Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on May 24, 2020


Dan woke up first on Sunday. He had his arms wrapped around Steve, who was sleeping like a baby.

He had woken up with a hard on, and "in the mood," and he leaned over and began running his early morning scruff ever so softly over Steve's right ear. When Steve began to stir, Dan pulled him closer, and switched to his tongue, gently licking his lover's ear. The stirring became more vigorous, and the soft breathing of sleep became more urgent, with occasional moans. Then Dan started sliding his hand, up and down Steve's nipple, and he could feel Steve begin to stretch out, and push back into his hard on. Dan whispered "who wants to get FUCKED this morning? Might it be the BIG, TALL, HANDSOME STUD I've got in my arms.

"Yes Sir. Fuck me. Wake me with a cock. Fuck me good."

Dan rolled Steve onto his back and he could see the man smiling. Dan kissed both nipples, and then ran his tongue around Steve's navel , knowing that this was going to tickle him into being awake, and it did. If Dan were going to fuck someone, he wanted the bottom to feel it. Steve felt his toes curling as his nipples were kissed, and his navel worked.

"OH GOD. This is better than morning coffee Sir..."

"That right? How about this?' He began slowly and gently nibbling at Steve's ball sack.

"OH SHIT. OH FUCK I'm awake now Sir. GOD.. "

Dan followed the nibbling with some more licking, this time all over Steve's scrotum, before he slipped on the condom, and began sliding in. He didn't push Steve's legs in the air, because he wanted to lay flat on the man, pinning him in place as he drove in.

Maybe it was because Steve was so big, but he never complained of pain when Dan fucked him, the way other bottoms had. Dan wasn't particularly huge, but he WAS vigorous, and energetic, and he was this morning too.

"OH GOD. I feel like there's a train inside of me Sir." Dan laughed. "There is. And the passengers are gonna disembark. Any... minute... now..." He gave a final, hard thrust, and the jizz started pouring out, as he collapsed on top of Steve.

"Good morning, handsome," he smiled at the man underneath him.

"Same to you stud. OH that was great..."

Dan kissed him on the lips. "So, you wanna sleep some more or you wanna get up? I thought we'd go to a breakfast place and get fortified, I'd show you the business, and then we'd just pack our stuff up.

Steve looked at him "We really have to go, don't we?" Dan responded. "Well, I'm afraid you do, steve. Like I said, whatever you THINK you want, you're in a bit of a magic spell right now. Let's give it time to settle in. " He grinned. "AND, you know we can't leave without giving your colleagues something to talk about."

"True that. " Steve smiled "Maybe I should invite them up here for a weekend." Dan reached down and grabbed Steve's cock and squeezed it. "Promise me you'll NEVER do that." "OH SHIT I was teasing! No, no of course not. "

Dan kissed him again. "This is OUR place steve. No one else we know gets to come up here. Just us."

They heard the door slam downstairs. It was Ivan "GOOD MORNING MASTER DAN. GOOD MORNING STEVE. Hope you slept well."

"He's here to get a start on the laundry and the cleaning. Don't worry steve. He won't be in there until we're gone.

Dan smacked steve's butt and sent him off to the shower. This was all working, but it was working MUCH faster than he ever thought it would. He'd have steve here as his man wife soon. He just had to make sure every i was dotted, and every t was crossed.

When Steve came out of the shower, he asked "it feels warm outside. Would it be ok if I went shirtless?" "Well, for walking, sure, but I don't have any sun block here, and you DO need a shirt for the breakfast place. Up to you." "Yeah, fair point. I don't want to burn for tomorrow. Is a t shirt ok, Sir?" "If you look as sexy in it as you do in everything else, you bet?"

And they settled on that: a white one for Steve, a black one for Dan. Steve was rooting around in Dan's closet, and he found a baseball jacket: silvery satin, with blue stripes on the arms. "Hey, this can't fit you, but I bet it fits me." He tried it on.

"OH GOD. Could you look any hotter? Now I feel like I'm with a college baseball coach. FUCK YES. Keep that on, muffin" Steve had found the jacket that one of Dan's old flings had worn. Dan remembered that "relationship" very well as like a fire that was very hot, but burned out very quickly. They had never gotten to the question of moving to Otokouomo, and when Fred had left, he forgot the jacket.

"Now, I'm gonna ask you to do something today steve. Yeah, we're gonna hold hands, if for no other reason than to make sure no one steals you from me, but I want you to keep the other hand behind your back, as if it were tied there. "

"Yes sir. Can I ask why?" "Because if you're going to be mine 100%, you have to feel under control 100% of the time. There are other ways I can do it, but this is a start. "

"Yes Sir. " And they headed out toward the breakfast cafe'. They met some of the people that steve had been introduced to over the weekend, and it was a very leisurely trip to their meal. Steve was learning that, by and large, everyone here was very friendly, like a small town.

"Can we stop here, Sir?" Steve's eye had been caught by a store that sold "jewelry" and leather items.

"Sure. Take a look. Let me know if you have questions." The store was closed: wouldn't open until noon, but the display was visible.

"Now these are nipple rings." "Nipple rings Sir?" "Yes. They make nipples more sensitive. They also give the topman something to hold onto and tug... " He grinned when he saw steve's face. "We're not there yet, don't worry. No piercings for you. Not even THAT one.." There was a Prince Albert in a dummy penis. "HUH? Steve pointed at it, and Dan laughed. "It's supposed to make things much more sensitive for both the guy doing the fucking, and the guy getting fucked. And it's just supposed to make your cock MUCH more sensitive." He paused. "Pain in the ass when you're travelling. Sets up metal detectors."

"Uh, should I ask how you know that?" "Oh, I had one in my youth." He squeezed steve's hand. "I wasn't always the masterful Top I am now," and he laughed hard. "The pierce heals after a while, but it IS a slow process. Now, let's look at some things that might be more appropriate for you." He moved steve over to collars. "These are slave necklaces. You see how they're all based on chains?"

"I do Sir. I think I saw some of them on guys this weekend." "Yeah, you probably did. They come in different weights, and some of them, like that one," as he pointed to a heavier weight one. "has a lock on it. That one is pretty heavy for the guy to wear. But the lighter ones... I may ask you to wear one soon. "

"Yes Sir. Sounds like it could be interesting."

"Now, here..." he came over to the leather items. "We have harnesses: you wear those when you want to show off that you're really into the leather scene. Some guys look REALLY hot in it, and some.... well, some do not." "Do you have any leather Sir?" "I do." "Would you wear it for me?" "Not this weekend, but soon." "Can you bring it to NY and wear it this week?" Dan's mind began turning "This is REALLY going fast. WOW." "I think so. You might enjoy the feel of it on you too, so you can try mine on just for that. And here." he pointed to some arm bands "I may want you to wear one of those too. Bottoms put them on their right arm, and tops, on their left." "Why?" "I guess to make sure no one is confused. For example, steve, you're a really big guy, and people are going to assume: you're the top man. If I'm out with you, and you have a band on, and it's on your right arm, there's no doubt." "But I have to not be wearing sleeves, Sir." "That'll happen. Remember you wanted to not wear a shirt today?"

Dan began to think: would he freak if he got some of these for steve? No way to know, but to ask.

"Listen sweetie. I don't want to presume, but if you would wear them, I would LOVE to get you a collar and a band on the way back home after breakfast. You don't have to wear them, just put them away for when you're ready."

Steve's voice dropped. "Sir, I think I just got an erection thinking about wearing them. So, yes." Dan squeezed his hand

"Kiss me. Right here, right now."

When they sat down at their table at the breakfast cafe' , the same thing happened as had happened in the first restaurant. Dan just scooted over so Steve could see the menu with him. Dan was having an omelet with vegetables, Steve had French toast.

"It's not fancy food, steve, but it's filling, and it's good."

"Sir, you have to remember, I'm used to warming a package in the microwave and eating it in the kitchen, standing up. All this good food you're introducing me to, I'm gonna get fat. Are you still gonna find me desirable if I put on weight?"

Dan grabbed steve's thigh. "you betcha. I think you're too thin to begin with, and if you're heavier, you can't move as fast as you did, and I can catch you when I'm old and crippled." Steve made a face "Oh, stop that."

"And besides, Steve... I'm not saying to do it or not, but there are gyms, and if you feel intimidated, I'll go with you the first few times. I remember my first time. I was scared to death. I was SO intimidated."

"You don't seem intimidated by the gym anymore Sir. I think you probably intimidate people."

Dan laughed. "It took some time, but yeah, I'm comfortable."

Steve was silent for a minute. "Sir, this is none of my business, but I'm gonna ask. You're my first man. I'm surely not yours. What was your first experience like."

Dan took a deep breath. "Ah, yes. I tell people I really had two first times, because there was one at school, that I think was really just, well, whatever. I had the biggest crush on a guy who had a dorm room on my floor, and we were very good friends. TIGHT. REALLY REALLY tight. Well, it was a Friday afternoon, we were hanging out in my room, and he threw a pillow at me. I threw it back, we began roughhousing, and then I kissed him. He kissed back, and we made out all night in that skinny dorm room bed. We dated, oh, I guess for about three months, and then it was graduation. He never returned my calls after that. He's a surgeon now. Lives in Connecticut with his wife. Has four daughters, so I guess he's a top now.

"Wow. He went the opposite way I did." "Then, there was David. The music professor . You're old enough to remember personal ads. Well, I answered one when I was in graduate school" "Excuse me Sir. You went to graduate school." Dan smiled. "I don't talk about it, but you may call me DOCTOR Dan. I finished a PhD in modern Philosophy. Which explains why I became an ultimate fighter: the tenure wars trained me. But anyway, David was a much older man, and that was ok. We had a date, he fucked me, and after a few weeks, I moved in. " He paused. "The man was horrifically insecure and jealous. If I looked at someone, even to admire his dog, I got a slap.

"You put up with that? REALLY?" "Oh, and a lot more. Including the piercing. But yeah, being with David convinced me that I loved gay sex, but I didn't really like bottoming. " Now Dan paused again. "So now, you have a bit of my history . More will come out as we know each other better." He smiled at steve "you know, that jacket REALLY suits you. Make sure you take it back today.

"Thank you. It feels nice. Sir, I guess that's why, at least in part, you don't want me to move in with you here right away."

"That's part of it steve. Another part is, I'm just not ready for you yet. Since you're interested, I'll have the place fixed up so two people can LIVE there, but beyond that , I really want to make sure that the people you love and trust the best are on board with it. "

Steve smiled. "I don't use this word a lot, but 'why the fuck are you still available?"

Dan laughed "Oh, my being single? I've been in a few relationships steve, I leapt before I looked. Some people just don't know when they're being treated well. BUT ENOUGH SERIOUSNESS. Let's get a move on. We have a stop or two to make."

As they left, Dan said to steve. "we're gonna get you some t shirts that make your nips point out more." steve blushed. "C'MON. You and I both know you're wearing that t shirt to get me hot, and it is. But a tighter one will get me hotter. "

"You read me like a book, Sir." Steve put his right hand behind his back as Dan took his left one.

The jewelry store had opened while they were having their late breakfast, so they went in.

"MASTER DAN. You haven't been in here a while. How are you?"

"Hey Sir Chuck. Let me introduce you to my new boi. This is steve."

Sir Chuck smiled. "STEVE. How nice to meet you. Welcome to our little paradise. How do you like it?"

"Oh, very much Sir. I want to move in, but Master Dan told me it's too soon.'

"First visit?" "Yes Sir" "Listen to Master Dan. You need a bit more time before you make a decision like this." He winked at Dan, and steve didn't see it.

"Chuck, steve asked me if I would get him a collar, and an arm band, so, whatcha got for the NY professional who's new to all of this.

"AH. You could use a lighter one. Let's see. Hmmm. Big neck. Over here..." He showed him a group of ligher chains, that were longer. Steve felt one in his hands. "I like this one. Can I try it on."

Charles shook his head no. "See? This is the kind of thing you need to know. It's bad luck for a boi to put on his own chain. Your Master has to do that."

Steve turned to Dan. "Sir, would you?" Dan felt his cock grow just a little harder, and he flipped the chain over steve's head.

He looked at it in a mirror. "I like it. It suits me. "

"I agree," said Dan. "gold is a better color on you than silver, since you have so much silver in your natural color. Now, the arm band... you know what color I like Chuck. As black as possible. Medium width.

As Dan paid for the stuff, steve asked "Sir, can I wear the chain while we're walking around?' Dan answered "I almost want you to strip down so I can put the band on, too. But that will wait. "

"So nice to meet you Sir Chuck. I hope I see you soon." "That's mutual steve. And steve: you're learning. I'm not used to bois calilng me Sir right away." "I have a good teacher Sir ." Chuck smiled. "one of the best."

"Ok, steve-o, now let's head to the brothel. Things should be calming down about now, and then we'll be on our way back to NYC.

Indeed, things were quieting. The manager greeted them. "Master Dan.. I knew you were here, and I wasn't sure if you were going to visit us. I'm glad you waited. It was a nutsy, crazy weekend."

"Jeremy, this is my new boi, steve." "Nice to meet you steve. I'm one of the senior bois here, so I manage on Sundays, because it's slow."

"OH, I see." steve noticed the outline of a ring in Jeremy's right nipple, through his red t shirt. "So you work here when you're not managing?"

"That's right. I'm one of the bois who cater to men who prefer beef to veal, mutton to lamb."

steve looked perplexed. "Jeremy means some guys want an older date. Jeremy is 35, which puts him at the top end of who works here - although we do have a couple of guys who work part time, closer to our age.

There really wasn't much to see. It seemed to be just like a college fraternity house, but with much more attractive residents.

Occasionally, steve would hear a sound that seemed to be similar to the sounds he and Dan made, but there was nothing more than that to suggest anything.

"Receipts this weekend jeremy?" Dan asked.

"Oh, let me check. Let's see.... Yes... We had 341 visits from clients since Friday, and the total gross revenue..... 654,000.

'THAT WAS YOUR GROSS? Steve exclaimed. GEEZ. No wonder you have no problem with two places." Then he blushed. He felt he had gone too far.

"Well, this was a VERY busy weekend. Did you work Jeremy?" He shook his head yes. "I had 8 clients this weekend. I'm tired. "

"I guess you can see why I need a REALLY good accountant." Jeremy put out his hand to shake steve's. "You won't need to visit here, if you're with Dan. He's the sexiest man in the town, but if you have a guest who needs company, just mention my name. I'll make sure you get the best."

steve smiled. "Thank you. It's good to have friends"

On the way back, Dan said "Yes, yes we did. I know you're too polite to ask but yes, jeremy and I did date for a while. He prefers men who are darker than me, so it didn't last. Good man though. GREAT Sex." He squeezed Steve's hand. "But you're better."

As they got back to the house, Ivan had been through and left. The bed was stripped, and everything was cleaned up. "Ok , stud... get your gear together... "

Steve began to tear up. "Sir... this may have been the most wonderful weekend of my life. I won't be able to in the car, so ... can I hug you now.. PLEASE?"

Dan wrapped steve in his arms. He ran his hand through his hair, and he whispered. "Believe me, stud.If we didn't have to get on the road, I'd take you back to that bedroom and make love to you for about a day."

Steve looked at him. "Later in the week? Promise?" Dan smiled. "Promise. If you promise to start those calls to your cousin. We all have to meet."

"Yes sir." He looked down at his chain. "I love this too. I wanna get it monogrammed with your name on it."

"In time, babe, in time . Now, why don't you go use that Scandinavian throughness and get us packed? I'll put together some stuff to sustain us on the trip back, and we'll be off."

"Yes sir." So while steve backed the bags, Dan put together some fruit, some cookies, and a few bottles of water. He marked one, where only he could see it, and he put a light sedative in the drink. He wanted steve asleep so he had no idea of what roads they were traveling.

Steve was thirsty about 20 minutes into the ride, and asleep after about 30. And Dan, behind the wheel, chuckled. "Some conquests are just too easy."

Next: Chapter 13

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