Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on May 20, 2020


Dan recognized stress exhaustion, and he saw it while Steve slept. He had taken off his shirt, and he was in his briefs, and sleeping so soundly, he barely made a sound.

"You've been through a lot" Dan thought, as he watched Steve sleep, face down on the bed. "And you're a trooper. You're gonna make a great partner. Just a bit more time."

He let Steve sleep, and then, after about 2.5 hours, he began gently massaging the back of Steve's neck. He whispered "roll on your side sexy, so I can hold you."

Out of whatever he was dreaming, Steve moaned "yes sir," and did roll on his side, right into Dan's arms. Dan encircled Steve's chest, and Steve grabbed his hands, holding them very close to his nips. Dan wanted to play them, but he just held them there, and kissed Steve's ear, whispering "you're mine, handsome man. ALL mine." Steve responded by pushing his butt into Dan's crotch. Dan's cock grew, but he willed it into calming down.

"NO. Not yet. There was dinner, and then some romancing. " He smiled. "And then, probably a little disappointment for Steve, and that was part of the plan. Making this man his "man wife" would take some time, but not THAT long. He smiled. Yes, he was the one.

Steve began to wake up. He saw Dan's hands around him. "Oh, hi. Did I sleep long?"

"For about 2 hours, handsome. You were tired."

Steve rolled on his back. "Oh, but it was SUCH a good sleep. Know what I dreamt of?"

Dan smiled. "That's a trick question. I was here. You were sleeping so deeply, you didn't have any dreams."

"MMM. You're right. But you know what I'm dreaming of now?"

"Tell me"

"I'm dreaming that you're on top of me, and sliding your cock into me, making me moan. Making me hot."

Dan laughed. "PIG. That'll come later, I promise. For now, though, you have to begin to get awake. We have a dinner. " He kissed Steve on the lips. And he asked. "Tell me the truth. Are you having a good time. Do you like being here?"

"Yes, I am having a good time, Sir. I didn't know if I would, but I am. And I like it here a lot. I've never been in a town with just men. " He paused, and then looked at Dan. "Would you just get on top of me? Let me feel you on me?"

Dan smiled. "I'm not going to fuck you , but yes. Let's cuddle."

They were face to face, hugging each other. Every now and then, Dan would stroke Steve's hair, or kiss him, either on the nose, or flat out on the lips. He had thrown his leg over Steve's, so Steve wasn't going anywhere.

"You know, I've never had a boyfriend who's hard as much as you are." Dan ran his hand over Steve's crotch.

"I can't help it. I feel like you let this kid into a candy store, and I just can't get enough."

Dan laughed a little. "That's sweet. I'll give you as much as I can. " Then he began to feel aroused, and flipped Steve on his back.

"You know, you may be the sexiest man I've ever dated. No, I'm wrong. You ARE the sexiest man I ever dated. " He leaned down and whispered "and if I get my tongue in your ear, we are NEVER gonna make it to dinner or an evening walk around town, so I'm gonna force myself to let you up, so we can get ready." He kissed Steve on the lips again. "But I don't want to. And we're going to the candy store later."

Dan had made the reservation at the restaurant on the early side: 7. This was the fanciest restaurant in Otokouomo, and a meal could take a while. That was fine: he wanted as many people to see his new prize as possible. Also, while it COULD take a while, it would give him time to show Steve a little more of the town, and also, for, well...

With a shy smile, Steve pulled his outfit into the bathroom: "I'll give you the big 'reveal' when I'm ready," he told Dan, who dressed in the bedroom. Dan dressed well, but conservativel, so that steve would be the center of attention. He put on a white oxford shirt, and grey flannel trousers. He had his blue blazer ready. When Steve came out, in that beautiful dark blue shirt, and a pair of light colored fawn slacks, Dan felt his cock pulsing and growing.

"Oh, my, stephen." He got up, and opened steve's second button. "Why don't you half roll your sleeves too? And don't tuck it. You'll be fine." Steve smiled at the attention he was getting from Dan. "Now look in the mirror, and tell me: would you blame me if I grabbed you tied you up, and fucked you all night long, you big handsome Swede?" When he went to the mirror, steve DID smile. He thought to himself "is this the first time I've ever thought I was handsome?" Dan was behind him, kissing his neck. "You look good in everything, but THIS.. OH GOD" His hand touched steve's ass, and steve pushed back into the touch. "It's yours Sir."

The sun was beginning to set as they walked off to the restaurant, and the streets were full. More than one "WOOF" came their way. Steve asked "should we hold hands, or..." "How about you put them behind you now? We'll hold hands on the way home." "Yes Sir." As he put his hands behind his back, steve felt a twinge of excitement. Here, Dan COULD tie him up and no one would mind. He'd ask...

"Hi Marcel. Reservation for two under my name." "Yes, of course Master Dan. " Marcel smiled at them. He turned to Steve. "Welcome to our restaurant. I'm Marcel. We've been expecting you." Steve blushed. "Everyone keeps telling me that, Dan. Did you issue a newsletter or something?" Dan laughed. "My dating someone is big news around here, studmuffin. I'm choosy. And I've chosen. You can take your hands from behind you now. Hard to eat a dinner tied up."

As they sat down, Dan told Steve "You won't get a menu here either, but neither will I. This place serves one meal. They put the menu on line the day of your reservation, and you can keep the reservation or not. Some of the stuff may not be to your liking, but that's ok. I'm just going to take the drink menu, and order some wine. " He had his hand on the inside of steve's thigh while he told him this. Over at another table, a couple were talking . One said to the other "That man is going to be Dan's new wife." His companion responded "does he know?" That provoked a laugh. "Seems he's enjoying being Dan's boyfriend, not that I would blame him. I saw Dan's cock once, at the gym. GEEZ."

At their table, the waiter brought over their drinks, and an amuse bouche. Dan smiled as he held up the glass of champagne, and offered a toast. "Beginnings are over. To the future. Together." Steve smiled, and then after their first sip, they kissed.

"Now what is this Dan? " "Oh, ok, yes, try it, and then I'll tell you, because I'm afraid you won't eat it if I do."

Steve put it in his mouth. Briny. Almost explosive. It was a little like, well, yeah, swallowing Dan's cum.

"I'm not quite sure I can say what it tasted like." Dan laughed. "It's sea urchin. It's as close to eating a gonad as you'll ever get. Did you like it?" Steve smiled. "Actually, I thought of that. I thought of the taste after I blow you." Then he blushed "Was that too loud?" Dan squeezed his arm. "No one heard it but me. And if I taste as good as that did, well, thank you."

"I don't think I've ever had sea urchin before, and I'm sure I never had - what did he call it?" "Amuse bouche. It's something to wake up your taste buds and get you ready for the meal to come." "Yeah, we never had that. We didn't eat out a lot."

Dan paused. "You must have been an incredibly beautiful, handsome, teenager Steve." "Well, THAT came out of the blue. I think..." Steve reached into his pocket to pull out his phone. As he moved, his shirt opened a little bit and when Steve got a look at a nipple, he got even more aroused. "Yeah, here's some photos. My mom sent them to me." Dan looked. "Oh yeah. You were a little Michael York weren't you?" Steve blushed "Gretchen used to tell me that. I never saw the resemblance, and no one else said it, so I haven't thought of it." "You were a really gorgeous kid, Steve." He looked at him "But I like you better as you look now." More blushing. "Dan, can I ask why you said that about me as a teenager?" "Oh, from what you've told me, your family wasn't poor, but you never went out. You didn't eat out. I have a feeling - just based on talking to people I know - that your folks - especially your mom - were afraid that, because you were so good looking, you'd wind up in the wrong hands. So they kept you home." There was a pause. "I think you may be right." Dan squeezed his biceps. "See how much good it did? Here you are, in the wrong hands. Now lean over and kiss the wrong lips before they bring the food."

Some of the people in the restaurant that night, who knew Dan, were smiling. "He is SO smitten" one man told his friend. "I have NEVER seen him smile like that." His friend answered "Well, can you blame him? That guy may be one of the three or four handsomest men I've seen in my life." "I'd put him in my top 3. "

At one point, Dan asked their server. "Excuse me. I know this is out of place for the restaurant, but... this is our first SERIOUS date. Can you take a photo?" The server smiled "of course Sir." They leaned in, Dan put his arm around Steve's shoulders, and they smiled. "One more. And he leaned over and kissed Steve, not stopping until the photo was done." "Now, let me forward them to you. So you have them too."

Steve looked at Dan. "I really don't think I've ever enjoyed myself as much as I am, Dan. Hug me for a minute." Steve snuggled in for the hug, and he whispered "it's not going to end. Don't be so sad." "You read my mind" "It wasn't hard. How's your food?" "I have to be honest, I'm not liking some of it, but it's all really new and interesting, and I'd eat some of it again.

After the waiter had cleared their plates, and they had finished their wine, there was a brief wait for dessert. Steve looked at Dan. "I think I made a decision, Dan. I'd like to move up here with you."

Dan smiled. He squeezed Steve's knee. "I'm going to take that as provisional. We still have a few things to take care of before that can happen. But I WANT it to happen, Steve. Very badly.

"What needs to happen?"

"Well, first of all, I'd like you to talk about this with Gretchen. You're making a big step, and from what you told me, she's your anchor. See what she says. And, I should meet her too. Because Steve, if she doesn't approve of me, you're going to be unhappy." Steve was thinking about this. He knew Dan was right.

"And last of all, you have to have a party so your jock buds can see who you're dating, and with whom you're going to be living. Freak them ALL out. On a WHOLE lotta levels."

Steve was chuckling "That would be RICH. Yeah, I'd like to do that. And you're right about Gretchen. I'll arrange things next week."

Dan looked at him. "But if you moved up here, and lived with me, I would be the happiest man in the world."

Just then, the server wheeled over a table. "The special dessert, as you requested Master Dan." It was a Grand Marnier souffle, just out of the oven, served warm, with a big dollop of cream.

"OH MY GOODNESS" came out of Steve. I've never seen anything like that. LOOK AT IT It's like eating a balloon."

"I love his sense of wonder. It's like being with my nephew." The server brought over two glasses of sauternes as well. "Compliments of Marcel, Sir."

Steve looked at Dan again. "I don't say this enough. I love you Dan."

"And I love you. Now eat your dessert. I think we're both thinking that a walk around town might be good, and then..

As they finished up and walked out, with Dan holding Steve's hand, a few of the men stopped them and greeted Dan. (They really wanted a better look at Steve, and Dan knew that. He was fine with it. If Dan were going to be his man-wife, he'd have to get used to being on display).

"They like you Steve. That's what that was about." "It was?" "Oh yeah. They wanna see who I'm dating, and they wanna see if they can pick and nag. They won't. And if they do." He pulled Steve close. "I don't care." and then he kissed him deep.

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They walked slowly. There were still people on the streets, but far fewer than when they left for dinner. "For a gay village, it really is an early town, Steve. By 1, maybe 2, with the exception of the brothel, everything is wound down." "Even on Saturday, Sir?" Dan squeezed Steve's hand when h dropped in the "sir." "Oh yes. Remember, mostly couples, or pairs trying to be couples." He laughed. "There's a lot of moaning and pushing going on right now."

They walked to the highest point of town: a small hill. There was a viewing bench there, and they sat, Dan with his arm draped around his boyfriend. There was a full moon. Dan's hand strayed down to Steve's nip.

"I've been chaste all night long. That's about to change, handsome. " "OH THANK GOD," Steve answered, and slid Dan's hand INSIDE his shirt. "Take it. Get me revved. " Some fervid kissing and necking followed, before they headed home. Dan opened the door, and pretty much shoved Steve down on the bed.

"JUST STAY THERE. Just stay there. I know how to undress a man." "Yes sir.. But please.. PLEASE.. I'm so fucking desperate." Dan slipped off Steve's shoes, then reached for his buckle. He squeezed his ass cheeks through his pants, before he pulled them down and off Steve. He shoved his legs apart and then... nothing. Steve wondered what was going on, and then he felt his wrists being grabbed, and tied with his belt. "FUCK. That's so HOT." That was all he got out, because his sock , rolled in a ball, got shoved in his mouth. Dan began to run his finger around the rim of Steve's hole, and Steve began to moan. It felt so good, and being restrained, helpless, made it more so. He knew he was dripping, right onto the bed. Dan said nothing, but switched to tonguing him. He pulled Steve's butt up in the air, and dug in deeply, before rolling him over and taking him t hat way.

"You like that stevebitch? You LIKE being my CUNT?" The word "cunt" got Steve even hottrer, and his already engorged cock got bigger. "Look at that. LOOK AT THAT BIG BOTTOM COCK. YOU LIKE BEING MY MANCUNT, BITCH?" Steve moaned and shook his head yes, violently. "You ready to be my BITCH. FOR FUCKING FOREVER?" More head shaking, as Dan ran his finger around Steve's cockhead. Dan pulled the gag out of Steve's mouth. SAY IT. SAY IT OUT LOUD "I WANNA BE YOUR BITCH SIR. YOUR CUNT. YOUR FUCKING BOTTOM."

At that, Dan knew that all the meetings, all his suggestions , were icing. He had won. He slipped his condom on, and pushed Steve's big legs in the air. The giant was soon impaled, but the impaling proceeded, little by little, as Dan took his time sliding in. Each time he went a little further, he would ask a question

"Who OWNS YOU?" "You do Sir?"

"Who's my MANBITCH" "I am SIR."

"Who FUCKS you? "YOU DO SIR" At the final push, Dan gruffly asked

"YOU READY TO SUBMIT TO ME 100 PERCENT?" There was a pause, and then a "yes sir" in a lower voice.


That set off Dan, and he pushed in, HARD, and exploded in steve. He smiled as he did. He knew.. it was done. Steve belonged to him now.

He had a wicked grin on his face as he pulled out.

"You just surrendered. You're mine now." "I know Sir. I'm yours."

Dan pinned down Steve's arms. "You want your Master to jerk you off?" "Yes Sir. PLEASE. I haven't cum since Thursday... OH SHIT..." Dan had begun stroking him. "OH GOD. OH GOD SIR. PLEASE I'M SO CLOSE." Dan chuckled as he moved his hand away. "Shouldn't have told me that steve. Shouldn't have told me at all." 'PLEASE SIR. PLEASE . I NEED TO SHOOT. I NEED IT. I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT." Dan smiled. "Yeah, you will. You're gonna blow me tomorrow morning. First thing when you wake up. "Yes Sir." And you're gonna call me SIR from now on." "YES SIR." Dan's magic fingers went under steve's cock and found his prostate. It took one solid push with his thumb.

"OH GOD. GEEZ. " steve began to shoot. He caught Dan in the face, and the cum went everywhere. Dan collected some of it. He put it on steve's lips.


Steve gulped for a minute, but said "yes sir," and licked the white stuff off his lips. It DID remind him of the urchin.

Dan unbuttoned Steve's shirt, and stroked his torso. Then he leaned down and kissed it all over. He looked at Steve.

"From that party. From the first time I saw you, I knew. I wanted you. I wanted you all for myself. And now..

"I'm yours Sir. I belong to you."

They kissed some more before getting naked for bed. The moonlight was bright, and steve thought he'd have trouble sleeping. He didn't. And he DID dream. He dreamt of his life with this man, who had brought him to a place he hadn't even thought of. And he was going, willingly, with no regrets.

Next: Chapter 12

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