Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on May 16, 2020


From years of getting up early to get to work early, Steve was finding it difficult to adjust to the slower pace at Otokouomo. The pace, and the change to sharing a bed with a hot man who seemed to be unable to get enough of him, was overwhelming. He had never had a relationship like this. And now, Dan had asked him to move in with him - but not in NYC - here in Otokouomo. He was an accountant. He liked to form mental balance sheets of the pros and cons of a situation. But he needed "grounding" to do that. Here in Otokouomo, he felt just slightly off balance, all the time - even when Dan wasn't pushing him on his back to make love to him - and getting to NYC was probably not going to help. For the last week, all he thought about was Dan.

Now, as he lay there on Dan's chest, as Dan snored peacefully, he traced little patterns with Dan's chest hair, and snuggled closer to the man who worshipped him. Moving here would be a major change. And there was no security - he thought. What if Dan got tired of him? What if they fought? What if he didn't like the town after a while? Dan told him that, after they woke up, he was going to have him meet some of the newer residents of the town - both the submissives, and then the Doms, and maybe he could get some clarity there.

When he let go of his deeper thoughts about the future, Steve realized he was having the best time of his life. The town was beautiful, being around all of those uninhibited men, some very handsome, had made him realize how much he had missed. The dining out, the partying, the way everyone was pleasant, even within some very strange rules: he was enjoying it all. So, maybe the question was, COULD he go back to NY?

"Morning, blondie." Dan began to stir, smiled, and ran his hand over Steve's hair. "Did you sleep well?" "I did. The bed's comfortable and your chest, Sir. OH... I can't explain it." Dan kissed him "Well, maybe I can help. While you had your head on my chest, I had my arm around you, and my leg on top of yours. Feeling the heat of your body, the little movements you made, the sighs, all made me smile in my dreams. Knowing that I was waking up to your face - that beautiful, sweet, confused, longing face. OH GEEZ. Steve, I want you under me right now"

Steve didn't stand a chance, as Dan climbed on top of him and went in for a kiss to the neck. "No, no... Not yet," Steve protested, but began to moan as the kiss got in. "OH yes. More. More of that please. It feels so good.." Dan rubbed morning stubble on the man. "I've got a whole bunch of games set for us, steve o. Gonna have so much fun. For now, though, I am just SO FUCKING HORNY that you've got to get to work. Which hole? Your mouth, or your butt?"

A wicked grin came over Steve's face. "How about both?" "Good answer, muffin , good answer..." Dan positioned himself so his cock was right near Steve's lips. Steve dove for it, and got it. "OH FUCK. You're faster than I thought you wicked man.." Dan began to toy with Steve's nips while Steve sucked him. He knew that Steve's ears and neck were more sensitive than his nips, and he was gonna use that in a game later today, but for now... this worked. His cock got more and more engorged, and while Steve had to adjust, he took it. Every last bit of it.

When Dan was good and wet, and Steve was gasping, Dan pulled out. ""You ready, big guy?" "Yes sir. Take my man pussy ass. Please." "Not gonna tie you up this morning. But this afternoon.. Heh heh. " Dan plunged into Steve's ass. Steve's own cock was firm and long, but he had made the decision to try to abstain... As Dan pounded him, he said, "this afternoon, after we come back from our meeting, I got an exciting scenario. You can cum then. For now... FEEL IT BITCH.. Dan just shot, big time into Steve, and then cuddled him.

"I've never enjoyed being in a bed with a man as much as you, and I've been with my share." Steve ventured a comment. "I heard you on a phone call Dan. I think you said I may be 'the one' Dan smiled. "Yup. I did. That's why I brought you up here. My man is going to have to be part of Otokouomo. This is really my home. NY is fun, but here is where I belong.

"The let's see some more of it."

Dan smacked Steve on the ass. "Then get out of bed, lazy bones. Get cleaned up. I'm next. "

In the shower, Steve thought about the easy rapport he had with Dan. He was much more easy going than some of the other folks he had met. But the "cells" in the basement made him nervous. So did not being able to leave. He wished Ivan were around so he could try to get more info.

He came out, dripping wet, wrapped in a towel. Dan was smiling. "You know, I LIVE for the moment when you come out like that. I don't know how many people may have had the chance to see you like that, and passed it up. But most people are stupid. " He walked up and shoved his tongue down Steve's mouth. "Now, you're MINE. Aren't you steve?"

"Yes sir." Steve was feeling himself aroused again. Not a surprise. He had been aroused since this relationship began.

As Dan was showering, he looked around the house. Nothing much to see. The computer was on, and he clicked on it out of curiosity. He found a movie, where a guy was tied up, wrists behind him, his torso bound, and his top was busy gagging him, while he chewed on his ear. "FUCK. That's what he has planned for me," Steve thought," and he felt two strong hands on his shoulders. "Yeah. It's gonna be us this afternoon. You're gonna learn a LOT more about bondage today, steve-o. But NOW, you're gonna get dressed, I'm gonna get dressed, and we're gonna go have some brunch at a friend's house. "

The streets were much busier on late Saturday morning than on Friday night, and Steve had a better look at the guys. Occasionally, he saw someone who looked scared, or confused. Those guys were almost always with their hands tied behind their wrists, sometimes even gagged, with bigger, stronger looking guys - not necessarily older.

"The Italian part of the founding couple was a big fan of passeggiata. That's the walk Italians take every day - it sort of becomes a promenade. You get to see what everyone else is wearing , they get to see what you're wearing, and it's a very interesting part of the culture. Giacomo was a bottom, so he didn't get to take it himself too often, but when he did, let's say he proved his commitment to, "sexual freedom."

"Oh, he was a slut?" Steve asked, and Dan laughed. "That's not a word we use here, steve. If guys have an agreement, then fine, share and share alike. Most of these folks are committed though. You won't see much straying outside of the relationship."

They got to a blue house, not as big as Dan's but sizeable. Steve had put on his brown polo shirt and khaki shorts, after a "consultation" with Dan, that turned into Dan telling him "wear these, bottom boi," and a response "Yes sir." A grey haired man with a moustache answered the door.


"Nice to meet you too, Sir. I'm Steve." Les smiled "GOOD. You're already training him. " Dan smiled. "Yes and no. Steve is ridiculously smart, and he's picking stuff up so fast. I didn't tell him to call you Sir, he just did it." Les looked at Steve again, and smiled. "You're gonna be perfect for the most sought after bachelor in this town. But come in, come in. Brunch is ready."

There were 8 of them at brunch. It was clear to steve right away who the three other bottoms were, and who were the tops. In addition to Dan and Master Les, there were Masters Paul and Chris. Master Paul looked kind of scary with his shaved head and his leather vest, but Master Chris was someone he had seen at the restaurant before - one of the bartenders! Yes, he had a smile, and amazing blue eyes.

"Did he just wink at me?" Steve thought.

The bottoms were joe, frank and mario. He got a warm welcome when he joined them. He could see that joe already had a nip ring, and frank seemed to be shaved. He was wearing a tight white oxford shirt, that was barely buttoned, and his chest was smooth.

"Dig in bois" Master Les came out. Give steve a warm welcome, and answer his questions. " Dan came over and gave steve a kiss. "I'll be back for ya in about half an hour. "

mario seemed to be the newest resident . He was Chris' boy. They had met at another bar, a few towns over, when Chris had gone out for a night. Mario had been infatuated by his eyes, and actually thought Chris was a bottom. He took Chris home and, before he knew it, was on the receiving end of a cut ten inch cock. A few dates later and, mario had surrendered to Chris. Now, he lived here, keeping house while Chris worked at night. Chris would actually have to leave early in order to get ready for work - Saturday night at a bar was always busy.

frank was sexy - there was no question about it. Now that he had "permission" to think about men, steve realized frank was someone he would have dated. "So, you stole my future ex husband steve. " frank held out his hand to shake steve's. "I'm sorry, did I break you up?" frank laughed. "No, no no. Far from it. I've been with Master Paul for about 6 years. I'm not going anywhere. But Dan ..., well, if I told you how many of us had dreamed of being in his bed... " He laughed. "Paul keeps me very happy, but don't tell him I dropped the Master. He's a strict one." Steve was mesmerized by frank's shaved chest. "Yeah, it's one of his things. He keeps me smooth. Says it reminds me that I'm his boi. As if this wouldn't." He pulled down his jeans a bit to show - he was caged. "It's probably going to be in the next 3 months, but I've also agreed to take his ring. So, I have 3 more months of limited freedom, before I'm owned, completely.

That left joe as being Master Les' boi. "I guess we've been together forever. I'd say 15 years. I was already ringed when we moved up here. That was 5 years ago. Les had been told about the place, and we came up. Two days later, we called our broker, sold the house, and we've never gone back. "

Steve was nibbling at the food on his plate. "So you guys all live here." frank answered "oh yes. mario is the newbie. Five months? " "I think so," answered mario. "I have to be honest. I thought that giving up my old place would be hard, but... it's been great. Master Chris has a wandering eye , as Steve knows." They both smiled. "Don't worry, steve. I'm used to it, and I KNOW that Dan is not going to allow it. Lemme tell you something. This place is wonderful. You can pretty much have anything you want , but in terms of personal rules, every couple sets their own. Just know: Dan is VERY VERY strict. "

"What do you mean," Steve asked. "Well, if you agree to move in with him, there's one way to do things: HIS. " "That sounds kind of hot to me," Steve said. joe laughed. "Yeah, we figured. Dan is scary to a lot of people. He used to be called a 'one date wonder' "Well, we've had more than one date. " frank joined in. "You know, word had gotten around that he found the perfect man. I think they were right. You're handsome, you're smart, and you seem to like his philosophy."

"steve, come this way please?" Dan was smiling from another door, and called him in. The top men: Les, Chris, and Paul were there. Dan pointed to a spot on the floor. "sit." It took steve a bit of time to settle in, because he was so tall, and so nervous. He felt Master Dan's hand on his shoulder, squeezing it. "steve, these are my friends. I've told them a bit about you, and since this is such a small community, they just want to know a bit about the man I want to bring in. " He laughed. "you're still interested after talking to the other boys, yes?"

"I am Sir. " Paul started. "I know that Master Dan brought you out of the closet, and he's been your only relationship. Are you sure you're ready with just that experience?" Steve lowered his eyes, until Dan said "you can look up, steve." He saw Paul smile "It's true. Dan is number one. But you know, I'm in my 40s. I know that doesn't sound old, but if you're just starting to date, well..., and you know, I'm of course aware of my size. Scares a lot of people who also think that since I'm so tall, I'll top. Dan wasn't scared, and .." he began to choke up a bit. "He makes me so happy. "

Master Chris smiled. "You're an accountant. If you joined us, do you think you'd be willing to work as an accountant for some of us" Steve laughed. "Well, I already had a look at Dan's books for the brothel, and I may be intellectually tied up there, but if there's time, sure." Master Chris laughed. "I like how you said 'intellectually tied up.' Dan'll keep you physically tied up." "Sir, I hope so."

Finally, Master Les joined in. 'steve, Dan is my best friend in the world. One thing I've learned from being his friend: I never question his judgement. I WANTED to. I really, REALLY wanted to, because I thought at first, he had fallen for some young, twink fortune hunter. You're none of those. I don't really want to ask you any questions, other than this one: if you come to join us, are you going to submit to Dan's rules?"

Steve paused. "I haven't seen them all, but I think so." Dan squeezed his shoulder. "Les, steve and I need to talk about that a bit more, because we've not known each other long. I've been giving him instruction, little by little, but I realized today, there's a lot more to talk." He moved his hand to the back of steve's neck and squeezed. "I hope you'll say yes."

Steve's voice was low. "I want to Sir."

The tops began to stir. "steve, thank you for coming up and meeting with us. We don't make any decisions on who can and cannot move in, that's up to Dan. We just wanted to meet his new boyfriend. steve, in common language, he's a rare catch. Don't let him go."

"Thank you guys," Dan said as he embraced them all . "I hope we'll see some of you tonight. steve, why don't you go say goodbye to your new friends?"

He went into what he thought of as the bottom room. "hey guys. Master Dan is taking me home now, so I wanted to say again how glad I was to meet you." He held out his hand, and found himself swallowed up in a group hug." joe smiled at him. "There are more customary greetings when a new sub moves in. I hope we'll get to do them with you. You're the nicest one to come through in a long time." frank smiled. "Come join us steve. We'd love to have you here."

On the way back, Dan held Steve's hand. "so. you were a hit." "I was? I was so nervous Sir." "Well, that was part of it. Everyone knew you were nervous, and everyone saw you trying so hard to impress them for me, not for you. You never said anything about your looks, your prowess, nothing." Steve blushed. "I may have things wrong, Sir, but I thought that's what a sub did."

Dan growled. "Oh, you're gonna learn what a sub does when we get in that door.

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Dan slipped steve's shirt off, then he roped his torso, and he tied his hands behind him. He came up from behind, and he whispered, 'you're gonna resist being gagged." He pulled a big cloth sock out and rolled it in a ball. "Open your mouth, bottom" Steve shook his head NO." At one shake, Dan got his chin onto his neck and began scruffing. He nibbled steve's ear, and the moan gave him enough room to get the sock in. Then he pulled what looked like a silk necktie, and wrapped it around steve's mouth. "Now I GOTCHA accountant man.." He kept up the nibbling on ears, and started flicking Steve's nips. He whispered "you're gonna get fucked, you know that?" steve played along by denying it.

"No? Well, we'll see... " Dan began kissing steve along the length of his shoulder, and then up his neck to his ear. He tongued the inside and whispered "mancunt." steve began to moan, and he felt Dan's hand on his ass,

"Gonna bend over, boi?" Steve was silent, and then shook his head yes.

"BEND BITCH" When steve had, Dan pulled down his shorts, and pulled his ass cheeks apart. "Toy, or me? Hmmm." Dan was concerned that since they had had sex that morning , he wouldn't be able to perform now. Steve inspired him though, and he had no trouble taking the fine man's ass. He pulled the gag out of steve's mouth, to hear steve begging "HARDER. PLEASE HARDER SIR. HURT ME. MAKE ME A TRUE BITCH. " Dan reached around and grabbed steve's balls and squeezed them hard. "YES. YES. OH YES. KEEP SQUEEZING SIR. PLEASE." Dan had an idea. He pointed to a tile on the floor. "If your jizz gets that far, you get what you want tonight. If it doesn't... heh heh.' He began playing steve until finally, the man yelped and the jizz came out - not quite far enough. Dan jizzed just after that."

Dan pulled Steve to his feet, and kissed him. "you lost" Steve smiled. "No Sir. I think I won."

Dan untied the ropes, and Steve grabbed him in an embrace. "I know you're stronger, but I don't want to let you go, Sir. EVER." "I second that," added Dan. "How about a nap before dinner? We've had a busy day."

Next: Chapter 11

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