Flipping Big Max

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 6, 2021


Max picked up his ringing office phone. "This is Max. How can I help you?" "By letting me take you to dinner." FUCK! How the hell did Xander get... Max had ignored the three messages Xander had left on his cell phone, and now... "HOW DID YOU GET THIS NUMBER?" "Switchboard sweetie. So, shall I pick you up at 7?" "NO. NO DINNER. NO MORE. NO MORE DATING. NOTHING. WE'RE DONE." "Then maybe Wednesday? I can't do tomorrow. I've got a date with Josh." "You're going out with Josh instead of me?" It just slipped out. "Well, muffin, I'd rather go out with you, but... you just turned me down." Xander was right. Max had turned him down because, he liked what Xander had done to him way too much, from the Friday night fuck to what Xander called the "Sunday night sandwich" when Josh was on the bottom, Max was in the middle, and Xander was on top. "FUCKING HOT" was all Max could say when it was over. "HOT DAMN" was Josh's reaction and Xander just smiled like a cat who had just finished a bowl of cream. "You know, I'm a fucking top," Max answered, causing two people in his section to turn their heads. "Probably a damn good one too, at least that's what Josh says. Tomorrow I'm gonna make him tell me who's better, you or me. But putting that aside, whatever you are for someone else, you sure didn't top with me, stud. And I think you liked it." A shiver went through Max. He DID like it. He even liked it when Xander proved he could get Max to give in without touching his nipples. What did he call it? His "sting of the viper", when he wrapped himself around Max and began licking Max's ear. How did Xander figure out THAT hot spot? Each time Max moaned, Xander had tightened the grip around Max's middle, and he curled his long leg further over Max's trapped legs. Then he'd whisper "Want me to fuck you, stud?" Max had held out as long as he could but... he begged for Xander's cock, and he got it. Xander even got Max to suck him later that day: how the hell did he know about how ticklish Max was under his arms? MAX didn't even know HOW ticklish he was. First Xander had tickled him until he could barely breathe, then he tied Max up and gave him two choices: suck me or... more tickling. That weekend, Xander had fucked Max's ass four times, and his mouth, twice. Yes, Max got to fuck Josh but... the shiver was not over that: it was about how Xander had made him feel.

"You know, I'd be more willing to think about this if you'd flip for me, Xander." "Nope. Not happening, stud. I'm not the one with the glass tits. And with a million nerve endings in his ears. And with the most ticklish pits in town. Which reminds me: are your feet that ticklish?" "NONE OF YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS." Now five people were looking at him, and Max dropped the volume of his voice. "Look, if I go out with you one more time, will you STOP?" "Nope." Max felt another shiver go through him at that answer. "Why are you so obsessed with me, Xander?" He almost pleaded when he asked. "Look in the mirror stud." Xander dropped his voice. "You are the hottest guy on legs in this whole damn town, and I know how to get those legs in the air. Can you blame me?" When Max didn't answer, Xander went on. "You know you want my cock, stud. You want everything I dish up. Stop denying it." Yet another shiver went through Max, and he realized he had begun massaging his cock through his pants. "Ok, if I go out with you on Wednesday, you promise not to tickle me?" "Nope." Max almost giggled. "Well, what did you plan to do?" "Oh, let's see. Well, those nips need some more work, I'm curious about your feet, and... " his voice dropped again. "I wanna bury my cock in your hot ass." Max felt himself weakening. "You're not gonna tie me up again, are you?" "Yeah, I am. And if not Wednesday, Friday... Cause I have the day off and I'll just camp out in front of your house until I see you." Max could feel his defenses being blown away. His voice was high and almost girlish when he answered. "Ok. You're right. I DO like you on top of me. And in me. But we have to talk about the future. " "Hard to talk when you're gagged stud. Remember that. Pack an overnighter. And wear a pink shirt on Wednesday." "Hey, what IS IT with you and pastels?" "I like my sub to look pretty." "HEY. WAIT. I AM NOT YOUR SUB." "Keep thinking that sweetie. Ask Josh what he thinks. I'll pick you up on Wednesday at 7"

"Josh, it's Max here. How are you?" "Hey Max! What's up. I'm free tonight if you are." Max felt his cock grow, but not as much as when he was on the phone with Xander. "It's been a long day. I'm tired," he told himself to explain it. He noticed that Josh didn't call him "Sir Max" or "Master Max" the way he always did. "I'm doing fine you handsome ginger, but I think I'm a little 'fagged out' for doing anything tonight. " "SHUCKS. I thought last weekend was SO FUCKING HOT. " "Ha ha. It was. Hey, Josh, I actually called so that I could ask you a question. Hope you can answer honestly." "I will if you promise I can still get your cock, Max." "Oh, my cock isn't going away, stud. Anyhow, here's the question: do you think of me as a DOM?" The pause before Josh answered caused some concern to Max. "Wellll, Max.... I think of you as a top. One of the best. But don't ask me to say if you're better than Sir Xander. I can't do that." "Hmmm. You just did," Max thought. "I mean, I don't want to upset you Max, but... how can I put this? I DID think of you as a DOM until you got together with Sir Xander and .. well.... after I saw how much you enjoyed taking it up the ass from him: I think you enjoyed it more than I enjoyed taking you." "You could tell I was enjoying it?" Josh laughed. "Max, everytime he pushed, you moaned, and you went deeper into me. I was kinda glad you came first because... I thought when he came, you were gonna lose interest." These were NOT the answers Max expected. Josh changed the subject. "You SURE you're busy studman Max? Even too busy for a drink at Canyon's? Beta bottom buys." Max smiled when he heard that. He had always thought of Josh as an "omega bottom: a bottom's bottom. " "Nah, I'm really still exhausted from the weekend. " "Yeah, I understand, man. Every bottom who does a weekend with Xander feels it for a few days. Trust me." "He DID just call me a bottom, didn't he?" Max thought. "This is confusing you isn't it, Max?" Josh asked. "Confusing me? Whaddya mean?" "I mean giving up your ass like you have. I mean, we all knew you were going to, it was just a question of who." "OH, who's WE?" Josh got a bit coy. "Oh, all of we bottoms who hang around Canyon's, waiting for you tops to pick us. You always cruised the tops, Max. And we knew that if you caught someone's eye, he wasn't going to be interested in us." "HUH?" Max was thinking. "So, who did you think I'd go home with, and put out for?" "Well, there was a guy who was around for a while. What was his name... Geez, I don't remember it. BIG guy. Big tattoo on his chest. Used to take two, sometimes three bottoms home a night. We figured that eventually he'd take you. " "Ever think that Xander and I would hook up?" Josh laughed. "We knew Xander had his eye on you. We just thought you'd wipe the floor with him. But you make a good pair. You two going to the Dom/sub party next month?" "Haven't talked about it, but probably not." "Well, if you guys are up for a three way, count me in. Anyhow, you SURE I can't talk you into just one beer, you big stud?" It was tempting. It was REALLY tempting. Then Max remembered that Josh had a date with Xander the next night. He didn't want Josh reporting more to this man he couldn't shake. "I'm really gonna pass, sweet stuff. Real soon though, OK?" "I can't wait. Take care of yourself Max. " Then Josh teased. "If you need bottoming tips, let me know."

Max spent Monday night and Tuesday thinking about the conversations with Xander, and with Josh. His talk with Josh had unnerved him: Max had never been ready to settle down in a "real" relationship, but if he did, he figured it would be with Josh as his bottom, maybe his sub, maybe his slave. The idea of tying up Josh really didn't excite him though: in fact, as he thought about it, Max had always been about the fucking, and nothing else more than that. But now.... as he lay on his bed on Monday night starting a slow self edge, the first thought that came to him was feeling how Xander tied the knots on the silk neckties he used to bind Max's wrists. And the time he tied a rope above Max's nipples, and one below, so that they stuck out. He recalled the way that pattern made it easy for Xander to just flick his tits gently and how much he moaned. Xander had put a ball gag into him, and the drool... it was gross but... hot... He thought about the dog collar and... Max unleashed a flood of jizz all over his naked body. "Self care. Very important. REALLY important" he thought, before he nodded off to sleep.

Xander called him the next day. This time, Max picked up the call on his cell. "Hey. Why aren't you getting ready for Josh?" "Ha ha. I'm glad your phone is working stud. Yesterday, I thought it was broken." "Well..." Max's voice trailed off. "So, listen. I just wanted to make sure you're still good for Wednesday. " He laughed. "I mean, if I have to hunt you down, I will, but... " This time the feeling that went through Max was different: Xander was willing to pursue him. "You WANT to hunt me down?" "Not yet stud. But I think... predator/prey. Yeah, that's hot. " "I might escape." "You might. I gotta try to convince you you don't wanna." "He's getting there," Max was thinking. "So beyond Wednesday, wondering about the weekend," Xander continued. "Maybe this time without Josh. I had an idea: let's watch some porn and act out favorite scenes." "Uh..." Max began to sweat. NOW Xander was getting inside his head. "I have a wrestling video I wanna show you . SO FUCKING HOT. Wrestler winds up tied to the corners of the ring before he's forced to jerk himself." Max began feeling decidedly uncomfortable in his pants. "Can we discuss weekend on Wednesday, Xan?" "Heh heh. Sure. Just remember. Lots of bottoms out there." "Uh, I'm not a bottom, Xan." "Ok. You can say that for now. Unless you wanna say you're a sub." Max heard Xander's raucous laughter. "He's getting to me. He really, REALLY is. " "Take care stud. I'll pick ya up on Wednesday. Don't forget to bring an overnight bag and a change of clothes."

"HOT DAMN. I just wanna tie him up and tickle the shit outta him right now." Xander was standing up against his car, waiting for when Max came out of the building. Xan saw him and smiled. He had on a pink shirt, two buttons opened at the throat, his tweed blazer, and black pants. "And after that, I want him underneath me with his legs in the air as I put him in his place." Xander had come to the hospital excited and now he was just plain aroused. Max saw him and walked over. He had a nervous grin on his face, and he just said "hi" when he walked up to Xander. "You'd be embarrassed if I kissed you here, wouldn't you?" Xander smiled. "I think I would be. Can it wait?" Xander dropped his voice . "GOD. There are SO many things I wanna do to you. And I'm NOT leaving your tits alone tonight." Max felt his cock harden a little bit. He laughed girlishly, nervously. "Well, I figured you'd be after them." He paused. "That wrestling fantasy you talked about? I made some calls. I can get the wrestling room for us on Saturday morning. " Xander smiled. DId this show it was complete? He'd have to see. "So get in your car. Follow me, stud. Sooner we get home...."

Xander opened the door for Max. He slipped him out of his jacket and then immediately slipped his hands under Max's arms. Max tried to squeeze his upper arms closer to his torso, but it was too late. He felt Xan's breath at his ear. "Nah, nah. You can release my hands so I can get those nips or.... " He began to dig his fingers into Max's pits. "And it's gonna get worse when I get you naked. Up to you." Max went from trying to suppress his laughing, to giggling, to laughing out loud. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHA. STOP IT. STOP IT. PLEASE..." "Gimme your tits, bottom. " "TAKE THEM. IF YOU'RE GONNA TOP, TAKE THEM. OH SHIT..." Xander had a thumb and forefinger on each nip. He began just very gently rolling them. Pleasure centers were exploding all over Max's body. How did Xander do this so well?" He felt teeth catch his earlobe and begin chewing. Then the voice. "Who's my bottom tonight? Who's my bottom whenever I want him?" Max had started to breathe hard. The nipple work, coupled with the anticipation, had pushed him nearly to the edge. And then the questons: the first one was easy. He knew he was bottoming tonight. But... whenever? He felt a harder squeeze. "Well?" A howl went out from Max, a cross with a loud moan. "I AM. OH GOD I AM." He couldn't see Xander's evil smile, as he continued to toy with Max's nipples. "You forgetting a word, bottom boy? I could call Josh and have him teach you?" Max knew what he wanted. He didn't want to say it, but Xander was gently banging his crotch against Max's ass, and his nips were getting more and more worked up. "I am.. Sir." "Heh heh. I was gonna tie you in the chair and play with you, but you've got me so damn worked up.... Still, Max felt a pair of rope loops move around his wrists. Xander pushed him toward the bedroom, then face down on the bed. "Oh, are we gonna have fun. Starting right now." Xan got Max's shoes off. As he did, he laughed. "I didn't forget that we're gonna investigate these big boys, stud. Just not now. " Max's pants and jock went off, and he heard Xander's zipper go down. Then he saw Xander at the head of the bed. His cock was in front of him, stiff and dark pink. "It wants you. And it's gonna have you. " Xander was thinking "He's gonna be so hot with a gag." Then he went to his original position and began to slide his dick into Max. All the thoughts of the day had gotten Max very lubricated, and very ready. "OH YEAH" was all he muttered as Xander's cock slipped in. Max felt it sliding into him . He wanted more. He felt a big SMACK across his ass. "RELAX big guy! You'll get what I give you." "NNNNNNNG." Max had called Xander Sir once. He didn't want to do it again. A sub bottom like Josh used words like that and... he was SIR Max anyway. Right now, though, he was Max, bottom boy," as Xander's cock began getting to work with short, fast thrusting motions. After about five minutes, Xander pulled out. "Let's roll ya over. I wanna see your face when I cum inside of you... bitch boy." "Bitch boy." It got Max even harder. He had always been a top. A TOTAL top. What was happening? Xander had flipped him but.. he was doing more. Getting fucked on his back felt even better to Max. "DO ME! DO ME HARD!" He yelled. Xander smiled. "Who do you want to do you?" "You... I want you..." Xander stopped thrusting and looked at Max smiling. Max finally "bit the bullet. "I want you to FUCK ME SIR" he yielded, and the hard cock that was already in him, went in deeper. Max's wrists were getting a little numb from being tied behind him, but it was worth it for what he was feeling. "Open your mouth, bottom boy." Xander thrust his tongue down Max's mouth. It was the first time he had kissed Max so deeply and... GEEZ it felt good. If Max hadn't been untied, he'd be pulling Xander in to get more of his tongue. Instead, Xander teased him, timing his tongue thrusts to his cock thrusts. Then the kissing stopped. His cock, still in Max, Xander went back to Max's nipples. "OH FUCK. OH FUCK. GOD." This combination was just getting to be too much. "You wanna cum don't you Max." Max gasped, struggling for breath. "Yes. YES SIR I DO." "But tops cum before bottoms, and I haven't cum yet. You know what that means." "Yes sir. I'll keep it under control. I promise. I promise... Sir. " Then, Max broke his promise. His cock let go with a stream of cum that just missed Xander's face. Xander sneered. "OH, that's gonna cost you boy. BIG TIME." "Sorry Sir. I..." What did "cost you big time" mean? What was he going to do? First, Xander finished up screwing Max. He filled Max with so much jizz, Max thought he was gonna drown. When he was done, and had caught his breath, Xander kissed the top of Max's head. "I'm gonna untie you so we can get your shirt off. Then you're heading to the bondage chair. You need to learn what punishment is. "

"What are you doing to me next, Sir? " Max asked meekly, as he felt the ropes go around his wrists, and then the two circles around his upper torso, so his nipples pointed out. He was almost immobile when Xander pulled out the ball spreader. "You're gonna wear this until the weekend, stud. That's long term punishment. But we got more. "No, please SIr. Please. " "Talking too much. That's ok." Xander produced a roll of black duct tape and soon, Max's lips were sealed. "Trust me, Max bitch. You're gonna learn to control that mouth of yours because... OH, this is gonna be so great." Max saw the two vibrators. Was Xander putting them on his nipples ? That's what he expected. Instead, each one got shoved into an arm pit. Then Xander turned them on. "This is gonna be fun, because...." He pulled out a pair of nipple clamps with a LONG chain between them. Max winced the best he could. He was bursting. Laughs couldn't get out of his sealed mouth. Xander pulled up a chair, and rested his foot on Max's crotch. He smiled as he pulled the clamps tight. "I coulda added a cock rope, but nah, I'll save that for next time, stud. Max was overstimulated. He had never endured this combination and he was getting roused again. "Trust me big man. By the time I'm done with you today, you're gonna appreciate your new role. Sir Xander's big beefy muscle bottom. And you have no choice about that. And... then we'll work on turning you into an even better sub than Josh is. " Max began to sweat. This was what he wanted. He thought.

Next: Chapter 5

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