Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on May 29, 2020


Steve began to wake up about 4 hours into the trip. "Perfect" thought Dan. "This part of the countryside will be familiar to him anyway. We're almost home." In fact, the route to Otokouomo was so complex that there was nothing to worry about , but it didn't hurt to be sure.

He put his hand on Steve's thigh "Welcome back to the land of the living, sleepy head. I guess I exhausted you this weekend."

Steve cracked a big smile. "Well, I guess you DID. I know you made me really, REALLY happy, but I didn't know I was so tired. How long was I out?

"Oh, about 4 hours. We're nearly home. I'll drop you off by your building first, how's that?"

Steve paused. "Well, it's fine, if.... Sir, would you like to spend the night at my place tonight? I have work tomorrow, but I know you make your own hours. Maybe? Just maybe?"

There was a bit of a plea in Steve's voice, as he looked at Dan with a set of puppy dog eyes Dan found hard to resist. He smiled, and fingered his new collar.

Dan gave a little laugh. "Sure. If you're good with it. I don't want you feeling uncomfortable."

"No, no, I won't. I dreamed while I was sleeping, and I had a lot of them. They were different, but I was wrapped in your arms in each of them." He looked down at his pants. "Oh. I guess I did more than dream." He blushed.

"Ha ha ha. I've never brought someone to orgasm in his sleep before Steve. I don't think I did yet either. I think you're gonna find that's just pre cum. I'm still flattered that you thought that highly of me in your sleep."

Steve was shaking grogginess out of his head. "You know, I NEVER sleep in cars. I'm too much of a scaredy cat. But two rides with you, and I slept like a baby. Either it's you or your driving"

"Maybe it's both, Steve? "

"Who knows? Got anything else to drink?"

"We do. There's some lemonade in the bag at the foot of the car. But before you drink... move your hand to my cock. You see, I haven't been dreaming, but I've been thinking, and mostly, I've been thinking that I need my cock sucked. BIG TIME."

Steve reached for the lemonade with one hand, and Dan's cock with the other. "I think I can arrange that. Can you step on it?

"Going as fast as we can Master Steve," and they both laughed. "I just wonder if I should start calling you Miss Daisy."

The puppy dog eyes again. "How about calling me your lover and your sub?"

"OOOH. I could live with that."

When they got to Steve's apartment building, Dan was able to find a space in the garage. They got the weekend stuff and headed to Steve's apartment. Dan had packed an extra set of clothes, "just in case," so he was set.

Not surprisingly, Steve's apartment was immaculate. You'd have been hard pressed to guess someone had lived there recently. Dan was looking around. It was the first time he had been in Steve's apartment.

"Yeah, I live a pretty narrow life. Or I did. " Dan pointed to his crotch

" Suck me boy."

Steve got down on his knees and began licking Dan's cock like a lollipop. When he got the first moan out of Dan, he began taking more of it in his mouth. Dan reached down and began playing with Steve's nipples , and then reached up and hooked his thumb through Steve's new collar. "You're mine now, boy." Steve was so busy sucking, he could just shake his head yes. He took all of Dan in his mouth, and began sliding back and forth.

"DAMN. You took some tuition this weekend steve. GOOD GOOD JOB." Dan had grabbed the bag of Steve's head, and began controlling the motion. When he got really, really hard, he pulled out. He looked at steve. "Bedroom . On your back."

Steve smiled "yes sir," thinking "I got what I wanted. YES!!!!" Dan undid the shorts Steve was wearing, and pushed his legs up into the air . His cock was sopping from the blow job, and Steve's ass was still relaxed from all the fucking they had done that weekend. Taking the man was easy. Dan just slid in, and then smiled, as he teased Steve by driving hard, and stopping, then pulling out, and teasing him with the cock.


"Play with yourself, boi," Dan's voice dropped so low, it even surprised him.

"Oh. Yes Sir." Steve began to jerk while Dan fucked him. Dan grinned "whoever cums first has to buy dinner." Steve grunted, but smiled. "I hope it's me Sir. I want you fucking me as long as I can get it. DAMN. You're gonna win!" He started shooting all over. Dan smiled slyly, and kept up his pumping. His experience here was a plus, and it was a good ten minutes before he finally pulled out, and added his jizz to the jizz on Steve's belly. He pulled Steve up off the bed and kissed him. "THAT I did not expect. Are you SURE I'm your first man?"

"Scout's honor Sir. I'm learnin along the way. "

"You learn fast, handsome. Maybe too fast." A smile from Dan. "Now, I hope you have the implements of showering, because we are filthy from that long trip, and our little break."

Steve deferred to Dan on showering, and Dan was glad he brought the extra clothes with him - this was NOT something he expected. Steve followed, and he came out wearing a snug fitting light blue t shirt and a pair of white shorts, that must have been from his college days.

"You're not wearing any underwear, are ya flirt?" Steve blushed. "I AM wearing my collar Sir." That provoked a laugh from Dan, "GET OVER HERE" . He was sitting on Steve's couch. Once he had his arm around the man, and after he had kissed him, and began gently playing with his hair, he got serious.

"Steve, let's talk about the future, because I want to do this right." "Ok Sir. I'm listening. But I wanna leave now." Dan pulled on steve's hair very gently. "Now, now, that attitude is great, but it's what we have to talk about, sweetheart. Remember: I've done this before, and I have a bunch more experience, so hear me out, ok?"

"I think we have to give this 3 months. I'm gonna call Ivan tomorrow, and ask him to close the house. I'll stay down here, because I wanna be with you, but I don't want to move you up there yet, because it's going to be quite an upheaval, and I don't think you've had time to think."

"What do you mean, Sir?" "Well, first of all, you probably didn't check your phone this weekend, and that's a good thing, because the mountains make cell phone service more than problematic. There's wifi, and we get the internet, but phones? Just don't work." "So it's a little isolating Sir?" "It is. And that's good or bad, depending on how you feel on a given day."

"Now, also, remember, you'd be giving up a job you've been at a long time. You have to disengage your clients, and take care of that stuff." "I can still work for you Sir, can't I?" Dan hugged him closer. "Oh, I'm gonna have you working for me in ways you haven't even considered, stud. But yes, there's my business, and there are others. You could very well become the town accountant."

He paused. "My BIG concern, is isolation from your family. Gretchen is who I mean, but there may be others. "

"I could visit her, can't I?" Dan's lips tightened. "Yes, but it's not so easily done. And of course, you didn't see a single woman in the town. I'm afraid the rules don't allow her to stay with us." Steve paused. "I think that would be hard." "Yes, it is. There's face time, and there's zoom, and stuff like that, but it'll go to something like having relatives in California: infrequent, and virtual."

"Hmmm. I do like talking to Gretchen. We don't actually meet face to face that often. Maybe once every other month or something."

"Steve, all of this needs to be thought out, and carefully considered. If you're unhappy in otokouomo, things can get rough. And bluntly, for all we know, you might meet someone else, I may meet someone else, this is a very new relationship."

"Sir, I'm committed to you. I want to be with you." Dan smiled. "Well, see if you still do after I tell you some more. We're walking into a part of the relationship, where I think you need to know what I expect. Here, in New York, I don't care if you're the Pope and Emperor of your OFFICE. But once you step into our house... I make the rules."

"I was getting that Sir. " "Not just topping, Steve. I pick your clothes, I pick what we do, I pick who we see. I truly AM Sir, or Master. Again, we need to try that out before you commit to it because once we're in otokouomo, there's no turning back."

Steve put down his head in thought. "You're right. I have to think about this. You said we'll try it out here?' And Dan smiled. "We already started." "We did?" "Did I give you any choice about that blow job?" A pause. "NO. You just told me to do it. And I did it. And then you fucked me, because you wanted to. You didn't ask if I wanted it. You just did it." (Steve didn't mention that he was dying for it ). "And it's gonna be that way all the time. So, let's get some dinner, let's try this little by little and we'll see if it works."

"I like how easy you're making this Sir." He reached in and kissed Dan. Dan was thinking "if you only knew..."

They went to bed after dinner, and the next morning, after the alarm, and showers, Steve was moving to the closet to get dressed.

"EXCUSE ME BOI. DID YOU NOT SEE THIS?" Dan pointed to his hard on.

"Oh, Sorry Sir. I may be late for work, but..." He went at Dan's cock, and Dan yanked his head back. SLOWER BOI. Don't rush ME because YOU'RE rushed."

"Yes sir. Sorry Sir." He went back to a rhythmic pace on the blow job, and Dan was enjoying it. Steve did a lick around his cock head, and Dan blasted right into his face. Steve closed his eyes at the last minute, and Dan laughed.

"That's gonna be one of your jobs, steve boi. My cock in the morning. And your ass at night. MY WAY."

"Yes sir"

"Now, let's see what you're wearing today . Hmmmm. " Dan went through Steve's closet. "you know, to celebrate the first time we met... " he pulled out the shirt Steve wore to the party. "It's not tight enough, but none of your work clothes are. Now, let's see the neckties... " He found something very bright, and then a pair of French blue trousers. "This looks like something Gretchen made you buy."

"Got me pegged again, Sir."

"Ok, now let's see those sleeves rolled, that tie loosened. THERE. THAT'S my sexy Scandinavian accountant bottom. MMMM.

"That's me Sir. Can I have a pre work kiss, please?" Dan was happy to oblige.

"Now, I want you to call me during the day - AFTER you've called Gretchen. We'll decide if we're going to spend the night here, or my place. And I'll tell you what we're going to do. " He grinned. "Just expect to be 'tortured' tonight before I take your ass."

"DAMN. Do I really have to go to school Dad?" Steve grinned at his joke.

"You know, if you keep on arousing me, you're gonna be calling in sick.

"Hey, Steve. Good weekend?" one of the guys who had taken him to the party where he met Dan asked

"Oh, yeah, really good, thanks. Hope you had a good one."

"It was ok. Mostly went bar hopping. You went away?"

"Yeah, I did. " Steve smiled. "A special friend and I had a weekend away. I wish we were still there."

"WHOA. Stevie: you have a special friend?"

"That's all I'm sayin. You may meet soon, but not yet. It's early. "


"Ha ha. The only detail I'm gonna give you is we met the night you guys took me to that party."

"SHIT. None of us got lucky and you did. "

"Joe, I got MORE than lucky. Now that's ALL I'm gonna say."

Joe couldn't resist. "Hmmm. Now that I look, I DO see a love bite on your neck."

"GET OUTTA HERE . Steve was laughing, but he blushed, because it was true. It happened after they went to bed the night before."

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Later that afternoon, Steve called Gretchen."

"STEVE. I've been wondering what's going on with you. What's up?" "Well, Gretch, I went away with the boyfriend this weekend." "Dan? " He laughed. "yeah, that's him. I only have one." "Most important question cuz: did you have a good time?" "Oh Gretch. I did. I had a wonderful time. Listen. I need to talk some things out with you. Can we schedule another lunch?" "Sure. What's it about?" "Well, Dan doesn't live in NYC. He lives FAR upstate: it was about a 5 hour drive. He's staying here for now , but his home is there.. And I want to move in with him." A pause. "Did he invite you?" "Well, he told me he wanted me to eventually, but he also told me not for at least another 3 months." He heard Gretchen breathe a sigh of relief. "I'm glad SOMEONE in your relationship has some common sense. It's not you." "Gretch... I think I'm in love." 'HE'S YOUR FIRST RELATIONSHIP DUMMY. YOU'RE INFATUATED. YEAH, LUNCH TOMORROW." "Oh, before I forget: he wants to have lunch or dinner or something with you too. ." He laughed. "I think he's gonna ask you for my hand in... something." "I like this guy more and more. He's doing it right. UNLIKE my cousin. Tomorrow. Usual place, one o'clock?" "Sounds good." "love you cuz. But be careful."

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Dan gave Steve a call at work a little later.

"Hey. So what's the story for tonight." The minute he heard Dan's voice, Steve got erect. "Hi Sir. Can we meet at your place? You've got all those toys, and well, " "Ha ha. Say no more. Now, here's the game tonight. Forensic accountant. Investigating my fraudulent business. Decides to go off on his own, winds up captured, tortured for information, and then..." "Sir, I'm leaking. STOP. "

"Just put three numbers on a slip of paper and hide it somewhere in your clothes. I'll take care of the rest." "Sir, I'm having lunch with Gretchen tomorrow." "GREAT. Give her my cell number, and ask if I can have hers. NO. Don't give it to me without her permission. That's rude. She and I will have lunch too." "Yes sir." "Oh, one other thing. Go home first. I left out an outfit for you for our game tonight, and then you gotta get clothes for work, cause you're staying over." "I am?" "Damn right you are. If I have to tie you to the bed. I'm not tired of you, yet."

At the end of the day, Steve went home to change, the way Dan instructed him. He found his faded jeans, and a french blue buttondown. It was new, and it was a size smaller than he usually wore. There was a note. "rolled sleeves, two buttons. Tucked. The way I like my bitch dressed."

"The way I like my bitch dressed." Steve had been hard since the call, and he just got harder.

"just go on up Sir," said the doorman when steve came over with his bag. He got to Dan's apartment, and found the door opened. "Dan? Dan?" MMMMPH. " He felt a hand over his mouth. A hand covered with a very thin, supple , leather glove. "Hey stevie. Going off on your own, like a stud. Well, stud... now I GOTCHA. " Dan's second hand went down to Steve's crotch, and squeezed. "I'll ungag you, but quiet, or you lose the family jewels, you understand?"

"MMMPH" with a head shake.

Dan pinned his arms and moved him over to a chair. "Please, I don't know why you're doing this. I don't know anything." "Ha ha. Oh, I think you do. I think you know how to access the whole file of this investigation, and you're gonna tell me." He began tying steve to the chair. "And I have all the time in the world to get it from you."

Steve went silent. "You know, most guys like me take a fairly brutal approach. Mine, however, is more subtle." He stepped behind steve and rubbed his shoulders. Then his hand went inside Steve's shirt, and found a nipple. Dan began to twist it. "Like that, blondie?"

"NO. Let me go. I won't tell you anything. OH SHIT..." Dan had put his free hand on steve's crotch and squeezed the erection. He had his nip, and his cock, and he was playing both.

"Heh heh. SOMEONE likes that, besides me.. You like scruff, studly steve?" Dan moved his stubble down - he didn't shave that morning, and steve resisted, pushing his chin down where Dan was aiming.

"Now, now. A man with his crotch exposed... " Dan squeezed harder. "shouldn't resist that way. "

"FUCK... came out of Steve's mouth, as he moved his chin away, and Dan moved in. He had scruffed Steve before, but with lighter beard. Then he moved up and began nibbling his ear. "Know what blondie? Once I get that info, I'm gonna FUCK you. I'm gonna let you know who you dealt with.."

Dan came around and opened Steve's shirt. "PLEASE. PLEASE.. Don't. don't.. I'll tell you, but don't fuck me. PLEASE." Steve was catching onto the game, but Dan was one step ahead. He pulled out nipple clamps, and he rubbed them over steve's nips.


"Then tell me stud." Steve gasped out the three numbers.

"Heh heh. Now... " He attached the clamps and pulled.


"I said I wouldn't use them if you told me the numbers. Now I want you to BEG me to fuck you."

Dan pulled the chain of the clamps up to Steve's mouth "OPEN. And PULL. OR ELSE."

Steve whined, but he did it. He pulled and the sensations seemed to fill him , including his cock.

"Now drop it." When steve hesitated, Dan gave a shot to his crotch, and it fell.

"OUCH OUCH. OK, OK. You win . FUCK ME. Take my ass. Just take these off. PLEASE."

Dan took them off and he looked at Steve. He could see Steve "negotiating" the pain, but his eyes did seem to say "take me." Then he said it to Dan "Sir. That was hot. FUCK ME while I can still feel it."

Dan gave him a kiss on his ear, and then took him over to the bed. The wrist restraints were out, and he used them. "I love how these jeans look on you, but now, they're in the way." He got steve stripped down, and then kissed his balls. Steve jumped when he felt Dan's scruff and his soft lips. He jumped again when he felt the scruff around his rosebud, and when Dan began rimming him . Steve hadn't said anything, but being rimmed was his favorite thing, next to fucking. And fucking came next.

Dan continued to play the role of villain. Instead of taking steve softly, and easily, he RAMMED in HARD.

"OH FUCK SIR. " Dan laughed "Yeah, that's what I'm doing. FUCKING. FUCKING YOU HARD."

Indeed, Dan had a move when he was fighting, called the pile driver, and this was a piledriver fuck. He'd push in, far and rough, and pull out slowly. Then go in hard, again, and repeat. It wasn't the way he usually fucked Steve, and Steve was loving it. He loved it more when Dan started stroking him.

"OH GOD. OH GOD SIR. I think I'm gonna have to buy dinner again."

"Nope, sweetie. Not this time." Dan exploded and he ROARED when he did, just before Steve had his own orgasm. As they caught their breath, steve began to cry.

"BABY. BABY did I hurt you?"

"NO sir, no. It's not that. I just loved it so much, and, and... well, I don't want to wait. I don't want to lose you."

"But I'm not going anywhere steve."

"I know, I know, but I'm afraid I'm gonna fuck it up."

Dan undid the restraints, and pulled his lover into him. He began stroking the back of his head. "Sweetie, you're not gonna fuck up anything. I know I said 3 months. Let's revisit that. Talk to your cousin. I'll talk to your cousin. Then let's start talking about moving. That work for you."

Steve pushed his lips onto Dan. "It does Sir. Thank you. Hug me. PLEASE. I'll even buy dinner." Dan laughed at that, and he held Steve until the man stopped shaking and tearing up.

Dan DID buy dinner, and Steve DID spend the night.

Next: Chapter 14

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