Flipping Brothers

By James B.

Published on Mar 18, 2020


This story is complete fiction. Any likeness or similarities in real life are a coincidence. If you are not allowed to read this type of fiction in your area, do not do so.

The following content contains themes of Race-Play, mentions of sex between an adult male and a male teenager, strong language and mature subject matter, reader discretion is advised. If this is not your cup of tea, don't read any further. You can chose not to read this.

Flipping Brothers

Chapter 1

I, Louie De La Santos, idolized my older brother Ray. In fact most everyone I knew loved and adored him. He was the tallest one in our family despite the handicap of his Filipino genes, standing at 5'10" by the time he hit 16 and left for college since, of course, he also just happened to be brilliant. Growing up I often heard of how handsome he was, how well spoken and polite, and his natural charisma allowed him to draw people in easily. He was the type of guy that could make people laugh with any joke and keep the peace while intelligently discussing politics. To me, he was everything.

He was, of course, my parents' golden child and they let him get away with everything, not that he would really do anything that bad. He was kind, considerate, and hardworking, all qualities that my parents loved. Hell, even when he started calling my dad by his first name when he turned 13, they both just thought it was charming and mature. Ray never went back to calling dad... dad, just "Ferdie" (short for "Ferdinand"). So when he decided to not only graduate at 16 but also attend a college in the west coast, they didn't even think about saying no.

From as long as I could remember I tried to emulate him as much as I could. I worked just as hard, if not harder, at school and at life. I modelled my looks around him, working out as early as possible and joining as many sports to try and emulate his physique. I wasn't quite as successful in that department, mind you, as at 19 (his current age) he was about as muscular as an Asian guy could be without the use of steroids. He had a ripped, washboard, stomach on a slim waist. He had muscles that I found difficult to replicate that contrasted well with his brown skin. His shoulders and arms were well defined, if not narrower than those of muscular men you typically see in fitness magazines. He had back muscles for fuck's sake. But all his muscles seemed natural on his body instead of obscene. But I did beat him in Academics by graduating, with honours, at 15.

I was even voted as "most disturbingly like an adult" by my grad class. It was an odd thing to be titled by a group of, mostly, 18 year olds.

Since I was already trying my damn best to follow in Ray's footsteps, I decided to go to the same college he was going to and move to the same city as him in Berkeley, California. Because of the precedence that Ray set, my parents were more than amenable and quite proud to let me go at such a young age.

That's how I found myself sitting across from in a run down, roadside, diner in the west coast having my world changed a month after graduating.

"I'm a faggot." Ray said casually before popping a fry in his mouth.

I choked on my milkshake, feeling the sting of cold slush travelling up my nose while simultaneously filling up my lungs. He waited patiently for me to stop choking, just watching me calmly and eating his damn curly fries.

"What?" I managed to gasp out eventually. The question was more bemused than shocked. His proclamation was just so out of the ordinary that I couldn't help but think of it as a bad joke.

"Not a bad joke, buddy. I'm a faggot. I'm a cock-sucking, gum guzzling, fudge packer." He said in one breath before finishing with a flourish of his hands. "Extraordinaire!"

I just started at him blankly. The first thing that came to my mind was wondering whether enough time had passed for me to safely take another swallow of my milkshake. Not batting an eye, I just stared at him evenly while sipping the straw.

"You just gonna stare at me? No questions? No other proclamations of disbelief?" He asked with an arched brow and an amused quirk of his lips. He wiped his hands on a napkin before moving to rest his chin on the heels of his palms. "I figured you'd be more inquisitive than this, little brother. I mean you couldn't shut up the entire time I lived at home, but now you're quiet? Are you a pod person? What'd you do to my brother?"

"Bit of a non-sequitur there bud. And I don't think this is appropriate subject matter with a 15 year old in a family restaurant." I said through another mouthful of shake.

"True, but we're currently the only diners in this shit hole and you're a 15 year old with an IQ of 165. You wrote a retrospective on the Science of Logic when you were 13 for a Civics paper. Mr. Handel had to send it to a college professor so it could be graded properly. You'll do fine." He said calmly, popping a fry in his mouth. "This is the part where you bombard me with questions."

"Well, I don't have any." I said calmly before taking a big bite out of the cheeseburger I ordered. The cheese had hardened and the meat had gone cold, but I still didn't regret starting my meal by finishing dessert. "'Cause, I kinda... sorta, already knew."

"I'm sorry, what?" He asked, completely bemused.

"Yep." I replied simply.

"What?" He repeated, surprise finally crossing his face. "How? When? What?"

I decided to regard his question seriously and give my response some thought. "Alright. There were a few stuff that made me suspect. Like the body hair."

"Guys shave their body hair all the time Lou, especially in sports." Ray pointed out.

"Not every hair though. And not in all sports, especially baseball." I pointed out. "Remember when we went camping at Lake Garibaldi? I saw you had shaved off your pubes and your armpit hair."

"Still doesn't make it gay LouLou." He said, pointing a fry at my face.

"Okay, then how about the jockstraps?" I put up my hand to stop Ray from interrupting. "That you kept wearing even when you didn't have any games. You wore it camping Ray."

"Still not gay Lou." He insisted.

"Alright. Then how about when I saw you sucking some random guy's dick when we were camping," I huffed out in frustration. "that gay enough?"

He laughed out loud then, causing the waitress in the distance to regard us with curiosity before turning back to stare blankly at her phone. "Right, okay, I suppose that'll do it. I remember that. God, he had a great cock. I expect an explanation is in order about me being a faggot and all."

"For this odd turn in conversation? Fucking, duh. We were talking about the beach for fuck's sake. How'd the topic switch to being a faggot? By the way, I'm pretty sure that word isn't very politically correct anymore."

He just rolled his eyes in response. "Politically correct or not, I'm just embracing what I am and if you want your explanation I suggest not interrupting me anymore."

"I wasn't really looking for an explanation. Totally fine with it. I'm cool." I said, trying to force my attention back to my food.

"Fuck, shut up LouLou."

I just narrowed my eyes at his rebuke and took another large bite of my burger.

"First and foremost, I think most people's definition of 'faggot' rests on stereotypical notions of the type. You've ever only known me as masculine, sporty, ambitious, and aggressive. Barring that last part, I'm still all of those things. Masculinity doesn't define faggotry, as you put it, you know, it's merely an aspect of it. I'm a faggot because I love cock. Specifically I love a man's cock. Cocks that are bigger than mine and on men with larger bodies than mine. I love and worship men with body hair and a strong musk. My ass twitches at the sight of huge, hairy pecs and muscular arms. I'm a faggot because I don't feel complete without a big cock breeding my ass and a superior man making me feel like a bitch. I'm still smart. I'm still sporty. I just love cock and that damn faggot lifestyle."

I regarded him silently for a minute, taking in every word that he had said. He wasn't one to make jokes, so his spiel was now starting to seem less like one. But I still couldn't help but sit there in disbelief. I had known he was gay for some time, but I never delved beyond just the knowing. It seemed to me that my brother was confessing less that he was gay, and more that he was a slut.

"I don't know if I can believe you. I mean, I knew you were gay, and... active. But I didn't think you were this..."

"Slutty?" He smiled through his food.

"Yeah... was this supposed to be something that just came about because of college? Well, I suppose people do say that it's a place to experiment or something... but it kinda just sounds like you've got some sort of body dysmorphia mixed with some ethnic elements."

"You just weren't paying enough attention." He said calmly and I couldn't help but scoff at that. "No, I mean it. I've always been this way, at least as far as I can remember. At the very least as soon as I became sexual, which was at a pretty young age. I was a pretty advanced kid in many ways, if you hadn't noticed. I mean, yeah you were right. I blew that guy when we went camping. I was like 13 then. And remember afterwards?"

"No, I don't." I insisted. "I kinda left after you started begging for his 'big cock'. It was a bit much."

"Nah, I could take it. It was good, and I was good. It was good for both of us." He said with a wink. I rolled my eyes at his obnoxious, and frankly narcissistic, statement.

"But I'm talking about something more than that. Despite what you think, that I was always the centre of attention, you guys weren't really looking at me. None of you ever did. You just saw what you wanted to see, forcing yourselves to be blind to everything else that I was. I have always been advanced, you know... not only did I know I was gay at an early age, I knew that I was a fag too. Hell, I knew it deep inside before I even could admit it to myself or knew what the words were. Thanks to the internet, I was able to find myself."

He took a small pause to take a deep breathe before trudging onward with his confession. I couldn't help but notice that he was unnecessarily drumming the table with his fingers, something I knew he did when he was nervous.

"And I found that I... am a Potato Queen. Also, that, despite everything that I know... and believe me, I know a lot, I do sincerely think I was built to take cock, I'm a what you would call a full sub. I'm just a hungry, fucking bottom. I can't help but love and worship a big cock."

I pushed my plate aside, having suddenly lost my appetite. Confusion and frustration was starting to grip me and I started to have difficulties in controlling my temper.

"What's a Potato Queen? You know what? Never mind. Like, fine, I'll consider everything you said to be true, even if I have my doubts or don't fully understand all of it. But why the hell are you telling me this? I could have gone my whole life not delving too deeply into this. I mean, fuck, whatever. You can live your life however you want. So why the fuck now?"

Arching a brow, he dryly responds, "you know you cuss too much for your age."

"Says the guy who called himself ' a cock-sucking, gum guzzling, fudge packer' who worships big cock. You don't really have a leg to stand on here big brother." I bit out. "So why tell me this now?"

"Because, apparently, you're going to be living with me for the next few months until you can move into your dorm when the semester starts. You needed to know this, as well as something else."

"Beyond you being a cock-sucking, gum guzzling, fudge packer?" I repeated.

"Yep." He nodded simply. "This cock-sucking, gum guzzling, fudge packer specifically prefers white cock. In fact, I worship white cock and the white guys attached to it. I think they're superior in every way."

"What?" I said, taken aback. My heart suddenly started thumping hard in my chest. This was pretty damn taboo as all get out. One of those things that brown kids from immigrant parents were always testy and sensitive about but never discussed out loud.

"I also," he said slowly, "live with one. A white guy I mean. I live with a white guy and, for all intents and purposes, I'm his Asian bitch."

A plethora of emotions flooded my mind in that instant, overwhelming my senses and my thoughts, and for a moment I could only see white. The emotion that bubbled out in the end was disbelieving, hysterical, laughter.

"Oh fuck off." I managed to gasp as I kept on laughing. But Ray's face never faltered and his eyes never left mine. Then slowly it started to sink in that he was confessing the truth.

All of the rage and disbelief came back up again and I couldn't do anything but cuss him out before storming out of the diner.

Growing up, being a Filipino immigrant wasn't easy in rural Ohio. I stood out, and not in a good way. I grew up always being bombarded with images of white skin, white intellect, white athleticism in media and in life. Being the only brown body in a sea of white could be disconcerting at times for an 8 year-old immigrant, especially for one whose first language wasn't English. I was fluent mind you, seeing as English was one of the Philippines main languages, but it wasn't the same. My English wasn't like their English. My accent wasn't theirs. Even if it was the same language, it wasn't the same dialect and I still got bullied for being different, and I was different because I wasn't white. It helped that I was apparently very advanced for my age (brilliant, as one teacher would say). But something that should help me made me stand out even more. Not only was I physically different, I seemed to be mentally separated from my peers.

The way I regarded my white classmates was a mixture of envy and frustration, particularly the guys. They all grew and matured a lot faster than I did. They bulked up while I stayed slim. They grew body hair while I didn't. Not to mention the teasing about dick sizes. Boys get obsessed with dicks when they reach puberty, that much I surmised from the literature on puberty that I read. They're obsessed with their own and how they measure up to others, even if they don't openly admit it. I did too and I couldn't help but notice that for the longest time, I always seemed to have the smallest cock in my gym class. Well, it actually was pretty easy to notice as most of the jocks in my class, all of which were white, were pretty damn vocal about it.

That was why I admired my older brother so much. He was the exception to the rule. Not only was he an alpha jock himself, and man was he always so damn good at any sport he tried, but he was also smarter than the rest of them. They pretty much loved him too. They always treated him as something more than his skin colour, and I not only admired it, but craved it.

Even after I discovered he was gay didn't what I thought of him. He was still smart. He was still athletic. He was still a great big brother. He showed in that shallow little world I grew up in that it didn't matter that I was brown. That I could hold a bit of pride as to what I was.

But then, he told me that all had been a lie.

"LouLou, stop!" He called after me as I stormed out of the dinner.

"Don't call me that!" I snapped. I hated my nickname.

"Louie!" He called as grabbed my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. I couldn't help but be impressed by his strong grip.

A strong grip that apparently like to also grip white cock... I grimaced in distaste at his hands. "Don't fucking touch me!"

He pulled his hands back as if they had been burnt, raising them in the air. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, at least not anymore. As it turns out, I've been reading him wrong my whole life. This was a stranger in front of me.

"I'm not a stranger." He said, as if he had know what I was thinking. He was right, but that just pissed me off even more.

"Oh I don't know, you seem pretty damn strange to me right now buddy." I seethed. I wanted to do more than seethe, I wanted to vent out my anger at his betrayal by being physical. Doing something. Maybe even punch him. But I didn't.

"Louie, it's still me. It's just that there were parts of me that you didn't know and now I'm telling you. Well, some you apparently knew. And I guess you were fine with that. But this other thing..., look, everything else didn't change. Yes, you're perception of me changed, you're right. What I meant was that everything that caused that? Every experience? Everything that has made me, me? They were genuine. At least, the real ones and not the ones you thought of by putting me up on a pedestal." He said slowly.

"What?" I asked, confused and uncomfortable. It was weird having this conversation in the parking lot. And I was pretty sure we just stormed out of the diner without paying.

"I dropped a thirty when you stormed out. It's like a thirty percent tip. They'll be fine." He said, doing that thing of reading my mind again.

"Stop changing the subject and get out of my head!" I yelled, causing some people in the parking lot to turn to our direction.

"It's alright folks, just family drama. I just came out to my brother, is all!" He said with a smile and a wave at the concerned couple.

"Oh my god, how can you talk so casually talk about it?" I asked, appalled.

"Because it's normal. Because it's my life." He said matter of fact.

"No, Ray, this is not normal." I bite back angrily. "The fact that you think it is, is pretty fucked up. Here's how to measure the standard for just how normal this is. Can you bring it up in a normal conversation? No! Can you bring it up at church? No! Can you tell this to Lola during Christmas? No!"

"So being gay isn't normal now?" He asked with an arched brow. "I thought you didn't care about that."

"No, Ray. Not about you being gay. All this other racist stuff. Fuck!" I exclaimed.

He let our a weary sigh before giving me a condescending smile. He shook his head slowly before moving next to his car and opening the door for me.

"Look, I get it. It's not what you would consider a 'conventional' way of thinking about life. But can you at least hear me out? If being my brother means anything to you, can you at least hear my side of it? Can you at least consider that maybe this is something that not only makes me happy, but is somehow me achieving my version of a 'good life'?"

"How..." I began before he interrupted me once again with a raise of his hand.

"Just, heart me out." He asked, wearily. "Please LouLou? Please."

I looked at my brother as tiredly as he sounded, the fury in my body slowly quelled by the plea in his voice. It was at that moment that I finally looked at him, really looked at him for the first time in a long while and realized how different he look from what I've always pictured him as.

Whereas the big brother in my head was prim and proper, always dressed to the nines, almost disturbingly like a Mormon proselytizing, this brother wore down in a fashion I had never seen him in while he lived with us. He wore a tank top with deep cut sides, showcasing his firm and well muscled obliques. When he had stood at an angle, I noticed a flash of a silver barbell through a nipple. His hair was cut very short at the sides, but left long at the top, and swept and held back with a copious amount of product. What was more was that he wore a silver chain around his neck with a small bone shape placard that bore the name "Jack". He wore tight black denim atop tall leather boots. This was as far as a look as I could have ever imagine my older brother wearing. I couldn't help wonder how obtuse I was to have not noticed at first glance how different my brother was now. Has he always been this way and I just had not noticed?

"Please." He asked one more time, a bit more pressure in his voice.

I hesitated for a moment, taking one last look into his dark, brown eyes before stepping into the car. As I heard the car engine come to life, I had yet to decide whether or not I really wanted answers to the burning questions in my mind.

Comments, questions, and concerns, please email me at the address above. Since I'm going to be home for quite a while (self isolation is en vogue these days), I seem to suddenly have a lot of free time and will continue writing this story for some time.

Although there wasn't much sex in this chapter, there will be a lot more in future chapters. Also, I'll be leaning very heavily on the WMAM race-play aspect of things. So, once again, if that's not your kink and can't stand that fantasy, this story is not for you.

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