harder, as he began plunging into Steve. He teased him, going in just an inch or two, and stopping.

"PLEASE SIR. PLEASE. I NEED ALL OF YOU." Dan pushed in another inch. He knew that one more inch in, was a hotspot for Steve.

"You know what's coming, sweetcakes, don't you?

Yes sir. The spot, the spot.." Dan pushed in and Steve moaned. "HOLY SHIT IT'S SENSITIVE TONIGHT.' Dan wanted very much to keep his cock right there, as Steve squirmed, moaned, yelled how he loved him, but he was getting needy too, and he shoved all the way in.

"OH MY GOD. I can't hold it. I can't, I can't. AGGGGGGHHH." The gurgling that came out of Steve was almost like the sound of a possessed soul, and he shot big. Dan was aroused by what had happened, and he began shooting into Steve.

When he finished, he came out, looked Steve in the eye, and pulled him closer. "Thank you for trusting me. You know what just happened?"

"No Sir. Besides you shooting in me without a condom."

"In gay circles, we say I just bred you. And the first man who breeds you, always has an ownership claim. You'll always belong to me."

Steve fingered his slave chain. "I like that Sir. I don't want it to be any other way. Hug me, please I'm tired. I feel rested when I sleep in your arms.

Overnight, as he dreamed, Steve thought about living with Dan in NYC. He only thought of the good things. He was going to do it .

Next: Chapter 15

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