Flipping the Straight Accountant

By moc.loa@yddadnailatipot

Published on Apr 25, 2020


"Hey, John, I think that guy in the corner is checking you out." John looked up at the salt and pepper guy, over in the corner with a martini in his hand. He was looking elsewhere, but when he saw John looking , he held up his martini glass, as if to toast John, and smiled. This thee buddies were laughing. "Now if THAT doesn't tell you he's after you, what does?" They started laughing. John wanted to laugh, but he couldn't. He had broken up with his girlfriend Melanie just about 3 months ago, and he wasn't ready for this at all. His friends had dragged him to this party - a big one, at a big house - just outside of town. They had met after work, had a few beers, and then headed here, still in their Friday business casual best. The guy in question seemed to be alone, and had dressed in a very sharp, gray suit, a shirt and tie. "Impressive" John thought to himself.

"So, maybe you should go over and introduce yourself, bend over, and..." again there were gales of laughter from the 3 of them.

"YOU GUYS ARE CRUEL" John snapped back angrily. "You know, maybe I've been at this party too long. We'll see. I'm going out for some air - and to get away from you people." One of his friends said something , and they were all laughing again ,but he didn't hear it.

They were rough tonight, he thought His friends had been golden after the break up, and they had generally not tried to push him into relationships, or dates, or anything. On the drive to the party though, he had made the mistake of mentioning a particular actor, whom he thought was "attractive." That had gotten the other three guys going. "WOO HOO. John's done with chicks and he's trying dicks" his friend Sam had yelled out. "NO. It's not like that. I just like it when a man takes care of himself.."

"And has 9 inches when he's soft," finished Joe, and another few minutes of hysterical laughing followed. The comments had continued all night, and now, the comments about that guy.

"Hey, I guess I freaked you out in there. My apologies." He felt a strong, remarkably warm hand on his shoulder. He turned around, It was the guy who had been smiling at him.

"I'm Dan. And again, I apologize to you." "Hey, no need for that. I'm John. " He held out his hand "Thanks for looking out for me."

Dan's handshake was warm, and secure. His smile, under a small moustache, was full and sexy. "Full confession. I WAS checking you out, maybe hoping I could get you away from that band of yokels you were with, but then I saw you run out of the house. I went looking around to see if I had lost my chances by being subtle instead of direct."

"No, no. " John shook his head. "It's not you. Really, it's not. I'm just recently out of a long term relationship, and.." "Hey man, I'm sorry about that. I get it. I was in one for 8 years that ended recently. I bet the stories are similar." He paused and smiled "Except I think the genders are different. " John blushed for a minute. "Yeah, sorry about that. My ex was named Melanie." Dan answered "Peter for me."

A brief pause. "Look, John, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, or feel uncomfortable, but, well, I still find you attractive, and now I find you interesting. . Maybe coffee sometime, or dinner?"

John began to think. Between his job as an accountant, and his reluctance after Melanie, he hadn't done any dating since the break up.. He was lonely. And he hadn't had much experience before her, so he really wasn't very good at the games of flirting, and witty conversation. . Dan was clearly gay. But he seemed to be a nice guy, didn't look like a serial killer or anything, and even in the party, John had to admit: he thought he was attractive."

"You know, I'd like that. I don't have a car tonight. I came with those guys, so maybe next week?" Dan's big smile reappeared.

"Well, I have a car. I'm perfectly happy to take you back to wherever you need to get to. I live near midtown in the city, so I'll be heading in afterward anyway."

John smiled. "I'm a midtowner myself. And you know, coffee is sounding really good. How about tonight? Then we can see about next week?

"Sounds like a plan. Look for the red four door."

"A four door? That sounds like a family car." Dan laughed. "Nah. I just get to do a lot of transportation for friends who, shall we say 'are in no condition to drive', so I needed a big vehicle. The red because, well, I like red." John got in the passenger seat, as Dan got in, buckled up, and started driving.

"You feel like trying one of the places around here, John, or closer to home." "How about closer to home? There's a diner near where I live. Their coffee is pretty good."

"AND.... AWAY WE GO...." Dan intoned the line from an old variety show, and off they went.

John led them to the all night diner. It wasn't that busy at this hour. John lived in a fairly commercial area, not far from his accounting office, so they had no problem getting a booth. When they sat down, and Dan took a seat opposite him, instead of next to him, Dan felt a little disappointed.

"So, Dan, what do you do, if I can ask?" "Well, a bunch of things. I teach as an adjunct professor of cultural anthropology. But that's a side job really. For my main job...." he paused. "I really hope this doesn't freak you out John... I own a chain of stores that specializes in adult entertainment. You know... stuff like dildos, nipple clamps, vibrators..." John could feel his face reddening. He had seen all of those things, and he was curious. He had just never used them.

Dan saw the color change. "DAMN. I KNEW IT. Freaked you out, screwed things up." John actually reached out and covered Dan's hand with his. "No, absolutely not. It's just that... well, I've seen all of those things. Never used one, or had one used on me, and I was always curious about things like "where do they come from? And tonight, I met someone who could tell me."

Dan was thinking "More than tell you , John. " He didn't say that, though, and just smiled. "They stores are closed, so I can't take you on a grand tour. But there are a couple of options. " He paused. John's hand was still covering his. "If we exchange cards, I can take you on that tour any time you want. But...." He squeezed John's hand back. "At the risk of being pushy, I wonder if you'd like to spend the night at my place."

John looked down, trying to gather his thoughts. He could feel his penis stirring, and he wanted to. He wanted to give it a try. He DID have feelings for men sometimes, but he had never felt, well, WANTED the way he did tonight. But for his whole life, the message was "date women, date women."

"Dan, I don't know. Maybe a second coffee while I think this out."

"Sure. Let me just give you some more info, and then, maybe.... " Dan smiled. "Maybe I have a game that can persuade you." He paused now. "You already know I'm gay, but we gay guys come in different 'flavors' so to speak. I'm a top, and I'm dominant. That means I take control in the bedroom. And I use some of my own merchandise when I play. To cut to the chase, that means that, if we hit it off, eventually, I would , bluntly, want to fuck you."

John took this in. He didn't flinch, at least visibly. His cock, however, did. He had , occasionally, gone into some of those stores, looked at the magazines, and spent more time than he should have, staring at the pictures of guys getting penetrated, and wondering what it would be like.

"I haven't gone running from the table, Dan," He smiled, and Dan laughed. "I guess you haven't. So, how about this? Here's a game. I'm going to name five things that I think would turn you on. If I go 5 for 5 , you pay the check, and you come home with me. If I miss, I'll pick up the check, and we can get you back home, and then we'll see about the future."

Dan smiled. He enjoyed this kind of game, and he was having a great time with this conversation. He was so sick of hearing about golf, and sick kids, and mortgage payments. This guy was arousing him. "Bring em on."

"Ok, here we go. Number 1: getting your nipples played with." John blushed. "Yeah, you're right. I only had it done twice, but it did get me hard." He smiled. "Keep going."

"Number 2. A tongue in your ear." John had a mouthful of coffee and he nearly spat it out. THAT was one of the things Melanie did to get whatever she wanted. "You're still in the game. " Dan smiled.

"Number 3. A little bit of beard, running along your neck." That was a hard one. John had never been with a man, so he really didn't know. He thought about it though, and when he closed his eyes, and imagined Dan's moustache against his neck, again, that stirring.

"You're good Dan. Almost there. What's next."

"Well, number 4 is a little harder. Chicks usually won't do this, so, you may have to imagine it. Your legs in the air, and a tongue, running around your hole down there."

John liked how direct Dan was , but he didn't have to imagine it. Years ago, one of his first girl friends had said she'd do it to him, if he did it to her. He rememberd that now, and he had to look down at his pants: was he leaking? Yes, he was.

"Don't have to imagine, and you're 4 for four, Dan. " "Oh... you have a past, well..." Ok, number 5. Now, I have a prop for this. Let me just pull it out of my pocket." He reached in and pulled out a pair of handcuffs and put them on the table.

"Bondage. Not for everyone, but , well... I think it's hot."

"He's taking me home tonight," thought John. When he was in those stores, he had looked at the bondage books too. He looked down again. There was no way he was going to be able to hide the leak. He smiled and looked up to the waitress.

"Check please." Under the table, Dan gave himself a small fist bump."

"I don't live that far from here, so we're going to drive to my place if that's ok with you John. I just don't like the idea of leaving the rig out here.

"Fine with me." When they got to Dan's apartment building, John realized that he lived not far from where he did. The building was one of the newer developments. He remembered when the place had opened up. He didn't know what Dan paid for the place, but he knew, it had been a pretty penny. Dan drove the car into the garage, and they got out. John was a little shaky. "There was no booze in the coffee John, so I guess this is just nerves."

"It is. This is my first time with a man." Dan smiled. "You can still back out." John smiled. "What floor, I'll get the elevator button."

Dan lived on a high floor. While the elevator was going up he smiled at Dan. "C'mere handsome." He reached in, and kissed John. Dan was ready for him to freak out, but he didn't. He purred with a bit of satisfaction and looked at Dan. "Is there more of that at your place?"

"Lots more." Dan opened the door to a big apartment, with a city view. "WOW. I could get used to living here." He felt Dan's arm around his middle. "Maybe one day you will. You never know. Now, let's see if you lied to me about going 5 for 5." He moved his hands up and began sliding his thumbs over John's nips. The big exhalation, and the moan proved he hadn't lied about the first one.

"Lean back John. That way I can get my tongue in deep." John did what Dan told him to, and the tongue began to dig into his ear. "OH GOD. THAT FEELS GOOD DAN. " Dan dropped his mouth and his scruff got John's neck. It felt better to John than he thought it would. He began to make inarticulate sounds. He got out. "What about what you promised me you had lots of." Dan stopped and motions toward the sofa. He took charge and began french kissing John furiously. In the midst of it, he moved his knee in between John's thighs. He felt how hard the man was.

"Two options John. You're ready to explode." John blushed because Dan was right. We can take care of that, right now... Or we can explore 4 and 5. If you want to take care of it, we may do 4 and 5 tomorrow.

Next: Chapter 2

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