Flip This House

By Gunter Ragen

Published on Apr 1, 2008


Flip This House - The Painter

Comments Welcome gruntraq@yahoo.com

I wanted to bend him over a sawhorse and fuck his tight little ass right there and then. I was hornier than shit and this handsome butch little stud walking into my sight wasn't helping at all.

I had been trying to get this investment house fixed up and ready for an open house this weekend and things weren't moving along as quickly as planned. As usual, nothing gets done without a lot of pushing and shoving with the help. After a lot of yelling over the phone, Roy my paint contractor relented to send one of his guys out late on this Friday afternoon to help finish up the trim work and touch up.

The little young stud was about 5'-8 and 170 lbs and in his early twenties. He was handsome and cute in a way that was masculine but still boyish. His buzz cut head and lightly scattered black chin pubes gave a hint of intellectual finesse to his otherwise blue collar appearance. His well defined bubble ass showed well through his loose white painter's pants and his V-shaped torso outline tore at my retinas as I watched him unload the paint buckets from his truck. I shook my head and thought of heading to the bathroom and squeezing one off.

He finally came up to me and introduced himself as Jose. He asked me to show him what all needed to be done. I was tempted to tell him I needed my cock cleaned off. But I needed the paintwork done more than my own needs at the moment. My interest was piqued however as I picked up on his trace flamboyant mannerisms as he spoke and responded to my directives around the house. He was not an overt flame queen, but had an artistic air to him. Let's just say he knows how to faux paint in a masculine kind of way. He definitely had the razz-ma-tazz going such that this dirty minded construction stud was getting wet down there. His brown eyed gaze lingered on mine occasionally as we walked the house and I pointed out all the areas in need of work. My hopes were up.

After I set him up on his punch-list I headed for the bathroom to handle my desperately throbbing cock. I peeled open my 501's and leaned against the vanity as I stroked my sweaty 8" meat up to size, shutting my eyes and imagined my painter boy bent over and taking it up his tight little ass. He arches his back and groans under pressure as the veins of my 8" fuck stick pass through his sphincter violently. The slapping of my wet hairy balls overcomes the sounds of his moanings just before I blow my spunk deep into his stink hole. And as I shoot, I open my eyes and come back to the reality of my juice splattering on the freshly painted wall of the bathroom. Damn that felt good, but I am still alone.

I have been at this for about 10 years now, flipping houses here in Paradise Valley and Phoenix, AZ. I am 38 years old and fit the stereotype of your typical lone wolf construction contractor. I am about 6'-0 and 200 lbs, well built and tanned. I keep my hair short and my goatee thick and bushy. I shave my mug at least 3 times a week, letting it stay rough mostly. You will usually find me wearing 501's, worn leather work boots and a T-Shirt. I will put on a golf shirt once in a while if I am meeting a client or a realtor, but I am as construction guy as it gets. I drive a lifted diesel F-350 pickup with a lumber rack too. I'm a clone, I admit it.

I get plenty of sex because I'm a stud. That's what they tell me anyway when they are getting their brains fucked out. I'll fuck women or men, but my favorite mark is a butchy little guy like the one painting the trim in my living room about right now. I am not all that into twinkie flamers, but I will fuck them when I just need a piece of ass and don't want to go through a lengthy conquest. They are an easy lay that has few risks. They have fag written all over them and I know I won't get embarrassed barking up the wrong tree.

But for whatever reason I get the most satisfaction out of getting it on with a good old fashioned red-blooded stud. It takes more work but seeing a good looking guy getting off when I am drilling him deep or getting the best blowjobs only he can give makes men the best trophy game for me. Obviously I am mostly a top. I have bottomed once or twice, but giving it is where I am naturally wired. Nobody has complained about it yet and they always come back for more.

I had the house powered up but the AC was still not up and running yet. In July, that is the worst here in Phoenix so I had large fans blowing to keep the air moving. Jose is meandering around the house shirtless with brush and bucket, hitting this and that. I had my T-shirt on but was sweating pretty strong as I installed some light fixtures and switch-plates. It was getting toward dinner time and I heard the landscapers packing up and leaving.

It was just me and Jose at the fort now. I grabbed a couple beers from the refrigerator and caught up with him to check his progress. Finding him on his knees in the master bedroom trimming out some baseboard I asked, "So how's it going stud?".

He looked up and smiled at the not so veiled compliment. "Hey boss. I am just about done. Just this room and the master bath and that's it". I pushed one of the cold Bud's his way with a smile and said, "Man you look like you could use a beer to cool off". He stood up and wiped the sweat from his brow and cracked open the bottle. "Thanks stud", he said back as he took a good drink off it.

I gave him a few seconds to let the brew hit his gullet and relax him. "That hit's the spot man", he said wiping his brow with his forearm again. "Well you finish this up and there's more in the fridge", I offered. He smiled and gave me a wink, "Cool I can get down on that. This is my last job for the day so I can hang out after I`m done". Jackpot. He set the beer down and got back to painting and I headed off to check out what he had done to make sure we got all the punch list items. About a half hour later he walked by me in the kitchen carrying his paint and brushes outside to his truck.

He came back and told me he was all finished up and offered to take me around and show me all his work. "No need man, I already checked it out. You do pretty good work for a kid," I joked. I grabbed us another cold one from the refrigerator and we cracked them open. I was drinking in his lightly haired torso as he tipped the bottle back and took a good swig. His other hand rubbed over his flat stomach lightly as he drank. "Oh man that tastes so good", he said.

I finally said chidingly, "You are old enough to drink right?" He laughed and said, "I'm twenty two!...old enough for you to call me stud! But, I'll take the compliment as it stands." I smiled and replied, "Well you do look pretty good. Enjoy it while you are young because when you get to be an old man like me it's harder and harder to keep your girly figure". He played back, "You don't look so bad stud. What are you 30?" I let out a gutter laugh, "Shit, I'm 38 but I'll take the compliment as it stands." A buzz was filling the air as we took another drink of our beers.

We hung out and continued the small talk and minor flirtation. It was getting dark out and said I had to get my tools picked up and lock everything up for the night. I had to be out here in the morning to meet the realtor for the open house. Jose offered to help me get everything put away. I was getting giddy as my dirty mind was on overdrive. I would have my cock in his ass before long.

After everything was closed up and put away we found ourselves in the kitchen again. I was grabbing a couple beers while Jose stood with his back to me looking out upon the dining area. His tight bubble but was staring at me as sweat rolled down his back. I couldn't take it anymore. It was now or never. I set the beers down and walked up behind him.

In one deft move I wrapped my arms around his upper torso and planted my groin against his backside. Before he had a chance to react my right hand slid down and groped his package tightly and my left palm slid upward across his chest. Pressing my hard cock against his luscious ass I laid my hairy chin across his shoulder and whispered into his ear, "You have any idea how sexy you are?"

I got my wish. He let out a quiet murmur as he leaned his head back and pushed his ass into me while my arms and hands explored his frontal qualities. He sweaty warm body melted like butter in my arms and began slithering slowly in my arms. As my hands invaded the front of his painter's pants he turned his face around to mine and we locked lips in a heated exchange of man passion. His switch was flipped. He was on and so was I in an instant.

He tried to turn around and face me but I stopped him. "No, I want you like this for now". He rolled his sweaty head back onto my shoulder as I humped my tight bulge into his soft ass cheeks. Nibbling on his ear and rubbing my course whiskers on his neck, I had my hand in his pants slowly jacking up his sweaty hairy meat. He was pretty well hung for such a slender little punk . "I want to fuck that sweet little ass of your so bad man", I whispered sensually and need fully into his ear. "You wan't to let me fuck you up the ass?" I asked. This was his chance to run. But he didn't.

He pushed his ass harder toward my gyrating groin and said, "I hoped you would". I then let loose of him and he turned around giving me a dirty and sensuous look with those deep brown eyes. He then slid his painter's pants down and stepped out of them as I unbuttoned my 501's. When my steaming 8" sweat stick popped out from captivity he spit on his hands and gave it a good squeeze and pumped it a few times. "Nice!", was all he said.

"You want me to give you head?" he asked. "Naw, that's OK", I said. "I just want to feel that asshole of yours." He nodded and replied, "That's cool". "Let me get some lube", I said. "No that's alright man" Jose responded. "Just spit on it real good and keep it wet, I like it that". "You sure?" I asked. "Yeah, I'll let you know when you need to spit on it more". He then spread his legs before the dishwasher and bent down over the tile counter. He reached around and spread his cheeks wide showing off his hairy nest. My little butch boy was offering his love hole to me with no inhibition.

While I didn't always get into it, the beer had gotten to my head. His hole looked so inviting and delicious I could not help but to dig into it with my tongue and eat him silly. I knew he wasn't clean, but I couldn't help myself. Within seconds I was on my knees, my hands on his cheeks pulling them apart as far as I could muster. As I descended my mouth and nose into his sweaty stinky ass crack my heart began to pound and beads of sweat popped from my forehead. I went for it and buried my flaming writhing tongue into his raunchy nest hard and deep. I flithered and ravaged, licking and sucking on his puckered hole while he moaned in pleasure. "Oh, man yeah! Rim me! Oh yeah that feels good"

It was dirty, it tasted dirty at first but I my brain was minding over matter and pushing my tongue further into his asshole. The sweat and musk was overcoming my senses. I could not get enough of his softening hole. His spindly black ass hairs were tangling around my tongue as I worked him for more of his man taste. My cock was starting to run though and I had to take him now or I would soon blow on the floor.

I finally stood up and looked down at my butch boy with his back arched, ready for my fuck. He turned his head back and looked at me, "Come on man, fuck me. Fuck me good", he begged. I spit in my hand a few times and wetted up my cock, mixing it well with my streams of pre-cum. I was slick as could be as I saddled up to Jose's tight little ass. The manly taste of his love hole danced pungent in my mouth as I grabbed his hips and sank my 8" tool into him. He tensed up and let out a low moan as I went balls deep slowly but surely.

Pulling out slowly and pressing back I continued the slow work in as his palms grasped at the tile counter. "Oh man, that feels good", he murmured. "You have done this before huh?" I laughed as I sunk in all the way once more. "Once or twice", I replied. I knew I would not last long, but I did my best to take him nice and slow for a couple minutes, savoring the feel of his velvety tight hole and the sight of his back sweating in the kitchen light.

Feeling the time was near, I began pumping him harder and faster. "Oh, oh, ahh ahh, yeah, harder. Harder", he grunted. I gave him what he wanted and began banging his butch boy ass as hard as my redneck stud thighs could. The smell of mansex filled the air like a billowing cloud as the sound of my balls slapping him got louder. Slap, slap, slap! "Uhh, uhhh, Uhh!" I was now fucking his tight raw hole so hard it was beginning to burn my cock as the friction increased. I thought he would surely be asking me to spit on my cock again, but he was just moaning and squirming like a pro.

I was getting ready to cum so I slowed slightly to savor it. But I felt the eruption coming so I slammed him fast and hard a couple more times just before I went bang. The warm fluid freed up the friction as I filled him up. He was moaning increasingly and humping toward me as I continued pumping my softening cock into his wet stink hole. "Oh man I'm gonna cum!", he cried. "Keep fucking me". As I continued massaging his nest with my cum stick, he shuddered a couple times and let out a peaceful sigh. His warm juice sprayed the front of the black dishwasher before him as his body went limp.

I fell over on his sweaty back and put my head next to his as we caught our breath. My hairy face grinding into his soft neck I whispered into his ear, "Thanks man that is just what I needed". He sighed quietly, "Me to bro, me to".

We finally composed ourselves and cleaned up. We did the normal smile and giggle thing as we basked in the afterglow. I finally handed him one of my cards and said, "If you ever get tired of working for Roy or want a side job, give me a ring. You do good work". He smiled, "I'll do that". Still giddy I said, "Of course, you can just come and see me once in a while too if you want". He smiled bigger. "Sounds good stud, I wouldn't mind that."

With that he left. It was time for me to lock up and get home. I had to meet my new realtor tomorrow for the open house.

Next: Chapter 2

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