Flipping Big Max

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 20, 2021


He knew it wouldn't do any good, but Max pulled at the leather cuffs that bound his wrists to the hook coming out of the wall over Xander's bed. There was almost no slack in the ropes, and the cuffs held him tight. Grunts slipped out of the corners of his gag. There weren't as high pitched or as loud as they would be when Xander came back and re-attached the clamps to his nipples. He lay there, naked and hard. His cock hadn't gone back down after the last five minutes of edging yet, but pointing out in the air, with nothing to rub against, left him totally frustrated. The other rope, tying his ankles together and also tied tautly to the bottom of the bed, kept his thick, muscular body totally still. He was sweating all over: his body, his shaved head, everything. Xander had even laughed, the last time he came in to edge Max, because his cock was so covered with sweat, he didn't need any lube. Max heard Xander's footsteps in the room adjoining the bedroom/playroom. Then he was at the door. Max's glance, which had been defiant and angry, now pleaded and begged. For "something." "How ya doing big boy?" Xander came over, and ran his hand down Max's torso. His head might be shaved, but his body wasn't: it was part of his persona as a topman, although he certainly wasn't topping tonight. That was because... well, you'll find out. "So, studmuffin... you enjoying yourself?" Max grunted and shook his head no, and Xander smiled. "Oh, I don't think you're telling me the truth Maximum Max." He began playing with Max's cock, even though it was time for nipple torture. "Yeah, I'm not gonna do this a lot. Those tits need just a bit more work." Xander looked at his watch. "So, Max, after this one, we'll be on the final step in the sequence and that means... nips AND cock. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." Max bleated weakly, and shook his head no. "Gotta get used to it stud. I figured out how to keep you in line and now... Topman Max is on his way to becoming a studbitch. " Xander attached one, then the other clamp. More pleading moans out of the gag. He turned the sand timer over. "Seven minutes. Then.. a three minute break and then... Max gives it up." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" the moan was loud, plaintive, and it just got Xander harder. It had taken him ten years, but finally... FINALLY.. he had Max exactly where he wanted him.

Max and Xander had gone to the same college. Max didn't know Xander, but Xander knew Max quite well. It was fair to say: he was obsessed with the heavyweight wrestler. "I COULD take him," Xander would fantasize. "I'm taller than he is," which was not saying much. Max stood a grand 5'9", which made him a really short heavyweight wrestler. He used that to his advantage: short legs meant it was hard to sweep them out. His body was thick and powerful, and he could generally take out just about any opponent he faced. His record was 115 wins, 1 loss. That 1 loss was the result of something that had eventually come back to bring him to where he was now: tied up and helpless in Xander's bed. Max had slipped during a match and his opponent had been quick to take advantage of it, pressing down on Max as he lay on the mat on his belly. His opponent had begun the laborious task of getting his hands under Max's torso, to try to chicken wing or gut wrench him, to do SOMETHING to the man who was supposed to kick his ass. Max was starting to use his strength to power out , when his opponent, inadvertenly, grazed Max's nipples with his hands. "FUCK" came out of Max, and his opponent felt the strength begin to drain from Max's body. "AH. The invincible Max Ross has an Achille's heel. Rather, Achille's nips," went through the other guys mind. What he was doing was, on one level, illegal. On the other hand, no one could see it and the rumor was that Max had such a strong sense of rectitude, he'd never complain (and he'd never let the world know he had a weakness). After the match was over, the commentators, Max's coach, everyone was perplexed by what had just happened. Yes, it was a slip, but things went downhill for Max after that and for the first and only time in his wrestling career, he was pinned. Xander was in the stands, watching that match. He went to EVERY wrestling match at the university. He was OBSESSED with wrestling, and COMPLETELY obsessed with Max. Seeing the object of his lust on his back and helpless, well.... the heavyweights wrestled last, so it made sense that Xander left. He left to run to a bathroom stall to jerk off while the images were still fresh in his mind. Then he did it again when he got to his student apartment. Xander: a bean sprout of a man. 6'3" and about 165 pounds when he was soaking wet. Longish hair, thick glasses, and a total of three hairs on his chest. He thought no one knew he was gay, but there was almost no one who DIDN'T know he was. He didn't frequent the local bars, but everyone talks. Xander liked to top. He didn't project "top man vibes," but if he did bring someone home, they learned that he was tall... and long. And experienced. Xander was developing into the Dom he'd become. One of the older guys at the LGBTQ alliance in town had told him: "you need to fill out a little. Develop some muscles. You'll drive them crazy. Trust me." He followed the advice, and he did. He was stunned to find out how many big studly bodybuilder types became horny girls when he advanced on them, but his fantasy man: Max, remained out of reach.

When he was competing, Max was essentially celibate. "Essentially" because he stained a lot of handkerchiefs jerking off thinking about some of the prettier guys who he had met. He had a fondness (who doesn't), for gingers. And skinny men. Like Xander, he saw himself as a Top and as soon as he was out of school, and off on his own, he acted on it. His fame as a college wrestler in the small town opened doors for him, and now, ten years later, Max was working as a senior administrator of the hospital that served his city and three other smaller ones. He enjoyed the work. It was challenging, but he had time to act on his... desires. Acting on those desires inadvertently brought the "Achille's tits" back up. He was at one of the leather bars in the area, wearing tight jeans, no shirt, a leather vest, and a band around his left arm. The bar was called "Canyon" because their back room was either famous or notorious, depending on your point of view. That's where Max was that evening, leaning back as the ginger on his knees took Max's cock in his mouth and began sucking. "YEAH. YEAH. COME ON GINGER BREAD BOY. YOU ARE DOING ONE FINE JOB." He was. Josh was his name, and he had sucked off Max before: maybe 3-4 times. If they were both in "Canyon" at the same time, Josh could count on feeling Max's hand on his neck and hear the deep voice "backroom boy", and away they went. That night, as Josh was getting back up after swallowing the huge deposit Max had left, he lost his footing and pressed his hands against Max's chest. Just like the wrestling match years before, Josh's hands grazed Max's nipples, and the girlish yelp that came out of Max embarrassed him and stunned everyone in the room. "Let's go stud. Excellent job," Max grabbed Josh and pulled him out. "Let me buy you a drink." At the bar, Max told Josh that, if he told anyone what happened, he'd hunt him down and ... well... he smiled. He wanted Josh to imagine what would happen. Telling a young bottom NOT to tell a secret? Well.... Especially if that young bottom is a slut. A couple of weeks after that encounter, Josh went home with Xander, who did more than fuck his face: Xander's long practiced cock fucked the young man's ass thoroughly: in fact, he fucked it thoroughly three times. Josh spent the night, and Xander took him to breakfast the next morning. They talked about guys they liked and... of course, Max came up. Xander pulled out his phone and opened the album of photos of guys he was obsessed with. All big, muscular body builder types. "OH, I KNOW THAT GUY. I BLOW HIM A LOT" Josh saw Max's photo. Xander sighed. "Yeah, I've had a crush on him since college. But you know better than anyone, he's a top. A serious one." "Oh, I know... but.... " Then he stopped. He remembered his promise. Xander looked at him. "But what Josh?" Josh smiled. "If I tell you, can I stay another night?" Xander grinned. "You can stay two if your story's good and your ass stays tight." Then Josh told Xander about what had happened in the Canyon's back room. "Is that right????" Xander couldn't do anything about it, but the thought of overpowering Max by playing with his nipples: well, that motivated him when he and Josh went at it that night. Truly, Josh amused Xander, but he was just a sort of "trick." He wasn't really interested. The thought of Max helpless as Xander played with his tits, on the other hand.. "OH MY GOD DID A DAM BREAK?" Xander was shooting into Josh and the amount that came out was enormous. "How do I make this work?" Was the last thing Xander thought before he fell asleep, cradling Josh in his arms.

Xander had found work after school, doing accounting for one of the smaller companies in the area. Most of their work was defense contract work. Deadening, but it paid well and, like Max, it gave him time to explore his "interests." "So Max likes Canyon? Hmmmm." Xander had been there once or twice, and it really wasn't his scene. Too many pretty boys, and the bigger guys were all looking to fuck someone rather than get fucked. But Max... Hmmm. He'd have to change up his bar routine.

It took about six visits, but one night, sort of like Ahab seeing Moby Dick, Xander saw Max in the bar. "GOD. He's still fucking HOT" he thought. Max had on a black t shirt, tight, equally tight 501s, and his head had been shaved recently. The smile Xander remembered was still there, as were the gorgeous green eyes. He saw Max walk through the bar, with the swagger of a star, and enter Canyon's backroom. "Go for it," he told himself, and followed. It took a while for Xander's eyes to adapt to the dark, but when he did, he saw... GEEZ. There was a line for getting to Max's cock. How many times could he cum? Only once, as it turned out, and this was typical: if Josh wasn't around, Max's worshippers would gather, hoping to be chosen. He DID choose one: a dirty blond whom Xander didn't recognize: maybe an out of towner, maybe an upperclassman from the university, who knows? All he knew was that, from the background watching Max fuck the boy's face, he began to formulate a plan. Xander's favorite class at university had been one on the philosophy of logic. He began to lay out an "if... then" scenario. He liked it. As soon as Max had readjusted from the blow job, Xander came up behind him. He snaked his arms through Max's and pulled them back gently. Max laughed. "You're out of your league stud." Xander answered "I don't think so." and moved a hand over Max's shoulder over a nipple and squeezed it. "HEY. HOW DO YOU ..." Max tried to turn around, and Xander squeezed his nipple harder. "All that matters, is that I do. Keep that in mind. " Then he let go and disappeared into the shadows. "Who the hell was that? " Max thought. Then he wondered how, not more than 15 minutes after that beautiful blond boy had drained him, he was hard again. "So the stories are true," Xander thought, laughing to himself about how this was turning into something like an adventure fantasy. "Time for Phase 2," he thought. Phase 2 involved getting Max to go home with him. That MIGHT be difficult, but he was going to try. The opportunity presented itself, but not the way Xander thought it would. There was an alumni association gala coming up and Xander planned to go. So did Max. It was crowded: the school's alumni WERE very loyal, and there were at least 100 people there. It was easy to spot Max: the shiny shaved head, the sexy laugh. Xander spotted him: nattily dressed in a sports jacket, and a light colored shirt that was clearly straining to cover his chest. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." "Hey, I'm Xander. Been a fan of yours for years." Max smiled. "No kidding? After school too?" "Oh yeah. I've seen you more than you may think" Max looked puzzled. Xander dropped his voice. "You're always so busy at Canyon's so I didn't want to waste everyone's time approaching you. From what I've seen, I'm not your type." Max laughed. It had been three days since he had had sex, and he was horny. "You ARE my type Xander. Male. I like your lips too." Now Xander began to smile. His "internal" smile was bigger. He had a feeling he had just hooked a REALLY big fish. "How much longer you planning to stay at this thing?" He asked Max. "As long as you do. I guess we should figure out where we're going afterward. Canyon's?" "Nah," Xander answered. "Too damn crowded, you're too popular. Something more intimate..." He paused. "It's forward but... your place? My place?" Max was getting hornier and hornier. He liked tall guys and it had been a while since his cock had been anywhere but another man's mouth. Xander's ass was a little scrawny but... he probably squirmed well. "Who lives closer?" They compared addresses. Xander was closer, and away they went. They had both driven and Max followed Xander, while Xander began to smile. "TOO FUCKING EASY." Xander's place was functional, and clean. "You want me to hang that coat for you, Max?" Xander asked. "Yeah. I think so. Thanks. Anything to drink?" "OH, BAD HOST." Xander smacked his own hand. "I'll bring you back... beer?" "Beer's good." Xander went off to the bedroom and hung Max's coat. Then, he got a beer, chatting up Max from the kitchen. He came up behind Max with the beer, which he put down on a table. Then, he draped arms around Max's shoulders and went.. right for the nipples. "HEY WHAT THAT...." Then Max sucked in his breath. That touch... It felt... familiar. "A little birdie told me about the glass nipples of Max Ross. True story..." Max began to squirm "LET ME GO. PLEASE. COME ON..." "Ho ho. Not happening topman." Xander squeezed harder, and Max sort of collapsed back into him. "Know what it's gonna take for me to stop, stud? Me tying your wrists behind you." "FUCKING NOT HAPPENING.... " Max yelled before he yelled "OH SHIT." Xander could feel the fight draining out of him. "Just tell me when. Tell me by putting your hands behind you stud." Max struggled some more, but he was losing. How did this guy know about this. "Give up stud," he heard Xander whisper into his ear. Max fought it some more but.. he was going down. He knew it. His cock was raging against his jock. The hot breath Xander had just breathed into his ear only made him hornier, and his nipples were doing him in. "Ok, Ok. You win...." Max put his wrists behind his back and Xander was ready. An old necktie did wonders to immobilize Max further. One silk necktie would never have been enough to subdue Max, but he was still recovering from the nipple work when Xander came around with the clamps. "HEY. WHAT ARE.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" They were like two little clothespins. Now, Max's nipples were prisoners. Xander smiled. "The big man is gonna learn all about submission tonight. " He bounced the clamps up and down. "Let's start getting this stud undressed. Sit down on the sofa. Let me get to work." Max had no choice. He complied, and Xander made short work of his loafers, his socks, his pants, his jock. He laughed at how erect Max's cock was. "LOOK AT THAT. Almost as stiff... as mine." He opened his own zipper. "Now, we're gonna get you in the bedroom and you're gonna learn about my little game of submission. I'm gonna take that big beautiful ass of yours, but only after you beg me too. "THEN YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO JERK OFF TONIGHT, JERK!" Max yelled out, and Xander laughed. "We shall see. By the way, those are my beginner clamps. I have a whole set of more serious ones." In the bedroom, he tied Max's feet to the baseboard of the bed, so that he could get his shirt off freely. "Hands up over your head. " Xander twisted the clamps. "OK OK. " Max did it peacefully. "Good boy. Now.. it's time to get the medium strength clamps. After a break." Xander pulled off the smaller set, and waited until he saw the blood go back to Max's nipples. "You're not gonna get away with this, you FUCK" Max yelled. "You know, I've been wondering whether or not I should gag you, and you just convinced me... I should." Xander pulled out a leather gag. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH" "FUCK YOU" Xander grabbed Max's exposed balls, and when he screamed, in went the gag. "MFFKR" snuck out of Max's mouth and Xander laughed. "No, but I'll take the title of studfucker. Max saw the new clamps and his eyes got big. "We'll start with five minutes on, three minutes off. And then, instead of clamps, we'll go to edging. Five minutes, three minutes off, and then the clamps again. It's gonna be fun. Wanna make a bet on how long it takes you to give in, Max?" Max shook his head angrily, and then the clamps went on. "Ok. Let me set the timer. I'll be back. Of course, if I'm doing something like making tea or using the bathroom, I may miss the alarm. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!" Max screamed out angrily as Xander left the room. And so it began. Come on back soon, and find out what happened.

Next: Chapter 2

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